Intermodal details > Container information
Container information
Container sub-tab field definitions
This field indicates what type of container is to be moved. The two options are: COFC (Container on Flat Car) or TOFC (Trailer on Flat Car). COFC containers require a chassis while TOFC have their own wheels.
Cont. #
This field indicates Container ID or code. Click P to create a container on the fly. The values in the Quick Container Entry appear in the Container Info area after the form is closed.
This field indicates a container's ISO number (if applicable).
Job #
This field indicates a Job # (if applicable) for the Container movement.
This field indicates a Chassis ID or code. Click P to create a chassis on the fly. The values in the Quick Chassis Entry appear in the Chassis Info area after the form is closed.
These fields auto-populate following the use of the Quick Entry forms. You can manually enter data by clicking the search buttons and selecting the available values from your system.
Trace Numbers
These fields indicate trace reference numbers. Enter numbers as applicable.