Working with quotes > Looking up, linking, and editing rates > Unlinking rates
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Unlinking rates
If a primary rate and linked accessorial rate(s) have been created in CRMRight, you can unlink them if needed. Follow these steps:
1. Look up the company's profile and select the Quotes tab.
2. If needed, use the restriction fields to the right of the quote grid to narrow down the list to the rates you want to see. Click Load Quote to trigger the system to search for rates that match your restrictions.
3. Select the primary rate.
Note: It must be a rate quote or spot rate that was created in CRMRight.
4. Click Attach Accessorials in the lower right of the screen.
The system displays the Attach Accessorial window.
5. All attached rates are shown in the upper half of the window. Double-click on the one you want to detach.
The system displays a message asking you to confirm your intent to unlink the rate
6. Repeat Step 5 for any other rates you want to detach.
7. To exit the window, click the red x in the top right corner of the window.
8. To save the detachment, click Save Quote Changes in the lower right of the screen.