Company profile setup and maintenance > Using company-related toolbar buttons
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Using company-related toolbar buttons
In this illustration, the highlighted buttons on the main toolbar are used to perform tasks related to company profiles.
The buttons' functions are described here:
Causes the Company profile tab to come into view.
New Company
Initiates a new company profile.
Delete Company
Permanently removes a company record from the database.
Save Company Changes
After you have made entries on a company profile, allows you to save the changes to the database.
Promote Work Company
Opens the Promote to Company window, which you use to move a work company record from the CompanyCrmWork database table to an actual company record in the Company table.
For more information, see Setting up a Company Work table.
Mass Company Update
Opens the Update Companies Utility window, which you can use to update values in certain fields for multiple companies at one time.
Lane Analysis
Opens the Lane Analysis window, which allows you to look up historical business in specific lanes for a specific company.