Reference Numbers | Three fields apply to order header, stop, and freight (commodity) reference numbers. • Reference Type Select the kind of reference number (PO#, BL#, etc.) Note: Reference number types are set up in the ReferenceNumber label in System Administration. • Reference Number Enter a complete reference number or a partial number. The system will locate all reference numbers that contain the character string you entered. • Exact Match (on Ref #) Select the check box to return an exact match of the numbers entered. Clear the check box to return all reference numbers that contain the character string you entered. |
RevType 1-4 | User-defined revenue classifications. Note: Revenue classifications are set up in the RevType 1-4 labels in System Administration. |
Car Inv# | ID of the invoice submitted by the carrier for its services. Applicable for orders transported by third party carriers. |
Match Count | To prevent search overload, results are limited to a reasonable number. |
Booked By | User ID of the person who entered the order into the system |
Booked From / To | Restricts the list to orders booked between the date range entered. |
Code | Select a commodity code. Note: When an order is saved, only the first commodity code is saved in the order header table. If multiple commodities are recorded in the freight detail, the search will not include them. If you want to expand the search to include all commodity codes for an order, select the Check on Freight Detail check box. |
Check on Freight Detail | Select this check box to expand the search for the selected commodity code to all commodity codes recorded in the freight detail. |
Origin Port | Used for the Intermodal feature that is functional in the Dispatch application |
Destination Port | Used for the Intermodal feature that is functional in the Dispatch application |
Link From Dates | Your selection applies to all sub tabs that contain date range fields. • Selected (default) The initial date you enter for one date range is copied as the initial date for the other date range automatically. • Cleared The initial date you enter for one date range is not copied automatically as the initial date for the other date range. |