Features common to both activity grids
Whether you are using your own Activity tab or the Activities tab for a company, certain features and functionality apply.
What do you want to see?
Changing the data grid display
You can change the grid's configuration in many ways, e.g., move columns, delete columns, sort data, etc. For example, you may want to create a specific configuration for active calls for the current day, which would provide you with a "to do" list. Grid configurations can be saved and assigned to individual users or user groups.
For procedures on changing the data grid display, see
Using data grids, which includes:
Calling a contact
If you are using
Cisco's Click to Call functionality, you can initiate a call to by clicking on
Click to Call next to the telephone number.
Opening an activity
Scroll to, and then double-click on an activity to open its Activity Details window.
Modifying an activity directly in the grid
Ordinarily, when you want to make a change to or update the information for an activity, you would open the Activity Details window. You can also make modifications directly in the grid. Although you can change the contents of any of the columns, here are some highlights:
To mark an activity Complete
Select the check box in the C column.
To change the status
In the Status column, select the appropriate status.
To reassign the activity to another CSR
In the Assigned User column, enter another User ID.
Adding a note to an activity
You can add a note to an activity directly from an activities grid.
1. Select the activity in the grid.
2. In the lower portion of the window, enter the text for the note.
Your Activity tab
Company's Activities tab
1. You can paste text from another source, such as an e-mail message.
2. To add a hard (or carriage) return in the text, press CTRL+ENTER.
3. Press ENTER.
The note moves to the grid.
Deleting an activity
You can quickly delete an activity from the Activity grid or the company's Activities grid by clicking on it, and then pressing DELETE.
From the company's Activities grid, you can press DELETE or click Delete Activity with Subject xxx.
Show me
A confirmation message is displayed.
Show me
To delete the activity from your calendar, select Yes. If you decide not to delete the activity after all, click No instead.