Working with quotes > Overview of the Quote window > Rate header
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Rate header
The rate header provides a general definition of the rate.
Rate header on CRMRight Quote window
Rate header on Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder
The rate header defines these key elements of the rate:
Unique system-generated numeric ID that is assigned automatically to the rate when it is first saved.
Two user-defined free-form text fields that you can use to assign your own identifiers for the rate.
Free-form description of the rate.
Charge type, as well as the unit of measure on which it is based.
Per-unit rate.
Note: The Rate Schedules application supports the use of a table, which allows you to record multiple per-unit rates for a single table. The Rows and Col's fields, which are shown in the Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder illustration, are used to define the rows and/or columns that make up a rate table. The Quote window does not provide those fields because CRMRight is limited to the use of a single per-unit rate.
Minimum quantity and/or minimum charge information.
Currency to be used for orders to which the rate applies.