Looking up records from the Activity Details window
On the Activity Detail window, there are multiple ways to access a profile, or a list of companies.
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Viewing the profile of the company for which an activity applies
Do either of the following:
• Click on
View Profile, which is the first button to the right of the company ID.
• In the Company field, right-click on the company ID and select View Profile.
Accessing the Scroll Companies window
Do either of the following:
• Click on
View Scroll, which is the second button to the right of the company ID.
• In the Company field, right-click on the company ID and select View Scroll.
The system displays the Scroll Companies window. It has four tabs, each of which you can use to enter search criteria.
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After you enter restrictions, click Retrieve. The system displays a list of matching records in the lower half of the window. To see the profile for a specific company record, click on it and then click Profile.