The APIWCFServices endpoint provides a collective set of methods for working with TMWSuite data via a single service endpoint.
Endpoint address: [SystemsLinkRootUrl]/APIWCFServices.svc
Web Service Component Class definition
Each Component Class contains the following sub classes and properties:
Service Properties |
These properties expose the database and are the properties a client uses to retrieve and update their records. |
Updateable Properties |
These properties define which service properties can and will be updated. The web service will only modify records in the database set to true. |
Criteria Class |
Defines which properties can be used as criteria to retrieve records from the database. |
Return Object Class |
All methods return an instance of the Return Object class. It contains the following properties:
Web Service common methods
Most Service Components have the following common methods.
New component
This method creates a component in memory (not in the database) with the object’s default values.
Return Code:
0 = successful
1000 = errors occurred
New components
This method creates a list of components in memory (not in the database) with the object’s default values.
Return Code:
0 = successful
1000 = errors occurred
Retrieve component
This method returns a list of components that meets the provided criteria. The returned component is stored within the Return Object. If a match cannot be found or the query results in an error, the default value is returned.
Return Code:
0 = successful
100 = no records found
1000 = errors occurred
The retrieve method supports complex criteria, the example below will return any tractors with tractor number "Tractor1" or event code "LUL":
criteria.Settings = New CheckCall.CriteriaSettings()
Dim criteria1 As CheckCall.Criteria = New CheckCall.Criteria()
criteria1.Settings = New CheckCall.CriteriaSettings()
Dim criteria2 As CheckCall.Criteria = New CheckCall.Criteria()
criteria2.Settings = New CheckCall.CriteriaSettings()
criteria1.AsgnType = CheckcallAssignTypeEnum.Driver
criteria1.TractorNumber = "Tractor1"
criteria2.AsgnType = CheckcallAssignTypeEnum.Tractor
criteria2.EventCode = "LUL"
criteria.Expressions = New List(Of CheckCall.CriteriaExpression)()
criteria.Expressions.Add(New CheckCall.CriteriaExpression() With \{.Conjuction = CriteriaSetting.ConjuctionEnum.OrOp, .Criteria = criteria1})
criteria.Expressions.Add(New CheckCall.CriteriaExpression() With \{.Conjuction = CriteriaSetting.ConjuctionEnum.OrOp, .Criteria = criteria2})
Save component
This method creates new records for the passed-in components or updates existing ones in the database. The saved components are then passed back in the Return Objects list.
Return Code:
0 = successful
100 = validation errors occurred and updates prevented
500 = update proceeded with warnings
1000 = error occurred and updates prevented
If a passed-in object has errors, its index is added to the Error Object Index List in the Return Object. |
In order to save a value in the database, both the service property to be updated and the corresponding property in the Updateable Properties must be changed. The service property should be updated with the value to be saved to the database and the updateable property must be set to true.
In the following example, a client is trying to save a driver’s last name to the database (Code in VB.net). If successful, the saved driver object is returned in the Reference Objects list in Return Object (retObj).
Dim svc As TMW_API_WCFServices.APIWCFServicesClient = Nothing
Dim retObj As TMW_API_WCFServices.Driver.ReturnObject = Nothing
svc = New TMW_API_WCFServices.APIWCFServicesClient()
Dim retObj As TMW_API_WCFServices.Driver.ReturnObject = Nothing
Dim drvList As New List(Of TMW_API_WCFServices.Driver)
Dim drv As New SystemsLink.Driver()
drv.IsNew = True
drv.UpdateableProperties = New SystemsLink.Driver.DriverUpdateInfo()
drv.LastName = "MyLastName"
drv.UpdateableProperties.LastName = True
retObj = svc.SaveDriver(drvList, True)
Dim drvSaved As TMW_API_WCFServices.Driver = retObject.ReferenceObjects(0)
Catch ex As Exception
'close svc after each call
If svc IsNot Nothing Then svc.Close()
End Try