Email setup > Mail Settings tab
Mail Settings tab
The Mail Settings tab is used to configure a mail profile and determining who receives email notices when a proposed order coming in from the TM4Web or Web Services software are of a certain status (i.e., Accepted, Changed, or Rejected.
Field definitions
Mail Profile
Click Search to select one of the pre-configured E-Mail profiles stored in the TruckMate system (as defined on Codes Maintenance > E-mail Setup tab).
Mail Description
The description automatically populates based on the selected e-mail profile.
Click Setup to open the Codes Maintenance > E-mail Setup tab.
Cc / Bcc
Enter email addresses to carbon copy or blind carbon copy anyone to this listing. You must separate multiple addresses with a semicolon. For example, [email protected]; [email protected].
Send Email Automatically
To modify values, select the primary option to enable sub-values. To include/exclude a Caller/Shipper/Consignee from the e-mail list, simply select or deselect their associated option.
Send emails in HTML
Selecting this option sends your email messages in the HTML (web) format. In order to create new lines (carriage returns) you must input a <BR> HTML code tag.
Variable Date Format