Reference guide overview

SystemsLink creates usable objects, properties, and methods for retrieving and updating information that originated in a Trimble Transportation database. Once SystemsLink is installed, the two databases communicate via web servers. This guide contains a listing of objects used by SystemsLink. The documentation for each object includes several tables of properties and methods. It is essential to learn to read these tables.

SystemsLink is case-sensitive. Even though the language you use to interact with SystemsLink may not be case-sensitive, type the names of objects, properties, and methods exactly as documented.

Here is a sample of the Freight Object documentation.



Includes service property and updatable property names

Note: Most properties are mapped to information that was stored by a data entry field in the appropriate application. Properties may have a name that is different than either the data entry field or the column in the database that stores the information. Use the reference guide to find the correct property names to use with each object.

Data Type (in C#)

Data type to use when specifying a property value

Database Column

The database column to which the property is mapped


  1. The database table name is abbreviated.

    For example, instead of listing the full table.column, freightdetail.fgt_shipper, it is listed as f.fgt_shipper.

  2. Data entry fields within an application store information in the database columns for a specific table. Data from most tables is retrieved by a single SystemsLink object. However, sometimes database columns are mapped to properties within multiple objects.

    For example, ord_hdrnumber is a property that is used by the InvoiceDetail object, Order object, and Stop object.

Database Column
Data Type

Data type of the information stored in the database


Determines if data is it read-only


Comments provide additional information.
Examples include:

  • The release that new properties became available

  • Required for update

  • Not mapped

  • System-managed

  • Misc. information

To verify information changed in the database, use the table.column listed for the appropriate property.