Accessorial charges details > Definitions for accessorial charges fields
Definitions for accessorial charges fields
The ACC Chgs tab of the Order Preprocessor window shows added expenses to freight bills.
Field definitions
This table lists definitions for columns that are available in the Details grid.
Note: All fields in the Acc Chgs tab are read-only.
Charge Code
The code created in the Codes Maintenance program that identifies the accessorial code.
The system automatically fills in the description of the charge code code. You can manually edit the name of a commodity in this field.
Is Manual
This field indicates between True and False if a charge is a manual entry.
This field indicates the quantity of the charge. The Quantity is multiplied by the Rate to calculate the value in the Amount.
This field indicates the rate of the charge. The Quantity is multiplied by the Rate to calculate the value in the Amount.
This field indicates the total amount of the charge. The Amount is calculated based on the Quantity value multiplied by the Rate.
Requested Code
This field indicates an accessorial charge code substitution. If a substituion doesn’t apply, the Requested Code field displays the charge code.
This field indicates the position that is used to group/consolidate the bills when new summarized bill is created, in conjunction with the Contract Billing program.
IP Split
Bill To Code
Other Bill Number
Auto Assigned
This field indicates between True and False if this charge code is applied automatically to all freight bills.
Manual Amt.
This field indicates between True and False if a charge is overridden.
User 1 – User 10
These User-Defined fields can be used for any additional information your company requires.
User 11 – User 15
These User-Defined time stamp type fields can be used for any additional information your company requires.
This field indicates a True or False value, depending on if the accessorial charge is being applied because of a minimum or aximum ating scenario.
Multi Point Seq
This field indicates the multi point sequence for multi point rating.
Rate Mode
This field indicates the rate mode for multi point rating.
Discount Rate
Descount Desc