SmtpEmailer | |
Applies to | TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW.Suite Operations, TMW.Suite Back Office |
Description | Use this setting to provide information the system needs to send reports and free form messages using SMTP e-mail. SMTP allows you to send reports/messages to recipients outside your company's network securely. In TMWSuite You can send Integrated reports. In TMW.Suite Operations You can send load confirmations from the Brokerage add-on module. In TMW.Suite Back Office You can send invoices and settlement sheets. In CRM Right You can send e-mails to contacts. |
String1 | Identifies the SMTP server. • Blank, that is, no entry (default) No e-mails will be sent using an SMTP e-mail server. • SMTP e-mail server address E-mails will be sent using the identified SMTP e-mail server. |
String2 | Provides the reply address for e-mails sent from within TMW applications. • Blank, that is, no entry (default) No reply address will be available for e-mails sent using a SMTP e-mail server. • Enter the e-mail reply to address Reply e-mails will be sent to this address. If you want all replies to go to a single address, enter that e-mail address. If you do not provide an optional reply address, the system will use the e-mail address of the logged-in user. Notes: 1. TMW Operations does not use this string. Each user using SMTP e-mail must have an e-mail address defined in his/her user profile. 2. CRM Right requires an entry in this field. |
String3 | The String3 and String4 options work together to provide a user name and password to the SMTP server. Note: If your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, no entry is required in String3 and String4. • Blank, that is, no entry (default) No SMTP server user ID is provided. Unless your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, e-mails will not be sent by the SMTP server. • User ID for the SMTP server When you click in this field, the SMTP Authentication Credentials window opens. Enter the SMTP user ID and password in this window. Notes: 1. An entry in this field causes the [Misc]SMTPServer INI setting to be ignored. 2. Once a value is set, you cannot clear entries in this field. If you no longer need to use this field, contact your TMW customer service representative. |
String4 | The String3 and String4 options work together to provide a user name and password to the SMTP server. Note: If your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, no entry is required in String3 and String4. • Blank, that is, no entry (default) No SMTP server password is provided. Unless your SMTP server is set up to use Windows authentication, e-mails will not be sent by the SMTP server. • Password (encrypted) for the SMTP server When you click in this field, the SMTP Authentication Credentials window opens. Enter the SMTP user ID and password in this window. Notes: 1. The system encrypts your password when you save your changes. 2. Once a value is set, you cannot clear entries in this field. If you no longer need to use this field, contact your TMW customer service representative. |
Int1 | Determines whether Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication is active. • 1 (default) Enables SSL authentication when sending e-mails in CRM Right or TMW Back Office Note: The SMTP server must support SSL authentication for this setting to function correctly. • 0 Disables SSL authentication when sending e-mails in CRM Right or TMW Back Office. Instead, it uses the entries in String3 and String4. Note: TMWSuite and TMW Operations do not support this field. |
Int2 | Determines whether the SMTP server uses Windows authentication when sending e-mails in CRM Right. • 0 (default) Windows authentication is not used by CRM Right. Instead of using Windows authentication, CRM Right uses the entries in String3 and String4. • 1 Windows authentication is used by CRM Right. Note: You can use this field to enable/disable Windows authentication for CRM Right, or you can use it for the SMTP server port number. However, TMW recommends using Int3 for all port numbers instead of Int2. |
Int3 | Specifies the port used by the SMTP server. • Blank, that is, no entry (default) Uses the default SMTP port 25. • User-defined number User-defined numbers indicate the SMTP server's port number. |
Additional Notes | 1. When Integrated Reporting was first introduced, the [Misc]SMTPServer INI setting was used to send Integrated Reports and free form messages from within any TMWSuite application. 2. Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting. |