INI settings that are used by Inventory Services

Your TTS50 contains the global settings that control how TMWSuite operates. You must set up this file for your company’s way of doing business. General information about the INI settings are located in the TMWSuite System Administration Guide.

[Brackets] enclose all the section headings in your TTS50. Each setting must remain in its section. The TTS50 is not alphabetical - you must use your text editor’s Find tool to locate a setting or section.

In this topic, settings are listed in alphabetical order by section and within each section.

[Dispatch] settings

These settings used by Inventory Services are located in the [Dispatch] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite V.2003 and later, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether, when users close an application, the system will display a message asking them to confirm their intent to exit.


  • No (default)
    Display the confirmation message.

  • Yes
    Do not display the confirmation message.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.

[FileMaint] settings

These settings used by Inventory Services are located in the [FileMaint] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services


This setting determines whether the system will display the Supplier check box in the Switches section of the Company File Maintenance window. Companies flagged as suppliers are required on orders created in the Fuel Dispatch Call On Demand Order Entry screen.


  • N (default)
    The Supplier check box is not displayed.

  • Y
    The Supplier check box is displayed.

[FuelDispatch] settings

These settings used by Inventory Services are located in the [FuelDispatch] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


By default, if you use the Company tab of the Order Scroll window to search for a shipper or consignee, the search returns only the first and last stops for orders found.

Use this setting to add a check box on the window if you want users to be able to include all stops for orders with a particular shipper or consignee.


  • N (default)
    Hides the Check All Stops check box from the Order Scroll window.

  • Y
    Displays the Check All Stops check box from the Order Scroll window.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services


This setting is used by fuel distributors who sell fuel, but do not bill for transportation. It determines if a store’s default carrier is assigned to its forecasted orders automatically. The assignment sets the order status to Planned. Default carriers are assigned to stores in Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services.

  • Fuel Dispatch
    On the Company Relations Profile window’s Carriers tab

  • Inventory Services
    On the Company Tank Setup window’s Carriers tab


  • N (default)
    Do not automatically assign a carrier.

  • Y
    Automatically assign the store’s default carrier.

    When you use this option, additional processing is available. You can set up the system to set the order status to Completed and set its invoice status to Not Ready. To do this, you must also:

    • Select the Release Only check box for the store. The check box is found in the Company Tank Setup window. You access the window in Inventory Services.

    • Have the [FuelDispatch]AutoCompleteReleaseOnly=Y in your TTS50.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services are modules in the FuelTMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services; Forecaster


Used by fuel distributors who are selling fuel but not billing for transportation, this setting determines if the system will automatically set the forecasted order status to Completed, and the invoice status to Not Ready, when both these conditions are met:

  • The order is assigned a carrier

  • The Release Only check box, on the Company Tank Setup window, is selected for the store.


  • N (default)
    Do not automatically set the forecasted order status to Completed, and the invoice status to Not Ready.

  • Y
    Automatically set the order status to Completed, and the invoice status to Not Ready, when the order is assigned a carrier and the Release Only check box is selected for the store.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and the Forecaster are modules in TMW’s Fuel TMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services


In File Maintenance, you can use two commodity classes to categorize a commodity. Fuel Dispatch requires that you link each consignee with one or more commodities within one of those commodity classes. When a consignee is recorded for an order, you will be able to select only a commodity class/commodity that has been associated with that consignee.

Use this setting to specify which commodity class Fuel Dispatch is to use.


  • 2 (default)
    Use Commodity Class 2.

  • 1
    Use Commodity Class 1.


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


If you are a system administrator, you can remove users' ability to use the Field Chooser function for all data grids. This prevents users from adding or removing columns. You can use this INI setting to prevent users who are not system administrators from seeing the Field Chooser.


  • N (default)
    Field Chooser will show on data grids whether the user is a system administrator, supervisor, or user.

  • Y
    Field Chooser will only show on data grids if the user is a system administrator.

Additional Notes

It is recommended that the system administrator also set the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N in the [Misc] section of the TTS50.INI. This setting prevents users from resetting a layout back to the factory default.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services


To enable you to set up user board security, Inventory Services requires that you use one of the four RevType classifications to identify your fleets.

Use this setting to specify the RevType that you have reserved for this purpose.


  • 2 (default)
    Use RevType2.

  • 1
    Use RevType1.

  • 3
    Use RevType3.

  • 4
    Use RevType4.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services


By default, all users can modify group and global defaults for the Planning Worksheet grid layouts, Card Planner driver and trip layouts, and other Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services grid and window layouts. Use this setting to prevent users from overwriting these layouts.


  • N (default)
    All users can save modifications for all layouts assigned to them, including group and global defaults.

    Note: If the setting is not present in your INI file, the system default of N will apply.

  • Y
    Only system administrators can save groups and global default layouts. Other users must rename the layout to save modifications.

    Note: If a layout is not the global default or assigned to a group all users can save the layout.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services are modules in the FuelTMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services


If you are using the Order Scroll window that shipped with Fuel Dispatch builds prior to 2.103.31, that is [Misc]UseNewScrolls=N in your TTS50, you can restrict the number of records that are returned with each record retrieval by entering that number in the setting. Setting this restriction can decrease the time it takes to retrieve matching records from the database.

Note: Records are retrieved by Start Date from earliest to latest.


  • 0 (default)
    All orders that meet your restriction criteria are retrieved.

  • User-defined number of records
    Enter the maximum number of order records to retrieve.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch


Master file records, also known as profiles, are usually created and edited in File Maintenance.

This setting determines whether users who have access to the TMWSuite File Maintenance application can edit data when they access profile information from within Fuel Dispatch.

Note: In Fuel Dispatch:

  • Profiles can be accessed from a scroll window, where you retrieve records, select one, and click the Profile button.

  • Profiles can be accessed from a grid or data entry window, where you right-click on the ID for a company, resource, or commodity in the grid/window. In the shortcut menu that opens, select View Profile.

  • Commodity profiles can be accessed directly in the Commodity Profile window by selecting Maintenance > Commodity Maintenance.


  • Y (default)
    Users cannot edit profiles in Fuel Dispatch.

    Note: This option affects all Fuel Dispatch users, even those with system administrator and/or supervisor rights.

  • N
    Users can edit profiles in Fuel Dispatch.

Additional Notes

  1. Inventory Services does not support this setting.

  2. TMW Operations ignores this setting. It uses the [.NetOperations]ProfileEditDisabled setting.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch 17.60 and later


This setting enables additional load checking in the Card Planner and Planning Worksheet. For orders with the same consignee and commodity, only the order with the earliest arrival time (retain date) can be planned. A system warning will display in these scenarios:

  • A Planned (PLN), Dispatched (DSP), or Started (STD) order with the same commodity and consignee, and a later delivery date than the order is dragged to the shift.

  • An Available (AVL) order with the same commodity and consignee, and an earlier delivery date than the order is dragged to the shift.

First available in V.2023.3 and later:

  • You can ignore the warning and plan the order when there is an earlier AVL order. In prior versions, you could only ignore a system warning about a later PLN/DSP/STD order.

  • The validation will no longer run for orders that were not created by the Forecaster.


  • Y (default)
    The system enforces the earliest-arrival-time rule when planning.

  • N
    The system allows planning an order regardless of arrival time.

Additional Notes

When the system warning displays:

  • Clicking OK plans the first available order.

  • Clicking Cancel reverts the planning board to the previous state.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Service


This setting determines which company types can be retrieved for tank setup.

In Fuel Dispatch, it enables the Tanks tab in the Company Relations Profile window for consignees and/or shippers.

In Inventory Services, it allows setup in the Company Tank Setup window for consignees and/or shippers.


  • C (default)

    • Fuel Dispatch
      The Tanks tab in the Company Relations Profile window is enabled only for companies designated as consignees.

    • Inventory Services
      Only companies designated as consignees can be retrieved in the Company Tank Setup window.

  • S

    • Fuel Dispatch
      The Tanks tab in the Company Relations Profile window is enabled only for companies designated as shippers.

    • Inventory Services
      Only companies designated as shippers can be retrieved in the Company Tank Setup window.

      Note: When you use this option and you have [StopOrderEntry]IsProducingEnablesTanks=Y, only tanks that are actively producing are available in Oil Field Order Entry. Active tanks have the Is Producing check box selected in their profile.

  • CS or SC

    • Fuel Dispatch
      The Tanks tab in the Company Relations Profile window is enabled for companies designated as consignees or shippers.

    • Inventory Services
      Companies designated as consignees or shippers can be retrieved in the Company Tank Setup window.

      Note: When you use this option and you have [StopOrderEntry]IsProducingEnablesTanks=Y, only tanks that are actively producing are available in Oil Field Order Entry. Active tanks have the Is Producing check box selected in their profile.

Additional Notes

For oil fields, shippers are often referred to as leases.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services


To enable you to set up user board security, Inventory Services requires that you use one of the four RevType classifications to identify your terminals.

Use this setting to specify the RevType that you have reserved for this purpose


  • 1 (default)
    Use RevType1.

  • 2
    Use RevType2.

  • 3
    Use RevType3.

  • 4
    Use RevType4.

[InventoryService] settings

These settings used by Inventory Services are located in the [InventoryService] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

Inventory Services 17.10


Use the Inventory Services Forecaster to create and reforecast orders that contain splash-blended commodities.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Forecast orders that contain splash-blended commodities

    Forecasted orders cannot be updated. Each time the Forecaster runs, it creates new splash-blended orders.

  • Y
    Forecast and update orders that contain splash-blended commodities

    Each time the Forecaster runs, it uses the updated splash blend.


Applies to

Inventory Services


The Forecaster monitors projected orders to determine if adjustments are needed. It may change a forecasted order’s status from Available to Completed when:

  • The tank associated with the order has an unexpectedly large tank reading


  • The order’s delivery time has passed

Use this setting to prevent the Forecaster from automatically changing the order status in such situations.


  • N (default)
    Adjust the status of AVL orders to CMP.

  • Y
    Do not adjust the status of AVL orders.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services


Enables the calculation of Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) for a store’s commodity based on the commodity tank reading, and the quantity and RVP of delivered commodity.


  • N (default)
    Disable the calculation of RVP.

  • Y
    Enable the calculation of RVP.

Additional Notes

This setting affects Fuel Dispatch as well as Inventory Services. Both applications are involved in calculating and displaying RVP.


Applies to

Inventory Services 17.10


Use this setting to have the Forecaster import and store data from automatic tank gauges (ATG), including:

  • Delivery start date with starting volume

  • Delivery end date with ending volume

The Forecaster uses this information to calculate the fuel level inside a tank. If there is no ATG information, it uses the most current tank reading.


  • N (default)
    Do not import ATG data. Use the most current tank reading to calculate fuel levels.

  • Y
    Use ATG delivery information to calculate the fuel level inside the tank. If there is no ATG information, use the most recent tank reading to calculate fuel levels.

    Note: To use this setting, you must set up the Importer delivery configuration file to record ATG information. For details, see:

    Guide: Installing FuelTMS V.15.40 and later | Section: Setting up the Importer delivery configuration file


Applies to

Inventory Services 16.40


This setting activates the ongoing monitoring of sales model data. Through this monitoring, the system makes continuous adjustments to the sales model to accommodate sales trends.


  • N (default)
    The sales model trend adjustment is disabled.

  • Y
    The sales model trend adjustment is enabled

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not use this setting.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services


By default, the Forecaster cannot update the volume (quantity) and delivery windows on an order it creates when the order has a Dispatched status.

This setting determines how the Forecaster can adjust orders having a Dispatched status.


  • Locked (default)
    The Forecaster cannot adjust a Dispatched order.

  • LockVol
    The Forecaster can adjust a Dispatched order’s delivery window, but cannot adjust the volume.

  • Open
    The Forecaster can adjust a Dispatched order’s delivery window or volume.

Additional Notes

  1. When you use the LockVol or Open options along with the Record Locking feature, the Forecaster cannot adjust an order that is opened by a user. The Record Locking feature is enabled when you have RecordLocking=Y in the [Misc] section.

  2. Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services are modules in TMW’s FuelTMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services


By default, the Forecaster can update the volume (quantity) and delivery window on an order it creates until the order:

  • Has a Planned status

  • Is locked by a user

    Note: A user can lock an order so that the Forecaster cannot adjust the volume or the delivery window, or he/she can lock the order preventing the Forecaster from changing the only volume on the order.

This setting determines how the Forecaster can adjust orders having a Planned status.


  • LockVol (default)
    The Forecaster can adjust a Planned order’s delivery window, but cannot adjust its volume (quantity).

  • Locked
    The Forecaster cannot adjust a Planned order.

  • Open
    The Forecaster can adjust a Planned order’s delivery window or volume (quantity).

Additional Notes

  1. When you use the LockVol or Open options along with the Record Locking feature, the Forecaster cannot adjust an order that is opened by a user. The Record Locking feature is enabled when you have RecordLocking=Y in the [Misc] section.

  2. Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services are modules in TMW’s FuelTMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services


When the same resources deliver the same product to multiple stores, it is known as a split delivery. By default, the Forecaster module stops updating retain and runout times for the orders on a split delivery. It also sets the order’s adjustment status to Locked.

Use this setting to have the Forecaster continue updating retain and runout times for orders on split deliveries when the order status is Available, Planned, and/or Dispatched.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The Forecaster stops updating retain and runout times for orders on split deliveries when the order status is Available, Planned, and Dispatched.

  • AVL
    The Forecaster continues updating retain and runout times for orders on split deliveries when the order status is Available.

  • PLN
    The Forecaster continues updating retain and runout times for orders on split deliveries when the order status is Planned.

  • DSP
    The Forecaster continues updating retain and runout times for orders on split deliveries when the order status is Dispatched.

Additional Notes

If you want, you can have the Forecaster update retain and runout times when the orders on split deliveries have different statuses. To do so, enter the options in a comma-separated list.


Applies to

Inventory Services 17.60


When a Planned, Started or Dispatched order has a Locked status, the Forecaster is unable to change its retain/runout or arrival/dates. The Forecaster can set the next unlocked order’s retain/runout and arrival/depart dates earlier and ahead of the locked order to prevent a runout. As a result, duplicate orders may prevent a runout, but could ultimately cause a retain.

By default, this setting prevents the Forecaster from moving a second load earlier than a previously Planned, Started, or Dispatched, and Locked load.


  • Y (default)
    The Forecaster does not set an earlier runout date/time and arrival date on the next forecasted order to prevent a runout

  • N
    The Forecaster sets an earlier runout date/time and arrival date on the next forecasted order to prevent a runout


    1. When using this option, the forecaster is able to move a load a head of a Planned, Started, Dispatched, and Locked order. If the earlier order is scheduled along with the locked order, a retain may occur.

    2. Use this option with [FuelDispatch]ScheduledLoadCheck=Y in your TTS50 to have the system check for duplicate critical loads when using the Card Planner and Planning Worksheet.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services; Forecaster


By default, the Forecaster monitors tank readings and pending orders for stores that are set up to be forecasted. If it detects discrepancies in a store’s tank readings and deliveries, it automatically adjusts the order stores having their Inventory Service Mode set to Forecast. This setting allows you to disable this feature.


  1. You identify a store as being forecasted in its company tank profile, which is set up in the Inventory Services module.

  2. The automatic adjustments the Forecaster makes are made only in its memory. Changes are not recorded in the database. Therefore, only orders created by the Forecaster are subject to adjustments. It does not adjust orders that are manually entered in the Fuel Dispatch Call On Demand Order Entry window.


  • Y (default)
    The Forecaster will make adjustments automatically to orders it creates for stores that are forecasted.


    1. When reviewing stores' tank readings and future orders in Fuel Dispatch’s Forecast Order Review window, you can filter the retrieved stores to those having adjustments made by the Forecaster.

    2. When you use this option, you can identify stores that should be excluded from adjustments using the TankReadingOrderAdjustmentExcludeCompanies setting.

  • N
    The Forecaster will not automatically adjust projected orders for stores that are forecasted.

    Note: When you use this option, you can identify stores that should have adjustments made automatically using the TankReadingOrderAdjustmentOverrideCompanies setting.

Additional Notes

Inventory Services, Fuel Dispatch, and the Forecaster are modules in TMW’s FuelTMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services; Forecaster


Provides a list of forecasted companies the Forecaster will not monitor for adjustments when the global adjustment feature is enabled.

Note: This setting is applicable only when you have TankReadingOrderAdjustment=Y in the [InventoryService] section.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The Forecaster will monitor all forecasted companies.

  • User-defined list of companies to be excluded
    Enter the IDs of companies the Forecaster is to ignore when monitoring for adjustments. Separate your entries with commas.

Additional Notes

  1. A store’s Inventory Service Mode is identified in its company tank profile, which is set up in the Inventory Services module.

  2. Inventory Services, Fuel Dispatch, and the Forecaster are modules in TMW’s FuelTMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services; Forecaster


Provides a list of forecasted companies the Forecaster will monitor for adjustments when the global adjustment feature is disabled.

Note: This setting is applicable only when you have TankReadingOrderAdjustment=N in the [InventoryService] section.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The Forecaster will not monitor any companies.

  • User-defined list of companies to be monitored
    Enter the IDs of companies the Forecaster is to monitor for adjustments. Separate your entries with commas.

Additional Notes

  1. A store’s Inventory Service Mode is identified in its company tank profile, which is set up in the Inventory Services module.

  2. Inventory Services, Fuel Dispatch, and the Forecaster are modules in TMW’s FuelTMS suite of applications. For more information, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Inventory Services 16.40


This setting determines the number of days back the system looks for changes.


  • 3 (default)
    The system looks for changes to tanks over the past three days.

  • User-specified value
    The system looks for changes to tanks over the past number of days.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not use this setting.


Applies to

Inventory Services 16.40


This setting specifies the allowed variance from the sales projections for all tanks.


  • 25 (default)
    The system allows a variance of 25%.

  • User-specified percentage
    The system allows a variance equal to the entered value. Make your entry as a whole number.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not use this setting.


Applies to

Inventory Services 16.40


This setting determines the weighted average for each day the system looks back at sales data.


  • 0.5,0.3,0.2 (default)
    Default weighted average for the past three days.

    • The first day in the past is weighted at 50% (0.5)

    • The second day is weighted at 30%

    • The third day is weighted at 20%

    Note: This option assumes that you have used the default value for the [InventoryService]TrendAdjustDaysBack setting. If you did not, you must specify your own values for each of the days you have the system look back.

  • User-specified value
    Default weighted average for the specified number of look back days.

    Make your entries as a decimal percentage, for example. 0.5. Separate the values with a comma.


    1. You must enter a value for each of the days set in the [InventoryService]TrendAdjustDaysBack setting.

    2. If you are tracking on a tank-by-tank basis, the number of days is specified in DaysBack field. The field is found in the Commodity Forecast Setup window.

    3. The total must equal 1.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not use this setting.


Applies to

Inventory Services V.V15.20


Updating a store’s sales model consists of replacing the current sales model’s figures with actual sales figures. Use this setting to have the system update the daily percentage of sales based on historical data for daily sales.

This setting applies to using the Update Model function in the Commodity Forecast Setup window. The update is triggered on the Model tab.


  • Y (default)
    Use a tank’s prior readings to update its daily percentage of sales.

  • N
    Do not update the tank’s daily percentage of sales.


Applies to

Inventory Services


Use this setting to have the system update the daily time segments in a store’s commodity forecast setup when updating the forecast model.

This setting applies to using the Update Model function in the Commodity Forecast Setup window. The update is triggered on the Model tab.


  • N (default)
    Do not update daily time segments associated with a commodity when updating the sales model.

  • Y
    Update the daily time segments associated with a commodity when updating the sales model.

    Note: This option requires that you have frequent readings. Hourly readings are recommended.


Applies to

Inventory Services 16.40


This setting determines whether the system uses the global sales model adjustment values for all tanks.


  • N (default)
    The system does not use the global sales model adjustment values. You can enter values for each tank individually.

  • Y
    The system uses the global sales model adjustment values.

    Note: You can override these settings on a tank-by-tank basis.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not use this setting.

[Misc] settings

These settings used by Inventory Services are located in the [Misc] section of your TTS50.


Applies to



This setting controls whether the system treats login passwords as case sensitive.

Note: This setting no longer applies to these applications:

  • TMW Operations, starting with 17.50

  • TMW Back Office, starting with 17.50

  • CRMRight, starting with 17.50

  • Fuel Dispatch, starting with 17.20

  • Inventory Services, starting with 17.20

  • eManifest, starting with 17.50

Starting with these versions, passwords that were created without case sensitivity must always be entered in upper case.


  • OFF (default)
    System stores password as all upper case.


    1. Although the system default is still OFF, TMW has opted to change the value in the installed TTS50 file to ON. If the setting is not present in your INI file, the system default of OFF will apply.

    2. When you use this option, you can log on to TMWSuite by typing your password in mixed case. The system accepts and processes the password as being entered in upper case.

    3. When using a TMW application password to log on to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later, you must type your password in upper case. Press the SHIFT key to do this.

    4. If you create a password using this option, but later switch to the ON option, you must type your password in upper case. Use the SHIFT key to do this. This applies to TMWSuite and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later).

  • ON
    System stores the password as it was entered.


    1. When logging on to TMWSuite or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later) using a TMW application password, you must use the case sensitive password.

    2. Passwords created using this option, will not work if either of these occur. If they do, contact your system administrator.

      • The setting is switched to the OFF option.

      • The setting is removed from your TTS50.

Additional Notes

If the system is set up to use Microsoft SQL Server standards for password complexity, passwords must contain at least one letter, one number, and one non-alphanumeric character, such as an exclamation point. The password must not contain your entire account name or display name.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Operations


Use this setting to activate the Cisco Click to Call application, which allows users to automatically call co-workers, business partners, and customers from their computer without entering telephone numbers.


  • F (default)
    Do not activate the Click to Call application.

    Note: Fields that display a phone number will not display the telephone icon.

  • T
    The Click to Call application has been installed and is activated.


    You must have the [TmwSuiteAddins]EnableInterface=Y in your TTS50.

    You must use the [Misc]ClickToCallPath setting in your TTS50 to indicate the path to the Click to Call application’s executable file.

    Fields that display a phone number will display the telephone icon.

Additional Notes

Click to Call requires that you are using the Cisco® Unified Communications Manager call-processing system.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Operations


Use this setting to indicate the path to the Click to Call application’s executable file on the user’s computer.


  • C:\Program Files\Cisco Systems\Click to Call (default)

    1. This path is assigned by default during Click to Call installation.

    2. If you installed Click to Call in a different folder, enter the complete and correct path here.

Additional Notes

Click to Call requires that you are using the Cisco® Unified Communications Manager call-processing system.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting activates the global logon feature.


  • Yes (default)
    Store the current user ID and password and apply it for each TMW application accessed by the user today or until he/she selects the Exit and Sign Off command from the File menu to close an application.


    1. This option requires entry of an ID and password only once a day. Entry is needed the first time the user accesses a TMW application. When subsequent access to an application is needed, the system bypasses the logon screen and immediately opens the application. The user may re-access the same application, or access different applications, during the same day without having to log on each time.

    2. CRM Right does not have an Exit and Sign Off command.

      • If users have accessed the application from within TMW Operations, they must use the File > Exit and Sign Off command in TMW Operations.

      • When used as a standalone product, CRM Right does not allow users to exit and sign off. Once a user accesses CRM Right, the system will bypass the logon screen until the stored user ID and password expire at the end of the day.

  • No
    Require the user to log on every time an application is started.

Additional Notes

TMW eManifest does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2000, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


This setting affects the Start From and Delivery From dates on the Scroll Orders window. Enter the number of days prior to today that you want the From dates set back, such 60 or 90.


  • 30 (default)
    Set the From dates to 30 days prior to today’s date.

  • User-defined number of days
    Enter the number of days prior to today that you want the From dates set back.

  • BeginningOfTime
    Set the From dates to 01/01/50.

Additional Notes

In TMWSuite, the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollDays setting specifies the max number of days for which the system will search for orders. If the date range resulting from this setting exceeds the specified limit, the system will behave as defined by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollExceededActions setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite; Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting determines whether users will be prevented from editing an order when another user has already opened it. If enabled, this restriction will apply regardless of whether the order is open in the same application, or in a different application that supports record locking.

If the order has been combined with other orders onto a consolidated trip, the record lock is enforced for all orders on the movement.


  • N (default)
    Record locking is disabled.

  • Y
    Record locking is enabled.

    Only one user at a time can modify an order. During the record lock timeout period, the order becomes read-only for other users.

    Note: Use the RecordLockTimeout setting to identify the number of minutes before a record lock expires.

Additional Notes

  1. With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

    • RecordLockTimeout

    • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

    • RecordLockRefreshTimer

  2. If you are using the Fuel TMS Forecaster module, record locking can affect the Forecaster’s Auto Adjustment feature. The Forecaster cannot adjust an order that is locked because a user has it opened. For more information on the Forecaster and Fuel TMS, contact TMW Sales.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of seconds between system checks of the database to determine whether an order is locked. To maximize system performance, avoid setting short refresh intervals, especially where there are many users, since many orders could become locked at once.

Note: This setting applies only if [Misc]RecordLocking=Y in your TTS50.ini file.


  • 30 (default)
    The system will check the database every 30 seconds to determine whether an order is locked.

  • User defined number of seconds
    Enter a whole number, representing the number of seconds the system will wait to check the database to determine whether an order is locked.

Additional Notes

With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

  • RecordLockTimeout

  • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

  • RecordLockRefreshTimer


Applies to

TMWSuite; Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes before a record lock expires, allowing another user in the same application, or in a different application that supports record locking to edit the same order.

Note: This setting applies only if [Misc]RecordLocking=Y in your TTS50.ini file.


  • 5 (default)
    A record lock will expire after five minutes.

  • User defined number of minutes
    Enter a whole number, representing the number of minutes before a record lock expires.

Additional Notes

With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

  • RecordLockTimeout

  • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

  • RecordLockRefreshTimer


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Forecaster; TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes before the system warns that a record lock is about to expire. It should be less than the setting for the value specified by the RecordLockTimeout setting.

Note: This setting applies only if [Misc]RecordLocking=Y in your TTS50.ini file.


  • 4 (default)
    The system warns that a record lock is to expire in four minutes.

  • User defined number of minutes
    Enter a whole number, representing the number of minutes before the system warns that a record lock is about to expire.

Additional Notes

With Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, system administrators and supervisors can update these record lock timeout settings from within the application:

  • RecordLockTimeout

  • RecordLockTimeoutWarn

  • RecordLockRefreshTimer


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you right-click on retrieved records in a .NET scroll window, a shortcut menu appears. This setting determines whether the Export to Excel command is available in that shortcut menu.


  • N (default)
    Display the Export to Excel command for all users.

    Note: When you have [Misc]RemoveExportToExcelMenuOptionFromAllGrids=Y, this setting is ignored.

  • Y
    Do not display the Export to Excel command for any users, including system administrators and supervisors.

Additional Notes

  1. For Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services, this setting is functional only if [Misc]UseNewScrolls=Y in your TTS50.

  2. For CRM Right, this setting also affects the Company List and Carrier List retrieval grids.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


When you retrieve data in .NET scroll windows, this setting determines whether you will be able to see the Print > All Rows, Print > Selected Rows, and Print > Print Preview commands in the shortcut menu that displays when you right-click in the data grid area. This setting can be used to help ensure the confidentiality of your data.


  • N (default)
    Display the Print commands for all users.

  • Y
    Do not display the Print commands for all users, including system administrators and supervisors.

Additional Notes

  1. For Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services, this setting is functional only if [Misc]UseNewScrolls=Y in your TTS50.ini file.

  2. For CRM Right, this setting also affects the Company List and Carrier List retrieval grids.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services; TMW Operations


This setting applies to customizing window and menu layouts.

By default, you can include the menu layout when you save changes to a window layout. Once the menu layout is saved with the window layout, this setting also allows you to reset the menu back to the window’s factory default layout, while keeping the window layout as designed.


  • Y (default)
    A customized menu layout is automatically included when the window layout is saved.

    Note: While customizing the menus and windows for the application, you can temporarily disable this feature by selecting Toggle Include Current Menu With Screen Layout from the shortcut menu. The green check before the option is cleared.

  • N
    Feature is disabled. You cannot include a menu layout when saving the form window layout.


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


TMW customers apply security to windows and grids by hiding some columns and fields, and by making others read-only. However, by default, any user can switch from a customized window or data grid layout back to the system default by right-clicking on the layout and selecting Reset Layout from the shortcut menu. This can be problematic because the system default has no security applied to it. As a result, users will be able to view or make entries in fields or columns that your company wants to be hidden or read-only.

You can use the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA INI setting to hide the Reset Layout menu selection for users who are not system administrators.


  • Y (default)
    Show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.

  • N
    Do not show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch: 2.103.31 and Inventory Services


This setting determines whether Fuel Dispatch will display the version of the scroll windows that shipped with builds prior to 2.103.31, or the enhanced version of the scroll windows.


  • N (default)
    Do not activate the enhanced version of the scroll windows.

  • Y
    Use the enhanced version.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW.Suite Back Office, TMW.Suite Operations, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services


This setting determines whether the system uses Windows Authentication to log in to TMW applications.


  • N (default)
    Do not use Windows Authentication. Use TMWSuite User ID and Password to log in.

  • Y
    Use Windows Authentication.


    1. When you use this option, the [Misc]GlobalLogon setting in the section of the TTS50.ini file is ignored.

    2. To log in to TMWSuite with Windows Authentication successfully, you must first record the user’s Windows login (network login) in the following places:

      • The Windows Login field in the user’s profile
        You must enter the login information using the DOMAIN\User format. For example: tmwsystems\jsing.

      • The Logins folder on your SQL server that houses your TMWSuite database
        You must enter the login information using the DOMAIN\User format. For example: tmwsystems\jsing.

      • The [INIPATH] section of the TTS50.ini file, in the form User Login=Path to local INI file

        Your TTSlocal.ini file specifies the TMWSuite database to use and the Microsoft SQL server on which the database resides.

        If you have only one database and the TTSlocal.ini file is located in the same directory as the TMWSuite executables, you do not need to make any [INIPATH] entries in the TTS50.ini file. TMWSuite will automatically look in the TTSlocal.ini for the database location.

[StopOrderEntry] settings

These settings used by Inventory Services are located in the [StopOrderEntry] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Service


Use this setting to have Oil Field Order Entry limit tank availability to tanks flagged as Is Producing in their profiles. Tanks are flagged as such when the Is Producing check box is selected on the Tanks tab.

Note: Tank profiles are defined using the Tanks tab. It is available in these windows:

  • Fuel Dispatch Company Relations Profile

  • Inventory Services Company Tank Setup


  • N (default)
    All tanks listed for a company in its company relations profile will appear in Oil Field Order Entry.

  • Y
    Only tanks flagged as Is Producing are only listed in Oil Field Order Entry.