Company profile setup and maintenance > Setting up a Company Work table
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Setting up a Company Work table
In CRMRight, companies can be leads, prospects, or actual companies with which you have an established working relationship. By default, all company records are stored in one database table (Company). You can set up CRMRight to store these work companies in a different database table (CompanyCrmTable) while they progress through the sales cycle. When ready, you can promote them to the actual company table.
Note: Work companies cannot be accessed for use when creating or dispatching orders.
Use this procedure to activate the company work table. When the table is active, the system displays the CompanyCrmWork check box in the upper right of the Company Profile header.
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According to the options you set, the CompanyCrmWork field will be selected or not selected, enabled or disabled.
The check box is used to specify whether a new profile is for a work company or an actual company. Your system's setup determines whether users have the authority to use the check box to create:
Work companies only.
Actual companies only.
Both work companies and actual companies.
1. Click CRM Settings.
The CRM Settings dialog box opens. Company Work Table settings are located under the Company Work Table heading.
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2. To allow users to add work company records to a company work table, select Support CRM Work Table.
Note: This causes the system to display the CompanyCrmWork check box in the upper right of the company profile header.
3. To allow users to create actual companies, select Allow Company Table.
Note: This enables the CompanyCrmWork check box on the profile header.
If you choose not to select Allow Company Table, the CompanyCrmWork check box on the profile header will be selected and disabled. As a result, users will be able to create work companies only.
4. If you selected Allow Company table, under New Company Default Table, select the table you want to have as the default.
Clear the CompanyCrmWork check box by default. Use this option if user(s) typically create actual companies, not work companies.
Select the CompanyCrmWork check box by default. Use this option if user(s) typically create work companies, not actual companies.
5. To allow CSRs to change the Company Work Table settings for their own use, select the Store Configuration by User check box.
1. The CRM Settings are saved on the computer in each user's profile. Therefore, multiple users can have their own settings on a shared computer.
2. Selecting this option also enables non-system administrators to change and save their own color indicators for activities.
3. It is suggested that, after you make the appropriate selections for the majority of users, you use Quick Designer to hide fields on the window or remove the CRM Settings icon from the toolbar, save, and assign the layout to those users.
6. Click OK.