
This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • System requirements

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Service pack(s) available: 2022.1.7.174 (September 2022)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble Transportation recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.

Once you have applied ETSDBMods.SQL to your database, do not:

  • Apply the TotalMail DBmods SQL

  • Turn on the Go Notifications setting (the Enable push notifications check box accessed in Settings Manager)


Dispatch systems, core functionality

  • TMWSuite core application version 2016.15_07.0311 or later

  • Fuel TMS version 16.20 or later
    Note: For Fuel installations, download and run PTS#89965 SQL against your fuel database.

  • TMW Operations version 16.20 or later

Dispatch systems using 2020.4 integration components

  • TMW Operations-based functions use TMW Operations 2020.4 components.

  • Fuel TMS-based functions use Fuel TMS 2020.4 components.

  • LTL Operations-based functions use LTL Operations 2020.4 components.

Microsoft® SQL Server

SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, and SQL Server 2017 are supported for this installation and for running ETSDBMods (Web Enterprise DBMods).

Microsoft® .NET Framework

Install or upgrade to the latest version of the Microsoft .NET Framework on your system. At a minimum, you should have V.4.6.2 installed.

As part of Trimble Transportation’s continuous improvement process, we have upgraded our applications to use Microsoft’s .NET Framework version 4.6.2. As a result, the minimum technical requirements have changed as follows:

  • Client operating systems must be at Windows 7 SP1 or higher.

  • Server operating systems must be at Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher.

If you are installing any of the Trimble Web Products applications, the installer will validate the proper version is installed. If it is not, you cannot complete the installation.

Trimble Transportation recommends that you test the Microsoft .NET Framework upgrade in your test environment prior to upgrading any of your production environments. This testing will indicate if there are environmental issues that must be addressed by you, and which are not the responsibility of Trimble.

Supported browsers

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer, versions 10 and after

  • Google Chrome, versions 22 and after

  • Microsoft Edge

  • Apple Safari


3G Integration requires Microsoft ASP.NET MVC Security Update MS14-059.


  • TMW Imaging version 4.1-20140930

  • If upgrading your TMW Imaging installation to use CMIS, e-mail Support to request the upgrade.


Non-Production Environment License limit is set to 100 users.


Additional setting relative to installing Framework allows you to place web-framework on the internal server. Framework is a requirement and must be installed during the new installation or upgrade process.

SSRS Report Library

If installing using the MSI, your report server must be at SQL Server 2008R2 or higher.



WorkOptima integration added (TTESUITE-100150, TTESUITE-202350)

Work Optima is a cloud-based, multi-tenant SaaS document management system. It provides back office automation across a variety of departments, including billing, settlements, payables, and operations. WorkOptima integrates with classic TMWSuite, TMW.Suite, TruckMate, and Innovative systems. See the WorkOptima Overview video for more information.

In the Settings Manager, new settings let you specify:

  • The API endpoint

  • Username

  • Password (must be encrypted)

  • Process ID

  • WorkOptima Key

    You can select WorkOptima as your imaging module. You also make entries to define your File Upload process.

  • The Imaging webservices.config file

When you are set up to use WorkOptima as your imaging system, Carriers and Customers can view uploaded documents.

Carriers can view documents from these pages:

  • Assigned Loads - Assigned tab

  • Assigned Loads - Missing Paperwork tab

  • Available Loads

  • Historical Loads

  • Load Details

  • Fuel/Load Details

  • Landing Pages/Carrier Trip Details

  • Find Orders

Customers can view documents from these pages:

  • Available Loads

  • Find Orders

  • Historical Loads

  • Master Orders

  • Quote Loads

  • Tendered Loads

  • LTL Dispatch Display Order

  • Landing Shipment Detail

  • Shipment Tender

  • Shipment Detail

Resolved Issues


  • TTESUITE-202769

    You can open an order from the landing page to view its details on the Landing Shipment Details page. You can go back to the landing page to select a different order and view its details. Before, when you did this, the Landing Shipment Details page kept displaying the details of the first order. It would not refresh to show information about the new order.

  • TTESUITE-30309

    If an order had check calls attached to it, you could not view the details of the order. An error message appeared on the page when you clicked on the order.


  • TTESUITE-202334

    When you used the right-click view documents feature in eStat, the image did not load. The previous order’s imaging cache was not available.

Web Products Login

  • TTESUITE-30601

    The Last Login Date column in the Review Users mode did not update correctly.

Web Products System

  • TTESUITE-203017

    A random page delay would occur when you logged into the system or in general browsed through trips.