Using the Company Lat/Long window
First available in TMW Operations V.2023.2.
The Company Lat/Long window lets you lookup coordinates between companies. You can also verify if Lat/Long coordinates are not assigned to a company and update them. The window is not available by default. To access the window, you need the setting [.NetOperations] EnableCompanyLatLongValidation=Y
in your TTS50.
To use the Company Lat/Long window:
Go to TMW Operations > Tools > Tools Maintenance > Company Lat/Long Validation
The Company Lat/Long window opens. -
Select a Company ID in the From Company and To Company dropdown boxes.
Select the Refresh button
The Page will display the results.
You can hover over the status icons in the Status, LookupStatus and UpdateStatus columns and a tooltip will provide additional information.
The Status checkmark icon
, if displayed, informs you if there is an existing Lat/Long in the database.
The LookupStatus icon
informs you if a new Lat/Long has been found for the location.
The UpdateStatus icon
informs you if a new Lat/Long has been calculated for the location.
Note: If you hover over the bucket icon in the top right of the window, a tooltip will display the mileage settings you are using in your TTS50.
This illustration shows an example of the tooltip display.
Updating Lat/Long coordinates
To update Lat/Long coordinates between companies, in the window you will:
Enter the Company ID’s in the From Company and To Company fields.
Select the Refresh button.
Select the Lookup Coordinates button.
Select the Replace Existing Lat/Longs checkbox in the window. This will also add a check mark to the checkbox in the UpdateLatLong column in the grid.
Select the Update button.
An Update Complete system message will display.
The coordinates will be updated to your database. In the LookupResponse column a "Success" message will also display if the records are updated.
This illustration shows an example after updating the Lat/Long coordinates to the database.
Note: If coordinates are not assigned to a company and you need to change a Company address, you do this in the Company profile.