Using the Zoom Field feature
The Zoom Field feature allows you to display the contents of a field in a larger window for better viewing. In some cases, you can edit the information in this larger view.
This feature is particularly useful for notes, remarks, and date fields.
To use the zoom feature, follow these steps:
1. Right-click in the field.
2. From the shortcut menu, select Zoom Field.
• If the information cannot be modified, only the OK button will be activated.
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• If the information in the Zoom window can be modified, both the OK and Cancel buttons will be activated.
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3. If a date field can be edited in the Zoom window, you can:
• Click in the month, day, year, hours, or minutes, and change the information with the keyboard.
• Use the spin dial to increase or decrease the number, or display the drop-down calendar to select another date.
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