Looking up orders > Orders > Order scroll – Assets tab
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Order scroll – Assets tab
Use this sub tab to restrict based on start and delivery dates, as well as resources assigned to orders.
Driver 1
ID and name of the primary driver
Driver 2
For team trips, the ID and name of the co-driver
ID of the tractor
ID of the contracted carrier
Trailer 1
ID of the primary trailer
Trailer 2
ID of the pup trailer
Start From / To
Delivery From / To
Start date range
Delivery date rang
When you modify the dates on the Assets tab, the system also changes the dates on the Company and Schedule tabs.
By default, the system uses the date that is 30 days prior to the current system date as the beginning of the Start From and Delivery From date ranges. However, you can change this in your TTS50. Use the [Misc]OrderScrollDaysBack setting to specify the number of days you want the From dates set back, such as 60 or 90. You can also use the genesis date, 01/01/50, by using this setting: OrderScrollDaysBack=BeginningOfTime.
A non-board party carrier can be assigned to an order in the Advanced Carrier Selection window. Although the assets for non-board carriers do not have TMW profiles, a driver name or ID, a tractor ID, and/or a trailer ID can be entered manually in the Carrier Information section of the Advanced Carrier Selection window. You can use these entries as a filter when retrieving orders.
Note: The ACS Drv, ACS Trc, and ACS Trl fields are available when you are licensed for Enhanced Brokerage.
Link From Dates
Your selection applies to all sub tabs that contain date range fields.
Selected (default)
The initial date you enter for one date range is copied as the initial date for the other date range automatically.
The initial date you enter for one date range is not copied automatically copied as the initial date for the other date range.