17.10 (all)


Resolved issues

  • 200002
    Tank Forecast Adjustment screens in Fuel are not working properly. The adjustment can be made on a single site with a single commodity and it is visible in the Tank Forecast Adjustment Screen, and in the Database TankForecastAsjustment Table. However, when looking at the tanks in Commodity Forecast Setup, there are not entries for the dates that were in the adjustment criteria. There is no difference in numbers in the Sales and Week 1 Values either.

  • 200019
    While multiple instances of the Import Console application are both importing large files, an out of memory exception will eventually occur which causes both console applications to crash. Examining the Windows Task Manager while the import process occurring, shows that the console apps are quickly growing in memory utilization until the out of memory exception occurs.

  • 200043
    PTS 97827 resolved an issue in the Tank Forecast Adjustment window where the search was not applying the filters selected by the user in the UI. Now, the filters are being applied, but cmp_othertype1 and cmp_othertype2 are not being tied to the correct column in the search; selecting an option from cmp_othertype1 or cmp_othertype2 is filtering by cmp_revtype4 instead, causing no results to be displayed on the screen.

  • 200044
    In the Tank Forecast Adjustment screen if a user clicks on the State drop down box, does not select a state, and then clicks on another option in the screen an Object Reference Error is thrown.

  • 200053
    When manual entries are made into Tank Forecast Adjustment, the manual entries need to take precedence in order from any Custom Formula Calculations. Customers using the Custom Formula Calculation introduced in 16.40 write to the same table that manual calculations are made. The Manual entry should have a higher priority than the Custom Calculation that takes place every time the forecaster runs.


Resolved issue

  • 200014
    The forecaster is creating deliveries, which are exceeding the safe fill amount for manifolded tanks.

    This item causes runouts and is made worse when an order has a LockVol from ForecastPLNStatus=LockedVolume, ForecastDSPStatus=LockedVolume, or locking via Forecast Order Review/Forecast Order Site Review.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • System requirements

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

We have updated our company name and logo to the Trimble brand.

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Forecasting orders based on tank delivery information (PTS 98132)

The Forecaster projects when orders are needed, and how much product should be delivered.

In earlier versions, forecasted orders were based on a store’s sales history, which was gathered from tank readings.

Now, the Forecaster allows you to import and store data from automatic tank gauges (ATG). This information includes:

  • Delivery start date with starting volume

  • Delivery end date with ending volume

Another new feature allows you to flag a delivery in progress. During a delivery, the Forecaster records either the most current tank reading or the ATG delivery information to calculate the fuel level inside the tank. If there is no ATG information, the Forecaster uses the most current tank reading.

Holiday Sales

Improved holiday sales tracking (PTS 103131)

During a holiday or special event, a gas station may sell greater or lesser amounts of fuel.

In previous versions, you could not compare new sales to previous sales for the same date in prior years.

Now, a new table in Inventory Services stores all historical sales data. You can use this data to generate sales reports. This information will help dispatchers anticipate consumption patterns and identify sales trends. It will also allow them to reduce retains and runouts due to date or event-related forecasting issues.

Resolved issues

  • 100556
    In Inventory Services when opening a company in Company Tank Setup, the Forecast Batch ID field does not refresh properly if opening another site. If the site in the Company table has no value (Blank, not NULL) then the site that was previously open prior to opening the site that has a blank value in the table, the system keeps the value from the previous customer displayed causing confusion for the data analyst entering in new customer information.

  • 102467
    Fill restriction in GetCompanyTanks function is preventing commodity tank translation from working in the PCATS Delivery Report. Customer has defined translations with a forecast_bucket of zero that are being filtered out by the fill restriction.

  • 104467
    The customer is reporting critical forecaster issues after upgrading to 16.40 Fuel Dispatch TMS. The first problem is that the forecaster is sending deliveries for a product which exceeds the tank’s safe fill amount by a significant amount, this results in too much product in the ground. The second problem is that forecaster is sending deliveries too frequently. Forecaster will send a load when the tank reaches the Critical Go amount, and then an hour later send another 1000 gallons though no additional product should be necessary.

  • 104729
    The following problem was discovered when testing the ReviewSalesHistoryRefreshTime INI setting functionality. The INI setting is configured to auto refresh the window every one minute. When opening the Review Sales History window, the default End Date is not the current system date and time, but instead a date and time value in the past. Any inventory that is entered after the End Date will not display on the screen when the auto refresh occurs. This makes it appear that the auto refresh setting is not properly functioning and forces the user to have to update the End Date value manually and frequently.

  • 104764
    When entering manual readings via the Quick Reading Entry window for a site with multiple tanks that each have a Tank Hours Offset value greater than zero, that offset is applied to the reading date/time and then increased by that amount for each additional reading for the site. This results in an individual reading to be recorded for each tank instead of one single reading and 0 gallon reading amounts.