
These instructions represent a typical installation for WorkCycle, including all components. Any deviation may produce unexpected results.

Prerequisites and requirements

You must have system administration rights on the target machine(s) to install and configure the required software.


  • Dual core processor, 2.4 GHz or faster with 4GB RAM

  • 60GB Serial ATA (SATA) drive


  • Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server or later

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or later. The Express version can be used.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2


  • SQL connectivity to a database with SQL Server systems administration rights. WorkCycle must be able to write to dedicated tables in the database to determine when to start a workflow and add a "start" value to certain workflows.

  • WorkCycle license. Required for creating new workflows. If no license is present, existing workflows created by Support can be edited.

Install WorkCycle

These instructions represent a typical installation for WorkCycle, including all components. Any deviation may result in unexpected results. Review the prerequisites and requirements prior to starting the install.

  1. Sign in to the ClientCenter and go to Menu > Build Delivery> Downloads to get the Trimble Web Products installer. For detailed instructions, open the Help link under your profile.

  2. Extract the installer to the target machine. Repeat this step for each machine WorkCycle is to be installed on.
    Note: Keep a copy of the installer in case you need to upgrade, repair, or delete WorkCycle.

  3. As administrator, run the Trimble Web Products installer and click Install Trimble Transportation Products.
    Note: The About Trimble Transportation Products and Resources links do not contain information relevant to installing WorkCycle.

  4. In the License Information window, enter your ClientCenter credentials, select the environment you are creating, and click Login.

    • If login fails after multiple attempts or you do not have a valid license for WorkCycle, contact Support.

    • After successful login, click Next.

  5. In the Installation Type window, select New Installation, set the Available Instances field value at 01 (for a first time install), give a name for the instance, press TAB, and click Next.

  6. In the Products window, select WorkCycle, optionally change the installation path, and click Next.

  7. In the Setup window, select the components to install and click Next.

  8. Confirm requirements in the Check Requirements window.

    Click Next if all requirements are met.

    Click Cancel if one or both of the following are true:

    • The ASP.NET framework requirement is not met.

    • The SQL server requirement is not met and you are installing a version of Trimble Web Products that is earlier than 2017.3. As of version 2017.3, the minimum SQL Server requirement is 2008 R2. If your machine does not have this version installed, and you are installing version 2017.3 or higher, you will be prompted to install the SQL Server 2008 R2 CLR Types and Shared Management Objects (SMO). They are included with the installer.

  9. In the SQL Setup window, specify the location of the database and user account to be used to run the SQL setup script as well as the runtime database user information.


    Select the server from the list. If you are installing version 2016.4 or above, you can manually enter the name of the server.


    Enter a user name used to connect to the server.

    Note: The user must have system administrator privileges for the server. A separate user can be used for runtime activities.


    Enter the password used to connect to the server.


    Select the database. The installation and runtime database info must be the same.

    Click Test Connections. When the information is correct click Next.

  10. Click Begin Installation in the Installation Review window. If the installation was successful, click Finish to exit.

    If an error or failure occurred, check the log file. If the error or failure cannot be resolved, provide a description of the problem and a copy of the log file to Support.

Add another WorkCycle instance

To add another instance of WorkCycle:

  1. Follow the instructions for Install WorkCycle. Ensure you use the installer version matching that of WorkCycle.

  2. On the Installation Type window, do the following:

    • In the Available Instances field, select a new instance number.

    • In the Name field, enter a unique name, press TAB, and click Next.

  3. Proceed with the installation as described in Install WorkCycle.

Modify, upgrade, or remove a WorkCycle instance

  1. Follow the instructions for Install WorkCycle. Ensure you use the installer version matches that of WorkCycle.

  2. In the Installation Type window, select Existing Installation.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If your instance can be modified with this installer, an Add/Remove button appears in the Add/Remove Features column. To add and/or remove features to this instance, click the button. Proceed with the modification, adding and/or removing features as needed.

    • To upgrade currently-installed features for an instance, select the Upgrade check box for the instance, and click Next.
      In the SQL Setup window, enter your database information and click Next.

    • To uninstall an instance, select the Uninstall check box for the instance and click Next.

  4. In the Installation Review window, the Install Type column value indicates the type of change being made. If correct, click Begin Installation. If the installation was successful click Finish to exit.

    If an error or failure occurred, check the log file. If the error or failure cannot be resolved, provide a description of the problem and a copy of the log file to Support.