General Info Table settings that are used by TMW Operations

These General Info Table settings are used by TMW Operations, and are saved within the TMWSuite database.

Settings are listed in alphabetical order. If you know the name of a setting, use your browser’s Find feature to jump to that setting.

AllowMasterAssignments - DistanceCacheByState


Applies to

TMWSuite 2014.13_07.0242, TMW Operations 14.40.125


This setting determines whether you can save resource assignments on master orders in the Trip Folder.


  • N (default)
    You cannot save resource assignments.

  • Y
    Resource assignments can be saved.

Additional Notes

This setting is also used by the Route Maintenance/Generation feature in TMW Operations. Routes created using this feature are treated as master orders. When creating complex routes involving split trips, you must use the resource fields in the Stops grid to specify multiple drivers, tractors, trailers, and/or carriers. To save those resources, this setting must be set to Y.


Applies to

TMWSuite V2012.11_07.0617 and later, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the DirectRoute Integration is enabled. This feature allows users to export trip information from the Planning Worksheet in TMWSuite Dispatch and TMW Operations to Appian DirectRoute.


  • N (default)
    Do not enable DirectRoute integration.

  • Y
    Enable DirectRoute integration.


    1. When you use this option for TMWSuite Dispatch, the following controls show for all Dispatch users, even when the user’s system does not have Appian DirectRoute installed. Trying to use any of these controls without the required client configuration will cause an error.

      • The Direct Route icon is available in the sheet toolbar.

      • The Direct Route command is available in the Dispatch menu.

    2. When you use this option for TMW Operations, the Direct Route command is available in the Available Trips grid shortcut menu.

Additional Notes

CRM Right and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations


By default, when you plan a trip in the Trip Folder using previously assigned resources and add a bobtail or deadhead, the system inserts a Begin Empty (BMT) at the start of the trip. The location for this event is the ending location of the tractor’s previous trip.

This key lets you plan a trip so the empty event can be added to the end of the tractor’s prior trip. By default, the system adds the event as an End Empty (EMT), but you can change the event during asset assignment.


  • N (default)
    When you plan a trip and add a bobtail or deadhead, the empty event defaults to the start of the trip.

  • Y
    When you plan a trip and add a bobtail or deadhead, you can place the empty event at the end of the tractor’s prior trip.

    Note: If you set String1=Y, you must set up String2 and String3 to designate the applicable label and option(s).


  • The name of the label
    The name of the label used by this feature. The default for String2 is Fleet.

    Note: Do not change the default value unless instructed to do so by TMW Support.


  • A user-defined list of label options
    The label options that will be recognized by this feature. Enter the options' abbreviation (Abbr) in a comma-separated list.

Additional Notes

For a tractor to support this functionality, the tractor must meet the following requirements:

  • One of the Fleet label options specified in the String3 field must be assigned in the Fleet field of the tractor’s profile.

  • The tractor’s previous trip does not have a Prepared status in the Trip Settlements Folder.

    Note: The system assigns a Prepared status to a trip when a pay record is saved in the Trip Settlements Folder or in the Trips Ready to Settle queue.

  • The tractor’s previous trip does not end with an empty event.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later, TMW.Suite Operations 17.10


There are 15 rows of AssetBeamLev keys. They allow entries representing each combination of values that can be entered in the String1 and String2 fields. Your entry in the String3 field controls whether checking is applied. If checking is used, the system can be set up to show a warning or prevent the resource assignment.

Warning: Do not change the values in String1 or String2.

  • TMWSuite
    Determines whether the system will check each resource’s location when you actualize the first stop’s arrival.

  • TMW.Suite Operations
    Determines whether the system will check each resource’s location when you actualize the first stop and save the trip.

    This setting was available starting in version 17.10 through 2019.3, but functionality was limited to the TRC option.

    Note: For TRL1 and TRL2, if you are activating the setting in the General Info Table, you must have [Misc]TrlBeamingLevel=0 in your TTS50.


Identifies the asset for which the setting applies. For example, DRV1 means that this setting affects the lead driver assigned to a trip. The options are:

  • DRV1
    Lead driver

  • DRV2

  • TRC

  • TRL1
    Lead trailer

  • TRL2

Warning: Do not change the values in String1 or String2.


Identifies the location to be checked by the system. For example, cmp_id means that the system will compare the company where the trip starts with the company where the resource currently is located. The options are:

  • cmp_id
    Compare the ID of the company where the new trip starts with the ID of the company where the resource is located currently.

  • city
    Compare the city where the new trip starts with the city where the resource is located currently.

  • state
    Compare the state where the new trip starts with the state where the resource is located currently.

Warning: Do not change the values in String1 or String2.


Specifies how the system handles attempts to dispatch a resource that is not currently located at the starting point of a new trip. For example, none tells the system to allow dispatch and show no warning. The options are:

  • warning
    Allow dispatch; but show a warning.

  • none (default)
    Allow dispatch; do not show a warning.

  • prevent
    Do not allow dispatch; show a conflict message.

Note: If needed, you can override the default shown for each row.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2018.1


This setting determines the default option for the Event field in the Check Calls window and on the Trip Folder Check Calls tab.

Note: Check call event options are defined in the CheckCallEvent label in the label file.


  • TRP (default)
    Displays the Track Point option.

  • User-specified check call event
    Enter the Abbr. field value from the CheckCallEvent label that identifies the desired default for check call events.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the commodity total shown in the Planning Worksheet’s Cmd Count column will be the total number of pieces for all freight details on an order, or the total number of freight details recorded on an order.


  • Pieces (default)
    The total number of pieces for all freight details on the order are shown.


    1. If no count-based commodities are recorded for the order, the Cmd Count column displays a zero (0).

    2. If the order contains multiple freight details, some that are count-based and others that are not, only the total of the count-based details are shown in the Cmd Count column.

    3. If you have consolidated orders, the Cmd Count column shows the count-based total for all the orders.

  • Freight
    The total number of freight details recorded on the order are shown.

Additional Notes

The Cmd Count column shows the value corresponding to the setting option that was in effect when the order was created. For example, if you change the value from the default to Freight, orders that were created before you made the change will show the number of pieces of freight.


Applies to

TMW Operations 16.10


All intermodal containers must have a unique registration number. This number contains four letters (also known as a SCAC code), a six-digit number, and then a check digit.

Example: ABCD,1234567

The check digit is used to detect errors in the registration number. The system calculates the check digit based on the four letters and the six digits.

The system verifies the accuracy of the check digit automatically. However, this setting determines whether the system allows you to save a container/chassis if the check digit is incorrect. This setting applies to containers added in the Add Container/Chassis window.


  • Error (default)
    The system prevents you from saving the container.

  • Warning
    The system warns you, but allows you to save the container.

Additional Notes

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMWSuite do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0174, TMW Operations


This setting applies when Credit Checking is active. It determines whether the system uses only an individual Bill To company’s credit limit, or combines the credit limits of a parent company and all of its sub companies.


  • BILLTO (default)
    The system uses the credit limit for the Bill To company on the order.

    If the Bill To company on an order is a division of a company, or a parent company itself, the system uses the credit limits for the parent company, plus the credit limits of all sub companies.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting requires that you have [Misc]CreditCheckOn=Y.

  2. In TMWSuite, credit checking is supported in Order Entry, the Dispatch Trip Folder, and in the Project Dispatch and Agent Order Entry add-on modules.

  3. Before TMWSuite V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performed an additional credit check each time you saved an existing order. Starting with V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performs an additional credit check only when you make changes to the line haul or accessorial charges on an order.

  4. In TMW Operations, Credit Checking is supported only in Order Maintenance.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2020.2, TMW.Suite 2020.2


This setting determines whether sensitive data you enter in the driver profile are encrypted automatically in the TMWSuite database.


  1. For versions 2024.2 and earlier, this setting affects only Social Security numbers.

  2. You can use the Data Conversion Administration Utility to encrypt groups of numbers. Contact your Professional Services representative to obtain the utility.

  3. You must use the Data Conversion Administration Utility to decrypt data.


As of version 2024.3:

  • Y (default)
    Encrypt data defined in String2-4.

  • N
    Do not encrypt data.

Prior to version 2024.3:

  • Y (default)
    Encrypt Social Security numbers.

  • N
    Do not encrypt Social Security numbers.


First available in TMWSuite 2024.3 and TMW.Suite 2024.3

  • Blank; that is, no entry (default)

  • SQL table field(s)
    Encrypt the data represented by the field(s). If you want, you can include two or more values separated by commas.

    Valid values include:

    Value Definition Database table Database column


    Driver Social Security number




    Pay To Social Security number




    Driver license number




    Fuel security card password

    Note: Currently, EFS is the only vendor supported.




Same as String2.


Same as String2.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2019.2 and later


Activates the Date Time Cascading Configuration feature, which displays the Date Time Cascading Configuration Maintenance menu option. This option enables the feature and allows access to the Date Time Cascading Configuration Maintenance window, which allows you to configure date time cascading.


  • N (default)
    The Date Time Cascading feature is off.

  • Y
    The Date Time Cascading feature is activated.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines the default date/time the system uses to start the detention clock for alerts and autobilling.

Note: Autobilling for detention is supported in TMWSuite. It is not available in TMW Operations.


  • 1 (Arrival)
    Detention tracking starts at the time recorded when the arrival at the stop is actualized.

  • 2 (Earliest)
    Detention tracking starts from the later of these dates/times:

    • The date/time recorded in the Arrival Date/Time field when the stop is actualized

    • The date/time recorded in the Earliest Date/Time field

  • 3 (Scheduled (Appointment))
    Detention tracking starts from the later of these dates/times:

    • The date/time recorded in the Arrival Date/Time field when the stop is actualized

    • The earliest arrival date/time recorded for the stop’s most recent scheduled appointment (SAP)

      If no SAP exists, the system uses the original date/time recorded in the Earliest Date/Time field for the stop.

  • 4 (Latest)
    Detention tracking starts from the later of these dates/times:

    • The date/time recorded in the Departure Date/Time field when the stop is actualized

    • The date/time recorded in the Latest Date/Time field

      Note: When you use this option and you have a String1 field value of Y for the Det_UseLatestStopTimeAlways setting, detention tracking starts from the value in the Latest Date/Time field. This happens even if the driver’s actual departure time is later.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system always uses the latest stop time to calculate detention even if the driver is late.

Note: This setting is applicable only when the Det_StartFromValue setting has a String1 value of 4 (Latest).


  • N (default)
    Begin detention tracking from the later of these dates/times:

    • The date/time recorded in the Departure Date/Time field when the stop is actualized

    • The date/time recorded in the Latest Date/Time field

  • Y
    Begin detention tracking from the date/time recorded in the Latest Date/Time field.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes a truck can be at a delivery stop before a yellow detention alert is triggered. When this tolerance is exceeded, the following occurs:

  • The detention indicator for the trip turns from green to yellow to signal that a detention situation is imminent.

  • If set up to do so, TotalMail sends warnings to the parties designated as detention contacts in the applicable Bill To or stop company profile.


  • 99999 (default)
    No global default value is in effect.

  • User-defined number of minutes
    Enter the number of minutes.


    1. The system recognizes 0 (zero) as a valid value indicating that no tolerance exists. It will issue a yellow alert immediately.

    2. The system recognizes -1 as a valid value indicating that yellow alerts are disabled for delivery stops.

Additional Notes

This setting is used only if no Minutes to Alert field value is recorded for delivery stops in the Bill To or stop company profile. In TMWSuite, the system also checks to see if the dispatcher has specified a value in the Alloweddet field for the delivery stop. This field is available only in the Trip Folder Stop Detail grid. If it is blank, this setting is used.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes a truck can be at a delivery stop before a red detention alert is issued and detention autobilling is triggered.

Note: Autobilling for detention is supported in TMWSuite. It is not available in TMW Operations.


  • 999999 (default)
    No global default value is in effect.

  • User-defined number of minutes
    Enter the number of minutes.

    Note: The system recognizes -1 as a valid value indicating that red alerts and autobilling are disabled for delivery stops.

Additional Notes

This setting is used only if no Minutes to Detention field value is recorded for delivery stops in the Bill To or stop company profile.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes a truck can be at a pickup stop before a yellow detention alert is triggered. When this tolerance is exceeded, the following occurs:

  • The detention indicator for the trip turns from green to yellow to signal that a detention situation is imminent.

  • If set up to do so, TotalMail sends warnings to the parties designated as detention contacts in the applicable Bill To or stop company profile.


  • 999999 (default)
    No global default value is in effect.

  • User-defined number of minutes
    Enter the number of minutes.


    1. The system recognizes 0 (zero) as a valid value indicating that no tolerance exists. It will issue a yellow alert immediately.

    2. The system recognizes -1 as a valid value indicating that yellow alerts are disabled for pickup stops.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is used only when no Minutes to Alert field value has been specified in the profiles of:

    • The order’s Bill To company

    • The pickup stop company

  2. In TMWSuite, the system also checks for a value specified in the Alloweddet field for the pickup. This field appears in the Trip Folder’s Stop Detail grid. If there is no value there, then this setting is used. This setting does not affect autobilling for detention in TMWSuite.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the number of minutes a truck can be at a pickup stop before a red detention alert is issued and detention autobilling is triggered.

Note: Autobilling for detention is supported in TMWSuite. It is not available in TMW Operations.


  • 999999 (default)
    No global default value is in effect.

  • User-defined number of minutes
    Enter the number of minutes.

    Note: The system recognizes -1 as a valid value. It indicates that red alerts are disabled when both the Bill To company and the pickup company have no entry in the Pickup Minutes to Detention field in their profiles. It also disables autobilling for pickup stops in TMWSuite.

Additional Notes

For autobilling in TMWSuite, this setting applies only to Bill To companies that have the Allow Autobill check box selected in their company profiles.


Applies to

TMW.Suite Operations 17.10


When the AssetBeamLevel setting is set to warn of or prevent tractor beaming, this setting determines the threshold for whether the Quick Deadhead Entry window appears when starting a trip without the assigned tractor at the trip’s starting location.

Note: This setting only applies when you have N set in the String1 field of the PreventDeadheadTrcBeamError setting in the General Info Table.


  • P (default)
    Display the window when any AssetBeamLevel tractor setting is set to Prevent.

  • W
    Display the window when any AssetBeamLevel tractor setting is set to Warn or Prevent.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


When the system creates a new route entry in the mileage database, this setting determines whether the mileage database records the states passed through on the route.

Note: This setting is valid only when String1 in the DistanceLookupVersion General Info Table setting is set to 2004.


  • N (default)
    When creating a new route entry, the mileage database does not record the states passed through on the route.

  • Y
    When creating a new route entry, the mileage database records the states passed through on the route.

Additional Notes

To use this setting, TMWSuite must be set up to use ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher.

This setting is required to use the Permitting feature in TMWSuite. The Permitting feature is a licensed add-on that must be purchased separately.

DistanceCacheOneWay - GVMMarginOfError


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


This setting determines how the system will calculate the mileage for each stop on a trip.


  • N (default)
    When calculating the mileage for a stop, the system sorts the origin and destination in alphabetical order by city/state name.

    For example, a trip includes a pickup at Columbus, Ohio, and drop at Beachwood, Ohio. The system calculates the mileage between Beachwood and Columbus, not between Columbus and Beachwood.

  • Y
    When calculating the mileage for a stop, the system sorts the origin and destination according to the order specified for the trip.

    For example, a trip includes a pickup at Dayton, Ohio, and drop at Cincinnati, Ohio. The system calculates and stores the mileage between Dayton and Cincinnati.

Additional Notes

To use this setting, TMWSuite must be configured to use ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher.

This setting is valid only if the String1 value of the DistanceLookupVersion key is 2004.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 2019.1


This setting determines whether the mileage database will retrieve and store travel directions when retrieving route mileage from ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher. Make your selection in the String1 field.


  • N (default)
    The mileage database will not retrieve and store travel directions.

  • Y
    The mileage database will retrieve and store travel directions when retrieving route mileage from ALK.

Additional Notes

  • TMWSuite:

    1. To use this setting, TMWSuite must be configured to use ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher.

    2. This setting is valid only if the String1 value of the DistanceLookupVersion key is 2004.

  • TMW Operations:
    This setting only applies for routing directions on the Manage Mileage Table window.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0211, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


When stop locations are entered or modified on an order, this setting determines how the system chooses the location information used for mileage lookups, i.e., whether lookups are based on street addresses, latitude and longitude data, ZIP Codes/postal codes in TMWSuite company profiles, or each city’s primary ZIP Code/postal code in the mileage application.


  • OLD (default)
    The system will use [MileageInterface]DefaultLookupBy option to determine the location information for all mileage lookups.

  • 2004
    The system determines the location information for mileage lookups on a company-by-company basis.

    The Distance SearchLvl field displays in the General section of the Company File Maintenance window. The option in this field determines the location information used for mileage lookups involving that company.

    The available options in the Distance SearchLvl field are:

    • A (address)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the company’s street address.

    • L (latitude and longitude)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the company’s latitude and longitude data.

    • Z (ZIP Code)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the company’s ZIP Code/postal code.

    • C (city)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the primary ZIP Code/postal code for the company’s city in ALK.

Notes for TMWSuite users

  1. To use the 2004 option TMWSuite must be set up to use either:

    • ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher, or

    • RAND MileMaker with Intelliroute 18 or higher.
      This option is first available in 2014.13_07.0644.

  2. You cannot use the 2004 option with any other mileage application.

  3. If a company’s Distance SearchLvl field is blank, mileage lookups will be based on the company’s city in ALK.

  4. The 2004 option overrides the [MileageInterface]DefaultLookupBy setting.

  5. The 2004 option is required to enable any of the following optional features:

    • Storing separate entries in the mileage database for each direction of the same route
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheOneWay setting.

    • Saving travel directions for routes in the mileage database
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheRouting setting.

    • Recording the states traveled through on a route in the mileage database
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheByState setting.

      Note: To use the Permitting feature in TMWSuite, you must enable the state cached mileage feature. The Permitting feature is a licensed add-on that must be purchased separately.

    • Specifying a company ID as the origin point for calculations performed by the Calc Distance button in Company File Maintenance
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceValidateCmpID setting.

Notes for Fuel Dispatch users

  1. You can use the 2004 option with ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher.

  2. You can use the 2004 option with RAND MileMaker SP32 and RAND IntelliRoute version 18 or greater.

  3. If a company’s Distance SearchLvl field is blank, mileage lookups will be based on the company’s city.

  4. The 2004 option overrides the [MileageInterface]DefaultLookupBy setting.

  5. The following optional features are available when you have a value of 2004 or OLD in the String1 field.

    • Storing separate entries in the mileage database for each direction of the same route
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheOneWay setting.

    • Saving travel directions for routes in the mileage database (available only for ALK)
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheRouting setting.

    • Recording the states traveled through on a route in the mileage database (available only for ALK)
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheByState setting.

      Note: To use the Permitting feature in TMWSuite, you must enable the state cached mileage feature. The Permitting feature is a licensed add-on that must be purchased separately.

    • Specifying a company ID as the origin point for calculations performed by the Calc Distance button in Company File Maintenance
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceValidateCmpID setting.


First available in V. 2006.05_10.1071

String 2 is applicable only when the String1 field has a value of 2004.

  • TMWSuite

    It is possible for the mileage on some trips to be incorrect because of the lookup used for the companies on the trip segments. For example, if a company has its Distance SearchLvl field set to A (Address), but the address is not valid according to ALK, the system will perform the lookup as city-to-ZIP Code. However, the company’s SearchLvl field remains set to A. You can use the String2 field to specify the search method that will be used when the one specified in a company’s profile fails. The options are:

  • Fuel Dispatch

    String2 options are used only when the system validates the company’s address in the company profile.

    • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
      Base the lookup on the company’s address. If the address is not a valid ALK address, no other lookup will be made.

    • A
      Base the lookup on the company’s address. If the address is not a valid ALK address, base the lookup on the company’s city location.

    • C
      Base the lookup on the company’s city location. If the city is not a valid ALK city, base the lookup on the company’s ZIP Code.

    • L
      Base the lookup on the company’s location, as defined by the lat/long entries in its profile. If no lat/long data is recorded in the company’s profile, base the lookup on the company’s ZIP Code.

    • Z
      Base the lookup on the company’s ZIP Code.


First available in V. 2011.10_08.1029

String3 options are valid only for TMWSuite.

String3 is applicable only when the String1 field has a value of 2004.

When you are using a manual mileage interface and a company on an order has the Distance SearchLvl field set to Z (ZIP Code) in its profile, the system does not return saved Zip-to-Zip lookup miles. Instead, it returns miles equal to the option recorded in the [MileageInterface]DefaultIntraCityMileage setting in your TTS50.

You can force the system to perform a new lookup, and base it on the company’s ZIP Code, or its ZIP Code and its city/state location. The options are:

  • N (default)
    When the company’s Distance SearchLvl field is set to Z, return miles equal to the value record in the [MileageInterface]DefaultIntraCityMileage INI setting.

  • Y
    When the company’s Distance SearchLvl field is set to Z, the company’s city and state will be added after the ZIP Code to provide more information to the mileage system for the mileage lookup.


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.50


This setting determines the default option for the Code field on the Accidents tab.

The Accident tab is available in all resource profiles (driver, tractor, trailer, and carrier).


  • TEMP (default)

  • User-specified accident code
    Enter the Abbr field value from the DrvAcdCd label that identifies the driver accident type.


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.50


This setting determines the default option for the Preventable field on the Accidents tab.

The Accident tab is available in all resource profiles (driver, tractor, trailer, and carrier).


  • N (default)
    The Preventable field is set to No.

  • Y
    The Preventable field is set to Yes.

  • I
    The Preventable field is set to Under Investigation.


Applies to

TMW Operations 17.50


This setting determines the default option for the Status field on the Accidents tab.

The Accident tab is available in all resource profiles (driver, tractor, trailer, and carrier).


  • OPN (default)
    The status is Open.

  • CLD
    The status is Closed.

  • User-specified accident status code
    Enter the Abbr field value from the DrvAccidentStatus label that identifies the driver accident type.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2000 and later, TMW Operations


By default, the driver profile lists the tractor that was assigned to the driver’s last Started or Completed trip. Similarly, the tractor profile lists the driver who was assigned to the tractor’s most recent Started or Completed trip.

This setting allows you to protect the driver/tractor relationship you record in the driver and/or tractor profiles. In other words, it prevents the system from updating the driver and/or tractor listed in the profiles based on trip assignments.

For example, suppose you link DriverA with TractorA in the driver and tractor profiles. With no protection on either profile, the system would update both the driver and tractor profiles if either of the following occurs:

  • DriverA is started on a trip with a different tractor.

  • TractorA is started on a trip with a different driver.

Your entry in the String1 field tells the system how to handle driver/tractor pairing.


  • NONE (default)
    Offers no protection

  • DRV
    Protects the driver profile from being updated with the driver’s current tractor assignments on a trip.

  • TRC
    Protects the tractor profile from being updated with the tractor’s current driver assignment on a trip.

  • BOTH
    Protects both the driver profile and tractor profile from being updated with current resource assignments on a trip.

Additional Notes

In TMW Operations, this setting does not protect driver/tractor pairing from changes made in the Maintain Tractor-Driver Assignment window.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting controls how the system handles entries in the Earliest Date and Arrival Date fields in the Order Maintenance AllStops tab and Trip Folder Stops tab.


  • N (default)
    When you enter a date and time in a stop’s Earliest Date field, the entry does not affect the stop’s Arrival Date field. You set these fields independently.

  • Y
    When you enter a date and time in the Earliest Date field for a stop not marked as Arrived, the system copies the entry to the stop’s Arrival Date field. You can still modify the Arrival Date field manually.

Additional Notes

  1. The LatestSetsDeparture setting provides similar functionality for a stop’s Latest Date and Departure Date fields.

  2. TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

EDI, TMW Operations: and later


By default, when the Data Exchange application imports a 204 load tender, the letters DX are recorded as the Booked By ID for the order.

Use this setting to update the Booked By for an order to the user ID of the person who accepted the order.


  • N (default)
    Retain DX as an order’s Booked By ID, even after a specific user accepted the order.

  • Y
    Change the Booked By to the user ID of the person who accepted the order.

Applies to

TMWSuite: 2015.14_07.0590, EDI, TMW Operations: 15.40.107


Use this setting to include the source application and user ID in 214 files. The information will appear in an additional miscellaneous/439 record in the order header section of each 214.


  • N (default)
    Do not include the source application and user in 214 files.

  • Y
    Include the source application and user ID in 214 files.


    1. In the miscellaneous/439 record, the source application appears as 439REFAPPxxxxxxxxxx.

    2. In the miscellaneous/439 record, the user ID appears as 439REFUIDxxxxxxxxxx.


Applies to

eManifest V. 2021.2.1.205 and later


This setting controls which auto processing method the EDI X12 processor uses for eManifests and TotalMail messages sent to drivers.

The original auto processing uses TotalMail to send drivers:

  • ACE/ACI eManifest message notifications, letting them know the eManifest is created..

  • ACE/ACI eManifest Acceptance notifications, letting them know whether the eManifest is accepted or rejected.

The alternative auto processing:

  • Does not create messages when an eManifest document is created.

  • Sets the message priority to High when an eManifest request fails validation.

  • Sets the message priority to High when an eManifest request is accepted.

The TotalMail messages sent to drivers include more information. Messages give the company location where the crossing will be made as well as the shipment control number. You can include the dispatch phone number so the driver can contact them. You can also provide an instructional message to the driver.


Your entry in this field activates the alternative auto processing. It is available starting with V.2021.2.1.205.

  • N (default)
    Use the original auto processing method for eManifest requests and messaging..

  • Y
    Use the alternative auto processing method for eManifest request and messaging.

    Note: When you use this option, you must make entries in the String2 and String3 fields.


If String1 is set to Y, this entry sets the message priority..

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Messages have the lowest priority supported by your MobileComm vendor.

  • High
    Messages have the highest priority supported by your MobileComm vendor.


If String1 is set to Y, this entry is included in messages sent to drivers. You can send:

  • The dispatch phone number
    The format you use is how the number appears in the message. Make sure your entry is identifiable as a telephone number. It should include all necessary country and area codes.

  • Text instructions for the driver


If String1 is set to Y, this entry is included in messages sent to drivers. You can send:

  • The message at the end of the TotalMail message.
    At the end of the sentence, it will add the value from String 4.
    For example, if you entered “You are authorized to cross”, this statement will be added to the end of the sentence. Note: There is a limit of 60 characters in this field.


Applies to

TMW Operations, TMWSuite


Use this setting to activate the following features:

  • An audit feature that logs changes made to user-defined label classifications for companies, drivers, tractors, and trailers.

  • The ability to use the Asset Profile History window in TMW Operations to schedule classification changes, and to view changes entered previously.


  • N (default)
    Do not allow users to schedule changes in the Asset Profile History window. Do not log label classification changes for profiles.

  • Y
    Save scheduled changes made in the Asset Profile History window in TMW Operations. Log all changes made in File Maintenance, in the Asset Profile History window, and in profile windows that are accessed via the Tools menu.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting applies when credit checking is active. If the system is set up to allow a password override when credit checking fails during order entry, this setting is used to record the password. The user must enter the password to save the order.


    The system default password.

  • User-defined password
    Your entry must be in uppercase.

Additional Notes

  1. To use the credit check password override, you must have:

    • [Misc]CreditCheckOn=Y

    • [Misc]AllowBkgIfCreditFails=P

  2. In TMWSuite, credit checking is supported in Order Entry, the Dispatch Trip Folder, and in the Project Dispatch and Agent Order Entry add-on modules.

  3. Before TMWSuite V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performed an additional credit check each time you saved an existing order. Starting with V.2012.11_07.1008, the system performs an additional credit check only when you make changes to the line haul or accessorial charges on an order

  4. In TMW Operations, credit checking is supported in the Order Maintenance and Trip Folder windows.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later; Fuel Dispatch; TMW Operations


Determines whether the Activity Audit feature is enabled. The Activity Audit feature allows you to view a list of the changes to:

  • An order

  • Invoice details

  • An invoice header

  • Pay details associated with a trip

  • A pay header

  • A billing rate or pay rate schedule

Changes are logged to the expedite_audit table, which also is known as the fingerprint audit table.


  • N (default)
    The Activity Audit feature is disabled.

  • Y
    The Activity Audit feature is enabled.


    1. Only changes made while the feature is enabled will be tracked.

    2. When you use this option, changes can be viewed in these applications:

      • TMWSuite

        Changes are listed in the Load Activities window. The window is available in Order Entry, the Dispatch Trip Folder, Rate Schedules, Invoicing, and Settlements. You access it by selecting Reports > Activity Audit. The command is accessible only when the feature is enabled.

      • Fuel Dispatch

        1. You view changes tracked by the Activity Audit feature in the Audit Log section of the Order Audit Log window. The window is available in Call On Demand Order Entry. You access it by selecting Dispatch > Audit Log. The window is always available, but the Audit Log section is populated only when the feature is enabled.

        2. You cannot view changes to a billing rate or pay rate in Fuel Dispatch.

      • TMW Operations

        1. Changes are listed on the Activity Audit tab, available in Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder. The tab is always available in the Trip Folder, but changes are shown only when the feature is enabled. The tab is not shown in Order Maintenance when the feature is disabled.

        2. You cannot view changes to a billing rate or pay rate in TMW Operations.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2021.4.17.196 and later


In the Route Maintenance window you can search for route ids using the Route Code drop-down list field. The default number of rows that displays is 1000. Use this setting to display as many route ids in the drop-down list that you need.


  • 1000 (default)
    The number of rows that will display.

  • User-specified
    You can enter the number of rows you wish to display.
    Note: If you set the number to 1200 for example, the drop-down list will load the first 1200 route ids.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMWSuite, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


The system uses fleet licensing information to determine whether the assets on a trip belong to a fleet that is licensed for hauling loads in the jurisdictions on a trip. You record fleet licensing information based on jurisdiction, license expiration date, and gross vehicle weight. Entries are made in the Fleet Licensing window.

This setting activates the fleet licensing feature. When it is enabled, you access the window in TMWSuite File Maintenance. You use the Edit >Fleet Licensing command to do so.


  • N (default)
    The system does not validate licensing compliance for fleet vehicles. The Fleet Licensing window is not accessible.

  • Y
    The system validates licensing compliance for fleet vehicles. Access to the Fleet Licensing window is enabled.


This field is applicable when String1 has a value of Y.

Enter the default gross vehicle weight to be displayed in the Fleet Licensing window when you add a fleet license record. This weight can be changed on a fleet-by-fleet basis.

Additional Notes

This setting is used only for the Auto-fill Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch and the Autoloading and Fleet Licensing features in TMW Operations. It is not used for the Learned Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch.


Applies to

TMW Operations 2019.3 and later


Determines whether the View Autoload command appears in the Trip Folder’s Edit menu. This setting also controls access to the Freight By Compartment window.


  • N (default)
    The View Autoload menu command is inactive. The Freight By Compartment window is not accessible.

  • Y
    The View Autoload menu command is active on the Edit menu. The Freight By Compartment window is accessible.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later; Fuel Dispatch; TMW Operations


Grace period refers to the number of days the system is to continue showing inactive companies and carriers; and terminated tractors, trailers, and drivers in drop-down lists. It affects drop-down lists in Order Entry, Dispatch, Invoicing, and Settlements. The system automatically updates this setting based on two things:

  • The [Misc]GracePeriod setting in your TTS50 file.

  • Whether the Show Retired Items check box in the Set List Box Properties window is selected or cleared.

You can override the grace period temporarily. You do this by selecting the Show Retired Items check box in the Set List Box Properties window. To access the window, go to Tools > Set List Box Property in any core TMWSuite application. The check box is cleared by default.

When the Show Retired Items check box is cleared:

  • The [Misc]GracePeriod setting in your TTS50 determines the number of days allowed.

  • This setting has these values:

    • String1 is set to GracePeriod. This indicates that the [Misc]GracePeriod setting is to be used.

    • The number in the Int1 field matches the number of days specified in the [Misc]GracePeriod setting.

When the Show Retired Items check box is selected:

  • The [Misc]GracePeriod setting is not used.

  • The system automatically updates this setting’s values.

    • String1 is set to Apocalypse. Users in any base application can select IDs of inactive companies and carriers, and terminated drivers, tractors, and trailers in fields that use a drop-down list.

    • The Int1 field is set to 999. This is the number of days allowed.

Selecting the Show Retired Items check box does not change the [Misc]GracePeriod setting in your TTS50. The original entry is retained. Clearing the check box resets the grace period. The system reads the entry for the [Misc]GracePeriod setting and writes that entry in this setting’s Int1 field.


  • GracePeriod (default)
    This value is based on the presence of the default value of 90 for the [Misc]GracePeriod setting in your TTS50.


  • -90 (default)
    This value is based on the presence of the default value of 90 for the [Misc]GracePeriod setting in your TTS50.

Additonal Notes

  1. If this setting is set to GracePeriod in String1, TMW Operations will only use the [Misc]GracePeriod TTS50 values.

  2. It’s recommended that the [Misc]GracePeriod TTS50 setting value and the GRACE General Info Table values be kept in sync for TMWSuite.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch 14.40.26, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


Use this setting to specify the maximum amount by which a load’s total weight can exceed the maximum gross weight.

When you save a load in the Trailer Autoload window in Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, the system compares the amounts in the Max Gross and Total Gross fields. If the Total Gross amount exceeds the Max Gross amount, a warning is displayed.


  • 0 (default)
    The maximum margin of error is 0 (zero). The actual gross weight cannot be more than the maximum gross weight.

    Note: When the total weight for a load exceeds the maximum gross weight, the system will display a warning when you attempt to save the Trailer Autoload window.

    "The Total Gross (#####) has exceeded the Max Gross (#####) + margin (###). Please adjust the order."

    You cannot save the order until you change the compartment amounts.

  • User-specified number

    Enter the maximum number of pounds or kilograms by which the total weight for a load can exceed the maximum gross weight.

    Note: When the total weight for a load exceeds the maximum gross weight, the system will display a warning when you attempt to save the Trailer Autoload window.

  • If the difference is more than the tolerance amount, this warning is displayed:

    "The Total Gross (#####) has exceeded the Max Gross (#####) + margin (###). Please adjust the order."

    You cannot save the order until you change the compartment amounts.

  • If the difference is less than the tolerance amount, this warning is displayed:

    "The Total Gross (#####) has exceeded the Max Gross (#####) but is within margin (###). Continue save?"

    You can save the order without changing the compartment amounts.

Additional Notes

  1. In the Fuel Dispatch Trailer Autoload window, total vehicle weight is calculated as:

    Tractor Tare + Lead Trailer Tare + Pup Tare + Driver/Cushion + Total Commodity Weight

  2. Use the [Order]DefaultWgtVolCount setting in your TTS50 to specify the weight, volume, and count measurement units used by your system.

HubTranIntegration - SERVICERULE


Applies to

TMW Operations V.2019.3


HubTran is a web-based tool that automates the payables process for freight brokers. HubTran organizes incoming invoices and paperwork from carriers. It extracts data from those documents, and creates appropriate payables records. Trimble’s HubTran integration allows you to upload carrier, legheader, and shipment data to HubTran. Once HubTran receives invoice detail information from the carrier, it matches it to the legheader information. When matches are found, HubTran sends back a request to release the legheader’s pay for the carrier.

This setting activates the monitoring of records uploaded to HubTran. When a record is changed, it is resent to HubTran to keep the two systems in sync.


  • N (default)
    No monitoring is performed.

  • Y
    Records uploaded to HubTran are monitored for changes. When a change is made, the record is resent to HubTran.


The entry in this field identifies the dispatch system you are using. You must identify which system you are using because the Back Office functionality in the two systems is not exactly the same.

  • NB
    The dispatch system is TMW.Suite (TMW Operations).

  • SET
    The dispatch system is TMWSuite.

Additional Notes

Trimble’s HubTran integration requires that you have SystemsLink and WorkCycle installed. For details, see HubTran Trimble integration setup in the TMW Operations online help.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008 and later, EDI, TMW Operations


In the Process Inbound 214s window, you can review the events listed on a 214 before processing it. Processing a 214 updates a trip’s status with the data it contains. Use this setting to identify the event codes that will result in a stop’s estimated arrival date/time being updated when a 214 is processed.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The stop’s estimated arrival date/time are not updated when the 214 is processed.

  • User-specified list of status codes
    Enter the codes that will update a stop’s estimated arrival date/time. Your entry must exactly match the Abbr column value of the Inbound214Status label options you want to use. You must enter a comma before and after each code. For example, suppose the label contains these options:

    • Pickup Appt, with an Abbr value of AA

    • Delivery Appt, with an Abbr value of AB

    To update the stop’s estimated arrival date/time, you would enter ,AA,AB,


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008 and later, TMW Operations


In the Process Inbound 214s window, you can review the events listed on a 214 before processing it. Processing a 214 updates a trip’s status with the data it contains. Use this setting to identify the event codes that will result in the arrival at a stop being actualized when a 214 is processed.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The arrival stop is not actualized when the 214 is processed.

  • User-specified list of arrival status codes
    Enter the codes that will actualize the arrival at a stop. Your entry must exactly match the Abbr column value of the Inbound214Status label options you want to use. You must enter a comma before and after each code. For example, suppose the label contains these options:

    • Arrival at Pickup, with an Abbr value of X3

    • Arrival at Deliver, with an Abbr value of X1

    To actualize the stop on the order, you would enter ,X3,X1,


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008 and later, TMW Operations


In the Process Inbound 214s window, you can review the events listed on a 214 before processing it. Processing a 214 updates a trip’s status with the data it contains. Use this setting to identify the status codes that will result in a trip’s location reports being updated when a 214 is processed.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The location reports are not updated when the 214 is processed.

  • User-specified list of EDI status codes
    Enter the codes that will update a trip’s location reports. Your entry must exactly match the Abbr column value of the Inbound214Status label options you want to use. You must enter a comma before and after each code. For example, suppose the label contains these options:

    • Enroute Location, with an Abbr value of X6

    • Arrived At Pickup, with an Abbr value of X3

    To update the location reports, you would enter ,X6,X3,


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008 and later, TMW Operations


In the Process Inbound 214s window, you can review the events listed on a 214 before processing it. Processing a 214 updates a trip’s status with the data it contains. Use this setting to identify the event codes that will result in the departure at a stop being actualized when a 214 is processed.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The departure stop is not actualized when the 214 is processed.

  • User-specified list of departure status codes
    Enter the codes that will actualize the departure from a stop. Your entry must exactly match the Abbr column value of the Inbound214Status label options you want to use. You must enter a comma before and after each code. For example, suppose the label contains these options:

    • Delivered, with an Abbr value of D1

    • Departed Pickup, with an Abbr value of AF

    To actualize the stop on the order, you would enter ,D1,AF,


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008 and later, TMW Operations


This setting identifies the EDI status codes used for storing records in a miscellaneous dates table. This information does not update the actual stop status or date/time.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The dates/times are not stored in the miscellaneous dates table.

  • User-specified list of EDI status codes
    Enter the codes that will be used for storing records in a miscellaneous dates table. Your entry must exactly match the Abbr column value of the Inbound214Status label options you want to use. You must enter a comma before and after each code. For example, suppose the label contains these options:

    • Pickup Appt, with an Abbr value of AA

    • Delivery Appt, with an Abbr value of AB

    You would enter ,AA,AB,


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2011.10_08.0427, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system will actualize each stop and update the date/time and reason code in a 214 automatically.


  • No (default)
    Stops are not actualized and updated automatically.

  • Yes
    Actualize each stop and update the date/time and status for each.

    Note: The system performs the following validation checks. If any one of the checks is true for the Inbound 214, its status will be Rejected.

    • Pickup date/time or delivery date/time is blank.

    • Order status is not Dispatched, Started, or Completed.

    • Status for the current leg is not Dispatched, Started, or Completed.

    • Pickup or delivery date/time is after the date/time the 214 was received.

    • Pickup or delivery date/time is for a future date.

    • A 990 Counter or 990 Accept has not been received.

    • Carrier is different than the carrier assigned to the order.

    • Stops for previous legs have not been actualized.

    • Arrival at the current stop has not been actualized.

    • Arrival 214 was received before the previous stop’s Departure 214.

    • Departure 214 for the stop was received before the Arrival 214.

    • Departure status date/time is earlier than the Arrival status date/time.

    • A 214 has already been received for the pickup.

    • A 214 has already been received for the delivery.

    • Delivery date/time is on or before the pickup date/time.

    • Delivery 214 was received before the Pickup 214.

    • The 214 AD (delivery appointment) was received after a delivery 214.

    • The 214 AD (delivery appointment) is on or before the 214 pickup date/time.

    • Date/time is invalid.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No custom validation is applied.

  • User-defined entry
    Enter the name of the customized validation stored procedure that applies your company’s business rules. You must have String1 set to Yes to use a customized stored procedure.

    Note: For information about obtaining a customized stored procedure, contact your TMW EDI Support representative.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines the information shown in the Item Code field on the Profit and Loss tab. The tab is accessed in Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.


The String1 value applies to pay types. It controls the Item Code field in the Vendor Charges section.

  • D (default)
    The pay type’s description is displayed.

  • I
    The pay type’s item code is displayed.


The String2 value applies to charge types. It controls the Item Code field in the Invoice Charges section.

  • D (default)
    The charge type’s description is displayed.

  • I
    The charge type’s item code is displayed.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMWSuite, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


Jurisdictions (states/provinces) use road restrictions to specify the maximum gross vehicle weight for a road class. This setting activates functionality that allows you to record:

  • Record weight limits for jurisdictions

  • Record weight limits for axle groups

  • Record restrictions for an equipment configuration

Using this information, the system can validate that the equipment assigned on a trip complies with the road restrictions in place for all jurisdictions the trip’s route passes through.

You record the information in the Jurisdiction Restrictions window.

  • TMWSuite

    The Jurisdiction Road Restrictions window is in the File Maintenance application.

    When the functionality is activated, the Jurisdiction Road Restrictions command appears in the Edit menu. It opens the window .

  • TMW Operations

    The Jurisdiction Road Restrictions window in TMW Operations. When the functionality is activated, the Jurisdiction Road Restrictions command appears in the Tools menu’s Tools Maintenance sub menu. It opens the window.


  • N (default)
    The system cannot be set up to use jurisdictional road restrictions. The menu command is unavailable.

  • Y
    The system can be set up to use jurisdictional road restrictions. The menu command is available.

    Note: Using this option requires that:

    • The DistanceCacheByState General Info Table setting has a String1 field value of Y.

    • The DistanceLookupVersion General Info Table setting has a String1 field value of 2004.


If String1=Y, enter the default axle group weight.

Your entry appears in the Jurisdiction Road Restrictions window’s Weight field. You use the window to add an axle group to a jurisdictional road restriction record.


If String1=Y, enter the default maximum permissible gross weight.

Your entry appears in the Jurisdiction Road Restriction window’s GVW field. You use this window to add an equipment configuration to a jurisdictional road restriction record.

Additional Notes

This setting is used:

  • Only for the Auto-fill Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch
    Note: It is not used for the Learned Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch.

  • The jurisdictional features in TMW Operations


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting controls how the system handles entries in the Latest Date and Departure Date fields in the Order Maintenance AllStops tab and Trip Folder Stops tab.


  • N (default)
    When you enter a date and time in a stop’s Latest Date field, the entry does not affect the stop’s Departure Date field. You set these fields independently.

  • Y
    When you enter a date and time in the Latest Date field for a stop not marked as Completed, the system copies the entry to the stop’s Departure Date field. You can still modify the Departure date manually.

Additional Notes

  1. The EarliestSetsArrival setting provides similar functionality for a stop’s Earliest Date and Arrival Date fields.

  2. TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008.07_08.0580 and later, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the types of load tender orders that display in the Planning Worksheet’s EDI grid.


Your entry in the String1 field determines whether only load tenders that require a decision are displayed.

  • N (default)
    The system displays all load tender orders.

  • Y
    The system displays only orders requiring a decision. Once the accept/ decline decision for an order is processed, the system removes those orders.


Your entry in the String2 field determines whether pending 990s are displayed.

  • N (default)
    The system does not display 990s.

  • Y
    The system displays pending 990s.


List additional customized LTSL 2 states that will display in the EDI grid.


Applies to

TMWSuite, EDI, TMW Operations 2022.4 and later


This setting is for LTSL2 and will allow for a default Trailer Id qualifier to be specified and used when none is set at the Trading Partner level. The setting can be edited on the DX Service tab in Interface Settings. It allows for free text to be entered.


  • UNK (default)
    This is the default value.

  • User specified
    Allows for a default reference number qualifier to be specified.
    Note: This is only used when a qualifier is not already set at the trading partner level. The user is responsible to verify it is a valid reference number qualifier.

Additional Notes

This setting is used with the AssignTrailerFromRefNumber trading partner setting. The AssignTrailerFromRefNumber trading partner setting is visible from the Interface Settings application in the LTSL2 Configuration Window. The setting will enable functionality for the Trading Partner being edited. When selected the new Trailer ID qualifier will be enabled for the Trading Partner. If not selected the Trailer Id qualifier field will be disabled.


Applies to

EDI, TMW Operations:


In TMW Operations, you use the Create EDI 214 window to generate EDI 214s manually. In the window, the Status Reason field identifies the reason for an event status.

This setting determines two things:

  • Whether the available reason codes come from the EDI214Reason label or ReasonLate label in System Administration.

  • The source of the EDI code recorded in the 214.


  • N (default)
    The available options come from the EDI214Reason label.

    The value in the label’s Abbr field is used in the 214.

  • Y
    The available options come from the ReasonLate label.

    The EDI code recorded in the 214 will come from either the ReasonLate label or the Reason Codes tab in the EDI Codes Maintenance window.

    • If the Status Reason matches a reason code recorded for the trading partner, the EDI code recorded for that reason code is used in the 214.

      This allows you to use customized status codes for each EDI trading partner.

      Note: You record reason codes for trading partners in the File Maintenance application’s EDI Codes Maintenance or Interface Settings application’s Customer EDI Codes window.

    • If the Status Reason does not match a reason code recorded for the trading partner, the value in the Abbr field of the ReasonLate label is used in the 214.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


In TMWSuite, this setting specifies the maximum number of available on-duty hours that can be displayed, regardless of the calculated estimate. It applies to these locations:

  • Dispatch Trip Folder Log Date fields

  • Day 1, Day 2, and Day3 fields on the Driver tab. The tab is located in the Planning Worksheet’s Available Resources grid

  • The Find Drivers window Day1 Hrs, Day2 Hrs, and Day3 Hrs fields

In Fuel Dispatch and TMW Operations, this setting determines the maximum number of available working hours during a 24-hour period. These hours appear in the Driver Hours of Service window.


  • 14 (default)
    The driver has a maximum of 14 hours per day.

  • User-defined number of hours
    Enter the maximum number of working hours per day.

    Note: You must enter a whole number. Entering a decimal point causes an error.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this feature.


Applies to

TMW Operations


When users have access to multiple board views, use this setting to specify which column from the Board Setup window will be used to sort the board views in drop-down lists. By default, multiple board views of the same type are listed in the order in which they were created.

This applies to any window that pulls board views that have inbound or outbound information. In the Board Setup window, inbound and outbound board views are denoted with a BoardType of INBSCR or OUTSCR.


  • PbcId (default)
    List the board views in ascending order by the entry in the PbcId column. This is the order in which the board views were created.

    Note: Typing default in this field has the same result as typing PbcId.

  • Description
    List the board views in ascending order by the entry in the Description column in the Board Setup window.

Additional Notes

  1. If you have renamed your columns in the grid layout for the Board Setup window, you must use the original column names for sorting.

  2. Regardless of which column you use to sort the board views, the drop-down list displays the entry in the Description column.


Applies to

TMW.Suite Operations 17.10


This setting works in conjunction with the AssetBeamLevel and the DisplayQuickDeadheadLevel General Info Table settings.

When you have the AssetBeamLevel setting set to warn or prevent tractor beaming, this setting determines whether the Quick Deadhead Entry window displays when you start a trip and the assigned tractor is not at the trip’s start location.


  • N (default)
    Display the Quick Deadhead Entry window.

  • Y
    Do not display the Quick Deadhead Entry window.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.05_10.0861 and later, TMW Operations: 15.10.73 and later


This setting tells the system to create outbound 204 flat files when a carrier has been assigned to an order.


  • N (default)
    No outbound 204 flat files are created.

  • Y
    When a carrier is assigned to an order, the system will create an outbound 204 flat file.

    Note: The carrier must be set up to receive outbound 204 flat files. The feature is activated by selecting the 204 check box in the EDI/Confirm section of the carrier profile.


First available in

TMWSuite; TMW Operations version 2024.2 and later, TMW Back Office version 2024.2 and later


This setting determines which stop(s) contain commodities that should be included in invoice calculation.


  • DRP (default)
    Include commodities at delivery stops only.

  • PUP
    Include commodities at pickup stops only.

  • ANY
    Include all non-UNKNOWN commodities at pickup and delivery stops.


    1. The ANY option covers trips in which commodities could be at a pickup stop or a delivery stop. Do not use this option if trips commonly have commodities at both stops, as this could result in overcharging.

    2. TMW Operations and TMW Back Office do not support this option.


Determines how the application handles decimal weights.

  • T (Truncate)
    Remove the number(s) to the right of the decimal point.

  • R (Round)
    Round the number down to the nearest integer.

  • U (Up)
    Round the number up to the nearest integer.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting determines the default service rule.


  • 7/60 (default)
    This option sets the 7-day/60-hour service rule.

  • User-defined label option
    Enter the value in the Abbr field of the desired ServiceRule label.

Applies to



This setting is used to tell the Shoplink interface where to find the Transman database.


Enter the name of the server on which the Transman database resides.


Enter the name of the Transman database with which TMWSuite is to interface.


Enter the Shoplink interface version number you are using.

ShowExpiredNotes - ValidateOutbound204


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Determines whether the system will show expired notes in the Notes window.


  • Y (default)
    The system will show all notes, including those that have expired.

  • N
    The system will not show expired notes.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.40.21 through 2019.4


This setting controls whether the system displays the New Move message when you cancel an order that has completed stops.


  • Y (default)
    Display the New Move message.

  • N
    Do not display the New Move message.

Additional Notes

Starting in version 2020.1, this setting is no longer used by the Cancel Trip/Order window.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


Use this setting to provide information the system needs to send reports and free form messages using SMTP e-mail. SMTP allows you to send reports/messages to recipients outside your company’s network securely.

  • In TMWSuite
    You can send integrated reports.

  • In TMW Operations
    You can send load confirmations from the Brokerage add-on module.

  • In TMW Back Office
    You can send invoices and settlement sheets.

  • In CRM Right
    You can send e-mails to contacts.


Identifies the SMTP server.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No e-mails will be sent using an SMTP e-mail server.

  • SMTP e-mail server address
    E-mails will be sent using the identified SMTP e-mail server.


Provides the reply address for e-mails sent from within TMW applications.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No reply address will be available for e-mails sent using a SMTP e-mail server.

  • Enter the e-mail reply to address
    Reply e-mails will be sent to this address.

    If you want all replies to go to a single address, enter that e-mail address. If you do not provide an optional reply address, the system will use the e-mail address of the logged-in user.


  1. TMW Operations does not use this string. Each user using SMTP e-mail must have an e-mail address defined in his/her user profile.

  2. CRM Right requires an entry in this field.


The String3 and String4 options work together to provide a user name and password to the SMTP server.

Note: If your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, no entry is required in String3 and String4.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No SMTP server user ID is provided.

    Unless your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, e-mails will not be sent by the SMTP server.

  • User ID for the SMTP server
    When you click in this field, the SMTP Authentication Credentials window opens. Enter the SMTP user ID and password in this window.


    1. An entry in this field causes the [Misc]SMTPServer INI setting to be ignored.

    2. Once a value is set, you cannot clear entries in this field. If you no longer need to use this field, contact your TMW customer service representative.


The String3 and String4 options work together to provide a user name and password to the SMTP server.

Note: If your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, no entry is required in String3 and String4.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No SMTP server password is provided.

    Unless your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, e-mails will not be sent by the SMTP server.

  • Password (encrypted) for the SMTP server
    When you click in this field, the SMTP Authentication Credentials window opens. Enter the SMTP user ID and password in this window.


    1. The system encrypts your password when you save your changes.

    2. Once a value is set, you cannot clear entries in this field. If you no longer need to use this field, contact your TMW customer service representative.


Determines whether Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication is active.

  • 1 (default)
    The system enables SSL authentication when sending e-mails in CRM Right or TMW Back Office.

    Note: The SMTP server must support SSL authentication for this setting to function correctly.

  • 0
    The system disables SSL authentication when sending e-mails in CRM Right or TMW Back Office. Instead, it uses the entries in String3 and String4.

Note: TMWSuite and TMW Operations do not support this field.


Determines whether the SMTP server uses Windows authentication when sending e-mails in CRM Right.

  • 0 (default)
    Windows authentication is not used by CRM Right.

    Instead of using Windows authentication, CRM Right uses the entries in String3 and String4.

  • 1
    Windows authentication is used by CRM Right.

    Note: You can use this field to enable/disable Windows authentication for CRM Right, or you can use it for the SMTP server port number. However, TMW recommends using Int3 for all port numbers instead of Int2.


Specifies the port used by the SMTP server.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Uses the default SMTP port 25.

  • User-defined number
    User-defined numbers indicate the SMTP server’s port number.


First available in TMWSuite: 2019.4

In TMWSuite, determines whether Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication is active.

  • 0 (default)
    The system disables SSL authentication when sending e-mails in TMWSuite.

  • 1
    The system enables SSL authentication when sending e-mails in TMWSuite.

    Note: The SMTP server must support SSL authentication for this setting to function correctly.

Note: This setting affects only TMWSuite.

Additional Notes

  1. When Integrated Reporting was first introduced, the [Misc]SMTPServer INI setting was used to send integrated reports and free form messages from within any TMWSuite application.

  2. Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


You use this setting to:

  • Identify the TotalMail form used to send a canceled assignment notification.

  • Specify the name of the menu option.


Your entry in this field identifies the cancel order form you want to use.

  • 0 (default)
    The command does not appear in the menu.

  • User-specified form ID
    The form ID listed in the TotalMail Form Editor.


Your entry in this field specifies the cancel order command shown in the Mobile Comm menu.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system uses the default name for the form in the menu. The default name is TMCancelOrderFormId.

  • User-defined entry
    Enter the name you want the menu to show for the cancel trip segment form.

    Note: You must include the form ID in String1 for the command to show in the menu.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


You use this setting to:

  • Identify the TotalMail form used to send company profile information

  • Specify the name of the menu option


Your entry in this field identifies the company profile form you want to use.

  • 0 (default)
    The command does not appear in the menu.

  • User-specified form ID
    The form ID listed in the TotalMail Form Editor.


Your entry in this field specifies the company profile command shown in the Mobile Comm menu.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system uses the default name for the form in the menu. The default name is TMCompanyProfileFormId.

  • User-defined entry
    Enter the name you want the menu to show for the company profile form.

    Note: You must include the form ID in String1 for the command to show in the menu.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


You use this setting to:

  • Identify the TotalMail form used to send a load assignment

  • Specify the name of the menu option

  • Enable the option to select and send multiple trips at once from the Planning Worksheet (First available in TMW Operations V.2023.5).


Your entry in this field identifies the load assignment form you want to use.

  • 0 (default)
    The command does not appear in the menu.

  • User-specified form ID
    The form ID listed in the TotalMail Form Editor.


Your entry in this field specifies the load assignment command shown in the Mobile Comm menu.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system uses the default name for the form in the menu. The default name is Load Assignment.

  • User-defined entry
    Enter the name you want the menu to show for the load assignment form.

    Note: You must include the form ID in String1 for the command to show in the menu.


First available in TMW Operations V.2023.5

  • N or null value (default)
    The option to select and send multiple trips in the Planning Worksheet is not available.

  • Y
    This enables the option to select and send multiple trips in the Planning Worksheet.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


You use this setting to:

  • Identify the TotalMail form used to send shift information

  • Specify the name of the menu option


Your entry in this field identifies the shift information form you want to use.

  • 0 (default)
    The command does not appear in the menu.

  • User-specified form ID
    The form ID listed in the TotalMail Form Editor.


Your entry in this field specifies the shift information command shown in the Mobile Comm menu.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system uses the default name for the form in the menu. The default name is Shift Information.

  • User-defined entry
    Enter the name you want the menu to show for sending the shift information.

    Note: You must include the form ID in String1 for the command to show in the menu.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


You use this setting to:

  • Identify the TotalMail form used to send a free-form text message

  • Specify the name of the menu option


Your entry in this field determines whether text messaging is enabled and which form to use.

  • 0 (default)
    Text message is enabled. The default text messaging form is used.

  • -1
    Text messaging is disabled.

  • User-specified form ID
    Enter the form ID of the Text Message Processing Form you want to use.


Your entry in this field specifies the text message command shown in the Mobile Comm menu.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system uses the default name for the form in the menu. The default name is Send Text Message.

  • User-defined entry
    Enter the name you want the menu to show for the text message form.

    Note: You must include the form ID in String1 for the command to show in the menu.


Applies to

TMW Operations 16.10.118


In TMW Operations, you can look up messages associated with a trip. You do this using the Trip Folder’s TM Messages tab. By default, the system sets the date range to one minute before the arrival at the first stop and to one minute after the departure from the last stop. Users can manually change the date range using the Start Date and End Date fields.

Changing the date range may affect system performance. All messages within the date range appear in the message grid.

Use this setting to specify the maximum number of days a user-defined date range may span.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No date range restriction is applied.

  • User-specified number of days
    Enter a value of 1 or more.


    1. Entering a value of 0 (zero) has the same effect as leaving the field blank.

    2. Your entry does not affect the date range associated with the currently displayed trip. It applies only to a manually entered date range.

Additional Notes

The TotalMail Viewer does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


You use this setting to:

  • Identify the TotalMail form used to send a trip profile

  • Specify the name of the menu option


Your entry in this field identifies the trip profile form you want to use.

  • 0 (default)
    The command does not appear in the menu.

  • User-specified form ID
    The form ID listed in the TotalMail Form Editor.


Your entry in this field specifies the trip profile command shown in the Mobile Comm menu.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system uses the default name for the form in the menu. The default name is TMTripProfileFormId.

  • User-defined entry
    Enter the name you want the menu to show for the trip instructions form.

    Note: You must include the form ID in String1 for the command to show in the menu.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations 15.20


This setting identifies the name and location of the TotalMail database. This information is necessary to allow:

  • The ability to view TotalMail messages in TMWSuite
    You can view messages in the Dispatch Planning Worksheet.

  • The ability to view TotalMail messages in TMW Operations
    You can view messages in:

    • The TotalMail Viewer

    • The Trip Folder’s TM Messages tab

    • Driver profile on the Driver Msgs tab

    • Tractor profiles, on the Tractor Msgs tab

    Note: This feature works only if one of the following conditions is met:

    • TMWSuite or TMW Operations and TotalMail are installed on the same database.

    • Secure Logins has been enabled, and the login name and password you use to access TMWSuite Dispatch or TMW Operations also exists in your TotalMail configuration. Contact TMW Support for additional information.

  • The ability to create and edit TotalMail logins and asset profiles when creating and editing TMWSuite logins and asset profiles
    Note: This is a one-way feature. You can open the TotalMail 2000 Configuration Utility from the TMWSuite System Administration or File Maintenance application. You cannot open System Administration from the TotalMail 2000 Configuration Utility.

Note: To use these features, you must use this setting to record the TotalMail information. This is required even when TotalMail is installed on the same SQL server as TMWSuite or TMW Operations.


Enter the name of the server on which the TotalMail database resides.


Enter the name of the TotalMail database.


  • Y (default)
    Use the same administrator login credentials for the SQL server for TotalMail as TMWSuite or TMW Operations.

  • N
    Do not use the TMWSuite or TMW Operations administrator login credentials.


  • Y (default)
    Use the alternate login information.

    Note: This option is used when the same administrator login credentials are unavailable.

  • N
    Do not use the alternate login information.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 16.10


This setting determines whether the system will require both a tractor and driver be assigned to a trip for the status to be changed to Planned.

Note: This setting does not affect trips with a carrier assigned.


  • N (default)
    Assigning a driver or a tractor will change a trip’s status to Planned.

  • Y
    Both tractor and driver are required.

Additional Notes

Resources may be assigned to the trip in:

  • The Trip Folder from the Asset Assignment fields, the Stops grid, or the Asset Assignment window.

  • Order Maintenance from the AllStops grid or the Asset Assignment window.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


This setting determines if:

  • Tractor and trailer profiles display the fields needed to define equipment configurations

  • You can specify a default equipment configuration for a company in its profile

  • The system saves trailer autoloading history or equipment configurations for the autoloading feature

  • The Loading by Compartment feature is available in the TMWSuite Dispatch Trip Folder


  • N (default)
    Display the default fields in tractor and trailer profiles.

    Save trailer loading history (commodities, tank loading sequences, and volumes) in the Trailer_Autoloading table. Use this information in Fuel Dispatch’s Trailer Autoload Maintenance and Trailer Compartment History windows.


    1. When you use this option:

      • The Tractor File Maintenance window displays the default fields in the Tractor year/Make Model section.

      • The Trailer File Maintenance window displays the default fields in the Vehicle Details section.

      • The Edit > Loading by Compartment option and Compartment Loading icon are grayed out in the Dispatch Trip Folder.

    2. To use this option, you must have these settings in the [FuelDispatch] section of your TTS50.

      • AutoloadMethod=1
        This setting allows you to use the Learned Autoloading method.

      • DisplayAutoload=Y

  • Y
    Display the fields for setting up axle loading configurations.

    Save equipment configurations in the Freight_By_Compartment table. Use this information in the Fuel Dispatch Trailer Compartment History window.


    1. When you use this option:

      • The Tractor File Maintenance window displays axle loading configuration fields instead of the Tractor year/Make/Model section.

      • The Trailer File Maintenance window displays axle loading configuration fields instead of the default fields in the Vehicle Details section.

      • You can specify a default equipment configuration for a company. It is used for pickups and/or deliveries for that company. You use the TrlConfiguration field in the Additional Details window to identify the configuration.

      • The Edit > Loading by Compartment option and Compartment Loading icon are activated in the Dispatch Trip Folder.

    2. This option is required for setting up these types of autoloading:

      • Autoloading feature in TMW Operations

      • Auto-fill Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch

        Note: The [Misc]CompanyProductsRule setting in your TTS50 determines whether commodity sub codes are used with the Auto-Fill Autoloading method in Fuel Dispatch. When your system is set up this way, the density values entered for a seasonal blend are used to calculate the weight of each loaded compartment and the total commodity weight loaded on the trailer.

    3. To use this option, you must have these settings in the [FuelDispatch] section of your TTS50.

      • AutoloadMethod=2, 3, or 4

      • DisplayAutoload=Y


First available in

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Identifies the number of hours in the past to use when determining if a trip should be calculated.

Note: This setting was designed to limit old or incomplete trips from being calculated.


  • Blank, that is, no entry
    No hours specified, all trips will be calculated.

  • User-specified value
    Number of hours in the past to use when determining if a trip should be calculated.


    • 24 (one day)
      Any trip created more than one day in the past will not be calculated using TruETA.

    • 720 (30 days)
      Any trip created more than 30 days in the past will not be calculated using TruETA.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later; TMW Operations


This setting allows you to specify a default initial pickup and/or a default final delivery event in a company’s profile. You record this information in the Default Pickup Event and Default Delivery Event fields in a company’s profile. When a company is used as the shipper on an order, its default delivery event is used. When it is uses as the consignee on an order, its default delivery event is used.


  • N (default)
    Do not display the Default Pickup Event and Default Delivery Event fields.

  • Y
    Display the Default Pickup Event and Default Delivery Event fields.

    • TMWSuite
      The fields appear in the Company File Maintenance window’s Additional Details sub window.

    • TMW Operations
      The fields appear on the Stop Info/Routing tab in the Company Profile window.

      Note: This option is required when you are using either of these settings:

      • [FileMaint] DefaultDrpEvent

      • [FileMaint] DefaultPupEvent


Applies to

TMW Operations 14.30.132 and later


This setting enables the Trip Audit feature and adds the Trip Audit tab to the Trip Folder and the Asset Assignment History window. This feature tracks changes made to a trip’s billable and non-billable stops.


  • N (default)
    The feature is disabled.

  • Y
    The feature is active.

    Note: This setting requires the FingerPrintAudit General Info Table setting have a value of Y in the String1 field.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this feature.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0280 and later, TMW Operations: 15.10.73 and later


Use this setting to have the system check for required data elements in Outbound 204 load tender messages.


  • N (default)
    The system will not check for required data elements in Outbound 204 load tender messages.

  • Y
    The system will check for required data elements in Outbound 204 load tender messages. If an order fails to meet the validation requirements, the 204 is not sent and the system displays a message indicating which requirements have not been met.

    • TMWSuite:

      1. Each carrier that requires 204 validation must have the 204 Validation check box selected in its profile. The check box is in the 204 Config section of the Carrier File Maintenance window.

      2. When the 204 Validation check box is selected, you must run a SQL stored procedure to add these key elements to the carrier’s Outbound 204 file before it is sent:

        • Rate

        • Weight

        • Trailer number

    • TMW Operations:

      1. Each carrier that requires 204 validation must have both the 204 check box and Validation check box selected in its profile. The check boxes are in the EDI/Confirm section of the Additional Info tab.

      2. When the Validation check box is selected, you must run a SQL stored procedure to add one or more of these key elements to the carrier’s Outbound 204 file before it is sent:

        • Rate

        • Trailer number

        • Weight

    Note: For information about obtaining the stored procedure or adding the required fields, contact your TMW EDI Support representative