Retrieving a list of records
If you do not know a company's name, or if you want to look up records that match specific restrictions, click
Search to the right of the
Search field. The system displays a Quick Search window with four tabs, each of which you can use to enter search criteria.
Note: This window is a variation of the Scroll Companies window, which you can access in the Activity Detail window.
• The
Database Table section of the window applies only if you are using the Company Work table feature. You use it to specify whether you want to retrieve records for actual companies, work companies, or both. For details on the feature, see
Setting up a Company Work table.
After you enter restrictions, do one of the following:
• To retrieve records that match your restrictions, click
• If matching records exist, the Quick Search window closes, and the system lists the records under the Search field.
• If there are no matches, all fields are removed from the Quick Search window and you will see a message indicating that no records could be found.
Show me
OK to close the message. Then click
Reset to return the window to its usual state.
Note: The Quick Search window remains open until it finds matching records, or you use
Close to exit. While the window is open, it cannot be moved.
• If you decide to change all of your restrictions, click
Entries on all tabs are cleared.
• To close the window without retrieving records, click