Changing records to a CRM Type of Customer or New Customer
If you plan to use the mass update feature to assign a Customer Type of Customer or New Customer to companies, you must first record a dollar amount in the credit Limit field on their company profiles. The Limit field is located on the Billing Info/Credit tab. Without a credit limit, the system will not allow you to save the CRM Type update.
If both of the following conditions are true, the Update button on the Mass Update Parameters pane will turn red and you will see red indicators for company records in the Pending Companies to Change pane:
• No dollar amount has been entered in the credit Limit field in the company's profile.
• You are attempting to change the CRM Type to Customer or New Customer.
If you click Update, no update will occur for any company.
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To do the CRM Type updates, go to the Company profile window and enter credit limits for all companies that do not have them. When you return to the Update Companies Utility window, refresh the information by repeating your search, or clearing and re-electing the Include check box for the affected companies.