Company profile setup and maintenance > Designing the Questionnaire tab
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Designing the Questionnaire tab
The system administrator designs the questionnaire tab using QuickDesigner. The Questionnaire is completely customizable to fit your company's needs.
The Questionnaire tab is available for companies with a CRM Type other than UNKNOWN in the company profile header.
Use QuickDesigner to:
Change the labels on option fields
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Create and save multiple layouts
Set default layouts for users and groups
Default Questionnaire sections
Questionnaire Options
The Questionnaire Options section contains 20 user definable true/false check boxes.
Questionnaire Notes
The three available notes fields allow free-form text comments with a maximum of 1025 characters.
Questionnaire Revenue Projections
The Questionnaire Revenue Projections fields can help assess the potential increase in revenue from a prospect.
Questionnaire Load Projections
The Questionnaire Load Projections fields can help determine present and future equipment needs.
Sample designed to guide CSR discussion
This tab is designed to guide the CSR's discussion with prospects and existing customers.
Sample designed to gather information
This tab is designed to collect information about customer complaints to be used for further analysis.