Company profile overview and field definitions > Contacts tab
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Contacts tab
You can use this tab to enter information about the people your company contacts on a regular basis.
Contacts tab
Identifies the type of contact record you are creating. Clicking in the field displays a drop-down list of options. Select the appropriate type:
Standard Contact
Identifies the contact record as a general contact, i.e., not for use by TMWSuite’s EDI or Imaging add-on modules.
EDI/Imaging Email
Identifies the contact record as available for use by TMWSuite’s EDI or Imaging add-on modules. When this option is selected, you can record an e-mail address for the contact. Phone number fields are not accessible.
EDI/Imaging Fax
Identifies the contact record as available for use by TMWSuite’s EDI or Imaging add-on modules. When this option is selected, you can provide a fax number for the contact. Other phone number fields are not accessible.
Note: These options are system code entries in the CmpContactType label.
Indicates whether the contact is active or retired.
Free-form text field used to record the contact's title. An entry of up to 30 alphanumeric characters is supported.
Free-form text field used to record an alternate name, such as a nickname. An entry of up to 30 alphanumeric characters is supported.
Free-form text field used to record the contact's name. An entry of up to 30 alphanumeric characters is supported.
Indicates whether the contact is the default contact for the company.
EDI Active
Applies if the type is EDI/Imaging Email or EDI/Imaging Fax.
If the contact information is to be used by the EDI add-on module, select the check box.
If the contact information is to be used by the Imaging add-on module, clear the check box.
Free-form text regarding the contact.
Phone / Ext
Area code, primary telephone number, and extension by which the contact can be reached.
Note: When entering a phone number, do not enter dashes or spaces. The system will format the field correctly.
2nd Phone / Ext
Area code, secondary telephone number, and extension by which the contact can be reached.
Contact's cell phone number.
Contact's fax number.
Email Address
E-mail address to which online correspondence should be sent.
Physical Address
City / St / Zip
Contact's geographic address, city, state/province, and ZIP/postal code.
Mailing Address
City / St / Zip
Address, city, state/province, and ZIP/postal code to which mailed items must be delivered.
Updated By
TMWSuite ID of the person who last updated the contact's information.
Update Date
Date/time when the contact's information was last updated.