Freight details > Definitions for freight related fields
Definitions for freight related fields
The Details tab of the Order Preprocessor window shows commodity, load dimensions, and rating information.
Field definitions
This table lists definitions for columns that are available in the Details grid.
The unique ID code that identifies the goods to be shipped.
Commodity specific indicators such as as dangerous goods, temp controlled, notes information are indicated by specific icons.
tm_op_pending_tab_dang_goods_icon - Displays if a commodity is set as Dangerous Goods on the Commodity tab of the Codes Maintenance program.
tm_op_pending_tab_temp_controlled_icon - Displays if the commodity is set as Temperature Controlled on the Commodity tab of the Codes Maintenance program.
tm_op_pending_tab_notes_icon - Displays if there are notes entered on the Notes tab.
tm_op_pending_tab_collect_icon - Display if the Collect option is selected.
tm_op_pending_tab_high_value_icon - Displays if the commodity has been set as High Value on the Commodity tab of the Codes Maintenance program.
The system automatically fills in the description of the commodity ID code. You can manually edit the name of a commodity in this field.
Pieces / Pcs Units
Pieces column idicates the number of pieces.
Pcs Units indicates the pieces unit type.
Weight / Wgt Units
Weight column idicates the weight quantity.
Wgt Units indicates the weight unit type.
Length / Lngth Units
Length column idicates the length value.
Lngth Units indicates the length unit type.
Cube / Cube Units
Cube column idicates the cubic value.
Cube Units indicates the cubic unit type.
Volume / Vol Units
Volume column idicates the numerical value.
Vol Units indicates the volume unit type.
Area / Area Units
Area column idicates the area value.
Area Units indicates the area unit type.
Time / Time Units
Time column idicates the numerical value.
Time Units indicates the time unit type.
Distance / Dst Units
Distance column idicates the numerical value.
Dst Units indicates the distance unit type.
Pallets / Pallet Units
Pallets column idicates the number of pallets.
Pallets Units indicates the pallets unit type.
Rates As / As Rate
The Rates As column shows the lowest unit amount for the next break level on a rate sheet, and the As Rate shows the rate for the next break level.
Dang. Goods
Displays True if the commodity is flagged as a dangerous good. Otherwise, False is displayed.
Temp Controlled
Displays True if the commodity is flagged as requiring temperature control. Otherwise, False is displayed.
If a temperature has been assigned to this Commodity Code that value will default in this field.
Field 1 – 10
Are general purpose fields that can be used to store miscellaneous information about the detail line.
Field 11 – 20
Ten User fields (of 'Double') type, which allow the entry of long decimal numbers.
Requested Equipment
If the detail line is automatically rated, the equipment class automatically displays. If the line is manually rated, double-click and enter an equipment class.
Discount / Discount Rate
Discount column idicates a discount amount.
Discount Rate indicates the the percentage value of the discount.
Sub Total
The Sub Total column Displays the Rate multiplied by the number of rating units (ie, number of pounds, number of pieces, etc).
Rate Units
If the detail line is automatically rated, the rate unit used to calculate the rate automatically displays. If the line is manually rated, double-click and enter the unit type that should be used to calculate the rate.
Rate Per
If this detail line is automatically rated, the amount of units used to calculate the rate automatically displays. If the line is manually rated, enter the amount of units that should be used to calculate the rate.
Height / Height Units
Height column idicates the numerical value.
Height Units indicates the height unit type.
Width / Width Units
Width column idicates the numerical value.
Width Units indicates the height unit type.