Intermodal marketing company details > Definitions for general information IMC fields
Definitions for general information IMC fields
The IMC tab of the Order Preprocessor window contains a general information section that enables you to define a customer for each function of the IMC plan, specify times and time constraints for your IMC plan, and allows you to specify dates for different freight bill changing points.
Shipment sub-tab field definitions
The Shipment sub-tab enables you to define a customer for each function of the IMC plan. Use the edit picks to select the involved customer for each function.
This field indicates the Caller Client ID for the shipment.
Empty Org
This field indicates the Pickup Client ID for the shipment.
This field indicates the Delivery Client ID for the shipment.
Times sub-tab field definitions
The Times sub-tab is where you specify times and time constraints for your IMC plan. Use the calendar button to select the time constraint for each action
Last Free
Ch Bill sub-tab field definitions
The Chassis Bill sub-tab allows you to specify dates for different freight bill changing points.
Notify Date
Click the calendar icon to select a date.
FB from Rail Yard
This field indicates when the Freight Bill was processed through a Rail Yard, if applicable. Click the calendar icon to select a date.
FB to Consignee
This field indicates when the Freight Bill was received by the Consignee. Click the calendar icon to select a date.
Empty Notify
This field indicates when the Freight Bill's empty status notification was received, if applicable. Click the calendar icon to select a date.
First Trip After
Click the calendar icon to select a date.
Invoiced/Freight Bill/Amount
These fields populate automatically as their values are updated within the Customer Service program.