Entering order header information
Entering order header information
The order header is located at the top of the Order Preprocessor window. It consists of pre-populated information and fields that apply to load requests.
You use this part of the window to enter or modify key information, such as:
Bill To Company
Charge information
Pick-up / Delivery dates
Field definitions
Information is editable in these fields.
Bill Number (if posted)
Bill To / Address
The ID and address of the company that is to be billed for the shipment.
Identify the trading partner to charge for this load by selecting one of the available charge options:
Service Level
The service level to be given to the order
Submitted By / Address
The ID and address of the company that submitted the load offer.
Note: You can use this feature when modifying a submitters ID:
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Select Caller ID window.
The source of the incoming load offer, most likely the EDI Communication Manager program, or other EDI types of programs, such as the TM4Web software or Web Services software.
The name of the contact at the company that ordered the shipment.
Note: You can use this feature when selecting a single configured contact or a notification list of a variety of contacts. Notification Lists are configured in the Customer & Vendor Profiles program > Contacts Tab.
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Select Notification Contact or List window.
Displays the date when the current load offer was submitted to the TruckMate system.
The ID and address of the company that shipped the load offer.
Note: You can use this feature when modifying a shippers ID:
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Select Shipper ID window.
Pick-up Zone
The Shipper’s Pick-up zone.
Note: You can use this feature when adding or modifying a shippers zone code:
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Pick Start Zone window.
The name of the contact at the company that shipped the order.
Note: You can use this feature when selecting a single configured contact or a notification list of a variety of contacts. Notification Lists are configured in the Customer & Vendor Profiles program > Contacts Tab.
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Select Notification Contact or List window.
Pickup By / End
Displays the date when the current load offer is to be picked up. Double-click or press <Enter> to open Select Date window. Colour coding means:
Red — the date has already past.
Black — the date is coming in the future.
Green — the date is occurring today.
The ID and address of the company that receives the load offer.
Note: You can use this feature when modifying a Consignee ID:
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Select Consignee ID window.
Delivery Zone
The Consignee’s Delivery zone.
Note: You can use this feature when adding or modifying a consignees zone code:
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Pick Delivery Zone window.
The name of the contact at the company that received the order.
Note: You can use this feature when selecting a single configured contact or a notification list of a variety of contacts. Notification Lists are configured in the Customer & Vendor Profiles program > Contacts Tab.
Search window
Click tm_op_search_btn Search to open the Select Notification Contact or List window.
Deliver By / End
Displays the date when the current load offer is to be delivered. Double-click or press <Enter> to open Select Date window. Colour coding means:
Red — the date has already past.
Black — the date is coming in the future.
Green — the date is occurring today.