Collect on delivery (COD) details > General information
General information
The General sub-tab of the COD tab is used to define basic details of the COD record.
General sub-tab field definitions
Check Type
This field indicates the available COD checks type. The options are: Company, Direct, and Bypass GL.
Company – A company check is made out to your company and the transaction will flow through the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable modules.
Direct – A direct check is made out to the shipper. In this case, the COD check amount will be posted by the Billing Register program; then offset by the COD Payables Register program; but it will not become a transaction in either the Accounts Receivable module or the Accounts Payable module.
Bypass GL – The Bypass GL option enables you to enter multiple payments (on the Payments sub-tab). In Customer Service, no GL is generated in the GL tab (BILLGL table).
Note: The Check # field is disabled when using the Bypass GL option.
COD Amount / Currency
This field indicates the amount and (relevant) currency that should be collected at the Consignee site.
Check #
If you receive the COD check, before the bill is posted through the Billing Register program, you can enter the check number here. Otherwise, enter it in the COD Payables Audit program.
This field indicates the status of the COD record. The field defaults to Open on creation of a new COD record. Status can be changed to Mailed (when check sent by "us" or our agent) or Completed (when check sent direct by Consignee to Shipper).
Notes pertinent to the COD can be entered here.