INI settings that are used by TMW Operations

The TTS50.ini file contains the global settings that control how TMWSuite operates. You must set up this file for your company’s way of doing business. General information about the INI settings can be found in the TMWSuite System Administration Guide.

[Brackets] enclose all the section headings in your TTS50. Each setting must remain in its section. The TTS50 is not alphabetical; you must use your text editor’s Find feature to locate a setting or section.

Settings are listed in alphabetical order in each section. If you know the name of a setting, use your browser’s Find feature to jump to that setting.

[.NetMisc] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations


Working in conjunction with ConditionalValidityEnabled=Y, this setting applies the validity checking to updated orders as well as to new orders.


  • Y (default)
    Will only apply validity checking when saving new orders.

  • N
    Will apply validity checking when saving updated orders as well as new orders.

Additional Notes

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines if you want to enable validity checking when savings orders. You must define condition equations for users or user groups as they apply to these types: legs (Trip segments), orders, stops, and freight. Each combination of user/group and condition type is saved through the Conditional Validity Editor.


  • N (default)
    Disable the validity checking.

  • Y
    Enable validity checking when savings orders. Add the Conditional Validity menu option to the Tools menu for administrator logins only.

Additional Notes

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Back Office


Conditional editing in a data grid allows you to cause a field to be read only when certain conditions are met in another field.


  • N (default)
    Disables the conditional cell editing for data grids feature.

  • Y
    Enables the conditional cell editing for data grids feature, and adds the Conditional Edit option to the shortcut menu from the column header.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 15.10.073 and later


By default, the Stop buttons on the Stops tab of the Trip Folder and the Consolidation Manager allow you to add, insert, or delete stops.

This setting determines whether the default set of Stop buttons or the extended set of Stop buttons display.

When the extended set is active, the Stop buttons are converted into drop-down buttons, which adds the following functionality:

  • Add Stop/Insert buttons

    • Add Stop: Adds a stop

    • Insert Stop: Inserts a stop

    • Add Order: Opens the Add Order window (used to consolidate orders)

    • Park and Hook: Opens the Park and Hook window

    • Begin Empty: Opens the Begin Empty window

    • Return Empty: Opens the Return Empty window

    • Cross Dock: Opens the Cross-Dock Quick Add window

  • Delete Stop button

    • Delete Stop: Prompts you to delete the selected stop

    • Remove Order: Opens the Remove Order window (separates a consolidated order)

    • Cancel Order: Opens the Cancel Trip/Order window

    • Undo CrossDock: Prompts you to undo a cross dock order.


  • N (default)
    The single-function Stop buttons display.

  • Y
    The extended set of Stop buttons display.

Additional Notes

The Order Entry and Route Maintenance windows do not support this setting.

CRM Right does not support this setting.


Applies to

EDI, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the Appointment Scheduler feature is active. When activated, the following are available:

  • The Operations > Schedule Reschedule command in the Trip Folder

  • The Schedule tab in the Trip Folder

  • The AppointmentStatus column on the Stops tab in the Trip Folder

  • The AppointmentStatus column on the AllStops tab in Order Maintenance


  • N (default)
    The feature is inactive.

  • Y
    The feature is active.

Additional Notes

TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.10.114, CRM Right, TMW Back Office


When you apply a filter to any data grid, this setting determines whether a green fill color is applied to the data row numbers (located on the left side of the screen).

The fill color will remain until the grid layout is saved or reset.


  • N (default)
    Do not display the green fill color.

  • Y
    Display the green fill color.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2018.1


This setting determines how stop’s sequences are handled when you reorder them in the Trip Folder’s Stops grid.

In the Stops grid, these fields show the sequence of the stops:

  • OrderSequence
    Shows the billing sequence of the stops

  • stp_mfh_sequence
    Shows the routing sequence of the stops

As you reorder stops, you see the values in the fields change.


  • N (default)
    The routing field (mfh_sequence) is resequenced while the billing field (OrderSequence) remains in the original order.

  • Y
    Both the routing (mfh_sequence) and billing (OrderSequence) fields are resequenced.

  • B
    First available in V.2020.3

    The billing field (OrderSequence) is resequenced while the routing field (mfh_sequence) remains in the original order.

    Note: To use this option, you must have [Dispatch]AutoRecalcTimes=N in your TTS50.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the Group Stops check box is selected by default in the Trip Folder’s Stops grid. It controls whether duplicate events at the same location are hidden or displayed. When the check box is:

  • Selected
    Duplicate consecutive events at the same location are hidden.

  • Cleared
    Duplicate sequential events at the same location are displayed.


  1. This setting applies only when you have [.NetMisc]StopsPanelGroupStopsEnabled=Y in your TTS50 file.

  2. Although the check box also appears in the Stops grid in Consolidation Manager and Order Maintenance, this setting does not apply in those locations.


  • N (default)
    The check box is cleared by default.

  • Y
    The check box is selected by default.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the Group Stops check box is available on the Stops grid in the Trip Folder and the Consolidation Manager.

When the Group Stops check box is selected, the system hides duplicate events that occur at the same location.

Note: You can view the duplicate events by clearing the check box.


  • N (default)
    The check box is hidden.

  • Y
    The check box is displayed.

    Note: When you use this option, you can specify that the check box be selected by default by setting [.NetMisc]StopsPanelGroupStops=Y.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.10.114


When there is a split trip, this setting determines whether to enable the arrow buttons in the Asset Assignment section. These buttons allow users to toggle between trip segments.

Note: If these buttons are disabled, the only way to switch between trip segments on a split trip is to click on each event in the Stops grid.


  • N (default)
    Enable the arrow buttons.

  • Y
    Disable the arrow buttons.

Additional Notes

This change only affects the Asset Assignment arrow buttons; the arrow buttons in the Order section are still active.

[.NetOperations] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations 2018.3 and later


The Asset Manager tab is similar to the Planning Worksheet’s Inbound tab. This tab is set up so that asset managers can monitor fleet activity with quick access to planned activity. Use this setting to make the Asset Manager tab visible in the Planning Worksheet.


  • N (default)
    The Asset Manager tab is not visible in the Planning Worksheet.

  • Y
    The Asset Manager tab is visible in the Planning Worksheet.
    Note: The tab is available on the Available Resources grid.


Applies to

TMW Operations


When using the Cancel Trip/Order process to cancel a Started trip that has an actualized non-billable stop, and no actualized billable stops, the system retains the empty move portion of the trip for historical records.

This setting determines which stop location is the final stop on the empty move.


  • ORD (default)
    The empty move will end at the location of the first billable stop after the actualized stop.

    The empty move will end at the location of the last actualized stop.

  • NEXT
    The empty move will end at the location of the stop after the last actualized stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting applies only to orders on which none of the billable stops have been actualized. If a billable stop has been actualized, the empty move will always end at the location of the first billable stop after the actualized stop.

  2. This setting applies to the Trip Folder and Planning Worksheet.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines the sequence in which stops are added to a consolidated order.


  • AddAtEnd (default)
    A new order’s stops will be added at the end of the selected trip segment.

  • SequenceByStopTimes
    When a new order is added, the system will resequence all stops according to individual order stop times.

  • SequenceByEventandCompany
    When a new order is added, the system will group all pickup and delivery events together.

    Note: This setting value is recommended when performing cross dock activities.

Additional Notes

  1. Stops can still be resequenced manually if desired.

  2. If [Dispatch]AutoRecalcTimes is set to Y, the system will automatically recalculate the arrival times.

  3. Load Builder ignores this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines the default condition assigned when a new load requirement is added.


  • Y (default)
    The default condition is must.

  • N
    The default condition is should.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting only determines the default value. On the Load Requirements tab, you can manually reset a load requirement’s condition as needed.

  2. Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.40


This setting activates the Print Delivery Receipt command on the View menu in the Planning Worksheet. This command prints the SSRS report that you set up for use with the command.


  • N (default)
    Disable the command.

  • Y
    Enable the command.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting supports only SSRS reports.

  2. The SSRS parameters need to be defined in the [Misc]ReportingService2010 and [Misc]ReportExecutionService settings.

  3. The SSRS report location needs to be specified in the [Misc]DeliveryReport setting.

  4. The report prints to the machine’s default printer.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2020.1


Specifies how often to refresh the Trimble Dispatch Advisor window.


  • 15 (default)
    Refresh the window every 15 minutes.

  • User-specified interval
    Specify, in minutes, how often to refresh the window. Make your entry as a whole number.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2020.1


This setting controls whether the Trimble Dispatch Advisor window opens with the Planning Worksheet.


  • Y (default)
    Open the Trimble Dispatch Advisor window with the Planning Worksheet.

  • N
    Do not open the Trimble Dispatch Advisor window with the Planning Worksheet.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2023.2 and later


The Company Lat/Long Validation window lets you lookup coordinates between multiple companies. You can also verify if Lat/Long coordinates are not assigned to a company and update them. Use this setting to enable the option of accessing and viewing the Company Lat/Long Validation window in TMW Operations.


  • N (default)
    The menu option to access the Company Lat/Long Validation window is not available.

  • Y
    The Company Lat/Long Validation window is available.
    Note: When this option is enabled you can access the window from TMW Operations > Tools > Tools Maintenance > Company Lat/Long Validation.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073


This setting determines whether the Load Builder menu option appears in the Operations menu.


  • N (default)
    The Load Builder menu option is not available.

  • Y
    The Load Builder menu option is available.

Additional Notes

To use Load Builder, you must also set [Dispatch]AutoRecalcTimes=Y in your TTS50.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.20


This setting controls access to the TotalMail Viewer in TMW Operations.


  • N (default)
    The TotalMail Viewer is not accessible.

  • Y
    The TotalMail Viewer is accessible.


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.10


Use this setting to enable the Trailer Compartment Tracking feature in TMW Operations.

Note: The Trailer Compartment Tracking feature allows dispatchers to:

  • Load trailer compartments to maximum capacity

  • Track the commodity history for each compartment on a trailer, including when compartments were washed and when they were empty

  • Specify which trailer compartments should be washed before the next commodity is loaded


  • N (default)
    Disable the Trailer Compartment Tracking feature.

  • Y
    Enable the Trailer Compartment Tracking feature.

    Note: When this option is used, elements of the compartment tracking feature appear in several TMW Operations windows.

    In the Trip Folder:

    • The Edit menu includes the Trailer Compartment Tracking sub menu. The sub menu includes the Load Trailer Compartments and Trailer Compartment History options.

    • The Stops grid includes the Cmpt Status column and icon.

    In Order Maintenance, the AllStops grid includes the Cmpt Status column and icon.

    In the Trailer Profile, the main menu bar includes the Compartment Tracking menu. The menu includes the Trailer Compartment History option.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.30.132


This setting determines if the Trailer Zone Temps tab displays in the Trip Folder. This tab allows you to record trailer zone temperature data for orders.

Note: Any values entered on this tab are for informational use only. The system does not use these values.


  • N (default)
    The Trailer Zone Temps tab is not available.

  • Y
    The Trailer Zone Temps tab is available.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.40


This setting activates the Print Load Sheet command on the View menu in the Planning Worksheet. This command prints the SSRS report that you set up for use with the command.


  • N (default)
    Disable the command.

  • Y
    Enable the command.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting supports only SSRS reports.

  2. The SSRS parameters need to be defined in [Misc]ReportingService2010 and [Misc]ReportExecutionService settings.

  3. The SSRS report location needs to be specified in [Misc]LoadSheetReport setting.

  4. The report prints to the machine’s default printer.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2020.1


Specifies the maximum number of recommendations sent to the Trimble Dispatch Advisor window.


  • 100 (default)
    The maximum number of recommendations sent is 100.

  • User-specified number
    Enter the maximum number of recommendations you want to send.

    Note: A higher maximum can cause timeout errors. If timeout errors occur, reduce the maximum number of recommendations sent.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.40


This setting determines whether orders accessed from the Order Scroll window open in Order Maintenance or in the Trip Folder.

Note: When you open an order from the Order Scroll search results, the order is displayed in a new instance of the Order Maintenance or Trip Folder window. If Order Maintenance or the Trip Folder is already open, the order is displayed in the new window.


  • N (default)
    Open orders in Order Maintenance.

  • Y
    Open orders in the Trip Folder.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW.Suite Operations


Use this setting to set default filters for the TotalMail Viewer.

An entry for this setting consists of one or two numbers, separated by a comma.

  • The first number identifies the primary sorting option.

    To set this option, you would use a number representing one of the main options in the TotalMail Viewer window’s Restrictions panel.

  • The second number identifies the secondary sorting option.

    To set this option, you would use a number representing one of the sub options available for the main option you chose.

For example, if you want to filter messages using a custom history option for tractors, and then by tractor fleet, you would enter 4,5.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The Group filter is applied.

  • 1
    Group - Filters messages based on the dispatch group(s) selected.

  • 2
    Tractor History - Filters messages based on a single tractor.

  • 3
    Driver History - Filters messages based on a single driver.

  • 4
    Custom Tractor History - Filters messages for all tractors, multiple tractors that meet certain criteria, and/or tractors within a particular date range.

    Applicable sub filters for this option include:

    • 1
      All tractors

    • 2
      Select tractors

    • 3
      Tractor company

    • 4
      Tractor division

    • 5
      Tractor fleet

    • 6
      Tractor teamleader

    • 7
      Tractor terminal

    • 8

    • 9

    • 10

    • 11

  • 5
    Custom Driver History - Filters messages for all drivers, multiple drivers that meet certain criteria, and/or drivers during a particular date range.

    Applicable sub filters for this option include:

    • 1
      All drivers

    • 2
      Select drivers

    • 3
      Driver company

    • 4
      Driver division

    • 5
      Driver domicile

    • 6
      Driver fleet

    • 7
      Driver teamleader

    • 8
      Driver terminal

    • 9

    • 10

    • 11

    • 12


Applies to

TMW Operations


Sets the maximum number of rows that can be retrieved for any inbound view in TMW Operations Planning Worksheet Available Resources grid.


  • 1000 (default)
    Display up to 1000 rows.

  • A user-specified whole number
    Display up to the specified number of rows.

  • 0
    Display an unlimited number of rows.

Additional Notes

  1. If more rows exist than the specified setting, the system displays the specified number of rows and a warning message advising the list of rows has been truncated.

  2. Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch 2019.2 and later, TMW Operations 2019.2 and later


Determines if the TruETAPrePlan column is displayed in the Planning Worksheet. This column displays the TruETA pre-plan status for driver/leg combinations.

Note: This setting requires your company to have the TruETA license.


  • Y (default)
    The column is displayed.

    Note: By default, this column is displayed to the far right of the Planning Worksheet. Trimble Transportation recommends moving this column.

  • N
    The column is not displayed.


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-Ins, TMW Operations


By default, users who have been granted access to the File Maintenance application can edit master file records (profiles) in TMW Operations.

This setting determines whether users can modify profile data when they access the profile from a scroll window or the right-click shortcut menu.

This setting does not affect profiles accessed through the Tools > Profiles menu. You can restrict users from accessing profiles from the Tools menu by creating a custom layout that has the Tools > Profiles command removed.


  • N (default)
    Editing is allowed.

  • Y
    Editing is not allowed.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting affects all TMW Operations users, even those with system administrator and/or supervisor rights.

  2. CRM Right does not support this setting.

  3. Fuel Dispatch ignores this setting. It uses the [FuelDispatch]ProfileEditDisabled setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2020.1


This setting determines whether the system removes non-billable stops from an order when you cancel it in the Cancel Trip/Order window.


  • Y (default)
    The system retains only the billable stops on the cancelled order. It deletes the non-billable stops, such as empty moves and stops added for split trips.
    This setting affects only non-actualized stops. It will never cause the system to remove an actualized (Completed) stop.

  • N
    The system retains all stops on the cancelled order, billable and non-billable.


Applies to

TMW Operations 14.30.132


The round trip feature allows you to use a single command to add a begin empty stop and an end empty stop to a trip. This setting determines if the Round Trip feature inserts billable stops.

Note: The Round Trip feature is accessed by a shortcut menu on the Trip Folder’s Stops tab.


  • N (default)
    The system adds BMT and EMT stops.

  • Y
    The system adds IBMT and IEMT stops.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations


The Find Closest Tractors command allows you to search for tractors near a user-defined location. This setting specifies the default search radius used by the command. Values are in miles.

Note: This setting sets the default value. You can manually set a different value in the Radius field when using the command.


  • 150 (default)
    The system will search for tractors that are within 150 miles of the location specified.

  • User-specified number of miles
    The system will search for tractors that are within the user-specified number of miles.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2023.1 and later


When you use a Split Trip option with a return event after a drop event on an order, the system adds a Hook Empty Trailer (HMT) event after it. In the Trip Folder, the Event column on the Stops grid drop-down list will only display events like the current event. Use this setting to display all available event codes in the drop-down list.


  • Y (default)
    The event code list displays only events that are similar to the current stop event.

  • N
    All available event codes will display for the current stop.

[Asset Assignment] settings

[Asset Assignment]AssetAssignmentDisabledMessage

Applies to

TMW Operations: 15.40


Use this setting to display a message on the Assign/Driver Equipment window when the system locks the Tractor, Driver 1, and Driver 2 field assignments. You can use the system default message or create a customized message. The message appears on the Assign/Driver Equipment window in Order Maintenance, the Trip Folder, and the Planning Worksheet.


This setting applies only when you specify a trip segment status for the [Asset Assignment]AssetAssignmentDisabledStatus setting in your TTS50.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system displays the following default message:

    "Edit of Driver/Tractor disabled for started and completed trips"

  • User-specified message
    Enter a customized message.

[Asset Assignment]AssetAssignmentDisabledStatus

Applies to

TMW Operations: 15.40


Use this setting to protect driver/tractor assignments on the Assign/Driver Equipment window based on a trip segment status or list of statuses. The system locks the Tractor, Driver 1, and Driver 2 fields on trips having the specified statuses.

Note: This setting affects only the Tractor, Driver 1, and Driver 2 fields on the Assign/Driver Equipment window in Order Maintenance, the Trip Folder, and the Planning Worksheet.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The Tractor, Driver 1, and Driver 2 fields are editable.

  • A list of user-specified dispatch statuses
    Enter a dispatch status or list of statuses in a comma-separated list, with no spaces. Valid dispatch status entries for this setting include:

    • AVL

    • PLN

    • DSP

    • STD

    • CMP

    Note: When you enter a status for this setting, you can use the [Asset Assignment]AssetAssignmentDisabledMessage setting in your TTS50 to add a message to the Assign/Driver Equipment window regarding the locked fields.

[Asset Assignment]FindPriorAssignmentBy

Applies to

TMW Operations


You use the Assign Driver/Equipment window to assign resources. Use this setting when you assign an asset to a trip to determine the prior assigned leg to the asset.


  • D (default)
    There is no change to the assignment behavior.

  • C
    Chronological. This option will default the trailer on the tractor’s latest planned trip on the Assign Driver/Equipment window.

[Asset Assignment]IgnoreHours

Applies to

TMWSuite: 1998 and later, TMW Operations


The setting determines if the system will check for log hours during conflict checking.


  • No (default)
    Checks for log hours.

  • Yes
    Ignore any checks for log hours during conflict checking.

[Asset Assignment]PreserveTractorDefaults

Applies to

TMW Operations 15.31.50


When assigning assets using the drag-and-drop feature between the Trips grid and the Inbound tab on the Planning Worksheet, this setting indicates which asset profile the system references.


  • N (default)
    Use the driver profile to assign the driver and tractor assets.

  • Y
    Use the tractor profile to assign the driver and tractor assets.

[Asset Assignment]ReturnLegCheckBox

Applies to

TMWSuite: 2007.06_10.0398, TMW Operations


This setting affects the Final Destination time and location section of the TMWSuite Dispatch Asset Assignment window and the TMW Operations Assign Driver/Equipment window. It determines whether:

  • The Return Leg check box is selected by default.

  • The end empty location is automatically set to the location of the first pickup location.


  • 0 (default)
    The Return Leg check box is cleared by default. If you select the Return Leg check box, you must manually complete the fields in the Final Destination time and location section.

  • 1
    The Return Leg check box is selected by default. The entries are made automatically in the Final Destination time and location section:

    • The End at location is set to the location of the first loaded stop on the leg. The system will consider the following as a first loaded stop: Live Load (LLD), Pre Load (PLD), Hook Preloaded Trailer (HPL), and Driver Loaded (DLD).

    • The travel time between the existing last stop and the newly added stop is calculated. The arrival date and time are entered in the On field.

    • By default, the system adds the event specified by the ReturnLegEvent setting to the trip.


    1. If the trip already includes an empty event when you open the Asset Assignment or Assign Driver/Equipment window for the first time, the End at field defaults to the end location specified in the Trip Folder Stop Detail grid.

    2. Once an empty return leg is added to the trip, the End at field will not be updated if you add, delete, or modify the first loaded stop.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.

[Asset Assignment]UseTripStartForBeginEmptyTime

Applies to

TMW Operations


In the Dead head start time, location and trailer(s) section of the Assign Driver/ Equipment window, the Start On field displays the date/time the empty move will start. Use this setting to specify whether the start time for the empty event is based on travel time or on the time specified for the first pickup.


  • N (default)
    Base the start time for an empty movement on the amount of time required to travel from the location of the tractor’s last completed stop to the first pickup on the new trip.

  • Y
    Set the start time for an empty movement as one minute before the first pickup on the new trip.

Additional Notes

If necessary, you can change the Start On date/time in the Assign Driver/ Equipment window. This will not change date/time for any other stop on the trip.

[Asset Assignment]ValidateTrailerEventsOnPlanned

Applies to

TMW Operations V.2023.1 and later


Use this setting to allow for validation of trailer events on a planned status. This will turn on a system warning prompt in the Trip Folder. If you attempt to save an order that has an invalid event sequence, you will be notified by a warning or prevent error in the Save Warnings pop-up window.


  • IGNORE (default)
    The system will not alert you with a save warning for an invalid event sequence.

  • WARN
    The system will alert you with a save warning pop-up message. You will still be able to save the order.

    The system will alert you with a prevent save error pop-up message. You will not be able to save the order.

[Brokerage] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations 2020.1


Use this setting to activate the Advanced Carrier Selection Mass Assignment mode in Company Planner. The Mass Assignment mode allows you to assign a carrier to multiple trip segments at one time.


  • N (default)
    Disable the mode.

  • Y
    Enable the mode.

    Note: You must also have a Company Planner subscription for the ACS window set up in a grid.


Applies to

TMW Operations, Advanced Carrier Selection


In the Advanced Carrier Selection (ACS) window, you use the External Trailer checkbox to specify whether the trailer is company owned or owned by an external entity. Use this setting to have the checkbox selected by default when the ACS window opens. Users can clear it on a trip-by-trip basis.


  • False (default)
    Starting in V.2022.2.
    The External Trailer checkbox is not selected.

  • True
    The External Trailer checkbox is selected.

    Note: When you use this option, once the ACS window opens the Trip, the system determines it’s an External Trailer. This only applies the first time the Trip is opened.

[DateTimeChecks] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines if the departure time will be set equal to the arrival time.


  • No (default)
    Do not set the departure time equal to the arrival time if the arrival time is greater than the departure time.

  • Y
    Set the departure time equal to the arrival time, if the arrival time is greater than the departure time.

    Note: When this option is used, the Auto Set Departure Dates check box in the Date Maintenance window is selected by default.

[Directories] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting identifies the directory holding the TMWSuite bitmaps not supplied as part of the executables, such as, the logo displayed on the Login dialog box.

Note: The actual bitmap image used by the Login dialog box is specified by the [Misc]Logo setting in your TTS50.


  • .\ (default)

    In the directory that contains the executable being launched, look for the image file that is specified by the [Misc]Logo setting in your TTS50.

  • Directory path
    Enter the path to the directory that contains the image file specified by the [Misc]Logo setting in your TTS50.

    For example, C:\IMAGES.

Additional Notes

  1. To display an alternate image in the Login dialog box, you must make a valid entry in both the Logo setting and the Bitmaps setting. If a valid entry is not made in both settings:

    • TMWSuite core applications will display a blank pane (no image).

    • CRM Right, TMW Operations, and TMW Back Office will display the default TMWSuite logo.

  2. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.

[Dispatch] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines whether you can consolidate two or more completed orders in the Consolidation Manager window.

Note: This setting is applicable only in the Trip Folder.


  • N (default)
    Completed orders cannot be consolidated.

  • Y
    Completed orders can be consolidated.

    Note: You can only unconsolidate completed or partially completed consolidations in the Consolidation Manager window. You cannot use any of the Remove All menu options.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009_08.0541, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system will automatically calculate or recalculate travel times and adjust the dates/times for stops accordingly. This setting affects stops changed in:

  • In TMWSuite

    • Trip Folder

    • The Sequence Stops on Movement window

    • The Planning Worksheet’s Consolidation Queue window or its Consolidate Segments command in the Dispatch menu

  • In TMW Operations

    • Trip Folder

    • Consolidation Manager

    • Trip Planner

    • Load Builder

Options for TMWSuite

  • N (default)
    This method of calculating travel time is not used in Dispatch.

    Note: When this option is set, you can use the Times button in the Sequence Stops on Movement window to recalculate a trip’s arrival and departure times, if you have the following INI options set in your TTS50.ini file:

    • [Dispatch]ConsolidationSequence=1

    • [Operations]MileageDateTime=YES

    • [MileageInterface]DefaultMPH=45 (or any value greater than 0)

  • Y
    The system will update arrival/departure times automatically using the travel times stored in the mileage database.

    Note: The system keeps the same time span between the stop’s arrival and its departure. For example, if the departure from a stop was scheduled for one hour after the arrival, there would still be a one-hour time span between the arrival and the departure after the system updated the travel times.

  • M
    When a stop’s arrival or departure date/time is modified, automatically adjust all subsequent arrival and departure times by the same amount of time.

    For instance, if a stop’s arrival time is changed by one hour, all subsequent arrival and departure times will also be adjusted by one hour.


    1. When this option is used, arrival and departure times will not be updated when a change is made to the stop’s location.

    2. When this option is used, and you combine orders onto a consolidated trip, you must manually adjust the trip’s arrival and departure times.

  • S
    The system will recalculate the times for subsequent stops only when a change makes it impossible for the tractor to arrive at the next stop on time.

    When a change is made, the system will follow these steps:

    1. If the date/time in the Arrival field is changed to a later date/time, the system adjusts the date/time in the Departure field by the same amount.

      For example, if one hour is added to the arrival time, the system will also add one hour to the departure time.

      If the arrival is changed to an earlier time, the departure time is not affected.

    2. The system uses the travel times stored in the mileage database to determine whether the tractor can travel from the stop where the change occurred to the next stop before the time recorded in that stop’s Arrival field.

      • If the tractor can travel to the next stop before the time recorded in that stop’s Arrival field, no further time adjustments are made. For example, the departure from stop A is scheduled for 8:00, the arrival at stop B is scheduled for 11:00, and the travel time between these two stops is two hours. If the tractor was delayed at stop A for 30 minutes and departed at 8:30, it would arrive at stop B at 10:30. Since this is before the scheduled arrival time of 11:00, the system would not recalculate any dates/times.

      • If the tractor cannot travel to the next stop before the time recorded in that stop’s Arrival field, the system will recalculate the travel time to that stop and update the Arrival and Departure fields accordingly. If additional stops exist, the system will use the same logic to check if the times for those stops need to be updated.

Option for TMW Operations

  • N (default)
    This method of calculating travel time is not used in Dispatch.

  • Y
    The system will update arrival/departure times automatically using the travel times stored in the mileage database.


    1. The system keeps the same time span between the stop’s arrival and its departure. For example, if the departure from a stop was scheduled for one hour after the arrival, there would still be a one-hour time span between the arrival and the departure after the system updated the travel times.

    2. By default, the system supports only the N and Y options. Any other entry is treated the same as N.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is applicable only in Trip Folder, Planning Worksheet, Trip Planner, and Load Builder.

  2. To use Load Builder, this setting must be Y.

  3. If you use this setting to automatically recalculate travel time, in your TTS50 you should have:

    • [Dispatch]AutoSetCmpStopArrivalDate=N

    • [DateTimeChecks]AutoSetDeparture=NO

  4. When the Y or S option is used:

    • Changing the location of any stop other than the first stop in Trip Folder will cause the system to recalculate the arrival and departure times for that stop and for any subsequent stops. However, changing the location for the first stop will not result in the recalculation of dates and times.

    • Time calculations in TMWSuite’s Sequence Stops on Movement window will be affected.

    • Dates/times on consolidated trips created using TMWSuite’s Planning Worksheet Consolidation Queue window or its Consolidate Segments command from the Dispatch menu will be affected.


Applies to

TMWSuite: V.2003 and later, TMW Operations


When you change the Arrival date/time for the first in a series of identical events occurring at the same location, this setting determines whether the Arrival date/time field for subsequent events will be updated automatically.


  • N (default)
    The Arrival date/time of subsequent events will not change automatically.

  • Y

    • In TMWSuite
      The arrival date/time of subsequent events will change automatically. The time displayed in the Arrival date/time field for each event in the series will be set to one minute after the Arrival date/time of the preceding event.

      Note: If you use the [Dispatch]AutoSetCmpStopArrivalDate=Y setting to automatically change arrival times, you should have [Dispatch]AutoRecalcTimes=N.

      If both AutoSetCmpStopArrivalDate=Y and AutoRecalcTimes=Y in your TTS50, the system may not calculate subsequent arrival times properly.

  • In TMW Operations
    The arrival date/time of subsequent events will change automatically. The time displayed in the Arrival date/time field for each event in the series will be set to exactly the same time. However, if you adjust the time of an event that is not in the series and that occurs after the series, the systems will set the times in the series to be one minute apart.

    Note: You must set [Dispatch]AutoRecalcTimes=Y in your TTS50.

Additional Notes

All of the following conditions must be met for the date/time to be updated:

  • The company ID for each event must be the same, and cannot be UNKNOWN.

  • The event types must be identical.

  • The events must be on successive lines in the Stop Detail grid.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting allows you to prevent changes to a trip after its pay has been processed in Settlements.


  • LEG (default)
    Prevent changes to a trip segment after pay for an asset on that segment has been processed. With this setting, you can make updates to subsequent trip segments if the trip has been split.

    Note: This option does not prevent changes to fields on the order header (i.e. BillTo company, Revenue Types, etc.).

  • MOV
    Prevent changes to a movement after pay for an asset on that movement has been processed. With this setting, you can make limited updates to subsequent trip segments if the trip has been split. You can start or complete subsequent trip segments, but you cannot add or delete stops, or change locations for existing stops.

  • NON
    Allow free edit of the movement, even if pay for an asset assigned to the trip has been processed.

Additional Notes

  1. If your company never splits trips, MOV is recommended.

  2. If your company splits trips and does not pay based on a percent of revenue, use the LEG option to block dispatchers from changing trip segments, rather than blocking them from making changes to the entire move.

  3. If your company splits trips and bases pay on a percent of revenue, MOV is recommended. This is because adding, deleting stops, or changing the location for an existing stop will affect the number of miles traveled for each trip segment. For split trips, the system uses the number of miles traveled on a trip segment to determine the appropriate revenue amount on which to base the driver’s pay.

    For example, a move consists of a total of 100 miles, and the billed line haul amount is $200. The move is split between Driver A and Driver B, both of whom get a percent of revenue. Driver A drives 30 miles and Driver B drives the remaining 70 miles. Driver A is entitled to 30% ($60) of the total revenue amount, while Driver B is entitled to 70% ($140).

    Editing Driver B’s trip segment after Driver A has been paid affects revenue allocation; as a result Driver A’s pay is no longer accurate.


Applies to

TMWSuite: V.2003 and later, TMW Operations 3.125.51


This setting determines the default pay type for accessorial pay details that are manually entered in the Advanced Carrier Selection window.

  • In TMWSuite, accessorial pay details are entered in the Acc. Cost field, in the Settlement Information section.

  • In TMW Operations, accessorial pay details are entered in the Accessorials field, on the Summary tab.


  • BRKACC (default)

  • User-identified pay type
    Your entry must match the Item Code of an existing FLAT pay type.

Additional Notes

  1. The default setting, BRKACC, is a system code pay type that is created when the module licensing SQL is applied to your database.

  2. The total value of any of the trip’s pay details having this pay type will display in the Acc. Cost or Accessorials field, even if the pay was created in a different location, such as the Pay Detail Maintenance window.

  3. The Advanced Carrier Selection module is a licensed TMWSuite add-on. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

TMWSuite: V.2003 and later, TMW Operations 3.125.51


This setting determines the default pay type for fuel surcharge pay details that are manually entered in the Advanced Carrier Selection window.

  • In TMWSuite, fuel surcharge pay details are entered in the Fuel Cost field, in the Settlement Information section.

  • In TMW Operations, fuel surcharge pay details are entered in the Fuel field, on the Summary tab.


  • BRKFUL (default)

  • User-identified pay type
    Your entry must match the Item Code of an existing FLAT pay type.

Additional Notes

  1. The default setting, BRKFUL, is a system code pay type that is created when the module licensing SQL is applied to your database.

  2. The total value of any of the trip’s pay details having this pay type will display in the Fuel Cost or Fuel field, even if the pay was created in a different location, such as the Pay Detail Maintenance window.

  3. The Advanced Carrier Selection module is a licensed TMWSuite add-on. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Prior to TMWSuite: 2003.02_11.0158


Check calls can be recorded for drivers, tractors, and carriers. This setting determines which resource type is the default lookup type when the check calls window is displayed.


  • TRC (default)
    Tractor will be the default lookup type.

  • DRV
    Driver will be the default lookup type.

  • CAR
    Carrier will be the default lookup type.


Applies to

TMWSuite: prior to 2003


This setting determines whether users can look up and/or record check calls for trips, as well as for assets, using the Dispatch Check Calls window.


  • Asset (default)
    The Check Calls window’s lookup tab allows only drivers, tractors, trailers, and/or carriers to be selected. Users can search by and/or record check calls for only assets.

  • Order
    Show the Asset and the Trip radio buttons in the Check Calls window’s lookup tab, to allow users to search by and/or record check calls for orders or assets.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether you can cancel an order when pay details already exist for the trip.


  • WARN (default)
    A warning is shown when you try to cancel an order having pay details.

    The warning states, "Pay details exist, would you like to cancel trip?"

    If you click Yes, the system allows the cancellation to proceed.

    Canceling an order with pay details is not allowed.
    The system shows a message stating, "You cannot cancel this trip because pay details exist."

    Note: You must delete the pay details before canceling the order.

    The system allows you to cancel an order with pay. It does not show a warning message.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations V.2022.3 and later.


When you assign assets to an order and save, the system checks that the assets:

  • Do not have expirations that would prevent them from performing the trip

  • Fulfill the order’s load requirements

If the assets cannot perform the trip, a pop-up window shows you the expirations or load requirements that affect the assignment. The system does the validation for all the order’s trip segments. This setting lets you turn off the validation for the order’s trip segments that are already completed.


  • Y (default)
    The system will check expirations and load requirements of the assets on the order. The system pop-up validation window will display when you save an order and the validation is affected.

  • N
    The system will not check expirations and load requirements for trip segments previously marked as completed. The system pop-up window will not display.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch 14.40.51, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


In the Trailer Autoload window, you enter the commodity volume for each trailer compartment. Use this setting to identify the default percentage used to round the volume for each compartment.


  • Blank, that is, no entry
    Compartment volumes are not rounded.

  • User-specified percentage

    Enter the number of percentage points each compartment volume should be rounded. For example, enter 1 to round each volume up or down to the next whole number.

    Note: Your entry is the Round To field’s default value. The value can be changed in the Trailer Autoload window on an order-by-order basis.

Additional Notes

This setting is used only for the Auto-fill Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch and the Autoloading feature in TMW Operations. It is not used for the Learned Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 15.10.073


This setting determines whether the Earliest, Arrival, Latest, and Departure dates will default to the same date when any one of these dates is changed. It applies to:

  • The Dispatch application in TMWSuite

  • The Order Maintenance and Trip Folder windows in TMW Operations


  • N (default)
    If a date is changed in one field, do not update the dates in the other fields.

  • Y
    If a date is changed in one field, update the dates in the other fields.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting affects the assignment of a secondary trailer (PUP trailer) to a trip. It controls whether the system enters the secondary trailer’s ID in the Trailer2 field when you make an entry in the Trailer1 field.
To use this setting, you must have [Dispatch] TrailerOption=Yes in your TTS50.


  • N (default)
    The PUP trailer is not defaulted.

  • Y
    The PUP trailer is defaulted if it is linked to the primary trailer. Links are made using the Trailer profile’s Assigned Pup field. You define trailer profiles in:

    • TMWSuite’s Trailer File Maintenance window

    • The TMW Operations Trailer Profile window


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines how the system handles your attempt to save a trip that has an arrival or departure date/time that is outside the range specified by the stop’s Earliest and Latest dates/times.

This setting applies to any type of stop event.

  • TMWSuite
    This setting determines whether:

    • The Enter Early and Late Reasons window opens

    • You are required to enter a reason in that window

    Note: This setting applies to arrival times recorded in the Trip Folder.

  • TMW Operations
    This setting determines whether:

    • The Reason Late window opens

    • You are required to enter a reason in that window

    Note: This setting also applies to arrival times recorded in the AllStops tab in the Order Maintenance window.


  • Warn (default)
    The window opens as a warning. A reason may be entered, but is not required.

  • Ignore
    The system ignores the early or late arrival and does not open the window.

  • Prevent
    The window opens and requires a reason be selected to save the trip.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines how the system handles your attempt to save a trip that has an arrival or departure date/time that is outside the range specified by the stop’s Earliest and Latest dates/times.

This setting is applicable to pick up or drop stops and billable empty stops.

  • TMWSuite
    This setting applies to the Trip Folder. It determines whether:

    • The Enter Early and Late Reasons window opens

    • You are required to enter a reason in that window

  • TMW Operations
    This setting applies to Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder. It determines whether:

    • The Reason Late window appears

    • The window serves as a warning only, or if you must select a reason


  • Ignore (default)
    The system ignores the early or late arrival and does not open the window.

  • Warn
    The window opens as a warning. A reason may be entered, but is not required.

  • Prevent
    The window opens and requires a reason be selected to save the trip.

Additional Notes

  1. For this setting to function, you must set [Dispatch]EarlyLateArrival=Ignore.

  2. Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite,V.2004; Fuel Dispatch


When you are assigning resources to a future trip and a resource has a future Priority 1 expiration that will conflict with that trip, this setting determines what the system will do.


  • 1 (default)
    Do not allow the asset assignment to be saved. Display an error message.

  • 2
    Display a warning message. Allow the asset assignment to be saved.

  • 3
    Allow the asset assignment to be saved without displaying any message.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is applicable in Dispatch (Trip Folder, Planning Worksheet, and Dispatch Advantage), Order Entry, and the Fuel Dispatch module.

  2. The Fuel Dispatch module is a licensed add-on that is sold separately from TMWSuite. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines if the system ignores an early or late departure.


  • No (default)
    If the departure is early/late, apply the check level defined for arrivals or departures by the [Dispatch]EarlyLateArrival setting in your TTS50.

  • Yes
    Ignore early/late departures.

Additional Notes

  1. For this setting to function correctly, you must set [Dispatch]EarlyLateArrival=Warn or [Dispatch]EarlyLateArrival=Prevent in your TTS50.

  2. Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW.Suite Operations


By default, the order status must be Planned or Dispatched for you to send a load assignment message. If the trip does not have either status, selecting the Load Assignment command from the Mobile Comm menu produces an error.

Using this setting, you can override the default behavior.


  • N (default)
    Display the error message.

  • Y

    • TMWSuite
      Instead of displaying the Invalid Trip Status message when the status is not Planned or Dispatched, you can have the system open the TotalMail Dispatch Driver window. You use the window to send the load assignment.

    • TMW.Suite Operations
      Instead of displaying the Load Assignment Error message when the trip status is not Planned or Dispatched, you can have the system open the Transmit Trip window to send the Trip Profile form. You use the window to send the trip profile.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting prevents users in the Trip Folder from making changes to orders that have a given invoice status. When an invoice status is specified in this setting, any order having that status cannot be modified.

Specify desired statuses by typing the abbreviations assigned to them in the InvoiceStatus label. Make your entry as a comma-separated list with no spaces. For example: InvoiceStatusEditLocks=PRN,XFR.


  • HLD,RTP,PRN,XFR,NTP,PRO (default)
    You cannot edit orders that have any of these invoice statuses.

  • HLD
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of On Hold.

  • RTP
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Ready to Print.

  • PRN
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Printed.

  • XFR
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Transferred.

  • NTP
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of NTP.

  • PRO
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Inv or MB Printed.

  • NONE
    You can edit trips in the Trip Folder regardless of the invoice status.

Additional Notes

This setting does not affect TMWSuite Order Entry or TMW Operations Order Maintenance. A setting with this same name exists in the [Order] section for that purpose.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008.08_08.0170, TMW Operations


This setting determines how the system handles the changing of a driver or tractor assignment on a trip. The slight differences in functionality in TMWSuite and in TMW Operations are noted in the descriptions below.


  • N (default)
    This option functions the same in TMWSuite as it does in TMW Operations.

    • When a primary driver or a tractor is first recorded on a trip, the system automatically assigns the resource that is linked to the one you assigned.

    • When you change one resource, the other resource is not affected.

  • T
    This option allows for slip-seating when you change the driver after the tractor has been set.


    • How editing the Tractor field affects the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields:

      • When you enter a tractor, the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields are always updated to the value recorded in that tractor’s profile.

      • If you remove the tractor, the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields are always set to UNKNOWN.

    • How editing the Driver 1 field affects the Tractor field:

      • If a tractor is currently assigned
        Editing the Driver 1 field does not affect the Tractor field.

      • If a tractor is not currently assigned
        Recording a driver in the Driver 1 field causes the system to set the Tractor field to the value recorded in that driver’s profile.

    TMW Operations:

    • Editing the Tractor field always affects the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields.

      • When you enter a tractor, the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields are updated to the values recorded in that tractor’s profile.

      • When you remove the tractor, the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields are set to UNKNOWN.

    • Editing the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields never affects the value in the Tractor field.

  • D
    This option allows for slip-seating when you change the tractor after the driver has been set.


    • How editing the Driver 1 field affects the Tractor field:

      • When you enter a primary driver, the Tractor field is always updated to the value recorded in that driver’s profile.

      • If you remove the primary driver, the tractor is always removed.

    • How editing the Tractor field affects the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields:

      • If a primary driver is currently assigned
        Editing the Tractor field does not affect the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields.

      • If a primary driver is not currently assigned
        Recording a tractor in the Tractor field causes the system to set the Driver 1 and Driver 2 fields to the values recorded in that tractor’s profile.

    TMW Operations:

    • Editing the Driver 1 field always affects the Tractor field.

      • When you enter a primary driver, the Tractor field is updated to the value recorded in that driver’s profile.

      • When you remove the primary driver, the tractor is also removed.

    • Editing the Tractor field never affects the value in the Driver 1 field.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is applicable to resource assignments made in the following locations:

    • TMWSuite: Dispatch’s Assign Driver/Equipment window and the Trip Folder Stop Detail grid. It does not apply to assigning resources in Order Entry.

    • TMW Operations: Assign Driver/Equipment window, the Trip Folder’s Trip Info tab, and the Trip Folder’s Stops tab.

  2. Maintaining relationships in resource profiles is controlled by the DrvTrcProt General Info Table setting. For more information, see Protecting the driver/tractor relationship in the File Maintenance online help.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0575 and later, TMW Operations


In the Trip Folder, you cannot edit orders having a dispatch status recorded in this setting.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The trip’s dispatch status does not prevent changes to a trip.

  • User-specified list of dispatch statuses
    Record the abbreviation assigned to the status in its DispStatus label.
    Use commas as separators, for example: STD,CMP.


    1. Do not use the CAN or ICO statuses if you plan to use the Split Trip option when cancelling an order.

      • Using the CAN status would lock the entire movement when using the Split Trip option with Order Status Cancelled selected.

      • Using the ICO status listed would lock the entire movement when using the Split Trip option with Order Status Cancelled Billable selected.

    2. Statuses not specified will not prevent a user from editing an order.

Additional Notes

Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite; Fuel Dispatch; TMW Operations


There are two types of expirations:

  • Non-Dispatch
    The expiration has a label file code that is 199 or less.

  • Dispatch
    The expiration has a label file code that is 200 or greater.

This setting determines if users can add or edit both dispatch and non-dispatch expirations in the locations listed below.

In TMWSuite Dispatch, the following locations are affected:

  • Driver/Equipment Status window

  • Driver Availability window
    Available only in Dispatch, this window allows you to record and edit expirations for drivers.

  • Expirations window
    This window allows you to edit expirations; however, you can never add expirations in this window.

In Fuel Dispatch, the following locations are affected:

  • The Expirations tab in the resource’s profile

  • The Expiration Edit window

In TMW Operations, the following locations are affected:

  • The Expirations tab in the resource’s profile

  • The Driver/Asset Expirations window

Note: In TMW Operations, system administrators can always add, delete, or modify all expirations.


  • N (default)
    Users can modify only dispatch type expirations.


    1. In TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch, both system administrators and non-system administrators are affected. In TMW Operations, only non-system administrators are affected.

    2. If you also have [Dispatch]Allow900Exp=N in your TTS50, expirations with codes of 900 or greater can be modified only in these locations:

      • In TMWSuite’s File Maintenance application.

      • In Fuel Dispatch’s Expiration Edit window and on the Expiration tab in the resource’s profile.

  • Y
    Users can modify all expirations.

    Note: This option overrides [Dispatch]Allow900Exp=N in your TTS50, allowing Dispatch users to modify expirations with codes of 900 or greater.

Additional Notes

Expiration codes are created in the label file in the System Administration application:

  • For drivers
    DrvExp and DrvStatus

  • For tractors
    TrcExp and TrcStatus

  • For trailers
    TrlExp and TrlStatus

  • For carriers
    CarExp and CarStatus


Applies to



This setting determines whether the Available Trips grid and the Available Resources grid will be split horizontally or vertically on the Planning Worksheet.


  • Horizontal (default)
    Display the Available Trips grid in the top half of the Planning Worksheet window; display the Available Resources grid in the lower half of the Planning Worksheet window.

  • Vertical
    Display the Available Trips grid in the left half of the Planning Worksheet window; display the Available Resources grid in the right half of the Planning Worksheet window.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW.Suite Operations


When you save a trip assignment, the order status changes from Available to Planned. You use this setting to have the system display the Open Load Assignment message when you save a trip having Planned status. The message asks, "Would you like to open Load Assignment to dispatch this trip?" Clicking Yes in the message opens the TotalMail Dispatch Driver window. You use the window to send the load assignment.


  • N (default)
    Do not show the Open Load Assignment message.

  • Y
    Show the Open Load Assignment message.


Applies to

TMWSuite: V.2003, TMW Operations


This setting affects the assignment of a secondary trailer to a trip. It determines whether the system automatically populates the secondary trailer fields with the ID of the secondary trailer last assigned with the selected primary trailer. This setting applies to TMWSuite Dispatch and TMW Operations.

In TMWSuite, this setting determines whether the system will autofill the Trailer2 fields with the ID of the secondary trailer last assigned with the selected primary trailer.


  1. This setting is ignored when you use the Match command in the Planning Worksheet.

  2. This setting is not applicable on the Order Entry Assign Driver/Equipment window.

In TMW Operations, this setting performs two functions:

  • Will autofill the Trailer 2 fields with the ID of the secondary trailer last assigned with the primary trailer.

  • Allows manual entries in the Trailer 2 fields.


  • No (default)

    • TMWSuite
      Do not autofill of the Trailer 2 fields.

    • TMW Operations
      Do not autofill the Trailer 2 fields or allow manual entries.

      Note: You will still be able to make manual entries in the Stops grid of the Trip Folder, and in the All Stops grid of Order Maintenance.

  • Yes

    • TMWSuite
      Autofill the Trailer2 fields.

    • TMW Operations
      Autofill the Trailer2 fields and allow manual entries.


      1. This option requires that you have [Dispatch] TrailerOption=Yes.

      2. If a value already exists in the Trailer2 field, it will not be overwritten by this feature.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines whether users must enter a reason for creating an empty move when using the Edit > Split Trip commands.


  • N (default)
    No reason is required.

  • Y
    A reason is required.

Additional Notes

This setting only affects empty moves that have their own trip segment.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines whether users must enter a reason for creating an empty move when using the Operations > Dispatch Empty Move command.


  • N (default)
    The system does not require a reason to dispatch an empty move.

  • Y
    The system requires a reason to dispatch an empty move.

    Note: When you use the Edit > Cancel Trip command to cancel a Started trip, the system automatically creates an empty move to return the truck. You will be required to record a reason for that empty move before saving the cancellation. To do this, you must first add the EmptyMoveReason field to the Cancel Trip/Order window.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations V.2023.1 and later


This setting stipulates the number of minutes that must separate the actualized Arrival and Departure times of a billable stop. If you try to actualize a Departure time too soon, i.e., the time between the Arrival and the Departure is less than the number of minutes specified by this setting, the system displays a warning message. You are still able to save the trip.


  • 0 (default)
    A minimum time difference is turned off.

  • 15
    The minimum time difference (in minutes) to separate the arrival and departure time.


Applies to

TMWSuite V.2003 and later, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether, when users close an application, the system will display a message asking them to confirm their intent to exit.


  • No (default)
    Display the confirmation message.

  • Yes
    Do not display the confirmation message.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting affects the assignment of a primary trailer to a trip. It determines whether the system automatically populates the primary trailer field with the ID of the primary trailer last used by the tractor. This setting applies to TMWSuite Dispatch and Order Entry, as well as TMW Operations:

  • In TMWSuite Dispatch, it determines whether the system will autofill the Trailer1 field in the Asset Assignment window with the ID of the trailer last used by the tractor assigned to the trip.

    Note: This setting is ignored when you use the Match command in the Planning Worksheet.

  • In TMWSuite Order Entry, it determines whether the Trailer Options field is displayed in the Assign Driver/Equipment window with a default value of Use Current Trailer, and whether the system will autofill the Trailer and Pup fields with the ID(s) of the trailer(s) last used by the tractor assigned to the trip.

  • In TMW Operations, it determines:

    • Whether the ID of the primary trailer last used by the tractor assigned to the trip will autofill the Trailer 1 fields.

    • Whether the Trailer 1 fields are available for manual entries.


  • Yes (default)

    • In TMWSuite
      Autofill the Trailer1 and the Trailer Options fields.

    • In TMW Operations
      Autofill the Trailer1 fields and allow manual entries.


      1. If you want the system to autofill the Trailer2 field with the ID of the secondary trailer in Dispatch or in TMW Operations, you must set [Dispatch]PupTrailerOption=Yes in your TTS50.

      2. If a value already exists in the Trailer1 field, it will not be overwritten by this feature.

  • No

    • In TMWSuite
      Do not autofill the Trailer 1 fields.

    • In TMW Operations
      Do not autofill the Trailer 1 fields or allow manual entries.

      Note: For TMW Operations, you will still be able to make manual entries in the Stops grid of the Trip Folder, as well as in the All Stops grid of Order Maintenance.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system will remove the remaining linked asset (tractor or driver) when the other asset that is planned on a trip is removed.

In TMWSuite, this setting is applicable in these locations of the Dispatch application:

  • Asset Assignment window

  • Trip Folder’s Stop Detail grid

In TMW Operations, this setting is applicable in these locations:

  • All Stops tab of the Order Maintenance window

  • Stops tab of the Trip Folder window

  • Assign Driver/Equipment window


  • N (default)
    When linked assets (tractor and driver) are planned on a trip, removing one (by selecting UNKNOWN in its field) will not remove the other asset.

  • Y
    When linked assets (tractor and driver) are planned on a trip, removing one (by selecting UNKNOWN in its field) will also remove the other asset.

    Note: Other resources for the trip must be selected manually.

Additional Notes

Inventory Services and CRM Right do not support this setting.

[EDIfilesave] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite, EDI, TMW Operations


This setting provides a path for moving the 210 data to a flat file. When a path is provided, a default file name of 210_hhmm is applied. A unique time-stamped number is substituted for hhmm.


  • C:\EDI\ (default)

    Note: You must add the trailing backslash after the path.

  • User-specified path
    For example, C:\EDI\210\

    Note: You must add the trailing backslash after the path.

Additional Notes

The entry for this setting applies to all trading partners. If you want, you can have a separate folder for each trading partner. To do so, you must have String1 set to Y in the EDI_ExtractbyTP General Info Table setting. When you do, the 214 Save Path and 210 Save Path fields are added to the Partner Info tab. The tab is available in these windows:

  • TMWSuite - The File Maintenance application’s EDI Codes Maintenance window

  • TMW Operations - The Interface Settings application’s Customer EDI Codes window


Applies to

TMWSuite, EDI, TMW Operations


This setting provides a path for moving the 214 data to a flat file. When a path is provided, a default file name of 214_hhmm is applied. A unique time-stamped number is substituted for hhmm.


  • 214data=C:\EDI\
    Note: You must add the trailing backslash after the path.

Additional Notes

The entry for this setting applies to all trading partners. If you want, you can have a separate folder for each trading partner. To do so, you must have String1 set to Y in the EDI_ExtractbyTP General Info Table setting. When you do, the 214 Save Path and 210 Save Path fields are added to the Partner Info tab. The tab is available in these windows:

  • TMWSuite - The File Maintenance application’s EDI Codes Maintenance window

  • TMW Operations - The Interface Settings application’s Customer EDI Codes window

[FileMaint] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0170, TMW Operations


This setting determines the value that will appear in the Default Delivery Event field when a new company profile is created.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The default is to leave this setting blank.

  • DIV
    Custom event

  • DRL
    Drop loaded trailer

  • DUL
    Driver unload

  • ULC
    Unload complete

Additional Notes

  1. To use this setting, the UseCompanyDefaultEventCodes General Info Table setting must have a value of Y in String1.

  2. This setting has no effect on existing company profiles.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0170, TMW Operations


This setting determines the value that will appear in the Default Pickup Event field when a new company profile is created.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The default is to leave this setting blank.

  • DLD
    Driver loaded

  • HPL
    Hook preloaded trailer

  • LLD
    Live load

Additional Notes

  1. To use this setting, the UseCompanyDefaultEventCodes General Info Table key must have a value of Y in String1.

  2. This setting has no effect on existing company profiles.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0170 and later, TMW Operations 16.10


This setting determines whether a comma or a dash is used as the separator between the SCAC code and the container or chassis ID.


  • , (default)
    A comma (,) is used as the separator.

  • -
    A dash (-) is used as the separator.

Additional Notes

  1. CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, and Inventory Services do not support this setting.

  2. In TMWSuite, this setting applies to:

    • Trailer IDs used to identify containers or chassis, and (sometimes) dollies

    • Trailer IDs recorded in the Trailer File Maintenance and the Add New Trailer windows

    If you are using intermodal functionality, this setting:

    • Applies to the Add Container/Chassis window, when it is accessed from the Container Selection window in Order Entry, Dispatch, and the Agent Order Entry add-on module.

    • Does not apply to the Add Container/Chassis window when it is accessed from the Trip Folder Tools menu.

    • Does not apply to the Trailer/Container Specs dialog box accessed from the Dispatch application’s Dispatch Worksheet.

  3. In TMW Operations, this setting applies to:

    • Trailer IDs used to identify containers or chassis

    • Trailers or containers added through the Add Container/Chassis window

[FuelDispatch] settings


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; TMW Operations


By default, when retrieving available resources in the Card Planner or the Planning Worksheet, the options are On Duty, Off Duty, and All. These options refer to the Shift Status assigned to the resources.

  • On Duty = those resources assigned a ShiftStatus of ON.

  • Off Duty = those resources assigned a ShiftStatus of OFF.

Use this INI setting to include additional ShiftStatus label entries that you want to be flagged as On Duty, such as On Call.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The only Shift Status that will be included when selecting On Duty is ON.

  • Additional settings
    Any additional statuses that you might have in the label file, which are not included in this INI setting, are treated as Off Duty. To separate multiple label abbreviations, use commas. Do not use spaces.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


You can plan or re-plan a trip in the Fuel Dispatch Card Planner or Planning Worksheet, and the TMW Operations Trip Planner or Planning Worksheet.

The AllowStartedTripsToBeReplanned setting specifies whether re-planning is permitted until the trip’s dispatch status is Completed, or only until the status is Started.


  • Y (default)
    Allow a trip to be re-planned until the trip’s status is Completed.

  • N
    Allow a trip to be re-planned only until the trip’s status is Started.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


By default, if you use the Company tab of the Order Scroll window to search for a shipper or consignee, the search returns only the first and last stops for orders found.

Use this setting to add a check box on the window if you want users to be able to include all stops for orders with a particular shipper or consignee.


  • N (default)
    Hides the Check All Stops check box from the Order Scroll window.

  • Y
    Displays the Check All Stops check box from the Order Scroll window.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you look up a trip, you can view, create, change, and delete all note types, including notes for master file records, such as companies and drivers.

You can use this setting to allow users to view all note types, but not have the ability to create, change, and delete notes that are attached to profiles.


  • N (default)
    Users can create, change, and delete all note types.

  • Y
    Users can view all note types, but they can create, change, and delete trip-related notes only.

    Note: For Fuel Dispatch, this setting affects the Notes window only when you access it via the Notes icon. When the window is accessed from the Notes tab on the Call On Demand Order Entry window, users automatically are limited to additions, changes, and deletions of Order notes in the Order tab.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


For a shipper, dwell time is the amount of time a driver needs to load cargo. For a consignee, dwell time is the amount of time a driver needs to unload.

  • Fuel Dispatch
    You can record a company’s dwell time on the Company Profiles - Relations window. Use this setting to set a default dwell time for shippers and consignees for which dwell time has not been recorded.

    When a company without a dwell time is used as a stop on an order, the system checks the number of minutes recorded for the setting. To auto-calculate the stop’s Departure time, it adds that number to the stop’s Arrival time.

  • TMW Operations
    Use this setting to record a global dwell time for all shippers and consignees. There is no way to set dwell times on a company-by-company basis.

    When recording an Arrival time on an order, the system checks the number of minutes recorded for the setting. Then it auto-calculates the stop’s Departure time, by adding that number to the stop’s Arrival time.


  • 30 (default)
    Default dwell time is 30 minutes.

  • User-defined number of minutes
    Make your entry as a whole number.


    1. In Fuel Dispatch, if you make an entry of 0 (zero) for this setting, and dwell time has not been entered for a company, the system makes the stop’s departure time identical to the arrival time.

    2. In TMW Operations, if you make an entry of 0 (zero) for this setting, the system will check [Operations]DefaultLoadTime in your TTS50 for the dwell time. If both are set to 0 (zero), then the system will set the arrival date/time and departure date/time to be the same.

Additional Notes

To determine total dwell time for a stop in Fuel Dispatch, the system also adds the dwell time for the trailer, as recorded in its trailer profile.

Note: This occurs only if you have [FuelDispatch]UseTrailerDwellTime=Y in your TTS50.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch V. and later


This setting controls conflict-checking settings at the system level.


  • N (default)
    All conflict-checking settings are enabled and function as configured.

  • Y
    All conflict-checking settings are disabled.

Additional Notes

Do not change this setting without consulting your TMW representative.

If you change this setting to Y, the following [FuelDispatch] conflict-checking settings stop working:

  • CheckLoadRequirements

  • CheckProductCompatibility

  • CheckStopViolations

  • CheckAssetConflicts

  • CheckExpirations

  • CheckUserDefinedMessages


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


If you are a system administrator, you can remove users' ability to use the Field Chooser function for all data grids. This prevents users from adding or removing columns. You can use this INI setting to prevent users who are not system administrators from seeing the Field Chooser.


  • N (default)
    Field Chooser will show on data grids whether the user is a system administrator, supervisor, or user.

  • Y
    Field Chooser will only show on data grids if the user is a system administrator.

Additional Notes

It is recommended that the system administrator also set the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N in the [Misc] section of the TTS50.INI. This setting prevents users from resetting a layout back to the factory default.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Once a shift schedule exists for a driver, the system will automatically generate his/her daily shift schedule on a regular basis when it retrieves the driver on the:

  • Card Planner and Planning Worksheet (Fuel Dispatch)

  • Trip Planner (TMW Operations)

This daily shift schedule is based off the driver’s default template, which includes shift start and end times. However, an individual driver’s start and end times can be different from those established in the shift template.

This setting allows you to identify whether you want the start and end times for the automatically generated shift schedule to be those of the default schedule template, or those saved for the individual driver.


  • N (default)
    Auto-generated driver shift schedules will use the template start and end times from the shift template.

  • Y
    Auto-generated driver shift schedules will use the start and end times saved for the individual driver.

    Note: A driver’s start and end times are recorded in his/her default shift template.

Additional Notes

TMWSuite and CRM Right do not support this setting.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system enforces reference number requirements set up for the Bill To company.


  • Y (default)
    Enforce reference number requirements.

  • N
    Do not enforce reference number requirements.

Additional Notes

Reference number requirements are set up in the Company Order Requirements window in the Bill To company’s profile. This window is available only in TMWSuite’s File Maintenance application.

[FuelServ] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0016


This setting determines whether your company’s internal fee should be added to a vendor’s fee for a company driver’s cash advance.


  • N (default)
    Ignore the CmpAdvFee= setting and use the Fee= setting.

  • Y
    Add the fee specified by the CmpAdvFee= setting to the vendor’s fee.

  • D
    The fee specified by the CmpAdvFee= setting is the maximum fee.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0016


This setting determines whether your company’s internal fee should be added to a vendor’s fee for a company driver’s cash advance.


  • N (default)
    Ignore the CmpAdvFee= setting and use the Fee= setting.

  • Y
    Add the fee specified by the CmpAdvFee= setting to the vendor’s fee.

  • D
    The fee specified by the CmpAdvFee= setting is the maximum fee.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0016


This setting determines whether your company’s internal fee should be added to a vendor’s fee for an Accounts Payable resource’s cash advance.


  • N (default)
    Ignore the OOAdvFee= setting and use the Fee= setting.

  • Y
    Add the fee specified by the OOAdvFee= setting to the vendor’s fee.

  • D
    The fee specified by the OOAdvFee= setting is the maximum fee.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0016


This setting determines whether your company’s internal fee should be added to a vendor’s fee for an Accounts Payable resource’s fuel purchase.


  • N (default)
    Ignore the OOFuelFee= setting and use the Fee= setting.

  • Y
    Add the fee specified by the OOFuelFee= setting to the vendor’s fee.

  • D
    The fee specified by the OOFuelFee= setting is the maximum fee.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0679


This setting determines whether the system is to make time zone adjustments to transaction dates in files imported by the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface.


  • N (default)
    No time zone adjustments are to be made for the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface.

  • Y
    Time zone adjustments are to be made to transaction dates in files imported by the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface. The system is to use the adjustment amount specified by the ApplicationGMTDelta= setting found in the [FuelServ] section of the TTS50.ini file.

    Warning: If you turn on time zone conversion using this option and re-import a fuel import file that has already been processed, you will get duplicate records. This happens because the times will be different than they were when the file was first imported.

Additional Notes

This setting applies only to the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface. It has no effect on any other TMWSuite application.


Applies to



This setting controls the ability to edit the Fee column on the Pay Detail tab.


  • No (default)
    Do not allow the user to edit the fee on the Pay Detail tab.

  • Yes
    Allow the user to edit the fee on the Pay Detail tab.


    1. For a fee to be edited in the Pay Detail tab’s Fee column, the pay type associated with the fee must have Yes selected as its Edit in Dispatch option.

    2. Pay types are set up in the Settlement Item Maintenance window. The window can be accessed in both Rate Schedules and Settlements:

      • In Rate Schedules, select the Pay Types command from the Edit menu.

      • In Settlements, select the Pay Types command from the Setup menu.


Applies to

TMWSuite v. 2000 and later


This setting is used to apply fees to an advance, even when fuel is purchased. By default, the application will only charge an advance fee if a company driver did not purchase fuel.


  • No (default)
    Apply a fee only when fuel is not purchased.

  • Yes
    Always apply fees.


Applies to



This setting is used to tell the application which time zone it is running in, so that the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface can alter transaction dates from an import file to the time zone that matches the check call times stored in the TMWSuite database.

Note: To use this setting:

  • You must have the AdjustTimeZones=Y setting in the [FuelServ] section of your TTS50.ini file.

  • If your fuel vendor is other than Comdata or EFS, you must contact your TMW Support representative to have your database configured for the time zone in which your fuel vendor is located. Appropriate corrections for Comdata and EFS are included by default when you upgrade to a version of TMWSuite after 2005.04_10.0673.


  • 0 (default)
    Greenwich Mean Time - No time adjustment is to be made.

  • -4
    Atlantic Standard - The system is to subtract four hours from Greenwich Mean Time as the time adjustment. For example, if the time is 12:00 PM GMT, the time is adjusted to 8:00 AM AST.

  • -5
    Eastern Standard - The system is to subtract five hours from Greenwich Mean Time as the time adjustment. For example, if the time is 12:00 PM GMT, the time is adjusted to 7:00 AM EST.

  • -6
    Central Standard - The system is to subtract six hours from Greenwich Mean Time as the time adjustment. For example, if the time is 12:00 PM GMT, the time is adjusted to 6:00 AM CST.

  • -7
    Mountain Standard - The system is to subtract seven hours from Greenwich Mean Time as the time adjustment. For example, if the time is 12:00 PM GMT, the time is adjusted to 5:00 AM MST.

  • -8
    Pacific Standard - The system is to subtract eight hours from Greenwich Mean Time as the time adjustment. For example, if the time is 12:00 PM GMT, the time is adjusted to 4:00 AM PST.

  • -9
    Yukon Standard - The system is to subtract nine hours from Greenwich Mean Time as the time adjustment. For example, if the time is 12:00 PM GMT, the time is adjusted to 3:00 AM YST.


Applies to



Use this setting to allow a vendor fee to be attached to the first miscellaneous purchase when there is no fuel purchase or advance on the transaction.


  • N (default)
    Do not attach the vendor fee to the first miscellaneous purchase pay detail. No vendor fee will be applied to the transaction.

  • Y
    Attach the vendor fee to the first miscellaneous purchase pay detail.

    Note: When you use this option, you must have [FuelServ]Commisc=Y in your TTS50. Without this setting, the system does not process miscellaneous purchases.

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable only if you are licensed for both these add-on modules:

  • The Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface

  • TMWSuite’s Great Plains Integration


Applies to



This setting is used to tell the system that the accounting type is wrong, i.e., when an owner/operator profile shows Payroll in the Accounting Type field instead of AP (accounts payable). The setting tells the interface to act like the tractors are marked AP instead of Payroll.


  • No (default)
    Use the actual accounting type from the tractor profile.

  • Yes
    Pretend the accounting type for an owner/operator is AP when the profile says Payroll.


Applies to



This setting is used to tell the system that the accounting type is wrong, i.e., when an owner/operator profile shows Payroll in the Accounting Type field instead of AP (accounts payable). The setting tells the interface to act like the tractors are marked AP instead of Payroll.


  • No (default)
    Use the actual accounting type from the tractor profile.

  • Yes
    Pretend the accounting type for an owner/operator is AP when the profile says Payroll.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will add a 2-digit year identifier to payable invoice batch file names. Addition of the identifier prevents duplicate names.

Note: This setting is applicable only to payable invoices created for Comdata fuel files.


  • N (default)
    Do not add a 2-digit year identifier to batch file names.

  • Yes
    Add a 2-digit year identifier to batch file names.

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable only if you are licensed for both these add-on modules:

  • The Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface, with Comdata as your vendor

  • TMWSuite’s Great Plains Integration

    This setting is applicable only when you have the [FuelServ]MakeGPPayable=Yes in your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0675 and later


This setting determines whether Express Check fees will be passed on to drivers.


  • No (default)
    Do not pass the Express Check fee on to the driver.

  • Yes
    Pass the Express Check fee on to the driver.

Additional Notes

This setting is specific to the handling of Express Check fees. It does not apply to any other fees.


Applies to



This setting allows you to set a dollar amount that represents the fee to be charged to a company driver for a cash advance. The default value is 0 (zero). If you enter a value other than zero, the Fee= setting is overridden. The company driver will be charged the value specified in this setting and vendor’s fee specified by the AddCmpAdvFee= setting as the total fee for an advance.


  • 0 (default)

  • A numeric value


Applies to



This setting allows you to set a dollar amount that represents the fee to be charged to a company driver for a fuel purchase. The default value is 0 (zero). If you enter a value other than zero, the Fee= setting is overridden. The company driver will be charged the value specified in this setting and the vendor’s fee specified by the AddCmpFuelFee= setting as the total fee for a fuel purchase.


  • 0 (default)

  • A numeric value


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 14.20.122


This setting determines whether the system will create pay details for miscellaneous fuel card charges and assign them to the owner/operator who made the purchase.


  • N (default)
    The system will not create pay details for miscellaneous fuel card purchases.

  • Y
    The system will create pay details for miscellaneous fuel purchases and assign them to the owner/operator who made the purchase.

    Note: Because the cost is deducted from the owner/operator’s pay, the pay detail would show a negative amount.


Applies to



This setting specifies the default EFS Account Code number the system should use when you create a pay detail for a Transcheck advance made for a driver in the Advances/Misc Labor window. You must enter the Account Code exactly as it appears in the Advances/Fuel Import Interface’s Account Code/Customer Code Maintenance window.


This setting is blank by default.


Applies to



This setting specifies the default EFS Customer Code number the system should use when you create a pay detail for a Transcheck advance made for a driver in the Advances/Misc Labor window. You must enter the Customer Code exactly as it appears in the Advances/Fuel Import Interface’s Account Code/Customer Code Maintenance window.

Note: EFS uses the term "branch" to identify your Customer Code.


This setting is blank by default.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will ignore the validation of employee IDs when importing the Express Check invoice file.


  • N (default)
    The system will try to match the employee IDs in the Express Check invoice file with driver IDs in the TMWSuite database.

    Note: Only records for which the system found a match will display on the Entries tab in the Comdata Express Check Invoice Import window. Records for which no match is found will display on the Errors tab.

  • Y
    The system will not attempt to match the employee IDs in the Express Check invoice file with driver IDs in the TMWSuite database.

    Note: When this option is used, imported data will display on the Entries tab in the Comdata Express Check Invoice Import window.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will ignore the validation of unit numbers when importing the Express Check invoice file.


  • N (default)
    The system will try to match the unit numbers in the Express Check invoice file with tractor IDs in the TMWSuite database.

    Note: Only records for which the system found a match will display on the Entries tab in the Comdata Express Check Invoice Import window. Records for which no match is found will display on the Errors tab.

  • Y
    The system will not attempt to match the unit numbers in the Express Check invoice file with tractor IDs in the TMWSuite database.

    Note: When this option is used, imported data will display on the Entries tab in the Comdata Express Check Invoice Import window.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will ignore the validation of trips when importing the Express Check invoice file.


  • N
    The system will try to match the trips in the Express Check invoice file with trips in the TMWSuite database.

    Note: Only records for which the system found a match will display on the Entries tab in the Comdata Express Check Invoice Import window. Records for which no match is found will display on the Errors tab.

  • Y
    The system will not attempt to match the trips in the Express Check invoice file with trips in the TMWSuite database.

    Note: When this option is used, imported data will display on the Entries tab in the Comdata Express Check Invoice Import window.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will create payable invoices for EFS transactions.


  • N (default)
    Do not create payable invoices for EFS transactions.

  • Y
    Create payable invoices for EFS transactions.

    Note: To use this option, you must also have [FuelServ]MakeGPPayable=Yes in your TTS50. When you do, the GP Payable check box is available in the Fuel Purchase/Advance Import window. The system creates EFS payable invoices only when the check box is selected.

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable only if you are licensed for both these add-on modules:

  • The Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface, with EFS as your vendor

  • TMWSuite’s Dynamics GP Integration


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will process "Idle Air" purchases from EFS as pay details for company drivers and owner/operators.


  1. "Idle Air" purchases provide air conditioning to tractors without burning the tractor’s fuel.

  2. In TMWSuite, owner/operators can be paid as drivers or tractors.

    • A driver is flagged as an owner/operator by an entry of Accts Payable in the Actg Type field in his/her profile.

    • A tractor is flagged as an owner/operator by an entry of Accts Payable in the Accounting Type field in its profile.


  • N (default)
    The system will not create pay details for "idle air" purchases. Instead, it will treat them as miscellaneous purchases.

    Note: When this option is used, the system will look for the COMMISC=Y setting in the [FuelServ] section of your TTS50.ini file to determine whether it should process "idle air" purchases as miscellaneous purchases.

  • Y
    The system will create pay details for "idle air" purchases by company drivers and owner/operators.

    Note: When this option is used, the system will ignore the COMMISC=Y setting in the [FuelServ] section of your TTS50.ini file.


Applies to



This setting is used to specify the IP Address of the EFS server used to process real time card transactions. This address is used when the UNVCARD pay type is selected in the Advances/Misc Labor window. The window will send a real time credit or debit to the corresponding card in EFS.


The default is to leave this setting blank.


Applies to



This setting is used to specify the PORT the EFS server uses to listen for real time card transactions. This port is used when the UNVCARD pay type is selected in the Advances/Misc Labor window. The window will send a real time credit or debit to the corresponding card in EFS.


-1 (default)


Applies to

TMW Operations V. 2019.2


This setting tells the system which date to map to the cfb_transactiondate. It is applicable when you process EFS Interactive fuel data that contains both a transaction date and a Point of Sale (POS) date.


  • N (default)
    The system uses the transaction date.

  • Y
    The system uses the POS date.


Applies to



This setting allows you to set a dollar amount that represents the total fee to be charged to the driver/owner operator for a transaction. The default value is 0 (zero), which means that only fees charged by the vendor are to be applied. If you enter a value other than 0, the difference between the value specified in this setting and the fee charged by the vendor will be placed in the Fee 2 field on the Pay Details tab.

For example, this entry is set as Fee=5, the vendor charges $1.50 for a fuel purchase: the Fee 1 field will display $1.50, and the Fee 2 field will display $3.50, to equal the total $5 specified.

Note: The resource accounting type determines where the fee is applied, i.e., to the tractor or the driver.


0 (default)


Applies to



By default, the Advances/Fuel Import Interface does not apply GL Reset Rules based on tractor ID. Use this setting to allow a GL reset based on the tractor assigned to the trip associated with the transaction.


  • Y (default)
    Allow the tractor ID to determine the GL account number for the transaction.


    1. To use this option, you must have [FuelServ]IgnoreTrips=No in your TTS50. The system looks at the trip ID to determine the tractor. If trip IDs are ignored and the tractor is not identified, the tractor ID-based reset does not work.

    2. You must have tractor-ID based GL reset rules defined. For more information, see:

      Guide: TMWSuite Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration | Chapter: Working with General Ledger numbers | Section: Using Tractor IDs to determine accounts payable GL numbers

  • N
    Do not allow the tractor ID to determine the GL account number for the transaction.

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable only if you are licensed for both these add-on modules:

  • The Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface

  • TMWSuite’s Dynamics GP Integration


Applies to



This setting tells the system to ignore validation errors related to cards.


  • No (default)
    The system should not ignore validation errors for cards.

  • Yes
    The system should ignore validation errors for cards.


Applies to



This setting tells the system to ignore validation errors related to drivers.


  • No (default)
    Indicates the system should not ignore validation errors for drivers.

    Note: The system will perform three checks to validate the driver ID provided by the vendor’s file. It will stop searching once it finds the driver ID. The checks are done in the following order:

    1. Verifies that the driver ID supplied by the vendor’s file exists in the TMWSuite database. It will not verify that the driver was assigned to a trip at the time of the transaction date.

    2. Looks at the fuel card assignment to get the driver ID. If no driver is recorded on the card, the driver provided in the vendor’s file will be determined to be invalid.

    3. If the driver cannot be determined from the first three checks, the system will determine that the driver ID provided by the vendor’s file is invalid. The record will display on the Errors tab.

  • Yes
    Indicates the system should ignore validation errors for drivers.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will check the transaction date on fuel purchase records against the date of the expiration that retired the tractor associated with the fuel purchase. If the transaction date is the same as, or later than the retirement date, the system will ignore the fuel purchase record.


  • Yes (default)
    The system will not check the fuel purchase transaction date against the tractor’s retirement date.

  • No
    The system will check the fuel purchase transaction date against the tractor’s retirement date. If the transaction date is the same as, or later than the retirement date, the fuel purchase record will display on the Errors tab of the Fuel Purchase/Advance Import window in the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface.

    Note: A fuel purchase record associated with a retired tractor can be manually selected for processing by selecting its Update radio button on the Errors tab.


Applies to



This setting tells the system to ignore validation errors related to tractors.


  • No
    Indicates the system should not ignore validation errors for tractors.

    Note: The system will perform four checks to validate the tractor ID provided by the vendor’s file. It will stop searching once it finds the tractor ID. The checks are done in the following order:

    1. Verifies that the tractor ID supplied by the vendor’s file exists in the TMWSuite database. It will not verify that the tractor was assigned to a trip at the time of the transaction date.

    2. Looks at the fuel card assignment to get the tractor ID. If no tractor is recorded on the card, the tractor provided in the vendor’s file will be determined to be invalid.

    3. Checks the value of the TractorFromTrip= setting.

      • If the setting has a value of Yes, it will look for the tractor assigned to the driver at the time of the transaction date. The driver ID must be valid.

      • If the setting has a value of No, no further checking will be done.

    4. If the tractor cannot be determined from the first three checks, the system will determine that the tractor ID provided by the vendor’s file is invalid. The record will display on the Errors tab.

  • Yes
    Indicates the system should ignore validation errors for tractors.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.02_11.0158 and later


When fuel and advances are processed in the Fuel Purchase/Advance Import window, the system creates pay details for transactions. Transactions are linked with trips. This setting determines whether the system verifies the validity of a transaction’s trip number.


  • Yes (default)
    Set every trip number to 0 (zero); do not check for the existence of a trip.

    Note: Pay details with no trip number are automatically marked as Released. They show only in the Final Settlements folder.

  • No
    Make sure every trip is valid; look up a trip for entries with no trip supplied.


    1. The system will perform three checks to find the trip. It will stop searching once it finds one. If no valid trip is found, the trip number provided by the vendor will be cleared to eliminate the misconception that the trip number from the vendor is valid. The record will display on the Errors tab.

      The checks are done in the following order:

      1. Looks for a trip based on the driver, tractor, and trip number provided in the vendor’s file. It will look for either an order number or a move number that matches the trip number from the vendor.

      2. Looks for a trip that has either the driver or the tractor assigned to it and that has a start date that is earlier than the transaction date and an end date that is later than the transaction date. The trip must have a status of Started or Completed.

      3. Looks for the trip with the earliest start date that has either the driver or the tractor assigned to it and that has an end date after the transaction date. The trip must have a status of Started or Completed.

    2. Pay details with a valid trip number show in the Trip Settlement folder.

  • Invalid
    Use trip numbers that are supplied and valid; do not try to find a trip when one is not supplied.

  • Reset
    Do not use the trip data supplied by the fuel vendor file. Perform the following check sequence to find the trip:

    1. Look for a Started or Completed trip that has a begin date prior to the fuel purchase and an end date after the fuel purchase.

    2. If none is found, look for the first Started or Completed trip that is assigned to the asset after the transaction date.

    3. If none is found, look for the next Started or Completed empty move on which the asset is assigned.

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable when you are licensed for the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface.


Applies to



This setting gives the designation for the Fuel Service vendor.


  • Comdata (default)

  • EFS

  • GasBoy

  • Husky (CA)

  • Husky (US)

  • MultiService

  • Penske

  • Petro (CA)

  • Petro (US)

  • T-Chek

  • TCH

  • TransPlatinum


Applies to



This setting determines whether the GP Payable check box is shown in these windows:

  • Fuel Purchase/Advance Import

  • Comdata Express Check Invoice Report Import

When the GP Payable check box is selected, the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface will automatically create a payable invoice for the transaction file from which you have created and saved pay details.


  • No (default)
    The GP Payable check box is not shown.

  • Yes
    The GP Payable check box is shown.


    1. This option also controls the appearance of two additional tabs in the import windows:

      • The GP Payable tab shows the payable invoice data.

      • The GP Errors tab shows any errors that occur when the payable invoice is created.

    2. This option adds the Payto and Payable Account fields to the Fuel Import Layout window.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is applicable only if you are licensed for both these add-on modules:

    • The Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface

    • TMWSuite’s Dynamics GP Integration

  2. This setting is not applicable if your vendor is EFS. For EFS, you must have [FuelServ]EFSgppayable=Y in your TTS50.


Applies to



This setting determines whether express cash advances should interface with the MOTRS express cash batch application, which can be used to update Express Cash cards with advances.


  • No (default)
    Do not update the express cash batch files.

    Note: These are the ecb.mdb files from Comdata.

  • Yes
    Update the express cash batch files.

    Note: These are the ecb.mdb files from Comdata.

  • MOTRS3
    Update the express cash batch Version 3 files.


Applies to



This setting tells the system to convert the tractor number to integers before performing the lookup.


  • Yes (default)
    Convert the tractor number to integers.

  • No
    Do not convert the tractor number to integers.


Applies to



This setting allows you to set a dollar amount that represents the fee to be charged to an Accounts Payable resource for a cash advance. The default value is 0 (zero). If you enter a value other than zero, the Fee= setting is overridden. The owner/operator will be charged the value specified in this setting and the vendor’s fee specified by the AddOOAdvFee= setting as the total fee for an advance.


0 (default)


Applies to



This setting allows you to set a dollar amount that represents the fee to be charged to an Accounts Payable resource for a fuel purchase. The default value is 0 (zero). If you enter a value other than zero, the Fee= setting is overridden. The owner/operator will be charged the value specified in this setting and the vendor’s fee specified by the AddOOFuelFee= setting as the total fee for a fuel purchase.


0 (default)


Applies to



This setting names the default pay detail type to be created for fuel purchases/advances.


  • TRC (default)
    Tractor pay details

  • DRV
    Driver pay details

  • AUTO
    The system is to determine whether the pay detail is a driver or a tractor pay detail, based on the driver accounting type.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the fee for an advance will be passed on to payroll drivers.


  • No (default)
    Pass the fee for advances on to payroll drivers

  • Yes
    Do not pass the fee for advances on to payroll drivers


Applies to



When the system is set up to create payable invoices automatically, it creates separate invoices for the vendor and each truck stop identified as a direct pay entity. You identify a truck stop as direct pay in its profile, using the Fuel Stop Payto field. For each direct pay truck stop, you also record the GL account number you use to track fuel liability. You use the Payable Account field to do this.

This setting determines whether the Fuel Stop Payto and Payable Account fields are shown in the Truck Stop Entry window.


  • No (default)
    Do not display the Fuel Stop Payto and Payable Account fields.

  • Yes
    Display the Fuel Stop Payto and Payable Account fields.

    Note: To use this option, you must have [FuelServ]MakeGPPayable=Yes in your TTS50.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is applicable only if you are licensed for both these add-on modules:

    • The Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface

    • TMWSuite’s Dynamics GP Integration

  1. You access the Truck Stop Entry window in the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface. Select Fuel Maintenance > Fuel Truck Stops. If you are licensed for the Comdata Interactive Integration add-on module, it is also available in the File Maintenance, Dispatch, and Settlements applications.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will create pay details for reefer fuel when the purchase was made by an owner/operator.

Note: In TMWSuite, owner/operators can be paid as drivers or tractors.

  • A driver is flagged as an owner/operator by an entry of Accts Payable in the Actg Type field in his/her profile.

  • A tractor is flagged as an owner/operator by an entry of Accts Payable in the Accounting Type field in its profile.


  • N (default)
    Pay details will be created for reefer fuel purchases made by an owner/operator.

  • Y
    Pay details will not be created for reefer fuel purchases made by an owner/operator.

    Note: Fuel Purchase records for reefer fuel will be created.


Applies to



This setting is used to select the Fuel Purchase check box as the default for processing.


  • Yes (default)
    The Fuel Purchases check box is selected by default when the application is opened.

  • No
    Users must manually select the Fuel Purchases check box when they want to process fuel.


Applies to



This setting is used to select the Pay Detail check box as the default for processing.


  • Yes (default)
    The Pay Detail check box is selected by default when the application is opened.

  • No
    Users must manually select the Pay Detail check box when they want to process pay.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the GP Payable check box is selected by default in the Fuel Purchase/Advance Import window.


  • No (default)
    The GP Payable check box is cleared by default, but can be selected.

  • Yes
    The GP Payable check box is selected by default, but can be cleared.

    Note: To use this option, you must have the MakeGPPayable=Yes setting in the [FuelServ] section.

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable only if you are licensed for both these add-on modules:

  • The Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface.

  • TMWSuite’s Great Plains Integration


Applies to



When fuel and advances are processed in the Fuel Purchase/Advance Import window, the system creates pay details for transactions. This setting tells the system to write the amount from the rebate field as a negative amount in the Fee 2 field. When the fuel purchase pay detail is created, the system subtracts the discount from the amount the driver owes for fuel.


  • No (default)
    Do not look at the rebate field for an amount.

  • Yes
    Write the rebate amount, as a negative, to the Fee 2 field.

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable when you are licensed for the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import interface.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.16.20.191 and later


Use this setting to prevent giving owner/operators the reefer rebate twice when you have [FuelServ]RebateProgram=YES in your TTS50.

This setting applies when your fuel vendor reports tractor and reefer discounts separately.


  • N (default)
    The feature is not active. The reefer fuel invoice price is imported.

  • Y
    The feature is active. The reefer fuel retail price is imported.


Applies to



This setting is used to release deductions when the trip has already been released.


  • No (default)
    When a valid trip number is assigned, the pay detail will be given a status of Hold.

  • Yes
    When a valid trip number is assigned to a pay detail and other pay details for the trip are already released, release this pay detail.


Applies to



This setting is used to apply the fuel fee to the fuel purchase and the advance fee to the advance.


  • No (default)
    Combine the fees and apply them to the advance.

  • Yes
    Apply the fuel fee to tractor fuel purchase and the advance fee to advances.


Applies to



This setting is used to specify the path to your TCH_Interface.exe file. For example:

TCHCardMaintFilePath=C:\Program Files\TMW Systems,Inc\ TMWSuite\Dispatch\TCH_Interface.exe

This setting is applicable only when the TCH Interactive license has been applied to your TMWSuite database.


The default is to leave this setting blank.


Applies to



This setting is used to specify the server address to which the interactive integration interface will connect to TCH’s Interactive Card Maintenance. This address is provided to your company by TCH. The value is numeric, and is entered in the format shown here:


The default is to leave this setting blank.


Applies to



This setting is used to specify the port to which the interactive integration interface will connect to TCH’s Interactive Card Maintenance. This address is provided to your company by TCH. The value is four numbers.


The default is to leave this setting blank.


Applies to



When creating a card advance for a tractor, determine the tractor ID based on the ID of the driver who was driving the tractor at the time the advance was issued.


  • No (default)
    The system will create the card advance detail for the driver.

  • Yes
    The system is to look at the date of the trip to determine the ID of the tractor the driver was using and create the card advance detail for the tractor.


Applies to



Activates TCH Interactive Integration features in the Advances/Fuel Import application.


  • N (default)
    TCH Interactive Integration features do not appear in the application.

  • Y
    TCH Interactive Integration features appear in the application.

[IntegrationService] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.40


Use this setting to provide the location of the TMW Integration Service that calls 3GTMS.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No communication with 3GTMS is available.

  • User-specified location
    Communication with 3GTMS is enabled.

    Enter the server IP address or host name, followed by TMWIntegrationService.

    For example, if your server IP address is, the entry should read:


Additional Notes

  1. Your TMWSuite database must contain the INTERSERVICE_RATING license.

  2. The 3GTMS Rating Integration service must be installed.


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.50


Some orders you submit to 3G-TM for Advanced Mode Planning may have a trailer type specified. Trailer types are specified on the order header. You can set up the system to allow an entry in the TrailerType1-4 fields.

Use this setting to pass a trailer type as a 3G-TM Available Equipment Order Constraints when submitting orders for Advanced Mode Planning. Only one trailer type can be passed.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No trailer type is passed to 3G-TM.

  • User specified trailer type
    Enter the numeric value for the trailer type that will be passed. For example, to send the TrailerType1 field value as a restriction, enter 1.

    Note: When you use this option, you must have Available Equipment profiles set up in 3G-TM. The constraint name in 3G-TM must match the Abbr field value in the label defining the trailer type you want to use.

Additional Notes

  1. Your TMWSuite database must contain the INTERSERVICE_OPTIMIZATION license.

  2. The 3G-TM Integration service must be installed.


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.50


Some orders you submit to 3G-TM for Advanced Mode Planning may have load requirements that are must conditions. In TMW, only assets that meet the requirements can be assigned. Use this setting to pass these must conditions as 3G-TM Compatibility Profiles parameters when submitting orders for Advanced Mode Planning.

Note: This setting does not apply to load requirements that are should conditions.


  • No (default)
    Load requirements are not applied in 3G-TM as Compatibility Profiles parameters.

  • Yes
    Load requirements are applied in 3G-TM as Compatibility Profiles parameters.

    Notes: When you use this option, you must have Compatibility Profiles set up in 3G-TM that match the load requirements. The constraint name in 3G-TM must match the Abbr field value in the label defining the tractor/trailer accessory or driver/carrier qualification you want to use.

Additional Notes

  1. Your TMWSuite database must contain the INTERSERVICE_OPTIMIZATION license.

  2. The 3G-TM Integration service must be installed.


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.40


When 3GTMS Rating evaluates the time recorded for a trip as not feasible, it will not return rates. Use this setting to exclude a trip’s delivery date from the information sent to 3GTMS when requesting rates for a trip.


  • Y (default)
    Include the trip’s delivery date in the rating request.

  • N
    Exclude the trip’s delivery date in the rating request.

[MileageInterface] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


This setting is used to calculate the amount of time needed to travel from point to point, based on an average number of miles per hour. Using the default setting of 45, if the distance between pickup and delivery is 90 miles, the estimated travel time, without an interim stop, would be two hours (90 miles divided by 45 mph = 2 hours).


  • 45 (default)
    Specifies the speed 45 mph as the speed to be used in calculating the ETA.

  • User-defined miles per hour
    Make your entry as a whole number.

  • 0
    Turns off the ETA calculation.

Additional Notes

The MileageDateTime=Yes setting in the [Operations] section of the TTS50.ini file is required to have the system automatically calculate ETA.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the mileage lookups performed by an interface will include extended routing options. The bracketed number in the setting indicates a specific mileage interface. Each mileage interface can have its own ExOptions[x]= setting, and each interface’s ExOptions[x]= setting has no impact on any other interface.


  1. This setting works in conjunction with the Xface[x]=, Type[x]=, and Path[x]= INI settings.

  2. This setting is followed by a number in brackets that serves as the unique identifier for each mileage interface, e.g., the ExOptions[1]= setting affects only the first mileage interface, ExOptions[2]= affects only the second interface, etc.

  3. Each available option in this setting can only be used with one mileage application. ExOptions[x]= options used for ALK will not work for IntelliRoute, and vice versa.

  4. No ExOptions[x]= options will work for Rand MileMaker interfaces.

  5. Changing an interface’s ExOptions[x]= option does not cause the system to overwrite existing mileage data for that interface in the TMWSuite mileage database. You must delete existing mileage data for an interface from the TMWSuite mileage database if you change the option for this setting.

Options for ALK

The following extended options will work only with ALK’s PC*MILER or PC*MILER|Streets:

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Routing provided by ALK’s Practical or Shortest lookup is determined by settings in the ALK application. The ExOption[x] setting does not affect this routing.

  • T
    Use Toll Discouraged routing.

  • N
    Use National Network routing.

  • F
    Use 53-foot Trailer routing.

  • TN
    Use combination of Toll Discouraged and National Network routing.

  • TF
    Use combination of Toll Discouraged and 53-foot Trailer routing.

  • I
    Specifies that an open borders route may be used, i.e., one that crosses international borders. The I option can be used alone, or added after T, N, F, TN, or TF (without comma separator); for example:


  • X
    Specifies that a closed borders route must be used, i.e., one that does not cross international borders. The X option can be used alone, or added after T, N, F, TN, or TF (without comma separator); for example:



  1. To use ExOptions[x]= options with an ALK interface, the Type[x]= value of the interface must be either P (Practical) or S (Shortest).

  2. National Network (N) and 53-foot Trailer (F) routings cannot be combined.

  3. If neither I nor X is specified, the borders are set as specified in the Borders= `setting in the `[Defaults] section of the pcmserve.ini file. By default, this file is located in your C:\Windows folder.

Options for Rand McNally IntelliRoute Deluxe

The following extended options work only with Rand McNally’s IntelliRoute Deluxe, V.10-1-2005 or higher:

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Routing provided by Rand McNally IntelliRoute Deluxe is determined by settings in the Rand McNally application. The ExOption[x] setting does not affect this routing.

  • CanadianBorder=
    Options are ON (prohibit travel through Canada) and OFF (permit travel through Canada).

  • TollRoadBias=
    Enter a number between 0 (always prefer toll roads) and 100 (always avoid toll roads).

  • TollRoadAvoid=
    Options are 0 (override the TollRoadBias= setting when calculating a Lowest Cost route) and 1 (do not override the setting).

  • TruckLength=
    Options are 0 (only use roads limited to trailers up to 48 feet long) and 1 (also use roads that permit trailers up to 53 feet long).

  • TruckWidth=
    Options are 0 (only use roads limited to tractors up to 96 inches wide) and 1 (also use roads that permit tractors up to 102 inches wide).

  • GreenBand=
    Options are ON (exclude roads with physical restrictions) and OFF (include roads with physical restrictions).

If the Type[x]= option for an IntelliRoute interface is either LB - Lowest Cost With SMB, or LR - Lowest Cost Only, these extended options can also be used for that interface:

  • CostOfTime
    Enter the average cost in dollars per hour.

    Note: To look up toll costs for a mileage interface using the LB or LR option, you must also enter a CostOfTime= value in the ExOptions[x]= setting for that interface.

  • FuelCost
    Enter the average fuel cost in dollars per gallon.

  • MaintenanceCost
    Enter the average maintenance cost in dollars per mile.

  • AvgFuelEfficiency
    Enter the average fuel efficiency in miles per gallon.

Note: All ExOptions[x]= options for IntelliRoute are entered in key=value pairs separated by a comma. For example:

ExOptions[6]=CanadianBorder=ON,TollRoadBias=55,TruckLength=1,TruckWidth=1, CostOfTime=64.40,AvgFuelEfficiency=6.20,FuelCost=2.35, MaintenanceCost=0.17


Applies to



This optional setting species which ALK mileage application an interface will use. Each mileage interface can have its own Version[x]= setting.

Specify the mileage interface number in the [x] portion. The value of this setting must match the key name for the ALK mileage application in the PCMMV.ini file.

For example, in the entry for PC*MILER version 18 the PCMMV.ini file is [PCMiler 180]. To use this mileage application for mileage interface three, the entry would look like this:



The default is to leave this setting blank.

Additional Notes

To use this setting, you must:

  • Have ALK’s PC*MILER|Multiple Version Switch for Windows installed.

  • Have the MVSInstalled=Y setting in the [PCMilerMap] section of your TTS50.ini file.

    If MVSInstalled=Y and an interface’s Version[x]= setting is missing or blank, the system will use the default ALK mileage application specified in the PCMMV.ini file.

    If MVSInstalled=N, the Version[x]= setting is ignored for all mileage interfaces.


Applies to



Three settings must exist for each mileage interface you are using:

  • XFace[x]

  • Type[x]

  • Path[x]

If you are using interfaces to server installations of Rand MileMaker, you must also have a fourth setting, Response[x].

A number in brackets follows each of these settings. This number serves as the unique identifier for a specific interface. The system uses these numbers to distinguish between mileage interfaces. You use them as options for the settings contained in the [MileageType] section.

For example, suppose you have these entries in the [MileageInterface] section of your TTS50:

XFace[2]=A - ALK
Type[2]=P - Practical

If you have [MileageType]Billing=2, the system will use the ALK mileage interface’s practical mileage calculation method to determine billing miles on orders.

Options for XFace[x]=

Identifies the mileage application the interface will use. The options are:

  • A - ALK

  • P - Rand MileMaker

  • I - Rand IntelliRoute

  • M - Manual

Note: You can also use just the first letter of an option as your entry for a setting. For example, an entry for Rand MileMaker could be just the single character, P.

Options for Type[x]=

Identifies the mileage calculation method the interface will use. Each option can be used only with certain mileage applications.

The following options can only be used with ALK (XFace[x]=A) and Rand MileMaker (XFace[x]=P):

  • P - Practical

  • S - Shortest

The following options can only be used with ALK (XFace[x]=A):

  • N - National

  • T - Toll Discouraged

  • F - Fifty Three

  • A - Air Miles

The following options can only be used with Rand IntelliRoute (XFace[x]=I):

  • HA - MM HHG Audit

  • HB - MM HHG Full

  • LB - Lowest Cost With SMB

  • LR - Lowest Cost Only

  • MI - MM HHG Mileage

  • PB - MM Practical with SMB

  • PM - MM Practical Mileage

  • PR - MM Practical Only

  • QB - Quickest with SMB

  • QM - Quickest Mileage

  • QR - Quickest Only

The following option can only be used with manual interfaces (XFace[x]=M):

  • A - Actual (hub)

Note: You can also use just the initial letter(s) of an option as your entry for a setting. For example, an entry for Shortest could be just the single character S, and an entry for Lowest Cost with SMB could be just the characters LB.

Options for Path[x]=

Identifies the installed location of the mileage program used by the interface. The options are:

  • 'DLL'
    Use this option for local installations of ALK. You must enclose your entry in single quotes.

    Use this option for local installations of Rand MileMaker. You must enclose your entry in single quotes.

  • User-defined path
    Enter the path to the LAN Interface’s request folder. For example, Path[1]=r:\mmaker32\request.

    Do not include spaces in your entry.

  • tmwutil
    This option is used for LAN Server installations of IntelliRoute.

    Note: TMWSuite’s interface to IntelliRoute was developed for LAN Server installations of IntelliRoute. Interfaces to IntelliRoute may not work for standalone installations, that is, with IntelliRoute installed on the same computer as TMWSuite.

Options for Response[x]=

This setting is used only for server installations of Rand MileMaker. Enter the path to the LAN Interface’s response folder. For example, Response[1]=r:\mmaker32\ans_dir.

Do not include spaces in your entry.

[MileageType] settings


Applies to



When a check call is recorded, the system calculates the ETA at the next stop using the time and location of the check call. This setting specifies the number identifying the mileage interface used for the calculation.

The mileage interface must use latitude and longitude to determine the location of the check call.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The mileage interface defined as default is used for mileage lookups for check calls.

  • Number of the mileage interface you want to use
    For example, if you plan to use ALK Shortest, look for the [MileageInterface]XFACE[#] setting that represents ALK Shortest. Note the number in brackets, and enter that number for the [MileageType]CheckCalls setting. For example, CheckCalls=1.

  • N
    Disable mileage lookups for check calls.

Additional Notes

The ETA of the next stop is displayed in the Check Calls window and the Check Calls tab, located in the Dispatch Trip Folder.

[Misc] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: V.2003.03_03.0463 and later, CRM Right, TMW Operations


This setting applies when credit checking is active. It determines whether the system will allow a user to save an order when the Bill To is not credit-worthy, e.g., a credit history exists and the customer does not have enough credit available to book the load.


  • N (default)
    Show the Bill To’s credit information in the Credit Warning window. Allow the user to override the warning and book the order. Log the override action in the tts_errorlog table.

  • Y
    Display a warning message, but allow the order to be booked.

  • X
    Do not allow the order to be booked. Do not show the Bill To’s credit information.

  • P
    Display the Password window. If the user enters the correct password, allow the order to be booked.


    1. You record the override password in the String1 field of the FailedCreditCheckPswd setting in the General Info Table.

    2. When you use this option, the system will ignore the [Misc]WhenNoCreditHistory setting.

    3. Before V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performed an additional credit check each time you saved an existing order. Starting with V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performs an additional credit check only when you make changes to the line haul or accessorial charges on an order.

Additional Notes

  1. To activate credit checking, you must have [Misc]CreditCheckOn=Y in your TTS50.

  2. In TMWSuite, credit checking is supported in Order Entry, the Dispatch Trip Folder, and in the Project Dispatch and Agent Order Entry add-on modules.

  3. In TMW Operations, credit checking is supported in the Order Maintenance and Trip Folder windows.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.30


This setting identifies the location and name of the SSRS report used as the default load confirmation for all carriers.

Note: If you want some carriers to receive different confirmations, you can override the default for those carries in their profiles. You use the Path field in the EDI/Confirm section. It is located on the Additional Info tab.


  • Blank, that is, no entry
    No default load confirmation will be generated.

    Note: If you leave this setting blank, you must identify a report name/location in each carrier’s profile.

  • User-specified path
    Default load confirmations are based on this report.

    For example:


    Note: An entry in the carrier’s profile will override this setting.

Additional Notes

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.30


TMW Operations uses SSRS reports as load confirmations. They reside on a report server. Use this setting to identify the location of your company’s SSRS report server.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system will not use an SSRS report as a load confirmation.

  • User-specified path
    Enter the URL of your company’s SSRS report server.

    For example:

    http://<ReportServer location>/reportserver

    Note: Your entry applies to any new carrier profiles you create. It appears in the URL field in the EDI/Confirm section of the Additional Info tab.

Additional Notes

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2018.4


This setting allows you to save menu options without tying them to a window layout.


  • N (default)
    Use the factory default menu layout.

  • Y
    Use the menu layout saved when the user selected Save Menu for User or Save Menu for Group.

    Warning: Use caution when applying this setting. If you add an option to a menu that is available for menus on other windows, that option appears on those menus as well.

Additional Notes

  1. When creating menu layouts, you must only have one window open at a time.

  2. Save the menu layout before opening a window.

  3. You may need to close and reopen the application for menu changes to apply.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You use field-level validation to restrict the value that can be saved in a field. For example, you can require that a field contain certain information or that it not be left blank. Field-level validation is on by default. Use this setting to disable it.


  • N (default)
    Field-level validation is enabled. All existing rules will be validated. New rules for restricting field values can be created.

  • Y
    Field-level validation is disabled. Rules for restricting field values will not be validated. New rules cannot be created.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 3.125.51


This setting specifies the target profit percentage you want to make on a brokered load. The system uses this percentage to calculate the estimated profit and suggested pay amount for a trip in the Advanced Carrier Selection window.


  • Before TMWSuite V. 2010.09_08.0990: 12.5 (default)

  • TMWSuite V. 2010.09_08.0990 and later/TMW Operations 3.125.51 and later: 15 (default)

Additional Notes

The Advanced Carrier Selection window is available when you have the enhanced brokerage license. For more information, contact your TMW Sales representative.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 2020.1 and later


When cancelling an order, this setting determines whether you must log information about the cancellation.

  • In TMWSuite
    When cancelling an order in Order Entry or Dispatch, this setting determines whether an entry is required in either the Requested By field or the Remark field in the Order Cancel Log window.

  • In TMW Operations
    When cancelling an order in the Cancel Trip/Order window, this setting determines whether an entry is required in both the Requested By and the Cancel Reason fields.


  • No (default)
    Entry is not required.

  • Yes
    Entry is required.

    • For TMW Operations, the system logs the cancellation in the orderheader_cancel_log table.

    • For TMWSuite:

      • This option requires you to have [Misc]LogOrderCancel=Yes set in your TTS50.

      • This setting functions independently from the [Misc]CancelLogReasonRequired setting which allows you to require an entry in the Reason field on the Order Cancel Log window.


Applies to



This setting controls whether the system treats login passwords as case sensitive.

Note: This setting no longer applies to these applications:

  • TMW Operations, starting with 17.50

  • TMW Back Office, starting with 17.50

  • CRMRight, starting with 17.50

  • Fuel Dispatch, starting with 17.20

  • Inventory Services, starting with 17.20

  • eManifest, starting with 17.50

Starting with these versions, passwords that were created without case sensitivity must always be entered in upper case.


  • OFF (default)
    System stores password as all upper case.


    1. Although the system default is still OFF, TMW has opted to change the value in the installed TTS50 file to ON. If the setting is not present in your INI file, the system default of OFF will apply.

    2. When you use this option, you can log on to TMWSuite by typing your password in mixed case. The system accepts and processes the password as being entered in upper case.

    3. When using a TMW application password to log on to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later, you must type your password in upper case. Press the SHIFT key to do this.

    4. If you create a password using this option, but later switch to the ON option, you must type your password in upper case. Use the SHIFT key to do this. This applies to TMWSuite and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later).

  • ON
    System stores the password as it was entered.


    1. When logging on to TMWSuite or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later) using a TMW application password, you must use the case sensitive password.

    2. Passwords created using this option, will not work if either of these occur. If they do, contact your system administrator.

      • The setting is switched to the OFF option.

      • The setting is removed from your TTS50.

Additional Notes

If the system is set up to use Microsoft SQL Server standards for password complexity, passwords must contain at least one letter, one number, and one non-alphanumeric character, such as an exclamation point. The password must not contain your entire account name or display name.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Operations


Use this setting to activate the Cisco Click to Call application, which allows users to automatically call co-workers, business partners, and customers from their computer without entering telephone numbers.


  • F (default)
    Do not activate the Click to Call application.

    Note: Fields that display a phone number will not display the telephone icon.

  • T
    The Click to Call application has been installed and is activated.


    You must have the [TmwSuiteAddins]EnableInterface=Y in your TTS50.

    You must use the [Misc]ClickToCallPath setting in your TTS50 to indicate the path to the Click to Call application’s executable file.

    Fields that display a phone number will display the telephone icon.

Additional Notes

Click to Call requires that you are using the Cisco® Unified Communications Manager call-processing system.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Operations


Use this setting to indicate the path to the Click to Call application’s executable file on the user’s computer.


  • C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\Click to Call (default)

    1. This path is assigned by default during Click to Call installation.

    2. If you installed Click to Call in a different folder, enter the complete and correct path here.

Additional Notes

Click to Call requires that you are using the Cisco® Unified Communications Manager call-processing system.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines how the system will handle commodity descriptions in the order header.


  • Original (default)
    The code and description are bound together. If the code is UNKNOWN, a free-form description may be entered.

    For example:

    If you enter a commodity code, the system automatically supplies its description; the description field is not editable.

    If you leave the commodity code as UNKNOWN, you can enter a free-form description.

  • DescUnbind
    The code and description are independent. You may enter a commodity code with a free-form commodity description.

    For example:

    When you enter a commodity code, the system provides its description.

    You can click in the description field and enter a free-form description.

    You can leave the commodity code as UNKNOWN and enter a free-form description.

  • DescOnFile
    The code and description are bound, and only those on file may be used. You cannot enter a free-form commodity description.

    For example:

    When you enter a commodity code, the system automatically provides the description on file for that code.

    If you click in the description field and begin to type, the system will use its instant best match feature (if enabled) to display the first description matching the first letter you typed.

    When you tab out of the description field, the system will replace the original commodity code with the one on file for the new description.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2003.03_03.0226, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations 2019.1


When you record commodity sub codes, this setting allows you to specify this information for each sub code:

  • Valid pickup locations

  • Valid delivery locations

  • Suppliers

  • Trip dates

Each sub code can be handled by only those locations during the specified date ranges.

You record commodity sub codes in:

  • TMWSuite’s File Maintenance application

  • TMW Operations' Commodity Profile window, on the Sub Codes tab

See the Additional Notes for information about recording sub code restrictions.

  • TMWSuite
    When you save an order that includes a commodity sub code, this setting determines which location and date information is verified. For orders that do not meet the requirements, the system either issues a warning or prevents the order from being saved. This setting applies to orders created in Order Entry and the Dispatch Trip Folder.

  • Fuel Dispatch
    This setting is used with the Auto-fill Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch. It tells the Trailer Autoload window to use the density recorded for the commodity sub code instead of the density of the generic commodity.

    The setting options determine how the system behaves when an order includes a commodity sub code. If a match exists for the sub code, its density is used in the Trailer Autoload window to calculate weights. If no match exists, the generic commodity’s density is used.

    See the Additional Notes for information about other required settings.

  • TMW Operations
    When you save an order that includes a commodity sub code, this setting determines which location and date information is verified. For orders that do not meet the requirements, the system either issues a warning or prevents the order from being saved. This setting applies to orders created in Order Maintenance or the Trip Folder.

    This setting was available starting with versions 2019.1 through 2019.3, but functionality was limited to options provided in File Maintenance.


  • None (default)

    • TMWSuite and TMW Operations
      No location or date checking is performed. Any pickup or delivery locations set up for the commodity sub code are ignored.

    • Fuel Dispatch
      The commodity density for the generic (unblended) commodity is used in the Trailer Autoload window.

    When you save an order, the system checks the validity of the pickup from the shipper on the pickup date. If a sub code cannot be matched to the pickup location, a warning appears. The order is saved.

    When you save an order, the system checks the validity of the drop at the consignee on the delivery date. If a sub code cannot be matched to the drop location, a warning appears. The order is saved.

    When you save an order, the system performs both the WARNPUP and WARNDRP checks. See those option descriptions for details. The order is saved.

    When you save an order, the system performs the checks described for the WARNPUP option. You cannot save the order.

    When you save an order, the system performs the checks described for the WARNDRP option. You cannot save the order.

    When you save an order, the system performs both the ENFORCEPUP and ENFORCEDRP checks. See those option The order cannot be saved.

Additional Notes

  • TMWSuite
    Any option other than None adds menu commands that let you set up company product rules.

    The Edit > Pickup Locations and Edit > Delivery Locations commands are added in Commodity File Maintenance.

    The Edit > Products That May Be Shipped and Edit > Products That May Be Delivered commands are added in Company File Maintenance:

    If a shipper or consignee has not been specified as a pickup or delivery location for a commodity sub code, it is assumed that no restrictions apply for that company. No commodity check is performed for that company.

    If multiple products may be picked up and delivered for the dates on the order, a window displays the duplicate matches and lets you select one for the trip.

  • Fuel Dispatch
    To use the [Misc]CompanyProductsRule setting with the Auto-fill Autoloading feature in Fuel Dispatch, these settings are required:

    • In your TTS50:

      • [FuelDispatch]AutoloadMethod=2, 3, or 4

      • [FuelDispatch]DisplayAutoload=Y

      • [Misc]MaintainCommoditySubCodes=Y

    • In your General Info Table:

      • TrlConfigurationMgtOn must have Y in the String1 field.

      • JurisdictionLicense must have Y in the String1 field.

      • DistanceLookupVersion must have 2004 in the String1 field.

      • DistanceCacheByState must have Y in the String1 field.

      • DistanceCacheOneWay must have Y in the String1 field.

  • TMW Operations
    Any option other than None adds the Tools Maintenance > Company Product Maintenance menu command to the Tools menu. It opens the Company Product Maintenance window. Use this window to set up valid location and date range information for commodity sub codes.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


Use this setting to control which orders users can copy.

In TMWSuite, this setting applies to:

  • Order Entry

  • The Dispatch Trip Folder

  • The Agent Order Entry add-on module

It does not apply to the Order Scheduler or Ticket Order Entry add-on modules.

First available in V.2021.3
In TMW Operations, this setting applies to:

  • Order Entry

  • Trip Folder


  • N (default)
    All orders can be copied.

  • Y
    Only Master Orders can be copied.

    Note: If you try to copy an order that is not a master order, you will get an error message.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2007.06_10.0600 and later, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system will automatically create a carrier code from the carrier’s name and its city location. The system uses the first three letters of the carrier’s name, followed by the first three letters of the carrier’s city location as the ID. If the ID already exists, it adds two digits to the end.


  • No (default)
    The system will not generate a unique carrier ID.

  • Yes
    The system will automatically generate a unique carrier ID as soon as you make entries in the Name and City, St fields.

Additional Notes

Versions of TMWSuite earlier than build 2007.06_10.0600 will ignore this setting and cannot automatically generate a carrier ID.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW Operations


This setting activates credit checking. When it is active, the system performs a credit check on the Bill To company when you:

  • Save a new order

  • Change the line haul or accessorial charges on an existing order.

When credit checking is active, the system compares the total charges for unbilled orders and outstanding invoices against the credit limit set up in the Bill To company’s profile.


  • N (default)
    Do not perform a credit check on the Bill To.

  • Y
    Perform a credit check on the Bill To.

Additional Notes

  1. In TMWSuite, credit checking is supported in Order Entry, the Dispatch Trip Folder, and in the Project Dispatch and Agent Order Entry add-on modules.

  2. Before TMWSuite V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performed an additional credit check each time you saved an existing order. Starting with V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performs an additional credit check only when you make changes to the line haul or accessorial charges on an order.

  3. In TMW Operations, credit checking is supported in the Order Maintenance and Trip Folder windows.

  4. You can use the DispStatus and/or InvoiceStatus label to exclude orders from credit checking based on their dispatch or invoice status.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW Operations, TMW eManifest


This setting determines where the cursor will be positioned within a date/time field when the TAB key is used to enter the field.


  • 0 (default)
    Highlight the month and day (MMDD).

  • 1
    Place the cursor in the time section of the field.
    Note: Fields with genesis and apocalypse dates are exceptions.

    • In TMWSuite:
      For fields with 12/31/49 and 01/01/50, the system highlights the month and day (MMDD).

    • In TMW Operations, CRM Right, and TMW eManifest
      For fields with 12/31/49 and 01/01/50, the system highlights the entire field (MMDDYY HH:MM).

Additional Notes

  1. In TMW Operations, CRM Right, and TMW eManifest, this setting works in tandem with the [Misc]DateTimeTabInteraction setting to determine tabbing behavior.

  2. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

CRM Right, TMW Operations, TMW eManifest


This setting determines tabbing behavior from within a date/time field on a window or in a grid.


  • 0 (default)
    Pressing TAB inside a date/time field will select each part (MM/DD/YY HH:MM) of the date and time, then exit the field.

  • 1
    Pressing TAB within a date/time field will exit the field, regardless of the cursor position.

Additional Notes

  1. In TMW Operations, CRM Right, and TMW eManifest, this setting works in tandem with the DateTimeEditMode setting to determine tabbing behavior.

  2. TMWSuite does not support this setting.

  3. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the note type that is automatically used as the default in the Note Type field in the Notes window. The selection in the Note Type field determines the record to which a new note is attached.


  • Blank, that is, no entry

  • Company

  • Movement

  • Order

  • Driver

  • Tractor

  • Trailer

  • Carrier

Additional Notes

  1. If no value is recorded, or if the value recorded is not supported by the Notes window for the application in use, the system will default to the first option in the Note Type list.

  2. This setting is not supported for FuelTMS applications.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2019.4, TMW Operations 2019.4, TMW Back Office 2019.4


Allows you to set a default search method for the Reference Number Scroll window.

Note: This setting only applies the default option. Regardless of the search method you select, you can manually choose a different option in the scroll window.


  • LIKE (default)
    Perform a full wildcard search of the entered reference number. This is the broadest search option.

    Search for an exact match to the entered reference number. This is the most efficient search option.

    Search for reference numbers beginning with the numbers listed. This option is almost as efficient as the EXACT search method.

Additional Notes

To use the .NET version of the Reference Number Scroll window in Classic TMWSuite, you must apply the TMWSuite Addins feature and include the following settings in your TTS50:

  • [TmwSuiteAddins]EnableInterface=Y

  • [TmwSuiteAddins]EnableScrolls=Y


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.40


This setting is used to specify the path to your company’s location in SSRS of the delivery receipt report.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system will not access the delivery receipt report.

  • User-specified path
    For example:

    DeliveryReport=/SSRS Documents/SSRS_TEST_DR


Applies to

TMWSuite: V2012.11_07.0617 and later, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the location of the DirectRoute executable file on your computer. Identifying a file path allows you to launch DirectRoute from within a TMW application.


  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Appian\Direct Route\directroute.exe (default)
    The path to the executable that launches DirectRoute

    Note: This is the path if you accepted the default location when installing Appian DirectRoute.

  • User-specified location
    Enter the path to the folder and a file name that identifies the location of the executable file.

    Note: Your entry must specify a fully qualified path and file name to launch the application.

  • Blank, that is, no entry
    Leave this setting blank if you do not want to launch DirectRoute when sending orders to DirectRoute for optimization.

    Note: If you leave this setting blank, you must set [Misc]DirectRouteLaunch=N.

Additional Notes

  1. You must make an entry for this setting when you have [Misc]DirectRouteLaunch=Y in your TTS50.

  2. CRM Right and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: V2012.11_07.0617 and later, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether DirectRoute launches automatically when you send orders for optimization using the TMWSuite or TMW Operations DirectRoute Interface.


  • Y (default)
    Automatically launch Appian DirectRoute when you send orders for optimization.

    Note: When you use this option, you must specify the path for DirectRoute’s executable file in the [Misc]DirectRouteEXEPath setting in your TTS50.

  • N
    Do not launch DirectRoute automatically when you send orders for optimization. Use this option if you do not have DirectRoute installed on the same computer as TMWSuite or TMW Operations.

Additional Notes

CRM Right and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2012.11_07.0617 and later, TMW Operations


Use this setting to tell the TMWSuite DirectRoute integration module where to place the XML files used to transmit data between TMWSuite and Appian.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The integration module will place XML files in the Appian application folder.

  • User-specified location and file name
    Enter the path to the folder and a file name that identifies the terminal. The file must include the .xml extension.

    For example, if you used the default location during installation, the path would be: C:\Program Files (x86)\TMW Systems Inc\Appian\Direct Route\Request.xml

Additional Notes

CRM Right and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW.Suite Operations 2017.10


This setting specifies the number of days of PeopleNet Fleet Manager eDriver Logs data to be displayed.

Note: This setting requires that you have [Misc]ValidDriverLogDurationValuesForPFM=1,7,8,14,15 in your TTS50.


  • 7 (default)
    Show log data for today and the previous six days.

  • 1
    Show log data for today.

  • 8
    Show log data for today and the previous seven days.

  • 14
    Show log data for today and the previous 13 days.

  • 15
    Show log data for today and the previous 14 days.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


When creating an expiration in the Driver/Equipment Status window, the expiration’s beginning date is recorded in the Exp. Date field. This setting determines how many days before that beginning date the P1 and P2 indicators on the Planning Worksheet’s Driver tab should turn from green to yellow.

If no value is recorded for this setting, the system will use the value recorded in the ExpDate= setting, which is also in the [Misc] section.


Blank, that is, no entry (default)

Additional Notes

This setting affects only the P1 and P2 indicators on the Driver tab. It has no affect on the P1 and P2 indicators in the Trip Folder, the Asset Assignment window, or on the Tractor/Trip Segment tab.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines whether you can record a non-shipper company on a pickup stop or a non-consignee company on a drop stop.

It affects entries made in the:

  • AllStops tab in Order Maintenance

  • Stops tab in Trip Folder

Note: Selecting the Shipper and/or Consignee switches in the company’s profile determine whether a company is considered a shipper and/or consignee company.


  • N (default)
    Any company can be used as a pickup or drop stop in the stop grids.

  • Y
    Only companies with the Shipper switch selected can be uses as a pickup stop. Only companies with the Consignee switch selected can be used as a drop stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting does not affect the Shipper or Consignee fields on the Summary tab in Order Maintenance. Those fields always prevent a non-shipper company on a pickup stop or a non-consignee company on a drop stop.

  2. TMWSuite does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2019.3 and later


Activates the Prior Commodity Cleaning Validation feature. When it is activated, you can set up the system to alert you when a trailer requires cleaning because the commodity it carried on its previous load may contaminate the commodity it will carry on its next load.


  • N (default)
    Prior Commodity Cleaning Validation is not functional.

  • Y
    Prior Commodity Cleaning Validation feature is activated.

    When you use this option:

    • The Prior Commodity Cleaning command appears in the Tools > Tools Maintenance menu. The command opens the Prior Commodity Cleaning window. You use the window to list the commodity categories that require that the trailer be clean before they are loaded into it. You also build the matrix that identifies the types of cleaning required in this window.

    • The Commodity Category fields are accessible in the Commodity Profile window.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2005.04_10.0302


This setting determines whether the functionality that links TMWSuite File Maintenance profiles to TotalMail is enabled. When the feature is enabled, the Create in TotalMail check box, Create in TotalMail button, and Edit in TotalMail button display in File Maintenance profiles for drivers, tractors, and/or trailers. This allows you to create and modify records for TotalMail drivers, tractors, and trailers in TMWSuite.

Note: To enable this feature, TotalMail must be installed and the TOTALMAIL General Info Table setting must identify the name and location of your TotalMail database.


  • Y (default)
    Display the Create in TotalMail check box, Create in TotalMail button, and Edit in TotalMail button.

    Note: The Create in TotalMail check box also displays in the Add New Driver, Add New Tractor, and Add New Trailer windows. However, the Create in TotalMail check box never displays in those windows when they are accessed from the Advances/Fuel Purchases Import Interface. To keep TMWSuite and TotalMail in sync, you should not add resource profiles in this add-on application.

  • N
    Hide the Create in TotalMail check box, Create in TotalMail button, and the Edit in TotalMail button.

  • Drv
    First available in TMWSuite 2008.07_08.0506

    When you use this option, system behavior is determined by the existence of the driver profile in TMWSuite and TotalMail:

    • For new driver profiles, display the Create in TotalMail check box in the Driver File Maintenance window and make it selected by default.

    • For existing driver profiles that already have a profile in TotalMail, display the Edit in TotalMail button.

    • For existing driver profiles that do not have a profile in TotalMail, display the Create in TotalMail button.

    Note: The Create in TotalMail check box is not displayed in:

    • New tractor or trailer profiles. However, the Create in TotalMail button is displayed after you save the new tractor or trailer profile.

    • The Add Driver, Add Trailer, and Add Tractor windows.

  • Trc
    First available in TMWSuite 2008.07_08.0506

    When you use this option, system behavior is determined by the existence of the tractor profile in TMWSuite and TotalMail:

    • For new tractor profiles, display the Create in TotalMail check box in the Tractor File Maintenance window and make it selected by default.

    • For existing tractor profiles that already have a profile in TotalMail, display the Edit in TotalMail button.

    • For existing tractor profiles that do not have a profile in TotalMail, display the Create in TotalMail button.

    Note: The Create in TotalMail check box is not displayed in:

    • New driver or trailer profiles. However, the Create in TotalMail button is displayed after you save the new driver or trailer profile.

    • The Add Driver, Add Trailer, and Add Tractor windows.

  • Trl
    First available in TMWSuite 2008.07_08.0506

    When you use this option, system behavior is determined by the existence of the trailer profile in TMWSuite and TotalMail:

    • For new trailer profiles, display the Create in TotalMail check box in the Trailer File Maintenance window and make it selected by default.

    • For existing trailer profiles that already have a profile in TotalMail, display the Edit in TotalMail button.

    • For existing trailer profiles that do not have a profile in TotalMail, display the Create in TotalMail button.

    Note: The Create in TotalMail check box is not displayed in:

    • New driver or tractor profiles. However, the Create in TotalMail button is displayed after you save the new driver or tractor profile.

    • The Add Driver, Add Trailer, and Add Tractor windows.

Additional Notes

If needed, you can specify more than one resource type in a comma-delimited string. For example, EnableTMAssetCreation=TRC,TRL would display the Create in TotalMail check box in tractor and trailer profiles.


Applies to

TMWSuite, V.2003 and later; Fuel Dispatch


When an expiration is created, it is given a start date, that is the day it goes into effect. This setting determines how many days before that date the Priority 1 and Priority 2 warning indicators will turn from green to yellow.

In TMWSuite, the P1 and P2 indicators display in the:

  • Trip Folder

  • Asset Assignment window

  • Tractor/Trip Segment tab in the Planning Worksheet

    The P1 and P2 indicators on the Tractor/Trip Segment tab are controlled by the ExpDate= setting for all resource expirations. The DrvExpDate= and TrlExpDate= settings in the [Misc] section are ignored.

    Trailer expirations will not affect the P1 and P2 indicators on the Tractor/Trip Segment tab when IncTrlFilterQual=N is in the [Dispatch] section of the TTS50.ini file.

  • Driver tab in the Planning Worksheet

    The P1 and P2 indicators on the Driver tab are controlled by the ExpDate= setting only when the DrvExpDate= setting is blank.

  • Trailer tab in the Planning Worksheet

    The P1 and P2 indicators on the Trailer tab are controlled by ExpDate= setting only when the DrvExpDate= setting is blank.

  • Assign Driver/Equipment window in Order Entry

    The indicator lights are named Hold (P1) and Warn/Note (P2)

  • This setting is not applicable in the Dispatch application’s Dispatch Advantage module. Dispatch Advantage’sTrip Assignment grid does not display P1 or P2 indicators. Before version 2010.09_08.0575, Dispatch Advantage was a standalone, separately licensed application. Starting with version 2010.09_08.0575, Dispatch Advantage became part of the Dispatch application, and is accessible from the Planning Worksheet.

Note: In situations where resource(s) have multiple expirations, the color of the indicators reflects the condition that is most serious. For example, if a tractor has a yellow Priority 1 and a red Priority 1, the indicator displays red.

In Fuel Dispatch, the P1 and P2 indicators display in the:

  • Planning Worksheet

    The P1 and P2 indicators are shown in the Resource pane. They apply only to driver expirations. Indicators do not reflect the status of tractor or trailer expirations.

    By default, the indicators are controlled by the ExpDate= setting. If the DrvExpDate= setting in the [Misc] section has a value, that is, it is not left blank, it will control the changing of P1 and P2 indicator colors.

    The Driver, Tractor, Trailer, and Carrier tabs in the Trips/Resources pane do not display P1 and P2 indicators.

  • Card Planner

    The P1 and P2 indicators are shown in the Shift pane. They apply only to driver expirations. Indicators do not reflect the status of tractor or trailer expirations.

    By default, the indicators are controlled by the ExpDate= setting. If the DrvExpDate= setting in the [Misc] section has a value, that is, it is not left blank, it will control the changing of P1 and P2 indicator colors.

    The Driver, Tractor, Trailer, and Carrier tabs in the Trips/Resources pane do not display P1 and P2 indicators.


  • 14 (default)
    The Priority 1 and Priority 2 warning indicators will turn from green to yellow 14 days before an expiration’s start date.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW Operations


This setting applies when the credit checking feature is active. Depending on your system setup, when a Bill To company fails a credit check, the system will:

  • Not allow the order to be saved

  • Allow the order to be saved

  • Warn that the Bill To failed the credit check but allow the order to be saved

  • Require a password before saving the order.

This setting provides an additional way to handle saving an order when the Bill To fails a credit check. You can have the order saved with a non-dispatchable status. Once the Bill To company no longer fails the credit check, the order can be saved with a dispatchable status.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system will apply credit checking functionality, according to your entries for these settings in the [Misc] section:

    • CreditCheckOn

    • WhenNoCreditHistory

    • AllowBkgIfCreditFails

    Orders will not be saved with a non-dispatchable status.

  • User-defined status

    Enter the Abbr field value for the non-dispatchable status.


    1. You must set up the non-dispatchable option in the DispStatus label before making your entry. When you set up the status option, you must:

      • Enter a numeric value of 200 or less in the Code field.

      • Select the Exclude from CreditCheck Total check box.

    2. Your system may be set up to allow an order to be saved even when the Bill To company fails the credit check. This functionality is controlled by the [Misc]AllowBkgIfCreditFails and [Misc]WhenNoCreditHistory settings. When orders over a Bill To’s credit limit can be saved, the system will assign the non-dispatchable status to the order.

Additional Notes

  1. In TMWSuite, credit checking is supported in Order Entry, the Dispatch Trip Folder, and in the Project Dispatch and Agent Order Entry add-on modules.

  2. To activate credit checking, you must have [Misc]CreditCheckOn=Y in your TTS50.

  3. Before TMWSuite V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performed an additional credit check each time you saved an existing order. Starting with V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performs an additional credit check only when you make changes to the line haul or accessorial charges on an order.

  4. In TMW Operations, credit checking is supported only in Order Maintenance.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting activates the global logon feature.


  • Yes (default)
    Store the current user ID and password and apply it for each TMW application accessed by the user today or until he/she selects the Exit and Sign Off command from the File menu to close an application.


    1. This option requires entry of an ID and password only once a day. Entry is needed the first time the user accesses a TMW application. When subsequent access to an application is needed, the system bypasses the logon screen and immediately opens the application. The user may re-access the same application, or access different applications, during the same day without having to log on each time.

    2. CRM Right does not have an Exit and Sign Off command.

      • If users have accessed the application from within TMW Operations, they must use the File > Exit and Sign Off command in TMW Operations.

      • When used as a standalone product, CRM Right does not allow users to exit and sign off. Once a user accesses CRM Right, the system will bypass the logon screen until the stored user ID and password expire at the end of the day.

  • No
    Require the user to log on every time an application is started.

Additional Notes

TMW eManifest does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: V.2003 and later; Fuel Dispatch; TMW Operations


Grace period refers to the number of days the system is to continue showing inactive companies and carriers; and terminated tractors, trailers, and drivers in drop-down lists. This setting specifies the number of days allowed. It affects:

  • Drop-down lists in Order Entry, Dispatch, Invoicing, and Settlements.

  • The GRACE setting in the General Info Table.

You can override the grace period temporarily. You do this by selecting the Show Retired Items check box in the Set List Box Properties window. To access the window, go to Tools > Set List Box Property in any core TMWSuite application. The check box is cleared by default.

When the Show Retired Items check box is cleared:

  • This setting in your TTS50 determines the number of days allowed.

  • The General Info Table GRACE setting:

    • Has String1 set to GracePeriod. This indicates that the system uses this setting.

    • The number in the Int1 field matches the number of days specified by this setting.

When the Show Retired Items check box is selected:

  • This setting is not used.

  • The General Info Table GRACE setting values are updated automatically.

    • String1 is set to Apocalypse. Users in any base application can select IDs of inactive companies and carriers, and terminated drivers, tractors, and trailers in fields that use a drop-down list.

    • The Int1 field is set to 999. This is the number of days allowed.

Selecting the Show Retired Items check box does not change this setting’s values in your TTS50. The original entry is retained. Clearing the check box resets the grace period. The system reads the entry for this setting and writes that entry in the Int1 field of the GRACE General Info Table setting.

This setting does not control the ability to look up retired companies or resources in the scroll windows. Resource (driver, tractor, trailer, and carrier) scroll windows let you include retired resources on a search-by-search basis. When using the company scroll window, clearing the Active check box will retrieve retired companies.


  • 90 (default)
    Inactive companies and carriers, and terminated resources show in drop-down lists for 90 days.

  • User-specified number of days
    Inactive companies and carriers, and terminated resources show in drop-down lists for the number of days you enter.

Additonal Notes

  1. If the General Info Table GRACE setting has GracePeriod in String1, TMW Operations will only use the [Misc]GracePeriod TTS50 values.

  2. It’s recommended that the [Misc]GracePeriod TTS50 setting value and the GRACE General Info Table values be kept in sync for TMWSuite.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.40


This setting is used to specify the path to the location of your company’s SSRS load sheet report.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system will not access the load sheet report.

  • User-specified path
    For example: LoadSheetReport=/SSRS DOCUMENTS/SSRS_TEST_LOAD

Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting identifies the file name of the large bitmap used in the Login dialog box of TMW modules. The bitmap should be located in your TMWSuite executable directory.

To display an alternate image in the Login dialog box, you must make a valid entry in both the [Directories]Bitmaps setting and the [Misc]Logo setting.


  • TMW_D.BMP (default)
    The file name of the TMW logo that displays in the Login dialog box.

  • Logo file name
    Enter the name of the file you want to display in the Login dialog box.

Additional Notes

  1. Image files must be either BMP or JPG file type.

  2. Image dimensions should be 450 pixels wide and 330 pixels high.

  3. If a valid entry is not made in both the Bitmaps setting and the Logo setting:

    • TMWSuite core applications will display a blank pane (no image).

    • CRM Right, TMW Operations, and TMW Back Office will display the default TMWSuite logo.

  4. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2003.03_03.0226, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations 2019.2


Depending on the time of year, gas stations alternate between providing seasonal blends of summer-grade fuel and winter-grade fuel. You use the Maintain Commodity Subcodes window to record a sub code for each seasonal blend of a commodity. The window is not available by default. Use this setting to provide access to it from a commodity’s profile.

Note: The window is available in the File Maintenance and TMW Operation applications.


  • N (default)
    In TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch, hide the Edit > Commodity Sub Codes menu command.

    In TMW Operations, hide the Sub Codes tab on the Commodity Profile window.

  • Y

    • In TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch, show the Edit > Commodity Sub Codes menu command.

      Note: When you record commodity sub codes in File Maintenance, the [Misc]CompanyProductsRule setting in your TTS50 allows you to specify the valid pickup locations, delivery locations, suppliers, and trip dates for each sub code.

    • In TMW Operations, display the Sub Codes tab on the Commodity Profile window.

      Note: When you record commodity sub codes on the Sub Codes tab in TMW Operations, the [Misc]CompanyProductsRule setting in your TTS50 allows you to specify the valid pickup locations, delivery locations, suppliers, and trip dates for each sub code.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2012.11_07.0783, TMW Operations:


When you use the Find Orders window in TMWSuite, or the Order Scroll window in TMW Operations, you search for orders within a date range. This setting allows you to limit the number of days in the date range.

  • In TMWSuite, the date range is identified by your entries in the Start From/To and/or Delivery From/To fields on the Company and Asset tabs.


    1. This setting does not apply to the Bk’d Between fields on the Find Orders window’s Reference tab. However, using those fields does not cause the system to ignore the date range on the Company or Asset tabs. If that date range exceeds the limit, the system will behave as defined by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollExceededAction setting.

    2. The [Misc]OrderScrollDaysBack setting affects the Start From and Delivery From dates on the Scroll Orders window. If that setting’s value makes the date range exceed the specified limit, the system will behave as defined by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollExceededAction setting.

  • In TMW Operations, the date range is identified by your entries in the Start From/To and/or Delivery From/To fields on the Company, Assets, or Schedule tab. This setting also applies to the Bk’d Between fields on the Reference tab.

    Note: When you modify the dates on the Company, Assets, or Schedule tab, the system changes the dates on all three tabs. It does not change the dates on the Reference tab. Likewise, when you change the dates on the Reference tab, it does not change the dates on any other tab.


  • 30 (default)
    The date range cannot exceed 30 days.

  • User-defined number
    Enter the number of days allowed in a single search. The date range cannot exceed that number of days.

Additional Notes

  1. The [Misc]MaxOrderScrollExceededAction setting specifies how the system will respond when the date range exceeds the specified limit.

  2. The CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest applications do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2012.11_07.0783, TMW Operations:


This setting determines the system’s response when a date range in the Find Orders window in TMWSuite or Order Scroll window in TMW Operations exceeds the limit specified by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollDays setting.

  • In TMWSuite:

    • This setting does not apply to the Bk’d Between fields on the window’s Reference tab. However, using them does not cause the system to ignore the date range on the Company or Asset tabs. If it exceeds the limit, the system will behave as defined here.

    • The [Misc]OrderScrollDaysBack setting affects the Start From and Delivery From dates on the Scroll Orders window. If the value from that setting makes the date range exceed the limit specified by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollDays setting, the system will behave as defined here.

  • In TMW Operations:

    • This setting does not apply to the Bk’d Between fields on the window’s Reference tab. When you use those fields to retrieve orders, the system ignores the date ranges on the Company, Asset, and Schedule tabs.

    • The [Misc]OrderScrollDaysBack setting affects the Start From and Delivery From dates on the Scroll Orders window. If the value from that setting makes the date range exceed the limit specified by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollDays setting, the system will behave as defined here.


  • Ignore (default)
    Complete the search without warning the user that the date range exceeded the limit.

  • Prevent
    Notify the user that the date range exceeded the limit. The user cannot complete the search.

  • Warn
    Notify the user that the date range exceeded the limit. Allow the user to complete or cancel the search.

Additional Notes

The CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest applications do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2000, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


This setting affects the Start From and Delivery From dates on the Scroll Orders window. Enter the number of days prior to today that you want the From dates set back, such 60 or 90.


  • 30 (default)
    Set the From dates to 30 days prior to today’s date.

  • User-defined number of days
    Enter the number of days prior to today that you want the From dates set back.

  • BeginningOfTime
    Set the From dates to 01/01/50.

Additional Notes

In TMWSuite, the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollDays setting specifies the max number of days for which the system will search for orders. If the date range resulting from this setting exceeds the specified limit, the system will behave as defined by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollExceededActions setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2019.3 and later


If the query that populates the Planning Worksheet’s EDI tab takes longer than 60 seconds, the system times out. Users cannot process orders on the tab. Use this setting to increase the time allowed to run the query.


  • N (default)
    If the query does not complete within 60 seconds, the system times out.

  • User-specified number
    Enter the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the query to complete before timing out.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the pop-up notes feature is active in the Trip Folder.


In TMWSuite, these options affect window-level pop-up notes, as well as field-level company pop-up notes.

  • N (default)
    Do not automatically display notes in the Notes window.

  • Y
    Automatically display the Notes window if active notes are attached.

  • A
    Automatically display the Notes window if active notes with an Alert status are attached.

Note: Values of Y or A are overridden when [Misc]PopNotesMode=0. That setting completely disables the pop-up notes feature.

In TMW Operations, these options affect window-level pop-up notes. Field-level company pop-up notes are not supported.

  • N (default)
    Do not automatically display the Notes tab.

  • Y or A
    Automatically display the Notes tab. The tab will list all active and expired notes created for the trip, as well as notes created in the profiles of companies, resources, and commodities entered for the trip.

Note: The [Misc]PopNotesMode INI setting is not supported in TMW Operations.

Additional Notes

The pop-up notes feature is not available for the Planning Worksheet.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the pop-up notes feature is active on order entry windows.


In TMWSuite, these options affect window-level pop-up notes, as well as field-level company pop-up notes.

  • N (default)
    Do not automatically display the Notes window.

  • Y
    Automatically display the Notes window if active notes are attached.

  • A
    Automatically display the Notes window if active notes with an Alert status are attached.

Note: Values of Y or A are overridden when [Misc]PopNotesMode=0 in the TTS50.ini file. That setting completely disables the pop-up notes feature.

In TMW Operations, these options affect window-level pop-up notes. Field-level company pop-up notes are not supported.

  • N (default)
    Do not automatically display the Notes window.

  • Y or A
    Automatically display the Notes window. The window will list all active and expired notes created for the trip, as well as notes created in the profiles of companies, resources, and commodities entered for the trip.

Note: The PopNotesMode INI setting is not supported in TMW Operations.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system will allow you to save a record if the Bill To field is set to UNKNOWN.

In TMWSuite, this setting applies to Order Entry, Dispatch, Invoicing, and Rate Schedules.

In TMW Operations, this setting applies to the Order Maintenance and Trip Folder windows.


  • N (default)
    Allow a record to be saved even if the Bill To field has a value of UNKNOWN.

  • Y
    Require entry of a company ID in the Bill To field before a record is saved. If the field has a value of UNKNOWN, the system will display an error message.

Additional Notes

Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite; Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting determines whether users will be prevented from editing an order when another user has already opened it. If enabled, this restriction will apply regardless of whether the order is open in the same application, or in a different application that supports record locking.

If the order has been combined with other orders onto a consolidated trip, the record lock is enforced for all orders on the movement.


  • N (default)
    Record locking is disabled.

  • Y
    Record locking is enabled.

    Only one user at a time can modify an order. During the record lock timeout period, the order becomes read-only for other users.

    Note: Use the RecordLockTimeout setting to identify the number of minutes before a record lock expires.

Additional Notes

  1. With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

    • RecordLockTimeout

    • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

    • RecordLockRefreshTimer

  2. If you are using the Fuel TMS Forecaster module, record locking can affect the Forecaster’s Auto Adjustment feature. The Forecaster cannot adjust an order that is locked because a user has it opened. For more information on the Forecaster and Fuel TMS, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of seconds between system checks of the database to determine whether an order is locked. To maximize system performance, avoid setting short refresh intervals, especially where there are many users, since many orders could become locked at once.

Note: This setting applies only if [Misc]RecordLocking=Y in your TTS50.ini file.


  • 30 (default)
    The system will check the database every 30 seconds to determine whether an order is locked.

  • User defined number of seconds
    Enter a whole number, representing the number of seconds the system will wait to check the database to determine whether an order is locked.

Additional Notes

With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

  • RecordLockTimeout

  • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

  • RecordLockRefreshTimer


Applies to

TMWSuite; Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes before a record lock expires, allowing another user in the same application, or in a different application that supports record locking to edit the same order.

Note: This setting applies only if [Misc]RecordLocking=Y in your TTS50.ini file.


  • 5 (default)
    A record lock will expire after five minutes.

  • User defined number of minutes
    Enter a whole number, representing the number of minutes before a record lock expires.

Additional Notes

With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

  • RecordLockTimeout

  • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

  • RecordLockRefreshTimer


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes before the system warns that a record lock is about to expire. It should be less than the setting for the value specified by the RecordLockTimeout setting.

Note: This setting applies only if [Misc]RecordLocking=Y in your TTS50.ini file.


  • 4 (default)
    The system warns that a record lock is to expire in four minutes.

  • User defined number of minutes
    Enter a whole number, representing the number of minutes before the system warns that a record lock is about to expire.

Additional Notes

With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

  • RecordLockTimeout

  • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

  • RecordLockRefreshTimer


Applies to

TMW Operations


Use this setting to provide users or groups with limited access rights to all the reference numbers on an order when opened in Order Maintenance and Trip Folder.

Some users can have read-only access, while others are allowed to add, edit, or delete reference numbers. System administrators, or those users designated as Supervisors, will always have full access to reference numbers.


  • N (default)
    Reference number security is disabled. All users can view, add, edit, and delete reference numbers on an order.

  • Y
    Reference number security is enabled. The Reference Number Admin window can be accessed from Operations > Reference Number Admin.


    1. Until security levels are assigned, users, who are not identified as System Administrators or Supervisors, can only view reference numbers.

    2. The Reference Number Admin menu option also appears in the user’s menu.

Additional Notes

These applications do not support this setting:

  • CRM Right

  • Fuel TMS (Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services)

  • TMW eManifest


Applies to

CRM Right, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you right-click on retrieved records in a .NET grid window, a shortcut menu appears. This setting determines whether the Export Grid to Excel and Export Selected Rows to Excel command is available in that shortcut menu.


  • N (default)
    Display the commands for all users.

  • Y
    Do not display the commands for any users, including system administrators and supervisors.

    Note: This option will override [Misc]RemoveScrollExporttoExcelMenuOption=N.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you right-click on retrieved records in a .NET scroll window, a shortcut menu appears. This setting determines whether the Export to Excel command is available in that shortcut menu.


  • N (default)
    Display the Export to Excel command for all users.

    Note: When you have [Misc]RemoveExportToExcelMenuOptionFromAllGrids=Y, this setting is ignored.

  • Y
    Do not display the Export to Excel command for any users, including system administrators and supervisors.

Additional Notes

  1. For Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services, this setting is functional only if [Misc]UseNewScrolls=Y in your TTS50.

  2. For CRM Right, this setting also affects the Company List and Carrier List retrieval grids.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


When you retrieve data in .NET scroll windows, this setting determines whether you will be able to see the Print > All Rows, Print > Selected Rows, and Print > Print Preview commands in the shortcut menu that displays when you right-click in the data grid area. This setting can be used to help ensure the confidentiality of your data.


  • N (default)
    Display the Print commands for all users.

  • Y
    Do not display the Print commands for all users, including system administrators and supervisors.

Additional Notes

  1. For Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services, this setting is functional only if [Misc]UseNewScrolls=Y in your TTS50.ini file.

  2. For CRM Right, this setting also affects the Company List and Carrier List retrieval grids.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.40


This setting is used to specify the path to your company’s SSRS ReportExecution service address.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system will not access your SSRS ReportExecution service.

  • User-specified path
    For example:



Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.40


This setting is used to specify the path to your company’s SSRS ReportService webservice address.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system will not access your SSRS ReportService webservice.

  • User-specified path
    For example:



Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services; TMW Operations


This setting applies to customizing window and menu layouts.

By default, you can include the menu layout when you save changes to a window layout. Once the menu layout is saved with the window layout, this setting also allows you to reset the menu back to the window’s factory default layout, while keeping the window layout as designed.


  • Y (default)
    A customized menu layout is automatically included when the window layout is saved.

    Note: While customizing the menus and windows for the application, you can temporarily disable this feature by selecting Toggle Include Current Menu With Screen Layout from the shortcut menu. The green check before the option is cleared.

  • N
    Feature is disabled. You cannot include a menu layout when saving the form window layout.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You cannot save information in a field if it does not satisfy the field’s validation rules. This setting determines if a detailed error message appears when the contents of a field cannot be saved.


  • N (default)
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show only the error message text specified when the rule was created. Do not show details of the error as part of this message.

  • Y
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show an error message that includes details of the error. Include the text specified when the rule was created in the message box.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You cannot save information in a field if it does not satisfy the field’s validation rules. When validation rules are created, a user-defined error message is entered. This error message appears in the ToolTip for the warning icon that appears next to the field. This setting determines if that error message also appears in a message box when an attempt is made to save the contents of the field.


  • Y (default)
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show a message box with the error text specified when the rule was created.

  • N
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show no error message box.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You can create field-level validation rules to restrict the value that can be saved in a field. This setting permits all users to view a list of field-level validation rules that have been created for the fields in a window.


  • Y (default)
    Users have the option to view a list of field-level validation rules that have been created for the fields in a window.

  • N
    Users do not have the option to view a list of field-level validation rules that have been created for the fields in a window.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether users who are not system administrators have access to the commands used to manage data grids. The affected commands are:

  • Load Layout

  • Save Layout

  • Save as New Layout

  • Reset Layout

  • Load Grid Layout from File


  • Y (default)
    Show the commands that manage data grid layouts.

    Note: If you use this option, TMW recommends that you have [Misc]ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=Y in your TTS50. By using the settings in conjunction, you maintain the Reset Layout command functionality you want in place.

  • N
    Hide the commands that manage data grid layouts.

    Note: If you use this option, TMW recommends that you have [Misc]ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N in your TTS50. By using the settings in conjunction, you maintain the Reset Layout command functionality you want in place.


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


TMW customers apply security to windows and grids by hiding some columns and fields, and by making others read-only. However, by default, any user can switch from a customized window or data grid layout back to the system default by right-clicking on the layout and selecting Reset Layout from the shortcut menu. This can be problematic because the system default has no security applied to it. As a result, users will be able to view or make entries in fields or columns that your company wants to be hidden or read-only.

You can use the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA INI setting to hide the Reset Layout menu selection for users who are not system administrators.


  • Y (default)
    Show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.

  • N
    Do not show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting modifies the way freight details are displayed in the:

  • Order Maintenance AllStops tab.

  • Trip Folder Stops tab.


  • Y (default)
    In the Stops and AllStops grids, freight details associated with each stop are available under the stop, but they are hidden. Clicking the icon at the beginning of the stop detail expands the stop to show the freight details. You can view/modify stop details and freight details.

  • E
    In the Stops and AllStops grids, freight details associated with each stop are displayed automatically. You view/modify stop details and freight details. Clicking the icon at the beginning of the stop detail hides the freight details.

  • N
    The Stops and AllStops grids do not display freight details.

Additional Notes

This setting is not supported in Fuel Dispatch.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether Dispatch will check a trailer’s location when a trip’s status is changed. If checking is used, the system can be set up to show a warning or prevent the trailer assignment when the trailer is not located at the location where the trip begins.

Note: Do not use this setting unless the TRL1 and TRL2 fields for the AssetBeamLev General Info Table setting are set to none.


  • 0
    Do not check the trailer’s location when a trip is changed from Available, Planned, or Dispatched to Started or Completed. Allow dispatch even if the trailer is not located at the place where the trip begins.

    Note: If you are activating the AssetBeamLev General Info Table setting, use this option.

  • 1
    Check the trailer’s city location when a trip’s status is changed from Available, Planned, or Dispatched to Started or Completed. If the trailer is not located in the city where the trip begins, allow the user to save but show a warning message telling where the trailer is currently located.

    If you again attempt to save the trailer assignment without inserting an empty leg first, the "Warning - Trailer Beaming" window is shown.

    Then the system saves the status change.

  • 2
    Check the trailer’s city location when a trip’s status is changed from Available, Planned, or Dispatched to Started or Completed. If the trailer is not located in the city where the trip begins, require entry of a password in order for the status change to be saved.

    The first time you try to save, the system shows a warning message telling where the trailer is currently located.

    If you again attempt to save the trailer assignment without inserting an empty leg first, the Warning - Trailer Beaming window is shown and you must enter a password in order to save.

    The password must match the password recorded in the String1 field for the TrlBeamPassword General Info Table setting.

  • 3
    Check the trailer’s city location when a trip’s status is changed from Available, Planned, or Dispatched to Started or Completed. If the trailer is not located in the city where the trip begins, do not allow the user to save.

    The first time you try to save, the system shows a warning message telling where the trailer is currently located.

    If you again attempt to save the trailer assignment without inserting an empty leg first, the Warning - Trailer Beaming window is shown to indicate that the save was unsuccessful.

  • 4
    Check the trailer’s company location when a trip’s status is changed from Available to Planned, Dispatched, Started, or Completed. If the destination of the trailer’s previous assigned trip (active, Planned or Dispatched) is not located at the company where the new trip begins, allow the user to save but show the Warning - Trailer Beaming window.

  • 5
    Check the trailer’s company location when a trip’s status is changed from Available to Planned, Dispatched, Started, or Completed. If the destination of the trailer’s previous assigned trip (active, Planned or Dispatched) is not located at the company where the new trip begins, require entry of a password in order for the status change to be saved.

    When you try to save, the system shows the Trailer Beaming Password Override window and you must enter a password in order to save.

    The password you enter must match the password recorded in the String1 field for the TrlBeamPassword General Info Table setting.

  • 6
    Check the trailer’s company location when a trip’s status is changed from Available to Planned, Dispatched, Started, or Completed. If the destination of the trailer’s previous assigned trip (active, Planned or Dispatched) is not located at the company where the new trip begins, do not allow the status change to be saved unless an empty leg is inserted at the start of the trip. Show a message to indicate that the save was unsuccessful.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW.Suite Back Office, TMW.Suite Operations, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services


This setting determines whether the system uses Windows Authentication to log in to TMW applications.


  • N (default)
    Do not use Windows Authentication. Use TMWSuite User ID and Password to log in.

  • Y
    Use Windows Authentication.


    1. When you use this option, the [Misc]GlobalLogon setting in the section of the TTS50.ini file is ignored.

    2. To log in to TMWSuite with Windows Authentication successfully, you must first record the user’s Windows login (network login) in the following places:

      • The Windows Login field in the user’s profile
        You must enter the login information using the DOMAIN\User format. For example: tmwsystems\jsing.

      • The Logins folder on your SQL server that houses your TMWSuite database
        You must enter the login information using the DOMAIN\User format. For example: tmwsystems\jsing.

      • The [INIPATH] section of the TTS50.ini file, in the form User Login=Path to local INI file

        Your TTSlocal.ini file specifies the TMWSuite database to use and the Microsoft SQL server on which the database resides.

        If you have only one database and the TTSlocal.ini file is located in the same directory as the TMWSuite executables, you do not need to make any [INIPATH] entries in the TTS50.ini file. TMWSuite will automatically look in the TTSlocal.ini for the database location.


Applies to

TMW.Suite Operations 2017.10


This setting identifies the possible values that can be recorded for the [Misc]DriverLogDurationForPFM setting.


  • 1,7,8,14,15 (default)
    PeopleNet Fleet Manager accepts only these values. You cannot leave the setting blank or specify other values.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW Operations


This setting applies when the credit checking feature is active. It determines whether the system will allow a user to save an order when the Bill To does not have a credit history.


  • WARN (default)
    Warn the user but allows the order to be saved.

    Prevent the user from saving the order.

    Note: The system logs the action in the tts_errorlog table.

    Do not display a warning. Allow the order to be saved.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting requires that you have [Misc]CreditCheckOn=Y.

  2. In TMWSuite, credit checking is supported in Order Entry, the Dispatch Trip Folder, and in the Project Dispatch and Agent Order Entry add-on modules.

  3. Before V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performed an additional credit check each time you saved an existing order. Starting with V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performs an additional credit check only when you make changes to the line haul or accessorial charges on an order.

  4. In TMW Operations, credit checking is supported only in Order Maintenance.

[MobileComm] settings


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the frequency (minutes) between ETA calculations.


  • 0 (default)
    The ETA timer checks the Hours To Run ETA field once per hour to determine when to run calculations.

  • User-specified value
    The system runs ETA calculations at a frequency corresponding to the number of minutes recorded.

    Note: An entry other than 0 removes the Hours to Run ETA field from the ETA Agent window. It also overrides the ETAHoursToRun= setting, which normally reflects the entry in the Hours to Run ETA field.

Additional Notes

If the frequency is set too low, the ETA Agent may not be able to complete one set of calculations before the timer calls for a new set. If this happens, the second iteration will be skipped.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203


This setting determines the number of hours that will generate Alert level early occurrence messages. The entry must be a positive number, can be a decimal, and should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAearlywarnhours= setting.

For example, if ETAearlyalerthours=1.00, an Alert level early occurrence message will be generated if the scheduled Arrival time is before the Earliest date/time by 1 hour or more.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send an Alert level early occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to one hour early to its next planned stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will trigger an Alert level early occurrence message. The system will send an Alert level early occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to the defined amount of time early to its next planned stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAearlycalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Early Windows Alert Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines whether the Early Windows Calc check box is automatically selected in the ETA Agent window. When the Early Windows Calc check box is selected, the system monitors the earliest arrival times recorded for stops. If a stop’s scheduled arrival time is outside the early range by more than a user-defined amount of time, an early occurrence message will be generated.


  • N (default)
    The check box is cleared.

  • Y
    The check box is selected.

Additional Notes

  1. The times that are being monitored are displayed in the Trip Folder. The arrival time displays in the Arrival Date column. The early time displays in the Earliest Date column.

  2. Changes to the Early Windows Calc check box in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines the number of hours that will generate Critical level early occurrence messages. The entry must be a positive number, can be a decimal, and should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAearlyalerthours= setting.

For example, if ETAearlycriticalhours=2.00, a Critical level early occurrence message will be generated if the scheduled Arrival time is before the Earliest date/time by 2 hours or more.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send a Critical level early occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to two hours early to its next planned stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will trigger a Critical level early occurrence message. The system will send a Critical level early occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to the defined amount of time early to its next planned stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAearlycalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Early Windows Critical Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines how the Check Open Stops Only check box is set when you first access the ETA Agent window.


  • Y (default)
    The check box is selected. The ETA Agent only performs early window calculations for un-actualized stops.

  • N
    The check box is cleared. The ETA Agent performs calculations for all stops. This may be useful when reviewing a trip’s history.

Additional Notes

Changes to the Check Open Stops Only check box in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for the ETAearlyopenonly= setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines the number of hours that will generate Warning level early occurrence messages. The entry must be a positive number and it can be a decimal.

For example, if ETAearlywarnhours=0.25, a Warning level early occurrence message will be generated if the scheduled Arrival time is before the Earliest date/time by 0.25 hours (15 minutes) or more.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send a Warning level early occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to one-quarter of an hour early to its next planned stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will trigger a Warning level early occurrence message. The system will send a Warning level early occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to the defined amount of time early to its next planned stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAearlycalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Early Windows Warn Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines whether the system will store the current user logon ID and password indefinitely. This setting only affects the login process to the ETA Agent application. Other TMWSuite applications are not affected.


  • N (default)
    Do not modify the global logon feature.

  • Y
    Modify the global logon feature so that the system will store the current user ID and password until the Exit and Sign Off command is selected in the File menu in the ETA Agent application.

    Note: This setting is used only if the setting GlobalLogon=Y in the [Misc] section of the TTS50.ini file.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the value set in the Hours Out to Check field when you first access the ETA Agent window.


  • 24 (default)
    The system will check for late orders within the next 24 hours.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours into the future you want the ETA Agent to check for late occurrences.

Additional Notes

  1. The ETA Agent will also include stops that are due before the current time, i.e., negative values are taken into account.

  2. Changes to the value in the Hours Out to Check field update the value of this setting.

  3. If this setting does not exist in your TTS50.ini file, the system will create it the first time a change is made to the value in the Hours Out to Check field.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines how the Hours to Run ETA field is set when you first access the ETA Agent window.

Note: This setting is used only when you have ETACalcFrequency=0 set in the [MobileComm] section of your TTS50.ini file.


  • 08,10,12,14,16,18,20 (default)
    The system will run calculations and send late warnings during these hours.

    Note: The hours listed correspond to 24-hour time.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the hours of day during which you wish to run the ETA check. Use 24-hour time (00 to 23), and separate times with a comma.

Additional Notes

  1. There are two methods of setting ETA calculation frequency. The method used is determined by the entry recorded in the ETACalcFrequency= setting in the [MobileComm] section of your TTS50.ini file.

    • When ETACalcFrequency=0, the Hours to Run ETA field displays. The ETA timer checks the Hours To Run ETA field once per hour to determine when to run ETA calculations.

      The program checks the Hours to Run ETA field once per hour, but it only runs calculations and sends late warnings during the hours listed. The run does not occur exactly on the hour.

    • When ETACalcFrequency= any number other than 0, the system runs ETA calculations at a frequency corresponding to the number of minutes recorded.

      An entry other than 0 removes the Hours to Run ETA field from the ETA Agent window. It also overrides the ETAHoursToRun= setting.

  2. If this setting does not exist in your TTS50.ini file, the system will create it the first time a change is made to the value in the Hours to Run ETA field.

  3. Changes to the value in the Hours to Run ETA field update the value of this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines the number of hours that will generate Alert level late occurrence messages. The entry must be a positive number, can be a decimal, and should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAlatewarnhours= setting.

For example, if ETAlatealerthours=1.00, an Alert level late occurrence message will be generated if the scheduled Arrival time is after the Latest date/time by 1 hour or more.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send an Alert level late occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to one hour late for its next planned stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will trigger an Alert level late occurrence message. The system will send an Alert level late occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to the defined amount of time late to its next planned stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAlatecalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Late Windows Alert Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines whether the Late Windows Calc check box is automatically selected in the ETA Agent window. When the Late Windows Calc check box is selected, the system monitors the latest arrival times recorded for stops. If a stop’s scheduled arrival time is outside the late range by more than a user-defined amount of time, a late occurrence message will be generated.


  • N (default)
    The check box is cleared.

  • Y
    The check box is selected.

Additional Notes

  1. The times that are being monitored are displayed in the Trip Folder. The arrival time displays in the Arrival Date column. The late time displays in the Latest Date column.

  2. Changes to the Late Windows Calc check box in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines the number of hours that will generate Critical level late occurrence messages. The entry must be a positive number, can be a decimal, and should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAlatealerthours= setting.

For example, if ETAlatecriticalhours=2.00, a Critical level late occurrence message will be generated if the scheduled Arrival time is after the Earliest date/time by 2 hours or more.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send a Critical level late occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to two hours late to its next planned stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will trigger a Critical level late occurrence message. The system will send a Critical level late occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to the defined amount of time late to its next planned stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAlatecalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Late Windows Critical Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: 2008.07_08.0203 and later


This setting determines the number of hours that will generate Warning level late occurrence messages. The entry must be a positive number and it can be a decimal.

For example, if ETAlatewarnhours=0.25, a Warning level late occurrence message will be generated if the scheduled Arrival time is after the Latest date/time by 0.25 hours (15 minutes) or more.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send a Warning level late occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to one-quarter of an hour late to its next planned stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will trigger a Warning level late occurrence message. The system will send a Warning level late occurrence message if the tractor is greater than or equal to the defined amount of time late to its next planned stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAlatecalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Late Windows Warn Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Alert level late assignment occurrences. The entry can be a decimal, and/or negative. This value should be greater than the value recorded for the ETANoAssignWarnHours= INI setting.


  • 99999.99 (default)

    The system will send an Alert level late occurrence message if a load is scheduled to start within the next 99999.99 hours, but has not yet been assigned resources.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours at which you want the ETA Agent to send an Alert level late occurrence message if no resources have been assigned to a load.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETANoAssignCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the No Assignment Alert Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines whether the No Assignment Calc check box is automatically selected in the ETA Agent window. When the No Assignment Calc check box is selected, the system monitors asset assignments for late occurrences. If asset assignments are not made within a user-defined amount of time, a late occurrence message will be generated for that trip.


  • Y (default)
    The check box is selected.

  • N
    The check box is cleared.

Additional Notes

Changes to the No Assignment Calc check box in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Critical level late assignment occurrences. The entry can be a decimal, and/or negative. This value should be greater than the value recorded for the ETANoAssignAlertHours= INI setting.


  • 99999.99 (default)
    The system will send a Critical level late occurrence message if a load is scheduled to start within the next 99999.99 hours, but has not yet been assigned resources.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours at which you want the ETA Agent to send a Critical level late occurrence message if no resources have been assigned to a load.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETANoAssignCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the No Assignment Critical Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Warning level late assignment occurrences. The entry can be a decimal, and/or negative.

For example, when ETANoAssignWarnHours=-6.00 and a trip is scheduled to start within the next six hours, but has not yet been assigned resources, a Warning level late occurrence message will be generated for that trip.


  • -6.00 (default)
    The system will send a Warning level late occurrence message if a load is scheduled to start within the next six hours, but has not yet been assigned resources.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours at which you want the ETA Agent to send a Warning level late occurrence message if no resources have been assigned to a load.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETANoAssignCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the No Assignment Warn Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for this setting.

  3. The ETANoAssignWarnHours= setting replaces the older INI setting ETANoAssign=.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2005 and later


This setting determines the number of miles the ETA Agent uses to calculate Alert level out-of-route occurrences. The entry must be a positive number and should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAOORDistWarnMiles= INI setting.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send an Alert level late occurrence message if the tractor is forty or more miles out of route.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number miles that will trigger an Alert level late occurrence message. The system will send an Alert level late occurrence message if a tractor is greater than or equal to the defined number of miles out of route.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAOORDistcalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Distance Out of Route Alert Hours (Miles) field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.

  3. The Stops/GPS Calc check box must be selected to perform out-of-route distance calculations.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2005 and later


This setting determines whether the Distance Out of Route Calc check box is automatically selected in the ETA Agent window. When the Distance Out of Route Calc check box is selected, the system monitors whether the tractor is out-of-route more than a user-defined amount of miles. If the tractor is out-of-route, an out-of-route occurrence message will be generated for that trip.


  • N (default)
    The check box is cleared.

  • Y
    The check box is selected.

Additional Notes

  1. Changes to the Time Out of Route Calc check box in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for this setting.

  2. The Stops/GPS Calc check box must be selected to perform out-of-route distance calculations.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2005 and later


This setting determines the number of miles the ETA Agent uses to calculate Critical level out-of-route occurrences. The entry must be a positive number and should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAOORDistAlertMiles= INI setting.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send a Critical level late occurrence message if the tractor is sixty or more miles out of route.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number miles that will trigger a Critical level late occurrence message. The system will send a Critical level late occurrence message if a tractor is greater than or equal to the defined number of miles out of route.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAOORDistcalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Distance Out of Route Critical Hours (Miles) field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.

  3. The Stops/GPS Calc check box must be selected to perform out-of-route distance calculations.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2005 and later


This setting determines the number of miles the ETA Agent uses to calculate Warning level out-of-route occurrences. The entry must be a positive number.

For example, when ETAOORDistWarnMiles=20 and the ETA Agent calculates that a tractor is twenty or more miles out-of-route, a Warning level notification will be sent.


  • 9999.9 (default)
    The system will send a Warning level late occurrence message if the tractor is twenty or more miles out of route.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of miles that will trigger a Warning level late occurrence message. The system will send a Warning level late occurrence message if a tractor is greater than or equal to the defined number of miles out of route.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAOORDistcalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Distance Out of Route Warn Hours (Miles) field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.

  3. The Stops/GPS Calc check box must be selected to perform out-of-route distance calculations.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Alert level late start occurrences. The entry can be a decimal and/or negative. This value should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAPlanStartWarnHours= INI setting.

For example, when ETAPlanStartWarnHours=2.00 and a trip is scheduled to start two or more hours ago, but has not started, an Alert level late occurrence message will be generated for that trip.


  • 2.00 (default)
    The system will send an Alert level late occurrence message if the time is two hours past a trip’s scheduled start time and the trip has not yet been started.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours from the scheduled start time that an Alert level late occurrence will be generated for a trip that is not started.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAPlanStartCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the value in the Planned Start Alert Hours field will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines whether the Planned Start Calc check box is automatically selected in the ETA Agent window. When the Planned Start Calc check box is selected, the system monitors whether trips are started on time. If the trip is not started within the user-defined amount of time, a late occurrence message will be generated for the trip.


  • N (default)
    The check box is cleared.

  • Y
    The check box is selected.

Additional Notes

Changes to the Planned Start Calc check box in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Critical level late start occurrences. The entry can be a decimal and/or negative. This value should be greater than value recorded in the ETAPlanStartAlertHours= INI setting.

For example, when ETAPlanStartCriticalHours=4.00 and a trip is scheduled to start four or more hours ago, but has not started, a Critical level late occurrence will be generated for that trip.


  • 4.00 (default)
    The system will send a Critical level late occurrence message if the time is four hours past the scheduled start time for a trip and the trip has not yet been started.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours from the scheduled start time a Critical level late occurrence will be generated for a trip that is not started.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAPlanStartCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the value in the Planned Start Critical Hours field will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Warning level late start occurrences. The entry can be a decimal and/or negative.

For example, when ETAPlanStartWarnHours=-2.00 and a trip is scheduled to start within the next two hours, but has not started, a Warning level late occurrence message will be generated for that trip.


  • 0.00 (default)
    The system will send a Warning level late occurrence message if a trip is scheduled to be started at the current time, but has not yet started.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours from the scheduled start time that a Warning level late occurrence will be generated for a trip that is not started.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAPlanStartCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the value in the Planned Start Warn Hours field will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Alert level late Stops/GPS occurrences. The entry can be a decimal, and/or negative. This value should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAStopsWarnHours= INI setting.


  • 99999.99 (default)
    The system will send an Alert level late occurrence message if a tractor is on pace to arrive 99,999.99 hours late, or more, to a stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will generate an Alert level late occurrence message for an un-actualized stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAStopsCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Stops/GPS Alert Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines whether the Stops/GPS check box is automatically selected in the ETA Agent window. When the Stops/GPS check box is selected, the system monitors tractor check call (GPS) locations. If the system calculates that the tractor will not arrive at un-actualized stops within a user-defined amount of time, a late occurrence message will be generated for that trip.


  • Y (default)
    The check box is selected.

  • N
    The check box is cleared.

Additional Notes

  1. Changes to the Stops/GPS check box in the ETA Agent window will update the entry for this setting.

  2. This calculation requires that your tractors have GPS units that interface with the TMWSuite database via TotalMail.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Critical level late Stops/GPS occurrences. The entry can be a decimal, and/or negative. This value should be greater than the value recorded for the ETAStopsAlertHours= INI setting.


  • 99999.99 (default)

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will generate a Critical level late occurrence message for an un-actualized stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAStopsCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Stops/GPS Critical Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines how the Stops/GPS Stop Types field is set when you first access the ETA Agent window. The option selected specifies the type of stops the ETA Agent will check when running Stops/GPS calculations.


  • BOTH (default)
    Both pickups and drops are checked.

    Only pickups are checked.

  • DROP
    Only drops are checked.

Additional Notes

  1. Changes to the value in the Stops/GPS Stop Types field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.

  2. The ETAStopsType= setting replaces the ETAWarnOn= setting.


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines the number of hours the ETA Agent uses to calculate Warning level late Stops/GPS occurrences. The entry can be a decimal, and/or negative.

For example, if ETAStopsWarnHours=0.25, and the ETA Agent calculates that a tractor will arrive a quarter of an hour late, or more, a Warning level late occurrence message will be generated for that trip.


  • 0.25 (default)
    The system will send a Warning level late occurrence message if a tractor is on pace to arrive a quarter of an hour late, or more, to a stop.

  • User-defined value
    Enter the number of hours that will generate a Warning level late occurrence message for an un-actualized stop.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when ETAStopsCalc=Y.

  2. Changes to the Stops/GPS Warn Hours field in the ETA Agent window will update the value recorded for this setting.

  3. ETAStopsWarnHours= replaces the old SimpleETASlack= setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the Load Assignment Quick Send command appears in the Mobile Comm menu. This command provides two sub commands: Send to Truck and Don’t Send to Truck.

When an order is in Planned status:

  • Send to Truck sends the load assignment to the truck and sets the order to Dispatched status.

  • Don’t Send to Truck sets the order to Dispatched status but does not send the load assignment to the driver.

    Note: Most menus disable the Don’t Send to Truck command for orders that are not in Planned status.

The Load Assignment Quick Send command appears in the Mobile Comm menu in the Trip Folder and Planning Worksheet.

It also appears in the shortcut menu, accessed by right-clicking on a trip, in the Planning Worksheet’s Available Trips grid.

Note: This command is not available in the Trip Planner.


  • N (default)
    The command does not appear.

  • Y
    The command appears in the Trip Folder and Planning Worksheet.

    Note: If the TMLoadAssignFormId General Info Table setting has a String1 value of 0, the system displays only the Don’t Send to Truck sub command. In addition, the Load Assignment menu command does not appear in the Mobile Comm menu.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 15.20


This setting specifies the mobile communications system that is being used.

Currently, TotalMail is the only option.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No mobile communication system is being used.

  • TotalMail
    The TotalMail mobile communication system is being used.

[Operations] settings


Applies to



This setting specifies the number of minutes a DOT-mandated break will last during the course of a trip; it is used to calculate realistic ETAs.


600 (default)


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of on-duty minutes required for any pickup or drop event, e.g., the time spent loading or unloading, etc.


  • 120 (default)
    The default pickup or drop time is 120 minutes (two hours).

  • User-defined number of minutes
    Make your entry as a whole number.

Additional Notes

In TMW Operations, this setting is only used when you have [Fuel Dispatch]DefaultLoadUnloadDwellTimeMinutes=0 set.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 15.10.073


This setting determines whether the system uses a company’s hours of operation to schedule the window in which a stop will occur. This setting applies to new orders only.

In TMWSuite, you record a company’s open/close times in the Hours of Operation - Daily Work Schedule window. You access this window from the company’s profile.

  • In Order Entry:
    When you enter a date in the Earliest Pickup field for the shipper, the system pulls the shipper’s hours of operation. It uses the opening time as the earliest pickup time. It uses the closing time as the latest pickup time. Similar logic is applied to the earliest/latest times for the drop.


    1. To use this feature, you must make entries in the order header’s Pickup and Drop fields. This feature does not work with dates entered in the Stop Detail section of the window.

    2. Only the first date change in a new order’s Pickup and the Drop fields makes the feature work. If you change the company, the system does not use the opening and closing hours for the new company.

  • In Trip Folder:
    When you enter a date in the Earliest or Arrival pickup field for the shipper, the system pulls the shipper’s hours of operation. It uses the opening time as the earliest pickup or arrival time. It uses the closing time as the latest pickup or departure time. Similar logic is applied to the earliest/latest or arrival/departure times for the drop.


    1. In the Stop Detail section, you can enter dates in the Earliest and Latest fields or the Arrival and Departure fields. In the Freight Detail section, you can use the Earliest and Latest fields. This feature does not work with entries made in other fields.

    2. Only the first date change in a valid field on a new order makes the feature work. If you change the company, the system does not use opening and closing hours for the new company.

In TMW Operations, you record a company’s hours on the Stop Info/Routing tab in the Company Profile window.

You use this feature in:

  • Order Maintenance, on the Summary and AllStops tabs

  • Trip Folder, on the Stops tab

When you record a date in the Earliest Date or Arrival Date fields, the system pulls the company’s hours of operation. It uses the opening time as the earliest or arrival time, and the closing time as the latest or departure time. The system automatically populates all of the date fields (Earliest Date, Latest Date, Arrival Date, and Departure Date).

Note: Only the first date change in the date fields on a new order make this feature work. If you change the company first, the system will not pull the opening and closing hours for the new company.


  • N (default)
    Do not use the company’s open/close times to populate the applicable time fields for the pickup at the shipper and the drop at the consignee.

  • Y
    Use the company’s open/close times to populate the applicable time fields for the pickup at the shipper and the drop at the consignee.


    1. To use this option, you must have the following setting values in your TTS50.

      • Both TMWSuite and TMW Operations:

        • [DateTimeChecks]AutoSetDeparture=Yes

        • [Dispatch]AutoRecalcTimes=Y

        • [Operations]DefaultDispatchDates=N

        • [Operations]MileageDateTime=NO

        • [Operations]MTHoursDateTime=No

      • TMWSuite only: [Operations]DefaultCompanyHours=Yes

      • TMW Operations only: [Operations]UseCompanyHoursWindow=No

    2. The system will not calculate travel time between stops.


Applies to



This setting specifies the number of minutes of travel time to assume between stops for which mileages have not been found.


1 (default)


Applies to



This setting specifies the default number of minutes to apply for stops with no mileage between them, i.e., for stops that occur at the same location, or for which mileage has not been found.


1 (default)


Applies to



This setting specifies the maximum number of driving minutes between breaks for a single driver.


660 (default)


Applies to



This setting specifies the maximum number of days that a trip end date can be from its start date, i.e., the number of days a trip cannot exceed.


30 (default)


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting allows you to specify whether destination dates/times are to be calculated automatically.


  • No (default)
    Do not calculate dates/times automatically.

  • Yes
    Calculate dates/times automatically.

    Note: The calculation is based on the entry made for the [MileageInterface]DefaultMPH setting in your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines if Order Entry will use the travel times stored on mileage records to calculate stop dates and times.


  • No (default)
    Do not use the time estimates stored on mileage records.

  • Yes
    Use travel time estimates stored on mileage records.

Additional Notes

  1. This option supersedes the [MileageInterface]MileageDateTime=YES and DefaultMPH settings in your TTS50.

  2. If [Operations]PreventRecomputeDateTime=Y in your TTS50, the system will not calculate stop dates/times in Order Entry even if MTHoursDateTime=Yes.

  3. If no travel time has been recorded for two stops, the date/time of the second stop increments by one minute.


Applies to



This setting determines the maximum accumulated on-duty minutes between breaks, i.e., the time spent doing work, including driving.


840 (default)


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system is to assume a single driver or a team when calculating dates/times for trips for which resource assignments have not been made.


  • Single (default)
    Assume that a single driver will handle the trip.

  • Team
    Assume that a team will handle the trip.


Applies to



This setting specifies the number of minutes allowed for team’s break.


300 (default)


Applies to



This setting specifies the maximum accumulated driving minutes allowed between a team’s breaks.


1320 (default)


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 15.10.073


This setting determines the database table from which the system will pull company hours of operations.


  • N (default)
    The system pulls company hours of operations from the company table.

    Note: If you are using TMW Operations and you want order arrival and departure times to default to company hours, you must choose this option.

  • Y
    The system pulls company hours of operations from the company_hourswindow table.

Additional Notes

In TMWSuite, the NewCompanyHours General Info Table setting determines the database table to which the system writes company hours. If you want order arrival and departure times to default to company hours, the NewCompanyHours setting value must match the value you have for this setting.

[Optimization] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2018.3 and later


The Asset Manager tab in the Planning Worksheet’s Available Resources grid can be set up to show warnings when a load is late. This setting lets you specify the number of hours the system uses to determine whether it should show a critical late warning. The warning appears as a red light.

The system uses this setting, and the [Optimization]LoadStatusHoursLateWarn setting, to determine the level of the warning to show. It compares your entry with the hourslate field in the optloadstatus table.

  • If the field value is less than your entry for the [Optimization]LoadStatusHoursLateWarn setting, the indicator light is green.

  • If the field value is between your entries for the two settings, the indicator light is yellow.

  • If the field value is greater than your entry for this setting, the indicator light is red.


  • 4 (default)
    The light indicator on the Asset Manager board will be:

    • Green if the hourslate field value is less than the LoadStatusHoursLateWarn value.

    • Yellow if the hourslate field value is between the LoadStatusHoursLateWarn value and 4 hours.

    • Red if the hourslate field value is greater than 4 hours.

  • User-specified number
    You can enter a whole number or a decimal value. The system will compare your entry with the hourslate field to determine whether a critical late indicator should appear. For example, to have the system show the critical warning when a load is three hours and 30 minutes late, make an entry of 3.50.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2018.3 and later


The Asset Manager tab in the Planning Worksheet’s Available Resources grid can be set up to show warnings when a load is late. This setting lets you specify the number of hours the system uses to determine whether it should show a late warning. The warning appears as a yellow light.

The system uses this setting, and the [Optimization]LoadStatusHoursLateCrit setting, to determine the level of the warning to show. It compares your entry with the hourslate field in the optloadstatus table.

  • If the field value is less than your entry for this setting, the indicator light is green.

  • If the field value is between your entries for the two settings, the indicator light is yellow.

  • If the field value is greater than your entry for the [Optimization]LoadStatusHoursLateCrit setting, the indicator light is red.


  • 2 (default)
    The light indicator on the Asset Manager board will be:

    • Green if the hourslate field value is less than 2 hours.

    • Yellow if the hourslate field value is between the LoadStatusHoursLateCrit value and 2 hours.

    • Red if the hourslate field value is greater than the LoadStatusHoursLateCrit value.

  • User-specified number
    You can enter a whole number or a decimal value. The system will compare your entry with the hourslate field to determine whether a warning indicator should appear. For example, to have the system show the warning when a load is three hours and 30 minutes late, make an entry of 3.50.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2023.4 and later


The Optimize button in the header of the Trip Planner lets you send trips to be optimized in the Submit Shift Optimization window. The service determines the most efficient driver/tractor for the trip based on the criteria you specify. When a solution is viewed, by default a user can commit only those solutions requested by the user themselves. Use this setting to let a user commit any retrieved solution.


  • Y (default)
    Only the requested by user(s) can make commits.

  • N
    Any user that can view the solutions in the Scroll Shift Optimization Solutions tab can make commits.

Additional Notes

The Optimize button is available if you are licensed for the Match Advice Interface. Please contact Trimble Sales for more information.

[Order] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy accessorials will be selected automatically in:

  • Order Entry Copy window.

  • Call On Demand Order Entry Copy window in Fuel Dispatch.

  • Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Dispatch Trip Folder.


  • No (default)
    The Accessorials check box is not selected by default.

  • Yes
    The Accessorials check box is selected by default.

Additional Notes

This setting also pertains to the TMW Ticket Order Entry add-on module. CopyOrderRefNbrs is one of the INI settings Ticket Order Entry checks to determine which data is to be copied from the master order to the orders created from tickets. The Ticket Order Entry module requires special licensing. For more information, consult your TMW Sales Representative.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy assets will be selected automatically in the following check boxes:

  • Copy Asset Assignments check box in the Order Entry Copy window.

  • Copy Assets check box in the Call On Demand Order Entry Copy window in Fuel Dispatch.

    Note: The system will automatically set the trip to Available if no resources are specified in the Copy Assets section of the window. If resources are specified, the system automatically sets the field to Planned.

  • Asset Assignments check box in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Trip Folder.


  • No (default)
    The check box is not selected by default.

  • Yes
    The check box is selected by default.

Additional Notes

  1. When copying a master order in the Order Entry Copy window or the Trip Folder Copy Options dialog box, the Copy Asset Assignments or Asset Assignments check boxes are not selected, regardless of the option used with this setting. By definition, master orders are templates; resources cannot be assigned to them.

  2. If CopyAssets=No and CopyStatus=Yes:

    • In Order Entry, copying an order with assets assigned and a status of Planned will result in a copy with the same assets assigned and a Planned status. Any other status on the original order will result in a copy with a status of Available.

    • In the Trip Folder, if resources have been assigned to the original order, the system will not assign those resources to the copy. The status is set to Available.

  3. If CopyAssets=Yes and CopyStatus=No:

    • In Order Entry, you cannot copy an order with assets assigned and a status of Planned. When the Copy window opens, the status is set to Available. You must set the status to Planned and then select the Copy Asset Assignments check box to copy the assets and Planned status to the new order.

    • In the Trip Folder, you cannot copy an order with assets assigned and a status of Planned. You must manually set the status to Planned and then select the Asset Assignments check box to copy the assets and Planned status to the new order.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy dates will be selected automatically in:

  • Copy Dates check box in the Copy window in Order Entry.

  • Copy Dates check box in the Call On Demand Order Entry Copy window in Fuel Dispatch.

  • Dates check box in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Dispatch Trip Folder.


  • Yes (default)
    The check box is selected by default.

  • No
    The check box is not selected by default.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the Delivery Instructions check box is automatically selected in the Order Entry Copy window or the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Trip Folder.


  • Yes (default)
    The Delivery Instructions check box is selected by default.

    Note: The check box must be selected for Delivery Instructions recorded on an order to carry over to the copied order.

  • No
    The Delivery Instructions check box is not selected by default.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy load requirements will be selected automatically in:

  • The Load Requirements check box in the Order Entry Copy window.

  • The Copy Load Requirements check box in the Call On Demand Order Entry Copy window in Fuel Dispatch.

  • The Load Requirements check box in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Dispatch Trip Folder.


  • Yes (default)
    The check box is selected by default.

    Note: The Load Requirements check box must be selected for order-based load requirements to carry over to the order copy. Load requirements recorded for a company or a commodity listed on an order are always carried over when an order is copied.

  • No
    The check box is not selected by default.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy notes will be selected automatically in:

  • The Notes check box in the Order Entry Copy window.

  • The Copy Notes check box in the Call On Demand Order Entry Copy window in Fuel Dispatch.

  • The Notes check box in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Dispatch Trip Folder.


  • Yes (default)
    The check box is selected by default.

  • No
    The check box is not selected by default.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy reference numbers will be selected automatically in:

  • The Order Reference #'s check box in the Order Entry Copy window.

  • The Copy Order Ref Numbers check box in the Call On Demand Order Entry Copy window in Fuel Dispatch.

  • The Order Reference #'s check box in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Dispatch Trip Folder.


  • No (default)
    The check box is not selected by default.

  • Yes
    The check box is selected by default.

Additional Notes

This setting also pertains to the TMW Ticket Order Entry add-on module. CopyOrderRefNbrs is one of the INI settings Ticket Order Entry checks to determine which data is to be copied from the master order to the orders created from tickets. The Ticket Order Entry module requires special licensing. For more information, consult your TMW Sales Representative.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy stop and commodity reference numbers will be selected automatically in:

  • The Other Reference #'s check box in the Order Entry Copy window.

  • The Copy Other Ref Numbers check box in the Call On Demand Order Entry Copy window in Fuel Dispatch.

  • The Other Reference #'s check box in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Dispatch Trip Folder.


  • Yes (default)
    The check box is selected by default.

  • No
    The check box is not selected by default.


Applies to



Applies only to Dispatch. This setting determines whether the Pay Details check box is automatically selected in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Trip Folder.

Note: Pay details cannot be copied in Order Entry.


  • Yes (default)
    The Pay Details check box is selected by default.


    1. Pay details recorded on an order will carry over to the copied order if you are also copying the asset assignment.

    2. If you have the CopyStatus= setting as No, when the Copy Options dialog box opens, the Pay Detail check box is cleared even when CopyPayDetails=Yes.

    3. If you have the CopyStatus= setting as Yes and CopyPayDetails=Yes, when the Copy Options dialog box opens the Pay Detail check box is selected, but grayed out. The pay detail(s) will still be copied provided:

      • There are assets assigned to the original order and you are copying them.

      • The order status is something other than Available or Master.

      • The Asset Assignment check box must be selected for the pay detail to be copied. If the Asset Assignment check box is cleared, you must:

        1. Select the Asset Assignment check box. This will cause the Pay Details check box to be cleared.

        2. If the Status check box is selected, clear it.

        3. Select the Status check box again. The Pay Details check box will be selected and no longer grayed out. The pay detail(s) will be copied.

    4. You cannot copy pay details on master orders in the Trip Folder. You must use the Order Scheduler add-on to TMWSuite to copy pay details on master orders.

  • No
    The Pay Details check box is not selected by default. No pay details recorded on an order will carry over to the copied order.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, CRM Right


When copying an order, this setting determines whether the option to copy quantities will be selected automatically in:

  • The Quantities check box in the Copy window in TMWSuite’s Order Entry.

  • The Copy Quantities check box in the Copy Order/Trip window in Fuel Dispatch.

    Note: This window is available in Call On Demand Order Entry and in Oil Field Order Entry.

  • The Copy Quantities check box in the Copy Order/Trip window in TMW Operations.


  • Yes (default)
    The check box is selected by default.

  • No
    The check box is not selected by default.

Additional Notes

This setting does not affect TMWSuite’s Dispatch application. The quantities are automatically copied regardless of the option you use with this setting.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the Line Haul Charges check box is automatically selected in the Order Entry Copy window and in the Copy Options dialog box used to copy orders in the Trip Folder.


  • No (default)
    The Line Haul Charges check box is not selected by default.

  • Yes
    The Line Haul Charges check box is selected by default.

    Note: The check box must be selected for the line haul charges and the primary rate ID from the original order to carry over to the copied order.

Additional Notes

This setting also pertains to TMW’s Ticket Order Entry add-on module. CopyRates= is one of the INI settings Ticket Order Entry checks to determine which data is to be copied from the master order to the orders created from tickets. The Ticket Order Entry module requires special licensing. For more information, consult your TMW Sales representative.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


Your entry for this setting determines what displays as the default reference number type for each freight detail on a new order at the time it is created.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system shows the first option listed in the ReferenceNumbers label.

  • User-specified default
    Enter the Abbr field value recorded for the preferred reference number type in the ReferenceNumbers label.


    1. In TMWSuite, you can override the default in Order Entry. Select a different reference number type from the drop-down list in the freight detail line.

    2. In TMWSuite, an entry made for the [Order]MandatoryFreightRefType setting overrides your entry.

Additional Notes

In TMWSuite, the Dispatch Trip Folder does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite V.2003, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Your entry for this setting determines what displays as the default reference number type in the order header of a new order at the time it is created.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system shows the first option listed in the ReferenceNumbers label.

  • User-specified default
    Enter the Abbr field value recorded for the preferred reference number type in the ReferenceNumbers label.


    1. Users can override the default by selecting a different reference type from the drop-down list in the order header.

    2. In TMWSuite, an entry made for the [Order]MandatoryOrderRefType setting will override your entry.

Additional Notes

In TMWSuite, the Dispatch Trip Folder does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2000 and later, EDI, TMW Operations 17.60


This setting determines the rating mode.


  • ByTotal (default)

    • In TMWSuite, Rate by Total is the only rating mode available.

      Note: When you use this option, you must have [Order]OrderScreenMode=Stops in your TTS50.

    • In TMW Operations, the system selects the By Total radio button by default.

      On an order-by-order basis, you can toggle between Rate by Detail mode and Rate by Total mode.

  • ByDetail

    • In TMWSuite, on an order-by-order basis, you can toggle between Rate by Detail mode and Rate by Total mode.


      1. When you use this option, you must have [Order]OrderScreenMode=Commodity in your TTS50.

      2. You must use this option to use Volume Optimization.

    • In TMW Operations, the system selects the By Detail radio button by default.

      On an order-by-order basis, you can toggle between Rate by Detail mode and Rate by Total mode.

      Note: The [Order]OrderScreenMode= INI setting is not supported for TMW Operations.

Additional Notes

This setting is case-sensitive.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


Your entry for this setting determines what displays as the default reference number type for each stop detail on a new order at the time it is created.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system shows the first option listed in the ReferenceNumbers label.

  • User-specified default
    Enter the Abbr field value recorded for the preferred reference number type in the ReferenceNumbers label.


    1. In TMWSuite, you can override the default in Order Entry. Select a different reference number type from the drop-down list in the stop detail line.

    2. In TMWSuite, an entry made for the [Order]MandatoryStopRefType setting will override your entry.

Additional Notes

In TMWSuite, the Dispatch Trip Folder does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


This setting allows you to change the default units of measure for weight, volume, and count to something more appropriate for your business.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The Weight, Volume, and Count fields on the order header default to LBS, GAL, and PCS (pounds, gallons, and pieces) respectively.

  • User-defined list
    The Weight, Volume, and Count fields on the order header display the specified unit values.


    1. Make entries in the following order: weight, volume, count.

    2. Each specified unit value must exactly match the ABBR field entry of the applicable unit of measure. as listed in the WeightUnits, VolumeUnits, and CountUnits labels. You access these labels in the System Administration application.

    3. You do not need to make an entry for each unit. For example, to change the default volume unit from Gallons to Oil Barrels and leave the other options as system defaults, you would enter: ,BBL,. If you omit any abbreviation you must enter the comma separators. The omitted unit of measure reverts to the matching default setting (LBS, GAL, or PCS).


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


You can set up the system to allow copying company, commodity, or resource notes to an order. This lets you make changes to notes for profile entities to customize them for a specific order, without changing the profile itself.

This setting applies to notes for companies, commodities, carriers, drivers, tractors, and trailers.


  • N (default)
    Do not allow users to copy notes from profiles to orders.

  • Y
    Allow users to copy notes from profiles to orders.

    • In Fuel Dispatch, enable the Copy to Order check boxes and the Copy to Order button in the Summary tab in the Notes window.

    • In TMW Operations, enable the Copy to Order link in the Notes tab in the Order Maintenance and Trip Folder windows.

    • In TMW Back Office, enable the Copy to Order link in the Notes tab in the Trip Settlements Folder and Edit Invoice Folder windows.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V.15.30.39


This setting determines if the system will save an order with the RevType1 field set to UNKNOWN.

In TMWSuite, this setting is applicable in both Order Entry and the Trip Folder.

In TMW Operations, this setting is applicable in both Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.

In Fuel Dispatch, this setting is applicable in Call On Demand Order Entry.


  • N (default)
    The system will save an order with a RevType1 value of UNKNOWN.

  • Y
    The system will not save an order with a RevType1 value of UNKNOWN.

Additional Notes

This setting does not apply to master orders. For master orders, use the [Order]MasterForceRevType1 setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V.15.30.39


This setting determines if the system will save an order with the RevType2 field set to UNKNOWN.

In TMWSuite, this setting is applicable in both Order Entry and the Trip Folder.

In TMW Operations, this setting is applicable in both Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.

In Fuel Dispatch, this setting is applicable in Call On Demand Order Entry.


  • N (default)
    The system will save an order with a RevType2 value of UNKNOWN.

  • Y
    The system will not save an order with a RevType2 value of UNKNOWN.

Additional Notes

This setting does not apply to master orders. For master orders, use the [Order]MasterForceRevType2 setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V.15.30.39


This setting determines if the system will save an order with the RevType3 field set to UNKNOWN.

In TMWSuite, this setting is applicable in both Order Entry and the Trip Folder.

In TMW Operations, this setting is applicable in both Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.

In Fuel Dispatch, this setting is applicable in Call On Demand Order Entry.


  • N (default)
    The system will save an order with a RevType3 value of UNKNOWN.

  • Y
    The system will not save an order with a RevType3 value of UNKNOWN.

Additional Notes

This setting does not apply to master orders. For master orders, use the [Order]MasterForceRevType3 setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V.15.30.39


This setting determines if the system will save an order with the RevType4 field set to UNKNOWN.

In TMWSuite, this setting is applicable in both Order Entry and the Trip Folder.

In TMW Operations, this setting is applicable in both Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.

In Fuel Dispatch, this setting is applicable in Call On Demand Order Entry.


  • N (default)
    The system will save an order with a RevType4 value of UNKNOWN.

  • Y
    The system will not save an order with a RevType4 value of UNKNOWN.

Additional Notes

This setting does not apply to master orders. For master orders, use the [Order]MasterForceRevType4 setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V16.10 and later


Use this setting to specify the default earliest pickup date and time when you create a new order. Your entry must consists of two parameters (date and time). You separate them with a comma. Do not enter spaces before or after the comma.


  • Blank, that is, no entry
    Apply the system default of 01/01/50, 00:00.

  • User-defined parameters
    Your entry must consists of two parameters:

    • Date
      Sets the earliest pickup date, relative to the current date

      For example, 0 equals today, 1 equals tomorrow, 2 equals two days in the future, etc.

    • Time
      Sets the earliest pickup time on the specified date

      • In TMWSuite Order Entry and Fuel Dispatch Oil Field Order Entry:

        • 0 sets the earliest pickup time to the current time. For example, an entry of 0,0 sets the earliest pickup date/time to today and time to now (time the order was entered in the system).

        • hh:mm sets the absolute time, in 24-hour format. For example, an entry of 1,13:30 sets the earliest pickup date/time to tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.

        • mmm sets the time offset, in minutes, relative to the current time. For example, and entry of 0,60 sets the earliest pickup date/time to today, one hour from the current time.

      • In TMW Operations Order Maintenance and Trip Folder, hh:mm sets the absolute time, in 24-hour format. For example, an entry of 1,06:00 sets the earliest pickup to tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.

        Note: TMW Operations does not support the now option (0,0) or the minute offset option (0,60). If you use these, TMW Operations displays 01/01/01 00:00 for the date/time.

Additional Notes

You can use these settings to change other default date/time settings.

  • [Order]InitLatPckUpDt

  • [Order]InitEarlyDrpDt
    Note: This setting is supported only for Fuel Dispatch.

  • [Order]InitLatDrpDt
    Note: This setting is supported only for Fuel Dispatch.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V16.10 and later


Use this setting to specify the default latest pickup date and time when you create a new order. Your entry must consists of two parameters (date and time). You separate them with a comma. Do not enter spaces before or after the comma.


  • Blank, that is, no entry
    Apply the system default of 12/31/49, 23:59.

  • User-defined parameters
    Your entry must consists of two parameters:

    • Date
      Sets the latest pickup date, relative to the current date

      For example, 0 equals today, 1 equals tomorrow, 2 equals two days in the future, etc.

    • Time
      Sets the latest pickup time on the specified date

      • In TMWSuite Order Entry and Fuel Dispatch Oil Field Order Entry:

        • 0 sets the latest pickup time to the current time. For example, an entry of 0,0 sets the latest pickup date/time to today and time to now (time the order was entered in the system).

        • hh:mm sets the absolute time, in 24-hour format. For example, an entry of 1,13:30 sets the latest pickup date/time to tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.

        • mmm sets the time offset, in minutes, relative to the current time. For example, and entry of 0,60 sets the latest pickup date/time to today, one hour from the current time.

      • In TMW Operations Order Maintenance and Trip Folder:

        hh:mm sets the absolute time, in 24-hour format. For example, an entry of 1,06:00 sets the latest pickup to tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.

        Note: TMW Operations does not support the now option (0,0) or the minute offset option (0,60). If you use these, TMW Operations displays 01/01/01 00:00 for the date/time.

Additional Notes

You can use these settings to change other default date/time settings.

  • [Order]InitEarlyPckUpDt

  • [Order]InitEarlyDrpDt
    Note: This setting is supported only for Fuel Dispatch.

  • [Order]InitLatDrpDt
    Note: This setting is supported only for Fuel Dispatch.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 16.10


When the container’s drop event at a port location is actualized, its trip assignment is completed. You may want to ensure it cannot be assigned on another order. The container’s off hire expiration controls this. This setting determines whether the system automatically updates the effective date of these expirations.

Note: This setting does not affect the chassis expiration date.


  • N (default)
    Do not update the effective date of the container’s expiration.

  • Y
    Update the effective date of the container’s expiration.

    Note: When an order on which a container is assigned is completed at a port location, the system:

    • Looks for the container’s next open off hire expiration

    • Changes that expiration’s effective date to one minute after the order’s completion time

Additional Notes

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, and Inventory Services do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 16.10


This setting activates the intermodal feature.

Options for TMWSuite

N (default)
The intermodal feature is disabled.

The intermodal feature is enabled.

The system displays the switches for intermodal functionality. These switches include:

  • The Port switch in the Company File Maintenance window

  • The InterModal check box in the Order Entry order header

  • The InterModal check box in the Trip Folder header

  • The Order tab in the Agent Order Entry add-on module

Note: The Port switch in the Company File Maintenance window identifies a company as a location from which containers are picked up and to which they are returned. The shipper on intermodal orders must have the Port check box selected in its company profile.

Selecting the InterModal check box on an order allows you to:

  • Specify a container is to be used on the order.

  • Record the IDs of the container and chassis that will be used on the order.

  • Enter new profiles for containers and chassis without using the Trailer Profile window.

Create expirations for the designated number of days you have use of the container and chassis.

Options for TMW Operations

The Intermodal tab displays in the Trip Folder. Selecting the Intermodal check box on this tab allows you to:

  • Specify the container and chassis used for the order

  • Create a new container or chassis without using the Trailer Profile window

  • Create expirations for the container

Additional Notes

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, and Inventory Services do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 16.10


This setting determines the default expiration code assigned to containers and chassis when they are added to intermodal orders.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No expirations are created

    Note: Intermodal orders do not function correctly if you leave this setting blank.

  • User-specified entry
    Enter the expiration type to be used as the default.

    Your entry must exactly match the Abbr field value recorded for the option in the TrlExp label.


    1. Intermodal orders do not function correctly if your entry is not an exact match to the Abbr field.

    2. TMW recommends using an expiration code with a Code field value of 900 or higher.

    3. Your entry appears in the following places:

      • TMWSuite

        • The Container Selection window’s Type field

        • The Driver/Equipment Status window’s Type field

      • TMW Operations

        • On the Trailer Profile window’s Expirations tab, in the Code field

        • On the Trip Folder’s Intermodal tab, in the ExpirationCode field

Additional Notes

  1. This setting requires that you have [Order]InterModalEdit=Y in your TTS50.

  2. CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, and Inventory Services do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


This setting prevents users from making changes to orders that have a given invoice status. When an invoice status is specified in this setting, any order having that status cannot be modified in these applications:

  • TMWSuite Order Entry

  • TMW Operations Order Maintenance

Specify desired statuses by typing the abbreviations assigned to them in the InvoiceStatus label. Make your entry as a comma separated list with no spaces. For example: InvoiceStatusEditLocks=PRN,XFR.


  • HLD,RTP,PRN,XFR,NTP,PRO (default)
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of On Hold, Ready to Print, Printed, Transferred, NTP, or Inv or MB Printed.

    Note: Statuses not specified will have no effect on a user’s ability to change an order.

Additional Notes

This setting does not affect the Trip Folder. A setting with this same name exists in the [Dispatch] section for that purpose.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines the number of copies of a single order that can be made at one time.

In TMWSuite, the number entered in this setting applies to copying orders in both Order Entry and the Dispatch Trip Folder.

In TMW Operations, the number entered in this setting applies to copying orders in both Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.


  • 10 (default)

  • User-specified number of copies
    Enter any whole number.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2016.15_07.0311, TMW Operations 2018.4


This setting determines whether the system adds a prefix to a system-generated order number. The prefix is determined by the RevType1 option recorded on the order when it is saved for the first time.


  1. Revenue types are user-defined in the label file. A revenue type’s abbreviation is recorded in the Abbr field.

  2. This setting is applicable in both Order Entry and Dispatch.


  • Default
    The system does not add a prefix to the order ID. It uses the default order numbering system, which assigns a sequential numeric value to each new order saved.

    The system appends a three-character prefix to the order ID the first time a new order is saved. The prefix is determined by the RevType1 option recorded in the order header. The system uses the first three characters from the option’s Abbr column entry in the RevType1 label as the prefix. The numeric part of the order ID consists of a five-digit, zero-filled sequential number. The system starts numbering orders as XXX00001.

    Note: After 99,999, the first digit starts counting with letters, up to 1,000,000:

    • 100,000 to 339,999 convert to A0000 to Z9999

    • 340,000 to 915,999 convert to AA000 to ZZ999

    • 916,000 to 1,000,000 converts to AAA00 to BMA00

    The system appends a three-character prefix to the order ID the first time a new order is saved. The prefix is determined by the RevType1 option recorded in the order header. The system uses the first three characters from the option’s Abbr column entry in the RevType1 label as the prefix. The numeric part of the order ID consists of a six-digit, zero-filled sequential number. The system starts numbering orders as XXX000001.

    Note: After 999,999, the first digit starts counting with letters, up to 10,000,000:

    • 1000000 to 3399999 converts to A00000 to Z99999

    • 3400000 to 9159999 converts to AA0000 to ZZ9999

    • 9160000 to 10000000 converts to AAA0000 to BMA0000

    The system appends a single-character prefix to the order ID the first time a new order is saved. The prefix is determined by the RevType1 option recorded in the order header. The system uses the first character from the option’s Abbr column entry in the RevType1 label as the prefix. The numeric part of the order ID consists of a seven-digit, zero-filled sequential number. The system starts numbering orders as X0000001.


    1. When using this option, it is suggested that the abbreviations for your RevType1 label options begin with different characters so they can be differentiated when looking up order IDs.

    2. After 9,999,999, the first digit starts counting with letters, up to 100,000,000:

      • 10000000 to 339999 converts to A000000 to Z999999

      • 34000000 to 91599999 converts to AA00000 to ZZ99999

      • 91600000 to 100000000 converts to AAA0000 to BMA0000

    The system appends a three-character prefix to the order ID the first time a new order is saved. The prefix is determined by the RevType1 option recorded in the order header. The system uses the first three characters from the option’s Abbr column entry in the RevType1 label as the prefix. The numeric part of the order ID consists of an eight-digit, zero-filled sequential number. The system starts numbering orders as XXX00000001.

    Note: Number repeats after 999,999,999

Additional Notes

The following notes apply to the TERMINALPREFIX, TERMINALPREFIX6, TERMINALPREFIX7, and TERMINALPREFIX9 options only:

  1. When you use these options, you must also have the [Order]UseAlphaOrdID=No setting in your TTS50.

  2. If UNKNOWN is displayed in the RevType1 field when the order is first saved, the system will add the prefix UNK or U to the order number.

  3. When you use these options, the Reserve Order Numbers command is displayed in the Order Entry File menu. Only users that are assigned to booking terminals can use this command. For more information, see the Including your booking terminal as part of your order number section in "Performing Order Entry setup procedures" chapter of the TMWSuite Order Entry guide.


Applies to

TMW Operations, TMWSuite


This setting prevents users from making changes to orders that have a given dispatch status. No modification can be made to orders having any status recorded in this setting, in these applications:

  • TMWSuite Order Entry

  • TMW Operations Order Maintenance

Specify desired statuses by typing the abbreviations assigned to them in the DispStatus label in the System Administration application. Use commas as separators, as shown in this example: STD, CMP.

Note: If an entry is made for this setting, the [Invoice]InvoiceStatusEditLocks setting is ignored.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    An order’s dispatch status does not affect the user’s ability to change the order.

  • AVL
    Prevents users from editing Available orders.

  • PLN
    Prevents users from editing Planned orders.

  • STD
    Prevents users from editing Started orders.

  • CMP
    Prevents users from editing Completed orders.

Additional Notes

  1. Statuses not specified will have no affect on a user’s ability to change an order.

  2. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to



This setting determines the number of days into the future allowed for the initial stop on an order at the time it is saved, either in Order Entry or Dispatch. If the start date of an order exceeds the specified number of days, the system displays a warning.


30 (default)


Applies to

TMW Operations 16.10


When working with intermodal orders, you assign a container as the primary trailer. You make the assignment on the Trip Folder’s Intermodal tab. The tab’s Trailer/Container sub tab contains the Create Expiration check box. When it is selected, the system creates an expiration automatically. This setting determines whether the check box is selected by default.

Note: Regardless of the INI setting, you can select or clear this check box manually.


  • Y (default)
    The Create Expiration check box is selected by default.

  • N
    The Create Expiration check box is cleared by default.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting requires that you have [Order]InterModalEdit=Y in your TTS50.

  2. CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMWSuite do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 16.10


When working with intermodal orders, you can assign a container/chassis as the secondary trailer. You make the assignment using the Trailer2/Chassis field. The Create Expiration check box is associated with that field. When it is selected, the system creates an expiration for the container automatically. This setting determines whether the check box is selected by default.

In TMWSuite, the Create Expiration check box is located in the Trailer2/Chassis section of the Container Selection window.

In TMW Operations, the Create Expiration check box on the Intermodal tab’s Trailer2/Chassis sub tab is selected by default. When it is selected, an expiration must be attached to the assigned container.

Note: Regardless of the INI setting, you can select or clear this check box manually.


  • Y (default)
    The Create Expiration check box is selected by default.

  • N
    The Create Expiration check box is cleared by default.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting requires that you have [Order]InterModalEdit=Y in your TTS50.

  2. CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, and Inventory Services do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting causes the system to set a default value in the Contact field for new orders. A Contact value can be copied from the profile of the order’s Bill To, shipper, or consignee.

An entry for this setting consists of two characters; these characters are independent of one another. The first character specifies the profile from which the Contact value is to be copied. The second character determines if and how a value is to be reset due to a subsequent change to the order. If the value must be reset, it can be copied from a different profile. In such a situation, multiple comma-delimited entries must be made.

In TMWSuite, this setting applies to Order Entry and Dispatch.

In TMW Operations, this setting applies to Order Maintenance and Trip Folder.


Position 1 defines where the default value comes from.

  • N, or leave blank (default)
    No default Contact field value will be provided.

  • B
    The default Contact field value is to be retrieved from the Bill To’s company profile.

  • S
    The default Contact field value is to be retrieved from the Shipper’s company profile.

  • C
    The default Contact field value is to be retrieved from the Consignee’s company profile.

Position 2 defines how the system controls the replacement of an existing value.

  • 1
    The system will automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 2
    The system will not overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 3
    When the default source for an existing value is changed, the system will prompt the user before replacing the existing value.

  • 4
    Prevents the system from overriding an existing value with UNKNOWN.

    Note: If the new value is something other than UNKNOWN, the system will automatically overwrite the existing value. No warning is displayed.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting causes the system to set a default value in the Currency field for new orders in Order Entry and Dispatch. A Currency value can be copied from the profile of the order’s Bill To, shipper, or consignee, or a third party recorded on the order.

An entry for this setting consists of two characters; these characters are independent of one another. The first character specifies the profile from which the Currency value is to be copied. The second character determines if and how a value is to be reset due to a subsequent change to the order. If the value must be reset, it can be copied from a different profile. In such a situation, multiple comma-delimited entries must be made.

In TMWSuite, this setting applies to Order Entry and Dispatch.

In TMW Operations, this setting applies to Order Maintenance and Trip Folder.


Position 1 defines where the default value comes from.

  • N, X, or leave blank (default)
    No default Currency field value will be provided.

  • B
    The default Currency field value is to be retrieved from the Bill To’s company profile.

  • S
    The default Currency field value is to be retrieved from the Shipper’s company profile.

  • C
    The default Currency field value is to be retrieved from the Consignee’s company profile.

  • T
    The default Currency field value is to be retrieved from the third party’s profile.

    Note: Third parties are entities specific to the Third Party Pay feature. This setting is applicable only if Third Party Pay is active.

Position 2 defines how the system controls the replacement of an existing value.

  • 1
    The system will automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 2
    The system will not overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 3
    When the default source for an existing value is changed, the system will prompt the user before replacing the existing value.

  • 4
    Prevents the system from overriding an existing value with UNKNOWN.

    Note: If the new value is something other than UNKNOWN, the system will automatically overwrite the existing value. No warning is displayed.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines the default Priority value for orders. A Priority value can be copied from the profile of the order’s Bill To, shipper, or consignee.

An entry for this setting consists of two characters; these characters are independent of one another. The first character specifies the profile from which the Priority value is copied. The second character determines if and how the Priority value will change if the source changes.

Multiple comma-delimited entries can be used to determine the default Priority value based on multiple profiles.

In TMWSuite, this setting applies to Order Entry and Dispatch.

In TMW Operations, this setting applies to Order Maintenance and Trip Folder.


Character 1 defines where the default Priority value comes from.

  • N, X or left blank (default)
    No default Priority field value will be provided.

  • B
    The Bill To’s company profile.

  • S
    The Shipper’s company profile.

  • C
    The Consignee’s company profile.

Character 2 defines how the system is to control the replacement of an existing value.

  • 1
    Automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 2
    Do not overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 3
    When the default source for an existing value is changed, the system will prompt the user before replacing the existing value.

  • 4
    Do not override an existing value with UNKNOWN.

    Note: If the new value is something other than UNKNOWN, the system will automatically overwrite the existing value. No warning is displayed.

Additional Notes

Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2002 and later, EDI, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V.16.10.30


These settings determine the default RevType values for orders. RevType values can be copied from the profile of the order’s Bill To, shipper, consignee, a third party recorded on the order, or the user who created the order.

An entry for these settings consists of two characters; these characters are independent of one another. The first character specifies the profile from which the RevType value is copied. The second character determines if and how the RevType value will change if the source changes.

Multiple comma-delimited entries can be used to determine the default RevType value based on multiple profiles.

In TMWSuite, these settings apply to Order Entry and Dispatch.

In TMW Operations, these settings apply to Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.

In Fuel Dispatch, these settings apply to Call On Demand Order Entry and Oil Field Order Entry. To use them, you must have these settings in the [FuelDispatch] section of your TTS50:

  • DefaultUserTerminalOnNewOrder=N

  • SetRevTypesByConsignee=N


Character 1 defines where the default revenue type value comes from.

  • N, X, or blank (default)
    No default revenue type value is provided.

    In Fuel Dispatch:

    • In Call On Demand Order Entry, no default revenue types are displayed for RevType1-4.

    • In Oil Field Order Entry, the RevType1 value is displayed. For RevType2-4, no default revenue type is provided.

  • B
    Bill To’s company profile

  • S
    Shipper’s company profile

  • C
    Consignee’s company profile

  • L
    Current user’s profile

    This option applies to Character 1 for the SetRevType1DefaultFrom and SetRevType2DefaultFrom settings.

    In TMWSuite, your company may have set up the RevType1 field in a user’s profile to represent a booking terminal. When you use this option for the SetRevType1DefaultFrom setting, the default values for both BK:RevType1 and RevType1 are copied from the current user’s profile.

    If you want the Bk:RevType1 field to reflect the user profile setting, but you prefer to have the default RevType1 value copied from a company or third party profile, you can use multiple entries for SetRevType1DefaultFrom, such as:

    SetRevType1DefaultFrom=B1, L1

    Using the example entry, you could replace B with S, C, or T to set the RevType1 field from the shipper, consignee, or third party profile, respectively.

  • T
    Third party’s profile

    Note: Third parties are entities specific to the Third Party Pay feature. This setting is applicable only if Third Party Pay is active.

  • R
    Automatically fill in the RevType 4 field based on RevType relationships established in the RevType1 label in System Administration.

    Warning: This option pertains to a customized feature, Revenue type relationships, designed for a specific TMW client. Do not use this option.

Character 2 defines how the system is to control the replacement of an existing value.

  • 1
    Automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 2
    Do not overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 3
    When the default source for an existing value is changed, the system will prompt the user before replacing the existing value.

    In Fuel Dispatch’s Oil Field Order Entry, this option works only when Character 1 is set to S (shipper). It does not work when Character 1 is set to B (Bill To) or C (consignee). Also, the T and R options are not applicable in Fuel Dispatch.

  • 4
    Do not override an existing value with one of UNKNOWN.

    Note: If the new value is something other than UNKNOWN, the system automatically overwrites the existing value. No warning is displayed.

    • In TMWSuite, this option does not work if you are using the DefaultOrdRevType1FromDriver General Info Table key to have the system provide the RevType1 value on the order from the DrvType1 value in the profile of the primary driver assigned on the trip.

    • In Fuel Dispatch’s Call On Demand Order Entry and Oil Field Order Entry, this option works when Character 1 is set to S (shipper), B (Bill To), or C (consignee). Also, the T and R options are not applicable in Fuel Dispatch.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting causes the system to set a default value in the Terms field for new orders. A Terms value can be copied from the profile of the order’s Bill To, shipper, or consignee.

An entry for this setting consists of two characters; these characters are independent of one another. The first character specifies the profile from which the Terms value is to be copied. The second character determines if and how a value is to be reset due to a subsequent change to the order. If the value must be reset, it can be copied from a different profile. In such a situation, multiple comma-delimited entries must be made.

In TMWSuite, this setting applies to Order Entry and Dispatch.

In TMW Operations, this setting applies to Order Maintenance and Trip Folder.


Position 1 defines where the default value comes from.

  • N, X or left blank (default)
    No default Terms field value will be provided.

  • B
    The default Terms field value is to be retrieved from the Bill To’s company profile.

  • S
    The default Terms field value is to be retrieved from the Shipper’s company profile.

  • C
    The default Terms field value is to be retrieved from the Consignee’s company profile.

Position 2 defines how the system is to control the replacement of an existing value.

  • N or left blank (default)

  • 1
    The system will automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 2
    The system will not overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 3
    When the default source for an existing value is changed, the system will prompt the user before replacing the existing value.

  • 4
    Prevents the system from overriding an existing value with UNKNOWN.

    Note: If the new value is something other than UNKNOWN, the system will automatically overwrite the existing value. No warning is displayed.

[PCMilerMap] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations 2022.1 and later


When you use street addresses for stop locations instead of company IDs, you can have the system validate those addresses. The validation process applies only to stops that have:

  • The Company ID field set to UNKNOWN.

  • Entries in the Address1, City, State, and Zipcode fields.

You use this setting to make the Address Validation field available to be added to the Trip Folder Stops grid and the Order Maintenance All Stops tab.

Note: In both places, you must add the field to the grid using Field Chooser and save the grid layout.

The Address Validation field does two things:

  1. It acts as a button to let you trigger the validation process for the stop.
    Note: You do not need to use the button to start the process. When you make entries in the required fields, it will start when you tab out of the Zipcode field.

  2. It shows color indicators that tell you whether the stop’s address has been processed and if it is valid.

    • Green means the address has been validated and is valid.

    • Red means the address has been validated and is not valid. Red also shows when you have canceled the validation.

    • Yellow means the address has not been validated yet.

    • Gray means the address cannot be validated. Addresses cannot be validated if the stop has a valid company ID, or if you did not make entries in the Address1, City, State, and Zipcode fields.



  • N (default)
    The Address Validation field is not available to be added to the Trip Folder Stops grid or the Order Maintenance All Stops tab. You cannot validate a stop’s street address.

  • Y
    The Address Validation field is available to be added to the Trip Folder Stops grid or the Order Maintenance All Stops tab. You can validate a stop’s street address.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2001 and later, TMW Operations


Use this setting to specify the PCMiler application you have installed for mapping: PC Miler Mapping or PCMiler/Streets.

This setting also controls the appearance of the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons in the Company File Maintenance window.

  • You use the Map button to view the company’s location in the Map Company window.

  • You use the Get Lat/Long button to retrieve the company’s latitude/longitude data.


  • No (default)
    PCMiler mapping software is not installed.

    Note: When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are not available in the company profile.

  • PCMiler
    (Versions 2000 and lower)

    Note: When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are not available in the company profile.

  • PCMilerNew
    (Version 14 and up)

    Note: When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are not available in the company profile.

  • PCMilerStreets
    (Versions 2000 and lower)

    Note: When this option is used, the Get Lat/Long button is not available in the company profile.

  • PCMilerStreetsNew
    (Version 3.0 and up)


    1. When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are available in the company profile.

    2. You must use this option to have mapping to work in TMW Operations.

[Split] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: Prior to 2003, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the HCT-Hook Change Trailer and IHCT-Billable Hook Change Trailer events will be offered as options when you split a trip using the Split Trip: Park and Hook command in the Dispatch or Edit menus. The default for the Hook Event field is HLT-Hook Loaded Trailer.


  • No (default)
    Only the HLT-Hook Loaded Trailer or IHLT-Billable Hook Loaded Trailer events will be offered in the Park and Hook window.

  • Yes
    In the Park and Hook window, allow the user to select one of the following:

    • HLT - Hook Loaded Trailer

    • IHLT - Billable Hook Loaded Trailer

    • HCT - Hook Change Trailer

    • IHCT - Billable Hook Change Trailer

Additional Notes

This setting does not work in Fuel Dispatch.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting allows the system to split empty moves when using the Split Trip > Park and Hook command.


  • Y or blank (default)
    Splitting empty moves is allowed.


    1. You can split an empty move from the Trip Folder or Planning Worksheet. You cannot do so in the Trip Planner.

    2. You cannot use this option when your system is set up to require a reason code for creating an empty move. Requiring reason codes is controlled by two [Dispatch] settings:

      • RequireReasonForDeadHead=Y

      • RequireReasonForEmptyMove=Y

  • N
    Splitting empty moves is not allowed.


Applies to



These settings provide default locations for trip splits, the Park and Hook Default location and company ID for loaded trailers.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will estimate dates for Park and Hooks.


  • N (default)
    Do not estimate dates for Park and Hook events.

  • Y
    Estimate dates for Park and Hook events.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2024.3 and later


Use this setting when a trip is split with a park and hook in the Trip Folder. The system will attempt to update the earliest and latest stop dates, so they occur chronologically.


  • N (default)
    The functionality is turned off.

  • Y
    The system will update the earliest/latest drop dates chronologically.

    Note: The Earliest/Latest dates will be updated only when they occur before the prior stop’s Earliest/Latest dates. The system will attempt to set the Earliest/Latest times equal to the same stop’s arrival time if the arrival time occurs after the prior stop’s Earliest/Latest times.

Additional Notes

When the trip is shift based, after the park and hook is completed and the stop times are updated, the leg is assigned to the shift, which will recalculate the arrival/departure times again based on the trip being inserted on the shift. This will result in a difference between the stop’s actual times and the updated appointment times.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch


Use this setting to require that a primary trailer is assigned to a trip before allowing the trip to be split.

Note: Trips may also have a secondary, or pup, trailer assigned.


  • YES (default)
    Require a trailer assignment to split a trip.

  • NO
    Do not require a trailer to split a trip.

    Note: This option is required if you are splitting a trip assigned to a straight truck.

[TmwMapping] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting defines the largest number of check calls (excluding the last check call, which is always displayed) to display on a map in the Trip Folder. They are distributed across the route.


  • 500 (default)
    The system will display no more than 500 check calls on a route.

  • User-specified number of check calls
    The system will display no more than the specified number of check calls on a route.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used when [TmwMapping]MapProvider=ALK.

  2. If this setting is used with [TmwMapping]IgnoreCheckCallsCloserThan, the system will use the number of calls remaining after those that are within the specified number of miles are discarded.


Applies to

TMW Operations 14.40.125


This setting specifies a unique system key for the web-based ALK Maps software.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    ALK Maps are not available.

  • User-specified key
    Your TMW support person will provide this value.

    Note: This option requires you to have [TmwMapping]MapProvider=ALKweb set in your TTS50.

Additional Notes

This setting is not supported in TMWSuite.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting defines the largest number of check calls (excluding the last check call, which is always displayed) to display on a map in the Trip Folder. They are distributed across the route.


  • 750 (default)
    The system will display no more than 750 check calls on a route.

  • User-specified number of check calls
    The system will display no more than the specified number of check calls on a route.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used when [TmwMapping]MapProvider=ALKWeb.

  2. If this setting is used with [TmwMapping]IgnoreCheckCallsCloserThan, the system will use the number of calls remaining after those that are within the specified number of miles are discarded.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting instructs the system to ignore check calls that occur within a user-specified number of air miles when displaying a check call map in the Trip Folder.


  • 2 (default)
    The system will ignore check calls that are within two miles of each other.

  • User-specified number of miles
    The system will ignore check calls that are within the specified number of miles of each other.

Additional Notes

For trips with a large number of check calls, entering a high number (e.g., 50) will help improve readability on the map.


Applies to

TMW Operations 14.40.125


This setting specifies the software used for mapping functions in TMW Operations.


  • ALKweb (default)
    The system’s web-based built-in ALK® Maps software.

    Note: For ALK Maps to work, the following must be set as indicated:

    • [TmwMapping]ALKWebAPIKey must be set to a unique system key. Contact your TMW support representative for more information.

    • [PCMilerMap]MappingInstalled must be set to a valid value other than No. Although this setting is required for versions 14.40.125 and 15.10.073, no mapping products need to be installed.

  • ALK
    PC*MILER mapping.

    Note: For PC*Miler mapping to work, you must have PC*MILER and TMW Operations installed on the same machine.

Additional Notes

This setting is not supported in TMWSuite.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Use this setting to enable maps from TMW Mapping.


  • N (default)
    Maps are disabled.

  • Y
    Maps are enabled.

Additional Notes

TMW maps require a valid MappingDirectory setting.
Disable the [PCMiller]MappingInstalled setting to prevent possible conflicts.

[TmwSuiteAddins] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0569 and later, TMW Operations 2019.3


This setting allows you to filter trips by origin and/or destination. You can filter by state and/or province using an interactive mapping feature.

The feature is available in these TMWSuite applications:

  • The Planning Worksheet’s Available Trips grid

    Note: To use the Choose States interactive map in the Available Trips grid, you must also have the [Dispatch]PlannerFilteronOriginDest=Y setting in your TTS50.

  • The External Equipment grid’s External Equipment and Company Carriers tabs

The feature is available in these areas of TMWOperations:

  • Planning Worksheet

    • The Trips Board definition window
      Use the State field in the Shipper and Consignee sections to access the map.

    • The Inbound/Power Board Definition window

      Use the State field in the Final Stop Information and Consignee sections to access the map.

    • The External Equipment grid’s External Equipment and Company Carriers tabs
      Use the Origin and Destination fields to access the map.

  • Company Planner

    • The Brokerage board’s External Equipment and Company Carrier tabs
      Use the Origin and Destination fields to access the map.

    • In the Covering board’s External Equipment and Company Carrier tabs
      Use the Origin and Destination fields to access the map.

Note: The External Equipment grid is one of the modules included in the Enhanced Brokerage license. For more information, contact Sales.


  • N (default)
    Do not activate the Choose States map feature.

  • Y
    Activate the Choose States map feature.

    Note for TMWSuite: To use this option, you must also have [TmwSuiteAddins]EnableInterface=Y in your TTS50.

[TruETA] settings


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Customer-specific key generated by Trimble Maps.


User-specific value

Additional Notes

  1. To obtain this key, contact your Customer Support representative.

  2. This key is required to use TruETA.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2019.4 and later, TruETA Agent, TruETA 2019.4 and later


There are two TruETA methods for TMW Operations:

  • TruETA Agent

    This method uses the TruETA Agent window to perform ETA calculations. You define how the ETA calculations are performed by modifying INI settings in the [MobileComm] section of your TTS50.

    Note: TMWSuite uses this method.

  • TruETA

    This method uses SystemsLink, WorkCycle, and real-time data from trucks or drivers to perform ETA calculations. Functionality is based on the values in the [TruETA] section of your TTS50.

Note: Before TMW Operations 2019.4, only the TruETA Agent method was available. Starting with TMW Operations 2019.4, the TruETA method is used.


  • N (default)
    TruETA Agent is the active method. Loading orders in the Trip Folder or saving changes in the Trip Folder does not trigger the TruETA calculations.

    When set to N, the background color of the Trip Folder’s TruETA icon changes based on the TruETA solution status:

  • TruETA processing - Blue

  • TruETA processing completed successfully - Green

  • TruETA processing completed with errors - Red

  • Y
    When set to Y, TruETA is the active method. TMW Operations automatically triggers TruETA calculations when you load orders in the Trip Folder and/or save orders in the Trip Folder.

Additional note

Trimble Transportation recommends using the TruETA method.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


TruETA generates Hours Of Service (HOS) rest stop solutions for carrier-based loads.


  • N (default)
    TruETA does not generate HOS rest stop solutions for carrier trips.

  • Y
    TruETA generates HOS rest stop solutions for carrier trips.


Applies to

TruETA Preplanning 2019.4 and later


Updates the default value in the Tank Gallons field on the Tractor profile. The TruETA service requires a value in this field to perform TruETA calculations.


  • 20 (default)

    Default value in the Tank Gallons field to 20 gallons.

  • User-specified value
    Default value in the Tank Gallons field to the user-specified value.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Determines if the TruETA Agent sends position updates on processed trips based on check calls to the Trimble Maps TruETA service.


  • N (default)
    The TruETA Agent does not pass position updates.

  • Y
    The TruETA Agent passes position updates based on check calls since the last time the TruETA Agent ran.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Determines if The TruETA Agent sends trip statuses to the Trimble Maps TruETA service.


  • N (default)
    Trip statuses are not sent to the Trimble Maps TruETA service.

  • Y
    Trip statuses are sent to the Trimble Maps TruETA service.


If you plan to use the Out of Corridor or the Out of Route features, you must set this status to Y.

This setting must be set to Y for the TruETA feature to function correctly.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Enables or disables the TruETA Agent feature for trips.

Note: This feature is not related to the TruETA feature.


  • N (default)
    Trips are not processed through the TruETA Agent.

  • Y
    Trips are processed through the TruETA Agent.


The TruETA Agent feature will not process any trips without enabling this setting.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Specifies the amount of time (in minutes) allocated for fuel stops.


  • 30 (default)

    TruETA allocates 30 minutes for fuel stops.

  • User-specified value
    TruETA allocates this user-specified value for fuel stops


To use this setting, you must have the ExpertFuel module installed. To obtain this module, contact your Sales representative or your Customer Service representative.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Number of alternative rest stop locations that are presented to the dispatcher for all trips.


  • 3 (default)
    TruETA identifies three alternative rest stop locations.

  • User-specified value
    TruETA identifies this user-specified number of alternative rest stop locations.


To use this setting, you must set [TruETA]BrokeredLoadHosSolution = Y.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Number of Out Of Corridor (OOC) miles that the TruETA Agent sends to the Trimble Maps TruETA service when planning or modifying trips.


  • 1 (default)
    Adds one (1) mile to the OOC miles sent.

  • User-specified value
    Adds the user-specified number of miles to the OOC miles sent.

    Note: This value cannot be a decimal number (such as 2.3).


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Number of Out Of Route (OOR) miles that the TruETA Agent sends to the Trimble Maps TruETA service when planning or modifying trips.


  • 1 (default)
    Adds one (1) mile to the OOR miles sent.

  • User-specified value
    Adds the user-specified number of miles to the OOR miles sent.

    Note: This value cannot be a decimal number (such as 2.3).


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Determines how the TruETA Agent runs and how often it processes trips.

Default processing method

The TruETA Agent runs non-stop and processes trips every XX number of minutes. The number of minutes depends on the value set in [MobileComm]ETACalcFrequency.

Alternative processing method

The TruETA Agent runs and processes trips as soon as the Agent window is opened. After the Agent runs and processes the trips, the window is closed. This setting was designed to run with Windows Task Scheduler.


  • F (default)

    The TruETA Agent uses the default processing method.

  • T
    The TruETA Agent uses the alternative processing method.


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2023.4 and later


Use this setting to display the Company Alt ID value instead of the Address in the TruETA tab. This lets you match the stops displayed in TruETA to the Stops in TMW.


  • N (default)

    The label for the stops will use the Company Name.

  • Y
    The label for the stops will use the Company Alt ID.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting specifies the Microsoft® Windows folder location for the log file. This log file records any SOAPConnection errors.


  • c:\temp\TruEta.TXT (default)
    Default file location.

  • User-specific value
    User-specified file location.

Note: The name of the log file must be TruETA.txt.


  1. This setting requires [MobileComm]ETAAgentLogging = Y.

  2. This setting requires administration permissions to the file location.

  3. This setting does not log application errors.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


This setting determines the mileage calculation method used by TruETA Agent.


  • Standard (default)

    The TruETA Agent uses a local installation of Trimble Maps PC*Miler to estimate and calculate mileage.

    Note: This method is faster than the Web method. Trimble Transportation recommends using this setting.

  • Web

    The TruETA Agent uses the TruETA web service to estimate and calculate mileage.

    Note: With this method, you do not need a local installation of Trimble Maps PC*Miler. However, this method runs slower than the Standard method.


Applies to

TruETA Agent, TruETA Preplanning 2019.4 and later, WorkCycle 2019.4 and later


This setting determines how many trips the TruETA service uses when it performs calculations.

Note: This setting applies only to drivers. It does not work for other asset types.


  • N (default)
    The TruETA service looks at all trips assigned to a driver when running TruETA calculations.

  • Y
    The TruETA service looks at the driver’s current trip and next assigned trip when running TruETA calculations.


Applies to

TruETA Preplanning 2019.4 and later


This setting provides the Trimble Maps production API endpoint.

This setting is required to use TruETA Preplanning.
