Integration options: TravelCenters of America

This section contains TravelCenters of America integration options. Changes made to these options affect how TMT Fleet Maintenance interacts with third-party applications.

If you make incorrect changes to these options, you may alter how the system integrates with that application. Trimble recommends that you contact your system administrator before making changes.

To open the Integration Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Integration Options.

TravelCenters of America: BASIC

TravelCenters of America: BASIC

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Sets whether the TravelCenters of America module is turned on


  • NO
    The TravelCenters of America module is turned off.

  • YES
    The TravelCenters of America module is turned on.

TravelCenters of America: BASIC
Key ID
This option updated for V.2021.2

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Works with Client Secret and Account Name to log you into TravelCenters of America.


Enter your Key ID.

The Project Manager gives this value to Technical Services.

Additional notes

Before V.2021.2, this field was named Consumer Key.

TravelCenters of America: BASIC
Key Secret
This option updated for V.2021.2

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Works with Key ID and Tenant Name to log you into TravelCenters of America


Enter your Client Secret.

The Project Manager gives this value to Technical Services.

Additional notes

Before V.2021.2, this field was named Consumer Secret.

TravelCenters of America: BASIC
Account Name
This option updated for V.2021.2

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Works with Key ID and Key Secret to log you into TravelCenters of America


Enter your account name.

The Project Manager gives this value to Technical Services.

Additional notes

Before V.2021.2, this field was named Tenant Name.

TravelCenters of America: DEFAULT XREF

TravelCenters of America: DEFAULT XREF
Pay Method
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2021.2

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Lets you map incoming TravelCenters of America pay method values to TMT values


  1. Click Add new record.

  2. Enter or select an Incoming Value, such as ACC.

  3. Enter or select a TMT Value, such as CASH.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If needed, repeat steps 1 through 4 until you have mapped all incoming pay method values.

TravelCenters of America: DEFAULT XREF
Unit Type
This option added for V.2022.1

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Lets you map TravelCenters of America (TA) unit types to TMT unit types


The Unit Type has three options:

  • Tractor

    A tractor is any vehicle designed to pull a trailer. Mapping a TMT Value to Tractor cross-references the value to the TA Tractor type.

  • Trailer

    A trailer is any vehicle designed to be pulled by another vehicle. Trailers do not have engines of their own. Mapping a TMT Value to Trailer cross-references the value to the TA Trailer type.

  • Default

    If a unit is not mapped, TMT sends the unit to TA as a Tractor by default.

WARNING: Because TRACTOR is the default value, you must be sure to map the TA TRAILER value to the TMT TRAILER value. If you do not, the integration will send the TRAILER to TA as a TRACTOR by default. This will cause errors.

Additional notes

Unlike other cross-references, you can map the same Incoming Value to more than one TMT Value. For example, you could map the incoming TA value Tractor to the TMT values Bus, Dry Bulk, and Forklift.

TravelCenters of America: GENERAL

TravelCenters of America: GENERAL
Default Component Code - Section 0
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2021.2

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Sets the default component code and adds a default section 0 to new vendor repair orders (VROs).


    Leaving this field blank means there is no default component code. The program does not add a default section 0 to new VR0s.

  • Enter a default component code, such as 999-999.
    The program uses your entry as the default component code. New VROs have a default section 0.

Additional notes

When you enter a component code in the field:

  • New VROs have a default section 0. This section includes a Tax and Discount line. Users cannot edit this line. It includes the tax and discounts that TA does not include as line items.

  • POs and customer invoices (if included) also include the default section 0.

TravelCenters of America: GENERAL
Payment Method
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2021.2
This option updated for V.2022.1

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Lets you enforce the default payment method in TMT VROs when someone creates a repair request in TMT Fleet Maintenance


  • NO (default)
    The default payment method is not enforced.

  • YES
    Users must apply the default payment method.

Additional notes

Before V.2022.1, the Payment Method default setting was YES. When you upgrade to V.2022.1, the option defaults to NO, but only if:

TravelCenters of America: UNIT XREF

TravelCenters of America: UNIT XREF
Unit Cross References

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Sets the connections (that is, the cross-references) between units, customers, and external units. This lets you use these units in the TravelCenters of America (TA) integration


  • Unit Number
    Enter the unit’s number, such as 1111.

  • Customer
    Enter the customer’s number, such as 100-1.

  • External Unit
    Enter the TA unit ID, if applicable.

  • Interfaced

    • If the unit should be interfaced with TA, select the checkbox.

    • If the unit should not be interfaced with TA, clear the checkbox.

    For more information, see Additional notes.

  • Description
    Enter a description of the unit, such as Ford Explorer Van.

Additional notes

  • You can import units into the program with a comma separated values (CSV) file.

  • The program validates all new units by default (that is, selects the Interfaced checkbox). You can use these units with the TA integration.

    An existing unit is validated for the TA integration if it meets one of these conditions:

    • The unit has no record in the INTEGRATION_XREF database table. (This is the default condition for new units, which is why they are automatically validated.) The program does not add a unit record to the table unless you clear the unit’s Interfaced checkbox on the Integration Options page.

    • The database flag INTEGRATION_XREF "IS_INTERFACED" is set to Y. This shows the flag was originally set to N and changed to Y. That is, someone originally cleared the Interfaced checkbox (set the flag to N) and later selected it again (set the flag to Y).

    • A unit is not validated if the database flag INTEGRATION_XREF "IS_INTERFACED" is set to N. That is, the Interfaced checkbox was cleared (set to N).

    If you do not want the program to validate a new unit for integration use, you must clear the unit’s Interfaced checkbox on the Integration Options page. For example, if you have a unit that will never be sent to a TA for repairs, or if you have units with Reports Only status, those units should not be integrated. You should clear the Interfaced checkbox for those units.

  • Unit interfaces have a one-to-one correspondence. That means each unit can only interface with one TA instance. Each TA instance has a one-to-one correspondence with a TA Customer Account.

    When you interface a unit with a TA instance, the program checks to see if an interface already exists. If one does, you will see the error message, "This unit is already interfaced with the TravelCenters of America instance. Remove the unit from the other instance to proceed."

    This illustration shows a user who has two TA instances installed. The selected UNIT XREF shows that this is the instance the user is editing in the Options pane.

    Two TA Instances