Core activity group

Email User

The Email User user activity sends an e-mail message to a recipient.


Field Name

Field Type


foAttachment 1-5

Text or Field

Paths for up to five files to be attached to the e-mail

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field, browse to, and select the file to be attached to the e-mail.

  • For Field Type = Field: The attachment path and filename are supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

E-mail message to be sent

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field and enter the message.

  • For Field Type = Field: The message is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

E-mail subject

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field and enter the subject.

  • For Field Type = Field: The subject is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

Recipient’s e-mail address

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field and enter the address.

  • For Field Type = Field: The e-mail address is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field


Field Prefix


  1. Use of this activity requires global options to be edited as part of the Designer setup.

  2. You can edit the content of the Output Field and Field Prefix to differentiate the output of this activity from other activities.

Email With Template

The Email With Template user activity sends an email to a user-specified recipient using a pre-made text template.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

Used to show the output of a cached query

For Field Type = Field: Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

E-mail template to be used

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field and select an e-mail template name from the Open window.

  • For Field Type = Field: The e-mail template name is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

Recipient’s e-mail address

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field and enter the address.

  • For Field Type = Field: The e-mail address is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field


Field Prefix


  1. Use of this activity requires global options to be edited as part of the Designer setup.

  2. You can edit the content of the Output Field and Field Prefix to differentiate the output of this activity from other activities.


The Increment_counter user activity increments a number by 1.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the number to be incremented.

  • For Field Type = Field: The number to be incremented is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and select a field name from the Available Fields window.



Output Field

Counter_Value - the incremented number

Field Prefix



The Initiate_Incrementor user activity creates a numeric counter variable.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the number.

  • For Field Type = Field: The number is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select a field name from the Available Fields window.



Output Field


Field Prefix


Number Comparison

The Number Comparison user activity compares two numbers using the selected operator. For instructions on setting up this activity, see Setting up comparison activities.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

Specifies the first number to be compared

Comparison 2

Text or Field

Specifies the second number to be compared


Text only

Specifies the operator used to compare the numbers entered for Comparison1 and Comparison2


Output Field

Evaluator (Yes and No) - non-editable

Field Prefix


Process Completed

The Process Completed user activity tests whether a previous process has completed successfully


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

  • Set Field Type = Field. The ProcessOutput string is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select the field name in the Available Fields window. For example:


  • Setting Field Type to Text is not recommended.


Output Field

Evaluator (Yes and No) - non-editable

Field Prefix


Field Type should be set to Field only. Setting Field Type to Text will not test a previous process for completion.

String Comparison

The String Comparison user activity compares two strings using the selected operator. For instructions on setting up this activity, see Setting up comparison activities.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

Specifies the first string to be compared


Text or Field

Specifies the second string to be compared


Text only

Specifies the operator used to compare the strings entered for Comparison1 and Comparison2


Output Field

Evaluator (Yes and No) - non-editable

Field Prefix


String Concatenation

The String Concatenation user activity combines two strings.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

Specifies the first string

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the string.

  • For Field Type = Field: The string is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select the field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

Specifies the second string

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the string.

  • For Field Type = Field: The string is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select the field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

New String - the combined string

Field Prefix



The Wait user activity waits the number of minutes specified in the Wait time field (described below) before executing the next activity in the sequence.


Field Name

Field Type


Wait time

Text or Field

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field and enter the wait time in minutes.

  • For Field Type = Field: The wait time is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select the field name in the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Wait time - non-editable

Field Prefix


  1. The Wait activity provides the specified wait time only when the workflow is run on a server. The activity does not provide any delay if the workflow is run in interactive or unattended test modes.

  2. The wait time can be specified as a fractional number of minutes. Alternately, you can set up a wait time in seconds by using the Wait in Seconds activity.

Wait in Seconds

The Wait in Seconds activity waits the number of seconds specified in the Wait time field (described below) before executing the next activity in the sequence.


Field Name

Field Type


Wait time

Text or Field

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the wait time in seconds.

  • For Field Type = Field: The wait time is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select the field name in the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Wait time - non-editable

Field Prefix


  1. The Wait in Seconds activity provides the specified wait time only when the activity is run on a server. The activity does not provide any delay if the workflow is run in interactive or unattended test modes.

  2. To set up a wait time in minutes, use the Wait activity.

Setting up comparison activities

To set up the Number Comparison or String Comparison activity:

  1. Click any row in the Options area. The Comparison Window opens.


  2. In the Comparison Window, select Text or Field for each comparison number.

  3. For each comparison number, do one of the following:

    • If you selected Text, enter the number or string in the empty field.

    • If you selected Field, click the empty field. An Available Field window opens. Select the name of the field to be used for comparison, and then close the window.


  4. In the Comparison window, select an Operator:

    • = (equal to)

    • < (less than)

    • <= (less than or equal to)

    • > (greater than)

    • >= (greater than or equal to)

  5. Route the outputs Yes and No to the desired activities.

  6. Close the Comparison Window.