Creating orders from rate quotes
If a company has a Company Type of Customer, New Customer, or Pending Credit, you can create an order for it based on entries that exist for one of its primary rates. The rate must specify origin and designation company IDs and/or cities.
To create an order, follow these steps:
1. Look up the company's profile and select the Quotes tab.
2. If needed, use the restriction fields to the right of the quote grid to limit the list to the rates you want to see. In the lower right of the
Quote tab, click
Load Quote to trigger the system to search for rates that match your restrictions.
3. Select the primary rate from which the order is to be created.
Note: It does not matter whether the rate was created in CRMRight or the Rate Schedules application.
4. Click
Create Order in the lower right of the
Quote tab.
The Order from Quote window is shown. Read-only fields display data from the quote you chose. Only the origin and delivery date fields can be edited.
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5. Make entries in the Earliest and Latest fields for the order's origin and designation dates.
6. Click Create.
After a few moments, order creation is complete. The system displays a row of data for the order in a grid in the lower section of the window. The ID of the new order is shown above the grid.
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Note: In the screen capture shown here, the OrderSource column has been moved into view. The system uses the entry in this column to identify how an order was created. Note that CRM RQ is shown. This stands for "CRM Rate Quote."
7. Click Close to exit the window.
In our example, CRMRight created order #920. The illustration below shows how it looks in Order Entry. All of the highlighted data was generated from the rate.
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