Working with activities in the Calendar tab
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Working with activities in the Calendar tab
You can easily schedule and track your activities from one of the three available calendar views. When you open CRMRight, the day calendar automatically opens for the current date. The hours from 8:00 to 5:00 display with a light yellow fill color, and the time slots are divided into 15-minute increments.
Displaying the Calendar tab
If you switch to a tab other than the Calendar tab, you can return to the Calendar tab by doing any of the following:
Click on the Calendar icon on the toolbar.
Click on the drop-down arrow to the far right of the tabs, and then select Calendar.
Click on the Calendar tab itself.
Using the Week view
Select the Week View check box to display your activities for the current or selected week.
Using the Month view
Select the Month View check box to display your activities for the current or selected month.
Returning to the Day view
To return from the Week or Month calendar view to the Day view, clear the Week View or Month View check box.
Viewing activity information
An activity might display like this on your calendar:
Instead of opening the Activity Details window, you can quickly see more information about it by moving the mouse pointer over the activity in the calendar. A pop-up displays additional information such as the Subject and Description of the activity.
Opening an activity
Navigate to, and then double-click on an activity in any calendar view to open its Activity Detail window.
Moving or copying an activity
You can quickly move an activity from one day to the next in the Week or Month calendar view by dragging it to another date.
The mouse pointer changes to the standard Move icon.
To quickly copy an activity from one day to the next in the Week or Month calendar view, hold the CTRL key down while dragging it to another date.
The mouse pointer changes to the standard Copy icon.
Deleting an activity
You can quickly delete an activity from the Day, Week, or Month calendar view by clicking on it, and then pressing DELETE. A confirmation message is displayed.
To delete the activity from your calendar, select Yes. If you decide not to delete the activity after all, click No instead.
Viewing the calendars of other CSRs
You can view the calendars of other CSRs by using the Users tab
1. In the upper left of the window, select the Users tab.
2. Select each CSR whose calendar you want to view.
3. From the calendars on the far right of the window, select the day you want to view.
4. Click Load All.
5. If you want, select the Week View or Month View.
6. If more calendars are selected than can be displayed in the window, you can navigate to other calendars by doing the following:
In the Day view, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the calendar.
In the Week View or Month View, click on the drop-down arrow next to one of the calendars, and select a different CSR.