INI settings that are used by TMW Back Office

The TTS50.ini file contains the global settings that control how TMWSuite operates. You must set up this file for your company’s way of doing business. General information about the INI settings can be found in the TMWSuite System Administration Guide.

[Brackets] enclose all the section headings in your TTS50. Each setting must remain in its section. The TTS50 is not alphabetical - you must use your text editor’s Find tool to locate a setting or section.

Settings are listed in alphabetical order by section heading and setting name.

[.NetMisc] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [.NetMisc] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMW Operations, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Back Office


Conditional editing in a data grid allows you to cause a field to be read only when certain conditions are met in another field.


  • N (default)
    Disables the conditional cell editing for data grids feature.

  • Y
    Enables the conditional cell editing for data grids feature, and adds the Conditional Edit option to the shortcut menu from the column header.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.10.114, CRM Right, TMW Back Office


When you apply a filter to any data grid, this setting determines whether a green fill color is applied to the data row numbers (located on the left side of the screen).

The fill color will remain until the grid layout is saved or reset.


  • N (default)
    Do not display the green fill color.

  • Y
    Display the green fill color.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.

[Currency] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [Currency] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW.Suite


This setting determines the default currency for a new order created in Order Entry or Dispatch.


  • US$ (default)
    United States Dollar

  • User-specified currency type
    Your entry must be identical to the value shown in the Abbr column for the desired currency type. You define currency types in the Currencies label in the Edit User Definable Fields window.


    1. In TMWSuite, you access the Edit User Definable Fields window (label file) in the System Administration application by selecting Edit > Label File.

    2. In TMW.Suite, you access the Edit User Definable Fields window (label file) by selecting Tools > Setup > Edit User Definable Fields.

Additional Notes

If you have [Order]SetCurrencyDefaultFrom set to anything other than N, it will override the entry made for the [Currency]Default setting.

[Directories] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [Directories] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting identifies the directory holding the TMWSuite bitmaps not supplied as part of the executables, such as, the logo displayed on the Login dialog box.

Note: The actual bitmap image used by the Login dialog box is specified by the [Misc]Logo setting in your TTS50.


  • .\ (default)

    In the directory that contains the executable being launched, look for the image file that is specified by the [Misc]Logo setting in your TTS50.

  • Directory path
    Enter the path to the directory that contains the image file specified by the [Misc]Logo setting in your TTS50.

    For example, C:\IMAGES.

Additional Notes

  1. To display an alternate image in the Login dialog box, you must make a valid entry in both the Logo setting and the Bitmaps setting. If a valid entry is not made in both settings:

    • TMWSuite core applications will display a blank pane (no image).

    • CRM Right, TMW Operations, and TMW Back Office will display the default TMWSuite logo.

  2. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.

[Dispatch] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [Dispatch] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite V.2003 and later, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether, when users close an application, the system will display a message asking them to confirm their intent to exit.


  • No (default)
    Display the confirmation message.

  • Yes
    Do not display the confirmation message.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.

[FuelDispatch] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [FuelDispatch] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


By default, if you use the Company tab of the Order Scroll window to search for a shipper or consignee, the search returns only the first and last stops for orders found.

Use this setting to add a check box on the window if you want users to be able to include all stops for orders with a particular shipper or consignee.


  • N (default)
    Hides the Check All Stops check box from the Order Scroll window.

  • Y
    Displays the Check All Stops check box from the Order Scroll window.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you look up a trip, you can view, create, change, and delete all note types, including notes for master file records, such as companies and drivers.

You can use this setting to allow users to view all note types, but not have the ability to create, change, and delete notes that are attached to profiles.


  • N (default)
    Users can create, change, and delete all note types.

  • Y
    Users can view all note types, but they can create, change, and delete trip-related notes only.

    Note: For Fuel Dispatch, this setting affects the Notes window only when you access it via the Notes icon. When the window is accessed from the Notes tab on the Call On Demand Order Entry window, users automatically are limited to additions, changes, and deletions of Order notes in the Order tab.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


If you are a system administrator, you can remove users' ability to use the Field Chooser function for all data grids. This prevents users from adding or removing columns. You can use this INI setting to prevent users who are not system administrators from seeing the Field Chooser.


  • N (default)
    Field Chooser will show on data grids whether the user is a system administrator, supervisor, or user.

  • Y
    Field Chooser will only show on data grids if the user is a system administrator.

Additional Notes

It is recommended that the system administrator also set the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N in the [Misc] section of the TTS50.INI. This setting prevents users from resetting a layout back to the factory default.

[Invoice] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [Invoice] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW.Suite


This setting supplies the adjustment factor to be multiplied by round trip miles when determining the:

  • Lookup value when Distance (RoundTrip * Adj) is the basis for rows or columns in a billing rate table

  • Charge quantity when Dist(RoundTrip*Adj) is used as the Unit Basis for a charge type

    Note: Both primary and accessorial charge types can have a Unit Basis of Dist(RoundTrip*Adj).


  • 1 (default)
    Multiply round trip miles by a factor of 1.

    Note: If you prefer true round trip miles, use the default setting.

  • User-defined adjustment factor

    Enter the adjustment factor. You can enter a whole number or a percentage, such as .5.

Additional Notes

This setting applies when prerating orders in Order Entry and the Dispatch Trip Folder, as well as when rating orders in Invoicing.


Applies to

TMWSuite; TMW Back Office v2023.6 and later


This setting controls whether changes can be made to credit memos in Invoicing.


  • N (default)
    Changes are not permitted; the credit memo is a complete reversal of the original invoice.

  • Y
    Changes are permitted, but the credit cannot exceed the original billed total.

  • Y+
    Changes are permitted. The credit can exceed the original billed total.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.05_10.0679 and later, TMW.Suite Back Office


In TMWSuite, this setting determines whether the Output button displays in the Billing section of the Company File Maintenance window. The button is used to access the Invoice Output Selection window, where you can specify whether a Bill To company’s freight and master bills are to be physically printed, e-mailed, or faxed to a client.

In TMW Back Office, this setting determines whether you can e-mail invoices to a Bill To.


  • N (default)
    The feature is disabled.

    In TMWSuite, the Output button does not display in the Billing section of the Company File Maintenance window.

    In TMW Back Office, invoices cannot be e-mailed.

  • Y
    In TMWSuite, the Output button displays in the Billing section of the Company File Maintenance window.

    Note: The Output button displays for all companies; however, the settings you make in the Invoice Output Selection window are only applicable to Bill To companies.

    In TMW Back Office, invoices can be e-mailed, provided that you perform the following additional setup tasks:

    • Enter SMTP information in the SmtpEmailer General Info Table setting.

    • Set up distribution information in the Bill To company’s profile.

    • Record an e-mail address in the user profile in System Administration.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2002 and later, Fuel Dispatch, TMW.Suite


This setting specifies the number of billable stops on an order that are not counted for stop charges.


  • 2 (default)
    The default is 2, since most companies do not charge for the first pickup and the last drop.

  • User-defined number of free stops


Applies to

TMWSuite; TMW Back Office v2023.6 and later


This setting determines the default status of a newly-created credit memo.


  • N (default)
    The default status of a newly-created credit memo is Printed (PRT).

    Note: The default status of Ready to Print for new rebills is not affected by this setting.

  • Y
    The default status of a newly-created credit memo is Ready to Print (RTP).


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether you must check in all required paperwork before saving an invoice in a Ready to Print status.


  • No (default)
    Paperwork is not required in Invoicing.

  • Yes
    Paperwork is required in Invoicing.

    Note: In TMWSuite, when RequirePaperwork=Yes, the system uses two General Info Table settings to determine the paperwork that is required:

    • PaperworkCheckLevel

    • PaperworkMode


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2002 and later, Fuel Dispatch, TMW.Suite


This setting specifies the billable stop types that are counted when stop charges are calculated.



  • Comma-delimited list containing any of the following billable event codes:

    • DUL
      Driver Unload

    • LUL
      Live Unload

    • DRL
      Drop Loaded

    • DLD
      Driver Load

    • LLD
      Live Load

    • HPL
      Hook Preloaded Trailer

    • PUL
      Post Unload

    • PLD

[Misc] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [Misc] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You use field-level validation to restrict the value that can be saved in a field. For example, you can require that a field contain certain information or that it not be left blank. Field-level validation is on by default. Use this setting to disable it.


  • N (default)
    Field-level validation is enabled. All existing rules will be validated. New rules for restricting field values can be created.

  • Y
    Field-level validation is disabled. Rules for restricting field values will not be validated. New rules cannot be created.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to



This setting controls whether the system treats login passwords as case sensitive.

Note: This setting no longer applies to these applications:

  • TMW Operations, starting with 17.50

  • TMW Back Office, starting with 17.50

  • CRMRight, starting with 17.50

  • Fuel Dispatch, starting with 17.20

  • Inventory Services, starting with 17.20

  • eManifest, starting with 17.50

Starting with these versions, passwords that were created without case sensitivity must always be entered in upper case.


  • OFF (default)
    System stores password as all upper case.


    1. Although the system default is still OFF, TMW has opted to change the value in the installed TTS50 file to ON. If the setting is not present in your INI file, the system default of OFF will apply.

    2. When you use this option, you can log on to TMWSuite by typing your password in mixed case. The system accepts and processes the password as being entered in upper case.

    3. When using a TMW application password to log on to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later, you must type your password in upper case. Press the SHIFT key to do this.

    4. If you create a password using this option, but later switch to the ON option, you must type your password in upper case. Use the SHIFT key to do this. This applies to TMWSuite and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later).

  • ON
    System stores the password as it was entered.


    1. When logging on to TMWSuite or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later) using a TMW application password, you must use the case sensitive password.

    2. Passwords created using this option, will not work if either of these occur. If they do, contact your system administrator.

      • The setting is switched to the OFF option.

      • The setting is removed from your TTS50.

Additional Notes

If the system is set up to use Microsoft SQL Server standards for password complexity, passwords must contain at least one letter, one number, and one non-alphanumeric character, such as an exclamation point. The password must not contain your entire account name or display name.


Applies to



In a data entry field where you must specify the name or ID of a city, company, driver, tractor, trailer, or carrier, you can use TMWSuite’s instant best match feature to reduce typing time and errors.

As you begin to type an ID or name, the system tries to match your entry with IDs or names on file. It automatically displays an ID or name that begins with the same characters you type.

You can click the down arrow on the right to display a drop-down list. It shows the names/IDs alphabetically following the one in the field.

This setting allows you to specify the maximum number of rows, i.e., selections, to display in a drop-down list.


  • 8 (default)

  • 1
    Note: This option is useful in preventing users from accidentally selecting the wrong entry while scrolling through a drop-down list.

  • 16

  • 24

  • 25 or greater
    First available in TMWSuite: 2014.13_07.0242

    There is no maximum.

    Note: This option applies only to data entry fields where you specify the name or ID of a company. It does not apply to fields where you specify a city, driver, tractor, trailer, or carrier. When dddwrows=25 or greater, the drop-down lists for those fields display a maximum of 8 rows.

Additional Notes

  1. If instant best match is disabled, this setting will not work in Dispatch.

  2. TMW Back Office, TMW Operations, CRM, and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the note type that is automatically used as the default in the Note Type field in the Notes window. The selection in the Note Type field determines the record to which a new note is attached.


  • Blank, that is, no entry

  • Company

  • Movement

  • Order

  • Driver

  • Tractor

  • Trailer

  • Carrier

Additional Notes

  1. If no value is recorded, or if the value recorded is not supported by the Notes window for the application in use, the system will default to the first option in the Note Type list.

  2. This setting is not supported for FuelTMS applications.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2019.4, TMW Operations 2019.4, TMW Back Office 2019.4


Allows you to set a default search method for the Reference Number Scroll window.

Note: This setting only applies the default option. Regardless of the search method you select, you can manually choose a different option in the scroll window.


  • LIKE (default)
    Perform a full wildcard search of the entered reference number. This is the broadest search option.

    Search for an exact match to the entered reference number. This is the most efficient search option.

    Search for reference numbers beginning with the numbers listed. This option is almost as efficient as the EXACT search method.

Additional Notes

To use the .NET version of the Reference Number Scroll window in Classic TMWSuite, you must apply the TMWSuite Addins feature and include the following settings in your TTS50:

  • [TmwSuiteAddins]EnableInterface=Y

  • [TmwSuiteAddins]EnableScrolls=Y


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW.Suite Back Office


This setting determines whether enhanced printing for settlement sheets is enabled.


  • N (default)
    Disable enhanced printing for settlement sheets.

  • Y
    Enable enhanced printing for settlement sheets.

    For TMWSuite, this feature allows you to specify whether a resource’s settlement sheets should be printed, faxed, e-mailed, or a combination of these options. This option makes the following items available:

    • The Distribution Information window in the File Maintenance profiles of the following resources: drivers, tractors, trailers, carriers, and third parties. The Distribution Information window allows you to specify enhanced printing options for specific resources.

    • The Print Only check box in the Print Settlement Sheets window. This check box allows you to override the enhanced printing options specified in the resource profile and to print only paper copies of the settlement sheets.

    For TMW.Suite Back Office, this option enables enhanced printing for settlement sheets when you print them from the Final Settlements Folder.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting activates the global logon feature.


  • Yes (default)
    Store the current user ID and password and apply it for each TMW application accessed by the user today or until he/she selects the Exit and Sign Off command from the File menu to close an application.


    1. This option requires entry of an ID and password only once a day. Entry is needed the first time the user accesses a TMW application. When subsequent access to an application is needed, the system bypasses the logon screen and immediately opens the application. The user may re-access the same application, or access different applications, during the same day without having to log on each time.

    2. CRM Right does not have an Exit and Sign Off command.

      • If users have accessed the application from within TMW Operations, they must use the File > Exit and Sign Off command in TMW Operations.

      • When used as a standalone product, CRM Right does not allow users to exit and sign off. Once a user accesses CRM Right, the system will bypass the logon screen until the stored user ID and password expire at the end of the day.

  • No
    Require the user to log on every time an application is started.

Additional Notes

TMW eManifest does not support this setting.

Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting identifies the file name of the large bitmap used in the Login dialog box of TMW modules. The bitmap should be located in your TMWSuite executable directory.

To display an alternate image in the Login dialog box, you must make a valid entry in both the [Directories]Bitmaps setting and the [Misc]Logo setting.


  • TMW_D.BMP (default)
    The file name of the TMW logo that displays in the Login dialog box.

  • Logo file name
    Enter the name of the file you want to display in the Login dialog box.

Additional Notes

  1. Image files must be either BMP or JPG file type.

  2. Image dimensions should be 450 pixels wide and 330 pixels high.

  3. If a valid entry is not made in both the Bitmaps setting and the Logo setting:

    • TMWSuite core applications will display a blank pane (no image).

    • CRM Right, TMW Operations, and TMW Back Office will display the default TMWSuite logo.

  4. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2000, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


This setting affects the Start From and Delivery From dates on the Scroll Orders window. Enter the number of days prior to today that you want the From dates set back, such 60 or 90.


  • 30 (default)
    Set the From dates to 30 days prior to today’s date.

  • User-defined number of days
    Enter the number of days prior to today that you want the From dates set back.

  • BeginningOfTime
    Set the From dates to 01/01/50.

Additional Notes

In TMWSuite, the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollDays setting specifies the max number of days for which the system will search for orders. If the date range resulting from this setting exceeds the specified limit, the system will behave as defined by the [Misc]MaxOrderScrollExceededActions setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office


This setting determines if notes display automatically when you open an order that has active notes attached to it.

In TMWSuite, the Notes window opens.

In TMW Back Office, the Edit Invoice Folder’s Notes tab becomes active.


In TMWSuite:

  • N (default)
    Do not display the Notes window automatically.

  • A
    Display the Notes window automatically if active notes with an Alert status are attached.

    Note: The [Misc]PopNotesMode setting must have a value other than 0 (zero).

  • Y
    Display the Notes window automatically if active notes are attached.

    Note: The [Misc]PopNotesMode setting must have a value other than 0 (zero).

In TMW Back Office:

  • N (default)
    Do not display the Notes tab automatically.

  • A
    Display the Notes tab automatically if active notes with an Alert status are attached.

  • Y
    Display the Notes tab automatically if active notes are attached.

Additional Notes

TMW Operations does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office


This setting determines if notes display automatically when you open an order that has active notes attached to it.

In TMWSuite, the Notes window opens in the Trip Settlements Folder.

In TMW Back Office, the Trip Settlements Folder’s Notes tab becomes active.


In TMWSuite:

  • N (default)
    Do not display the Notes window automatically.

  • A
    Display the Notes window automatically if active notes with an Alert status are attached.

    Note: The [Misc]PopNotesMode setting must have a value other than 0 (zero).

  • Y
    Display the Notes window automatically if active notes are attached.

    Note: The [Misc]PopNotesMode setting must have a value other than 0 (zero).

In TMW Back Office:

  • N (default)
    Do not display the Notes tab automatically.

  • A
    Display the Notes tab automatically if active notes with an Alert status are attached.

  • Y
    Display the Notes tab automatically if active notes are attached.

Additional Notes

  1. When a note or alert is attached to a company on an order, you must have Y in String1 of the COMPANY_ALERT_IN_SETTLEMENT General Info Table setting to display the Notes window automatically in TMWSuite.

  2. TMW Operations does not support this setting.


Applies to

CRM Right, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you right-click on retrieved records in a .NET grid window, a shortcut menu appears. This setting determines whether the Export Grid to Excel and Export Selected Rows to Excel command is available in that shortcut menu.


  • N (default)
    Display the commands for all users.

  • Y
    Do not display the commands for any users, including system administrators and supervisors.

    Note: This option will override [Misc]RemoveScrollExporttoExcelMenuOption=N.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you right-click on retrieved records in a .NET scroll window, a shortcut menu appears. This setting determines whether the Export to Excel command is available in that shortcut menu.


  • N (default)
    Display the Export to Excel command for all users.

    Note: When you have [Misc]RemoveExportToExcelMenuOptionFromAllGrids=Y, this setting is ignored.

  • Y
    Do not display the Export to Excel command for any users, including system administrators and supervisors.

Additional Notes

  1. For Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services, this setting is functional only if [Misc]UseNewScrolls=Y in your TTS50.

  2. For CRM Right, this setting also affects the Company List and Carrier List retrieval grids.


Applies to

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


When you retrieve data in .NET scroll windows, this setting determines whether you will be able to see the Print > All Rows, Print > Selected Rows, and Print > Print Preview commands in the shortcut menu that displays when you right-click in the data grid area. This setting can be used to help ensure the confidentiality of your data.


  • N (default)
    Display the Print commands for all users.

  • Y
    Do not display the Print commands for all users, including system administrators and supervisors.

Additional Notes

  1. For Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services, this setting is functional only if [Misc]UseNewScrolls=Y in your TTS50.ini file.

  2. For CRM Right, this setting also affects the Company List and Carrier List retrieval grids.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch; Inventory Services; TMW Operations


This setting applies to customizing window and menu layouts.

By default, you can include the menu layout when you save changes to a window layout. Once the menu layout is saved with the window layout, this setting also allows you to reset the menu back to the window’s factory default layout, while keeping the window layout as designed.


  • Y (default)
    A customized menu layout is automatically included when the window layout is saved.

    Note: While customizing the menus and windows for the application, you can temporarily disable this feature by selecting Toggle Include Current Menu With Screen Layout from the shortcut menu. The green check before the option is cleared.

  • N
    Feature is disabled. You cannot include a menu layout when saving the form window layout.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You cannot save information in a field if it does not satisfy the field’s validation rules. This setting determines if a detailed error message appears when the contents of a field cannot be saved.


  • N (default)
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show only the error message text specified when the rule was created. Do not show details of the error as part of this message.

  • Y
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show an error message that includes details of the error. Include the text specified when the rule was created in the message box.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You cannot save information in a field if it does not satisfy the field’s validation rules. When validation rules are created, a user-defined error message is entered. This error message appears in the ToolTip for the warning icon that appears next to the field. This setting determines if that error message also appears in a message box when an attempt is made to save the contents of the field.


  • Y (default)
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show a message box with the error text specified when the rule was created.

  • N
    When the contents of a field cannot be saved, show no error message box.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations 15.10.073 and later


You can create field-level validation rules to restrict the value that can be saved in a field. This setting permits all users to view a list of field-level validation rules that have been created for the fields in a window.


  • Y (default)
    Users have the option to view a list of field-level validation rules that have been created for the fields in a window.

  • N
    Users do not have the option to view a list of field-level validation rules that have been created for the fields in a window.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether users who are not system administrators have access to the commands used to manage data grids. The affected commands are:

  • Load Layout

  • Save Layout

  • Save as New Layout

  • Reset Layout

  • Load Grid Layout from File


  • Y (default)
    Show the commands that manage data grid layouts.

    Note: If you use this option, TMW recommends that you have [Misc]ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=Y in your TTS50. By using the settings in conjunction, you maintain the Reset Layout command functionality you want in place.

  • N
    Hide the commands that manage data grid layouts.

    Note: If you use this option, TMW recommends that you have [Misc]ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N in your TTS50. By using the settings in conjunction, you maintain the Reset Layout command functionality you want in place.


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


TMW customers apply security to windows and grids by hiding some columns and fields, and by making others read-only. However, by default, any user can switch from a customized window or data grid layout back to the system default by right-clicking on the layout and selecting Reset Layout from the shortcut menu. This can be problematic because the system default has no security applied to it. As a result, users will be able to view or make entries in fields or columns that your company wants to be hidden or read-only.

You can use the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA INI setting to hide the Reset Layout menu selection for users who are not system administrators.


  • Y (default)
    Show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.

  • N
    Do not show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.

[Order] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [Order] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


You can set up the system to allow copying company, commodity, or resource notes to an order. This lets you make changes to notes for profile entities to customize them for a specific order, without changing the profile itself.

This setting applies to notes for companies, commodities, carriers, drivers, tractors, and trailers.


  • N (default)
    Do not allow users to copy notes from profiles to orders.

  • Y
    Allow users to copy notes from profiles to orders.

    • In Fuel Dispatch, enable the Copy to Order check boxes and the Copy to Order button in the Summary tab in the Notes window.

    • In TMW Operations, enable the Copy to Order link in the Notes tab in the Order Maintenance and Trip Folder windows.

    • In TMW Back Office, enable the Copy to Order link in the Notes tab in the Trip Settlements Folder and Edit Invoice Folder windows.

[Settlement] settings

These settings used by TMW Back Office are located in the [Settlement] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether paperwork requirements will affect the processing of pay.

In TMWSuite, if paperwork requirements are not met, you will not be able to look up the trip in the Trip Settlements Folder.

In TMW Back Office, if paperwork requirements are not met, you will not be able to save pay for a trip in a Released status.


  • No (default)
    Paperwork is not required in Settlements.

  • Yes
    Paperwork is required in Settlements.

    Note: In TMWSuite, when RequirePaperworktosettle=Yes, the system uses two General Info Table settings to determine the paperwork that is required:

    • PaperworkCheckLevel

    • PaperworkMode


Applies to

TMWSuite: 1999 and later, TMW.Suite


This setting identifies the event codes the system will use to determine the stop count for stop pay. Make your entries as a comma-delimited list without spaces.

For example, StopOffPayEvents=DUL,LUL,DRL,DLD,LLD,HPL,PUL,PLD


The default options are:

  • DUL
    Driver Unload

  • LUL
    Live Unload

  • DRL
    Drop Loaded

  • DLD
    Driver Load

  • LLD
    Live Load

  • HPL
    Hook Preloaded Trailer

  • PUL
    Post Unload

  • PLD

Additional Notes

For the TMWSuite rating application only:

  1. Although only codes for loaded events are included in the list of default options, you can include event codes for empty events also, such as BMT or EMT.

    For a full list of event codes, refer to the "Editing event codes" chapter in the System Administration guide.

  2. When you have ShowCompanyStopOffSettings=Y set in the [FileMaint] section of your TTS50.ini file, entries made in the Stop Events field in the Settlement Stop Event Override section of a Bill To company’s profile will override the options set in this INI setting.

  3. When a rate has Pickup Stops or Drop Stops as the Unit Basis and/or has a rate table defined by Pickup Stops or Drop Stops:

    • The options set for this setting are ignored.

    • The options set in the Settlement Stop Event Override section of a Bill To company’s profile are ignored.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 1999 and later, TMW.Suite


This setting specifies the number of free stops the system will subtract from the actual stop count before calculating stop pay.


  • 2 (default)
    The default is 2, since most companies do not pay extra for the first pickup and the last drop.

  • User-specified number of stops
    Enter the number of stops you want to be free stops.

Additional Notes

For the TMWSuite rating application only:

  1. When you have [FileMaint]ShowCompanyStopOffSettings=Y in your TTS50, entries made in the Free Stops field in the Settlement Stop Event Override section of a Bill To company’s profile will override this INI setting.

  2. This setting is ignored by rates that have a Unit Basis of Pickup Stops or Drop Stops and/or have a rate table defined by Pickup Stops or Drop Stops.

[Tariff] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite 2014 and later, TMW Back Office 17.10 and later


This setting determines whether to activate the .Net rating features in the Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder and Edit Settlement Rate Schedule Folder of TMWSuite’s Rate Schedules application.


  • N (default)
    Do not activate the .Net rating features.
    Note: The .Net tab is not available in the rate header.

  • Y
    Activate the .Net rating features.
    Note: The .Net tab is available in the rate header.