Working with quotes > Overview of the Quote window > Index
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A rate index is a set of restrictions that determines exactly when a billing rate is applied to an order. When you use the Compute feature to calculate billing charges for an order, the system compares individual fields on the order to individual restriction fields in all indexes for all billing rates.
Field by field, the restriction data in each index is examined for a match with the corresponding fields on the order. Once the rate index with the best match is determined, the system applies the rate to the order. If the order matches multiple rates, the system lists them in a dialog box and prompts you to select the one you want applied.
The index also is used to classify a rate as primary (line haul), secondary (accessorial that is linked to a primary rate), or line item (accessorial that is applied on an “as needed” basis; it is not linked to any other rate), or linked line item (accessorial that is applied on an “as needed” basis, is used only when a primary rate with which it is linked is applied).
On the Quote window, index restriction fields are found on four tabs. The name of each tab identifies the types of restrictions found on it. No tab is more important than the others; restrictions have been divided onto multiple tabs simply because of space constraints.
What do you want to see?
General tab
Rev/Trip Types tab
Equipment tab
Ranges tab
Effective Dates tab
General tab
The General tab displays these fields:
Restrictions for origin company ID, city/state or province, and ZIP/postal code.
Restrictions for destination company ID, city/state or province, and ZIP/postal code.
Restriction for Company, which is a user-defined field you can use to categorize divisions in your organization.
Type of rate (primary, secondary, line item, linked line item).
The numbers shown on these illustrations identify the locations of these fields on the General tab and on the Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder.
CRMRight Quote window
Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder
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Rev/Trip Types tab
The Rev/Trip Types tab lists restriction fields for:
User-defined revenue classifications, which you can use to categorize types of orders.
User-defined trip classifications, which you can use to categorize trip segments. Another term for a segment is "leg header," abbreviated as "lgh." Sometimes a movement is split into multiple segments. This occurs when there is a change in the resources used to haul a load. A trip segment is defined as the portion of a movement that is handled by the same set of resources. For example, an order may be picked up by one set of resources, and dropped by another set. This means that the movement consists of two segments. Each segment can be categorized differently based on its LghType1 - 4 classifications.
The numbers shown on these illustrations identify the locations of these fields on the General tab and on the Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder.
CRMRight Quote window
Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder
Note: The Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder does not provide fields for the LghType2 - 4 fields.
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Equipment tab
The Equipment tab provides restriction fields for trailer classifications. They are user-defined fields that you can use to categorize the trailers used to haul loads.
CRMRight Quote window
Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder
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Ranges tab
You use the Ranges tab to specify that the rate is applicable only for orders that have a quantity that falls within a minimum and/or maximum range. The Weight, Count, and Volume fields apply to commodity quantity. The Distance field applies to billable miles traveled for the order.
CRMRight Quote window
Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder
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Effective Dates
The Effective Date fields are located at the bottom of the Quote window and the Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder. They identify the date range during which the rate schedule is in effect. If the first billable stop for an order occurs within this date range, the system will consider the rate schedule eligible for use.
CRMRight Quote window
Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder
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