Recording default load requirements > Recording load requirements for a company > Viewing a company's default requirements
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Viewing a company's default requirements
If load requirements have already been recorded for a company, they will be shown on the Load Requirements tab when you access the company's profile.
By default, all load requirements appear. If you want, you can filter the displayed requirements to only those that are open (active) or closed (expired).
1. Access the company's profile.
2. Select the Load Requirements tab.
3. At the bottom of the tab, do one of the following:
Select the All radio button.
All requirements are displayed.
Select the Open radio button.
Only requirements having an expiration date in the future are displayed.
Select the Closed radio button.
Only requirements having an expiration date in the past are displayed.
4. If you want, you can limit the list to requirements of the selected type that have an expiration date within a specific date range. Use the date fields to enter the range.
In the first date field, enter the beginning date.
Enter the ending date in the second field.
5. To clear the filtering fields and start over, click Reset Filter.