Setting up communication with the vendor

TMW Operations uses a socket to communicate with your electronic data vendor. You create and maintain sockets in the Socket Information window. You can then assign a socket profile to one or more account codes in the Account/Customer Setup window.

Note: Currently, this feature is used with Comdata only.


To add, edit, or remove sockets, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Operations > Fuel Maintenance > Socket Information.
    The Socket Information window opens.

    Field Definition

    Socket ID

    Unique alphanumeric ID used to identify the socket


    Description of the socket

    Address Family

    Address family your network uses for sockets:


    • UNIX

    • INET



    Set of rules used for transferring data:

    • IP

    • ICMP

    • GGP

    • TCP

    IP Address

    Server address to which the socket will connect

    Your vendor will provide this information.


    Type of socket

    Each type defines a set of specific properties that affect communication.

    • STREAM

    • DGRAM

    • RAW

    • ROM

    Name Length

    Size, in bytes, of the byte stream sent to the server when the socket connects


    Port the connection will use for communication

  2. Do any of the following:

    • Add a new socket

      1. Click image2 New.
        A new row appears in the grid area.

      2. Enter information in the fields provided. All fields are required.

    • Edit an existing socket

      1. In the grid, select the socket you want to edit.

      2. Make changes in the fields provided.

    • Delete a socket

      1. In the grid, select the socket you want to delete.

      2. Click image3 Delete.
        A message asks if you want to delete the socket. Click Yes to proceed or No to cancel.

  3. When you have completed all edits, click image4 Save.