TL2000 communications
In the ClientCenter, the Communications options allow you to access a variety of web resources that will enable you to maximize the use of your Trimble Transportation products.
When you access the Communications menu, the options that appear are those that have been assigned to your ClientCenter authorization level.
Note: Because a new browser window opens when you select options from the Communications menu, you should turn on pop-up windows in your browser. Otherwise, if you select an option from the Communications menu, a message may indicate that the pop-up window has been blocked.
Other resources
TL2000 Documentation is available from the Learning Center. From that page you can download user guides for TL2000 modules, and other documentation for a wide variety of TL2000 product features: add-on applications, interfaces, special documents. To access the Learning Center page, select Communications > Learning Center.
Development Tools
TL2000 downloads and development tools are available from the Build Delivery menu. From that page you can download special programs to your PC such as Trimble Profile, Print to Office, and TL2000 Management Inquiry & Statistics. Also available are iSeries programs to download to your PC and restore to your iSeries. To access the Build Delivery page, select Build Delivery > Downloads.