Collect on delivery (COD) details > Mailing information
Mailing information
The Mailing sub-tab of the COD tab is used to define describe how a COD check was sent.
Mailing sub-tab field definitions
This item-list indicates the method by which the COD will be sent to the Consignee.
Mail To / Address
The Mail To and Address fields default to the freight bill's Shipper, but you may:
Use the right mouse button (right-click) and set it to the freight bill's Caller, Shipper, Other Contact, or Pickup-At.
Select any client ID using the edit-pick field, and
Once the required Client ID is set, you can manually over-write parts of the address. You may also clear address fields using the right mouse button (right-click or <Ctrl><O>) and selecting Clear Mail-To Address.
Mail By
The Mail By field has three choices: AP, Agent or Other. These options determine the options for the Received By field:
Received By
If Mail By is APReceived By field enables you to pick a vendor.
If Mail By is AgentReceived By field enables you to pick a TruckMate user.
If Mail By is Other - you are required to enter free-form text. The Received By field is not error-checked, so any text may be entered, regardless of Mail By selection.
This field indicates the date that the COD was sent out.
Tracking #
If applicable, enter a provided tracking number.