Looking up orders > Orders > Order scroll – Schedule tab
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Order scroll – Schedule tab
Use this sub tab to look up orders that were created when schedules were processed by the Order Scheduler.
Note: The Schedule tab displays only on systems licensed for the Order Scheduler module and if the Order Scheduler is active. The Order Scheduler is an add-on that must be purchased separately. Contact TMW Sales for more information.
Source Order #
Order number used as a template for the schedule
Master Schedule ID
ID of the order schedule that specifies which master order is to be copied. The master schedule also specifies what data to copy from the master order and how many copies to make.
Schedule Batch ID
Batch ID number. When the system processes a schedule and creates orders, it assigns a unique Batch ID number to the orders. The system displays the Batch ID number in the Batch ID field of the Copy Scheduled Orders window when a schedule is processed.
First Pickup From / To
Delivery From / To
Start date range for the orders to be retrieved
Delivery date range for the order to be retrieved
When you modify the dates on the Schedule tab, the system also changes the dates on the Company and Assets tabs.
By default, the system uses the date that is 30 days prior to the current system date as the beginning of the Start From and Delivery From date ranges. However, you can change this in your TTS50. Use the [Misc]OrderScrollDaysBack setting to specify the number of days you want the From dates set back, such as 60 or 90. You can also use the genesis date, 01/01/50, by using this setting: OrderScrollDaysBack=BeginningOfTime.
Sch. Earliest From / To
Date range for earliest scheduled pickup
Sch. Latest From / To
Date range for latest scheduled pickup
Note: Opening a profile window of an order and accessing a record's detail does not apply to CRMRight.