Promoting a work company
If you set up your system to
use a Company Work table, use this procedure to promote work company records to actual company records. Records are moved from
CompanyCrmTable to
Company table in the TMWSuite database.
1. Look up the profile of the work company you want to promote.
2. In the toolbar at the top of the window, click
Promote Work Company.
The Promote to Company dialog box opens.
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If you open the dialog box with a company record displayed on the Company tab, that company information is automatically shown.
If you open this window from a company that is not in the working table, or from a tab other than a populated Company tab, the fields are blank.
3. If you want to select a company different from the one displayed in the CompanyCrmWork Table section, do the following:
a. Select the appropriate company ID.
Note: Only work company records in the CompanyCrmTable are available.
b. Press TAB to populate the remaining fields.
The system automatically displays the company's name and city as recorded in the Company Profile.
4. If you want to change the company ID when the record is moved to the Company table, in the Company Table section, type the new ID.
5. Click Promote.
A message is shown, confirming the move.
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In this example, the ID was changed from FASCLE to FASFEL.
6. Click Close.
All work company data is copied from the Company table, and the work company record is deleted automatically.
When the record is moved to the Company table, a date entry is made to the Audit log, and is visible on the Activities tab of the company's profile.
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7. Make any additional updates to the company record, such as the company Type from Lead to Customer.
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