Working with activities in a grid > Using your Activity tab
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Using your Activity tab
The Activity tab lists all your activities in a grid layout.
The columns in the list show the same data as the fields in the Activity Details window. The field names are the same or similar, with these exceptions:
C (Activity status)
If the check box is selected, it is Complete.
If the check box is blank, it is Open, Cancelled, or On Hold.
P (Priority)
A colored pawn symbol indicates the priority of the activity.
Red - High
Green - Normal
Yellow - Low
White - Any other priority
Displaying the Activity tab
If you switch to a tab other than the Activity tab, you can return to the Activity tab by doing any of the following:
Click on Activity on the toolbar.
Click on the drop-down arrow to the far right of the tabs, and then select Activity.
Click on the Activity tab itself.
Viewing the activity's notes
Click on an activity's row to display any Notes that are associated to it. These notes display at the bottom of the window.