IO activity group

Append to a file

This activity attaches a user-specified string to the end of a file.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

Target file to which text will be added

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field. In the Save As window, browse to and select the file.

  • For Field Type = Field: The file name is specified by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select the field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

Text to be appended to the target file

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field. In the Value field, enter the text to be appended to the file.

  • For Field Type = Field: The text to be appended is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select the field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Text path - the path of the text file that was appended

Field Prefix


You can edit the content of the Output Field and Field Prefix to differentiate the output of this activity from other activities.

Copy File

This activity makes a copy of a file.


Field Name

Field Type


bOverwrite Existing


Indicates whether an existing file is allowed to be overwritten. This is a Text-only option.

Click the Value field. In the OptionForm window, select Y or N.

dDestination Directory

Text or Field

Destination folder for the copied file

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field. In the Browse for Folder window, browse to and select the folder.

  • For Field Type = Field: The destination folder is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field name from the Available Fields window.

foSource File

Text or Field

Original file to be copied

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field. In the Open window, browse to and select the file.

  • For Field Type = Field: The file name is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field name from the Available Fields window.

fsDestination File

Text or Field

Name and location of the copied file

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field, browse to the directory you identified in the dDestinationDirectory option, and enter a filename in the File name field of the Save as window.

    Note: The extension of the source file name will not be added automatically. You must include the extension in the destination file name.

  • For Field Type = Field: The file name is provided from the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select an option from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Copied File - path to the copied file, or "Failed" if the copy was not successful

Field Prefix


  1. The Destination Directory and Destination File fields should not be used together. The Destination File setting will be used first.

  2. If you set bOverwrite Existing to N and the file exists, the file will not be overwritten. Therefore, it cannot be updated.

  3. If you test the workflow in interactive mode, the Designer reports: "File exists…​Destination exists. Enable option to overwrite."

Create file

This activity creates a text file with user-defined text.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

  • For Field Type =Text: Click the Value field. In the Value field, enter the text to appear in the file.

  • For Field Type = Field: The text to appear in the file is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select the field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Text path - the path of the text file that was created

Field Prefix


  1. You can edit the content of Output Field and Field Prefix to differentiate the output of this activity from other activities.

  2. By default, the text file will be assigned a file name and will be placed in a temporary directory on your computer.

File exists

This activity tests whether a particular file exists.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

Name of the file to be checked

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field. In the Open window, browse to the location of the file to be evaluated, and do one of the following:

    • If the file exists, double-click the file name.

    • If the file does not exist, enter the file name in the Open window File name field.

  • For Field Type = Field: The file name will be provided by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Evaluator (Yes and No) - does the file exist?

Field Prefix


Get line from file

This activity retrieves a line from a text file.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

File from which a line will be retrieved

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field. In the Open window, browse to and select the file.

  • For Field Type = Field: The file name is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field name from the Available Fields window.

Line Number

Text or Field

Number of the line to be retrieved

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the line number.

  • For Field Type = Field: The line number is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Line from file - the line from the text file

Field Prefix


Get number of lines from file

This activity reports the number of lines in a text file.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

File name

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field. In the Open window, browse to and select the file.

  • For Field Type = Field: The file name is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Number of lines - the number of lines in the text file

Field Prefix


Move file

This activity moves a file to a different folder.


Field Name

Field Type


bOverwrite Existing


Indicates whether an existing file can be overwritten. This is a Text-only option.

Click the Value field. In the OptionForm window, select Y or N.

dDestination Directory

Text or Field

New file location

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field. In the Browse For Folder window, browse to and select the new location.

  • For Field Type = Field: The destination directory is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field name from the Available Fields window.

foSource File

Text or Field

Name of the file to be moved

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field. In the Open window, browse to and select the file.

  • For Field Type = Field: The file name is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field and select a field in the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Move Success - path to the moved file, or "Failed" if the move was not successful

Field Prefix


Pattern match

This activity tests whether a particular string matches a pattern.


Field Name

Field Type



Text or Field

String to be compared to the pattern

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the string.

  • For Field Type = Field: The string is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Text or Field

Pattern to compare the string to. The pattern can be any combination of letters and numbers.

  • For Field Type = Text: Click the Value field and enter the pattern.

  • For Field Type = Field: The pattern is supplied by the output of a previous activity. Click the Value field, and then select a field name from the Available Fields window.


Output Field

Evaluator (Yes or No) - does the string match the pattern?

Field Prefix
