Overview: How to retrieve and update

SystemsLink does not know how a third-party application stores and organizes information. To allow SystemsLink to retrieve or update information, you must supply custom code. The general process includes:

  • Map SystemsLink properties to your application database.

  • Translate proprietary terms and abbreviations.

  • Create logic for retrieval and update.

For information on mapping properties, see Seventy-five properties everyone should map. This is not a complete list of all the properties. Business rules identify other properties you will need to map.

Once you have mapped the properties, use SystemsLink methods to retrieve information. Within your code you must include translations of the information you retrieve and store. This allows your application to understand the information. For example, if you retrieve an order from a Trimble Transportation database, it may have a status of CAN. You must translate this into whatever the third-party software uses to indicate an order was cancelled. The end of this guide contains an Abbreviations reference section.