Enumerations (APIWCFServices)

Enumerations for the APIWCFServices endpoint only. For other endpoint enumerations, see Enumerations.

AssetTypeEnum (APIWCFServices)

Used in the NewExpiration and NewExpirations methods to indicate the type of asset to which the Expiration object being created is attached.

Members Comments


Indicates the Expiration’s asset is a Driver


Indicates the Expiration’s asset is a Tractor


Indicates the Expiration’s asset is a Trailer


Indicates the Expiration’s asset is a Carrier


Unused in SystemsLink?


Unused in SystemsLink?

AssociationEnum (APIWCFServices)

First available in SystemsLink: 4.1.0

Indicates what should be associated with the RateInquiry.

Members Comments




ExpirationPriorityTypeEnum (APIWCFServices)

Used in the ExpirationObject.

Members Comments




See TMW documentation


See TMW documentation

FreightQuantityTypeEnum (APIWCFServices)

First available in SystemsLink: 4.1.0

Indicates which type of measurement is being used to record the freight quantity.

Members Comments








LabelNames (APIWCFServices)

Used in the LabelFile methods. The different members serve as definitions for the different label files present in the database.

None - E2143070ST (0-1000)


None = 0
AccCodes = 10
AccdntPreventability = 20
AccidentType1 = 31
AccidentType2 = 32
AccType1 = 41
AccType2 = 42
AccType3 = 43
AccType4 = 44
AcdtResponsibleParty = 50
ACEEdiStatus = 60
ACEIDType = 70
ActgType = 80
ActionCode = 90
AgingPeriod1 = 101
AgingPeriod2 = 102
AgingPeriod3 = 103
AgingPeriod4 = 104
AgingPeriod5 = 105
AgingPeriod6 = 106
ALKHazLevel = 110
ArArrangement = 120
ARTypes = 130
AsgnPayStatus = 140
AssignOverrideReason = 150
AssType = 160
AxleGroupType = 170
BookingTerminal = 200
Branch = 210
CarCrmType = 299
CarExp = 300

CargoDamageType1 = 311
CargoDamageType2 = 312
CargoDamageType3 = 313
CargoDamageType4 = 314
CarMisc1 = 321
CarMisc2 = 322
CarMisc3 = 323
CarMisc4 = 324
CarrierServiceRating = 330
CarStatus = 340
CarTrlType1 = 351
CarTrlType2 = 352
CarTrlType3 = 353
CarTrlType4 = 354
CarType1 = 361
CarType2 = 362
CarType3 = 363
CarType4 = 364
CheckCallEvent = 370
ChrgTypeBasis = 380
ChrgTypeClass = 390
ChrgUnitBasis = 400
CitizenshipStatus = 410
CmdADRClass = 420
CmdADRPkgGroup = 430
CmdHazClass = 440
CmdIMDGClass = 450
CmdIMDGClass2 = 452
CmdIMDGPkgGroup = 460
CmdIMDGSubClass = 470

CmdMisc1 = 481
CmdMisc2 = 482
CmdMisc3 = 483
CmdMisc4 = 484
CmdSubHazClass = 490
CmdSubHazClass2 = 492
cmp_RevType1 = 501
cmp_RevType2 = 502
cmp_RevType3 = 503
cmp_RevType4 = 504
CmpExp = 510
CmpMisc1 = 521
CmpMisc2 = 522
CmpMisc3 = 523
CmpMisc4 = 524
ComDataCodes = 530
Company = 540
ComType = 550
CountUnits = 560
CreditMemoReason = 570
CreditTerms = 580
CRMType = 585
CrossDockRoute = 590
Currencies = 600
DayLightSavings = 700
DayOfWeek = 710
DeductionBasis = 720
DeductionPriority = 730
DeductionStatus = 740
DeductionTerm = 750
DispMethod = 760

DispStatus = 770
DistanceUnits = 780
Division = 790
DocType = 800
Domicile = 810
DriverDocuments = 820
DrvAcc = 830
DrvAccidentStatus = 840
DrvAcdCd = 850
DrvCalendar = 860
DrvCmpCd = 870
DrvEffStdTripType = 880
DrvExp = 890
DrvMisc1 = 901
DrvMisc2 = 902
DrvMisc3 = 903
DrvMisc4 = 904
DrvObsCd = 910
DrvPayRate = 920
DrvPlanType1 = 931
DrvPlanType2 = 932
DrvPlanType3 = 933
DrvPlanType4 = 934
DrvStatus = 940
DrvTrnCd = 950
DrvTstCd = 960
DrvType1 = 971
DrvType2 = 972
DrvType3 = 973
DrvType4 = 974
E2143070ST = 1000

E2144010ST - NLMRefusalCode (1010-2000)


E2144010ST = 1010
E214LEVEL = 1020
E214PSSTATUS = 1030
EDI = 1040
EDI214Reason = 1050
EDI214Status = 1060
EDI997EltErr = 1070
EDI997GroupErr = 1080
EDI997SegErr = 1090
EDI997TransErr = 1100
EDIDeclineReason = 1110
EquipmConfiguration = 1120
ErrType = 1130
EventStatus = 1140
ExecutingTerminal = 1150
ExpPriority = 1160

FactorUnits = 1200
FlatUnits = 1210
Fleet = 1220
FuelImportCardStatus = 1225
FuelPurchCode = 1230
FuelPurchStatus = 1240
FuelTaxStatus = 1250
FuelType = 1260
GeoFenceDistUnits = 1300
GeoFenceType = 1310
GPCustomerClass = 1320
GPEmployeeClass = 1330
GPVendorClass = 1340
GPUnit = 1350
Groups = 1360

HlpPayRate = 1400
Illumination = 1500
ImageFormat = 1510
Inbound214Reason = 1520
Inbound214Status = 1530
IncidentType1 = 1541
IncidentType2 = 1542
IniFileConverted = 1550
InjuryType1 = 1561
InjuryType2 = 1562
InStatus = 1570
InventoryType = 1580
InvoiceDefinitions = 1590
InvoiceSelection = 1600
InvoiceStatus = 1610
InvoiceTypes = 1620

Lgh204Status = 1800
LghPermitStatus = 1810
LghType1 = 1821
LghType2 = 1822
LghType3 = 1823
LghType4 = 1824
LightDutyActivity = 1830
LightDutyShift = 1840
LoadBalancePodType = 1850
LoadingMetersUnits = 1860
ManagementLevel = 1900
MaptuitSubConfig = 1910
MileageTypes = 1920
MnyCodeCancelReason = 1930
MsgPriority = 1940
NLMRefusalCode = 2000

NoteRe - TariffBasisInv (2010-3000)


NoteRe = 2010
NotesLevel = 2020
NoteTypes = 2030
ObservationType1 = 2101
ObservationType2 = 2102
OrderPriority = 2110
OrderSource = 2120
ordertag = 2130
OrdInvStatus = 2140
OrdMscQty1 = 2151
OSDReason = 2160
OtherTypes1 = 2171
OtherTypes2 = 2172
OthHazLevel = 2180
PackageUnits = 2200
PalletType = 2210
PaperWork = 2220
PaperWorkStatus = 2230
PartOrderStatus = 2240
PayGroup = 2250
PayStatus = 2260
PayTypeBasis = 2270
PDHoursType = 2280
PermitAuthorityType = 2290
PermitEscortType = 2300
PermitRevisionReason = 2310
PermitStatus = 2320

PermitTransmitMethod = 2330
PermitTransmitType = 2340
PermitType = 2350
PickupDrop = 2360
PictureType = 2370
PlanOrdDeleteReason = 2380
PtoMisc1 = 2391
PtoMisc2 = 2392
PtoMisc3 = 2393
PtoMisc4 = 2394
PtoStatus = 2400
PurchaseService = 2410
PurchSrvcStatus = 2420
PushOutReasons = 2430
RandHazLevel = 2500
RateBy = 2510
ReasonLate = 2520
rec_type1 = 2531
rec_type10 = 2540
rec_type2 = 2532
rec_type3 = 2533
rec_type4 = 2534
rec_type5 = 2535
rec_type6 = 2536
rec_type7 = 2537
rec_type8 = 2538
rec_type9 = 2539

RecCallReason = 2550
RecCreditStatus = 2560
RecDivision = 2570
RecRecruiter = 2580
RecReferral = 2590
RecStatus = 2600
ReductionRateBy = 2610
ReferenceNumbers = 2620
Regions = 2630
RegionTypes = 2640
Relationals = 2650
Reschedule = 2660
ResponsibleParty = 2670
RevAllocCategory = 2680
RevAllocCriteria = 2690
RevAllocGroupBy = 2700
RevAllocType = 2710
RevType1 = 2721
RevType2 = 2722
RevType3 = 2723
RevType4 = 2724
RevUnits = 2730
RoadSituation = 2740
RoadSurface = 2750
RoadType = 2760
SafetyClassification = 2800
SafetyCostType1 = 2811

SafetyCostType2 = 2812
SafetyStatus = 2820
SafetyType1 = 2831
SafetyType2 = 2832
SafetyType3 = 2833
SafetyType4 = 2834
ScaledWeightType = 2840
ServiceArea = 2850
ServiceCenter = 2860
ServiceExceptionLate = 2870
ServiceQualityRating = 2880
ServiceRegion = 2890
ServiceRule = 2900
ServiceZone = 2910
ShipmentLogTransType = 2920
SizeUnits = 2930
SpillType1 = 2941
SpillType2 = 2942
State = 2950
StateMilesType1 = 2961
StateMilesType2 = 2962
StopStatus = 2970
StopTypes = 2980
StoreNumType = 2990
StpType2 = 2995
StpType3 = 2996
TariffBasisInv = 3000

TariffBasisInv - ZipCodeType (3010-3800)


TariffBasisStl = 3010
TariffTableBreak = 3020
TaskStatus = 3030
TaskPriority = 3035
TaskActivity = 3040
TaskAddl1 = 3041
TaskAddl10 = 3050
TaskAddl11 = 3051
TaskAddl12 = 3052
TaskAddl13 = 3053
TaskAddl14 = 3054
TaskAddl15 = 3055
TaskAddl2 = 3042
TaskAddl3 = 3043
TaskAddl4 = 3044
TaskAddl5 = 3045
TaskAddl6 = 3046
TaskAddl = 3047
TaskAddl8 = 3048
TaskAddl9 = 3049
TaskType1 = 3061
TaskType2 = 3062

TaskType3 = 3063
TaskType4 = 3064
TaxType1 = 3071
TaxType2 = 3072
TCHStatusChangeCode = 3080
TeamLeader = 3090
Terminal = 3100
TimeUnits = 3110
TimeZone = 3120
TimeZones = 3130
TLModReason = 3140
TotalMailStatus = 3150
TprExp = 3160
TprMisc1 = 3171
TprMisc2 = 3172
TprMisc3 = 3173
TprMisc4 = 3174
TprType1 = 3181
TprType2 = 3182
TprType3 = 3183
TprType4 = 3184
TprType5 = 3185

TprType6 = 3186
TrafficViolation = 3190
TrailerWashPriority = 3200
TrainConfig = 3210
TransCardAssignment = 3215
TransCardType = 3216
TransferType = 3220
TransferTypes = 3230
TrcAcc = 3240
TrcExp = 3250
TrcLoadingClass = 3260
TrcMisc1 = 3271
TrcMisc2 = 3272
TrcMisc3 = 3273
TrcMisc4 = 3274
TrcPayRate = 3280
TrcRequiresDrvTrl = 3290
TrcStatus = 3300
TrcType1 = 3311
TrcType2 = 3312
TrcType3 = 3313
TrcType4 = 3314

TreatedByType = 3320
TrlAcc = 3330
TrlConfiguration = 3340
TrlExp = 3350
TrlLoadingClass = 3360
TrlMisc1 = 3371
TrlMisc2 = 3372
TrlMisc3 = 3373
TrlMisc4 = 3374
TrlPayRate = 3380
TrlStatus = 3390
TrlType1 = 3401
TrlType2 = 3402
TrlType3 = 3403
TrlType4 = 3404
TypeOfCharge = 3410
VehicleRole = 3500
VolumeUnits = 3510
WeatherType = 3600
WeightUnits = 3610
WorkLocation = 3620
YesNo = 3700
ZipCodeType = 3800

ListOperation (APIWCFServices)

Used in the UpdateStop method. This enumeration also is present in the UpdateFreight method, but it is no longer used.

Members Comments


Indicates the Stop should be added to the end of the order


Indicates the Stop should be inserted into the front of the order

RateCategoryEnum (APIWCFServices)

First available in SystemsLink: 4.1.0

Used in ChargeHeader.

Members Comments





ReferenceNumberTable (APIWCFServices)

Used in the ReferenceNumberInOrder methods to indicate if the reference number is attached to an order, a freight, or a stop.

Members Comments


Indicates this ReferenceNumber is attached to an Order


Indicates this ReferenceNumber is attached to a Freight


Indicates this ReferenceNumber is attached to a Stop