Entering numbers
Many fields provide the appropriate formatting for the number type, such as for phone numbers and dollar amounts. Other number fields provide a spin dial for increasing or decreasing numbers.
What do you want to see?
Entering phone numbers
When entering phone numbers, enter the 3-digit area code and 7-digit phone number.
Do not enter the parentheses or dashes. Some phone number fields provide the appropriate formatting.
In other phone fields (i.e., profiles), the unformatted phone number is transferred to a formatted field in another location.
Entering dollar amounts
When entering dollar amounts, enter the decimal point. Do not enter the dollar sign or comma.
Entering other numbers
When entering count, length, miles, and so on, do not enter commas in numbers 1000 and greater.
In some number fields, you can use the spin dial to increase or decrease the number displayed.
• Click the up arrow to increase the number by 1.
• Click the down arrow to decrease the number by 1.