Video directory

These short video and eLearning tutorials cover features that represent the bedrock of the core TMW Operations system. Videos that have been published since the last release have a image1 icon next to the title.

Industry concepts

The following videos address general concepts associated with the trucking industry.



Trucking 101: An introduction

Everyone knows trucking is the movement of cargo from one place to another. However, there’s a lot more to it than that, as demonstrated in this eLearning lesson.

Introduction to the truckload market

This eLearning lesson provides an in-depth view of the trailers and freight that truckload carriers work with on a daily basis, as well as the challenges they face.

System features

The following videos address common features found throughout TMW Operations.



Using the instant best match feature (3:05)

TMW’s instant best match feature speeds up data entry by predicting the information you are entering. This video shows you how it works.

Shortcuts for entering dates and times (1:23)

Entering dates and times does not have to be a time-consuming process. In this video, you will learn how to use shortcuts to enter dates and times.


The following videos describe how to create and edit various entity profiles. A profile is a record that contains basic information relevant to your company’s relationship with an entity.



Creating company profiles (4:11)

A company profile represents any physical location where you can pick up freight, drop off freight, or send a bill. In this video, we will create a new company profile and search for other company profiles using the scroll feature.

Setting up a default Bill To for a shipper or consignee (1:55)

Occasionally, a shipper or consignee places an order, but is not responsible for paying for the shipment. In this video, we will demonstrate how to record a default Bill To on this company’s profile so that it appears automatically when the company places an order.

Creating commodity profiles (2:01)

In this video, we will create a new commodity profile, place it with an existing freight class, and search for other commodity profiles using the scroll feature.

Creating driver profiles (4:15)

In this video, we will create a new driver profile and search for existing driver profiles using the scroll feature.

Viewing key driver management metrics (6:10)

TMW’s Driver Management feature provides driver managers with a one-stop shop for reviewing key metrics and information in a driver’s profile. The Driver Management tab displays driver information from the TMWSuite and TMW Data Warehouse databases.

Creating company tractor profiles (3:40)

In this video, we will create a company tractor profile and search for existing tractor profiles using the scroll feature.

Creating owner operator tractor profiles (4:19)

In this video, we will create an owner operator tractor profile and an associated pay to profile, and search for existing tractor profiles using the scroll feature.

Creating trailer profiles (2:58)

In this video, we will create a trailer profile and search for existing trailer profiles using the scroll feature.

Creating carrier profiles (4:20)

In this video, we will create a carrier profile and an associated pay to profile, and search for existing carrier profiles using the scroll feature.

Creating a city profile (3:07)

City profiles store key information that allows the system to translate geographic coordinates into recognizable city names. In this video, we will create a new city profile.

Setting up company contacts (3:22)

In a company’s profile, you can enter contact information for as many people as you want. You can also specify a default contact that will appear on all orders involving the company.

Accessing profiles (3:28)

Profiles are records of entities that are key to your business, such as companies, commodities, and assets. Each profile contains information about that entity.

Looking up companies, assets, and commodities

The following videos address lookup functionality.



Using scroll windows to look up records (5:07)

The scroll windows in TMW Operations allow you to look up records of a particular type, such as orders, companies, or drivers. You use specific criteria to restrict the records retrieved.

Looking up a list of companies (4:01)

This video demonstrates how to use the Company Scroll window to look up a list of company profiles.

Looking up a list of drivers (5:07)

This video demonstrates how to use the Driver Scroll window to look up a list of driver profiles.

Looking up a list of tractor profiles (4:01)

This video demonstrates how to use the Tractor Scroll window to look up a list of tractor profiles.

Looking up a list of trailer profiles (5:20)

This video demonstrates how to use the Trailer Scroll window to look up a list of tractor profiles.

Looking up a list of carriers (4:57)

This video demonstrates how to use the Carrier Scroll window to look up a list of carrier profiles.

Looking up a list of Pay To profiles (4:18)

This video demonstrates how to use the Pay To Scroll window to look up a list of Pay To profiles.

Looking up a list of commodities (4:39)

This video demonstrates how to use the Commodity Scroll window to look up a list of commodity profiles.

Order maintenance

The following videos address functionality commonly associated with order creation and maintenance.



Entering an order with one pickup and one drop (6:19)

In this video, we will take on the role of a Customer Service Representative (CSR) and enter the basic information needed to schedule a pickup and drop of an order.

Entering an order with multiple pickups and drops (4:49)

In this video, we will explore how to create an order with a single pickup location and multiple delivery locations.

Recording multiple commodities (2:50)

There are times when multiple commodities need to be tracked for customers. This video will show you one way to add multiple commodities in Order Maintenance.

Creating a master order (3:45)

Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) can create master orders to serve as templates for future orders of routine deliveries.

Copying an order (8:04)

At times, a customer may call in with an order that is similar to a previous order. Alternately, you may find yourself running the same order on a semi-regular basis.

Copying from a master order (4:12)

In this video, we will use a master order to demonstrate two common dispatch scenarios involving multiple copies of an order.

Canceling an order (2:38)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to cancel an order in Order Maintenance.

Load requirements

The following videos describe how to record and edit load requirement information for a company, commodity, or order. Load requirements specify criteria that must or should be met when assigning resources to an order.



Adding load requirements to an order (2:43)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to add a new load requirement to an individual order in the Order Maintenance window.

Entering default load requirements for a commodity (2:53)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to add a load requirement for a commodity so that it is always applied when the commodity is entered in Order Maintenance. We will also see what happens when you try to plan a resource that does not meet the load requirement.

Recording default load requirements for a stop company (2:49)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to add a load requirement for a company identified as a stop on an order. When using that stop during order entry, the load requirement appears automatically.

Entering default load requirements for a Bill To company (2:50)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to set up a load requirement for a Bill To company.

Adding qualifications and accessories to resource profiles (2:32)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to add qualifications to driver profiles and accessories to tractor and trailer profiles. These resources can be used on orders that include the specified qualifications and/or accessories.

Trip Folder

The Trip Folder is designed for non-shift-based dispatch. You use it to communicate regularly with drivers and/or carriers about their trip assignments. The following videos address functionality associated with the Trip Folder.



Using the Trip Folder lookup field (1:30)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the Trip Folder lookup field to locate specific resources.

Planning assets in the Trip Folder (6:38)

In this video, we will enter assets - a driver, tractor, and trailer - for a trip. We will also demonstrate how the system warns you when there are any potential issues with assets, such as a load requirement or an upcoming expiration.

Planning assets in the Assign Driver/Equipment window (5:00)

In this video, we will use the Assign Driver/Equipment window to enter a driver, tractor, and trailer for a trip. This window contains options that allow you to fine-tune your asset planning.

Adding and deleting commodities on a stop (4:09)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to add commodities to and remove commodities from stops.

Updating stop information for a trip (2:22)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to indicate when the driver or carrier arrives and/or departs from a stop.

Dropping and hooking a loaded trailer (3:28)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to change resources for a started trip.

Copying an order in the Trip Folder (2:46)

In this video, we will use the Copy Order/Trip window to make multiple copies of an order. This saves you from creating individual orders from scratch each time you need them.

Copying a trip in the Trip Folder (2:40)

In this video, we will use the Copy Order/Trip window to make multiple copies of a trip. This saves you from creating individual trips from scratch each time you need them.

Cancel an order (1:35)

In this video, we will use the Cancel Trip/Order window to cancel an order in the Trip Folder.

Handling a Truck Ordered Not Used situation (3:17)

Occasionally, a driver deadheads to a pickup location and discovers that they cannot pick up a shipment. In the video, we will demonstrate different ways to handle this situation in the Trip Folder.

Creating an order using the Trip Folder (2:31)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to create an order in the Trip Folder.

Consolidating orders onto one movement (2:35)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the Trip Folder to consolidate multiple orders onto a single movement.

Adding a round trip (1:27)

Your company may have a designated location where you want your assets to start and end trips. In this video, we will demonstrate how to use a single command to add Begin Empty and End Empty stops to a trip.

Introduction to cross docking freight (1:30)

Cross docking is used to transfer freight from a trailer to another trailer at a dock, or to temporarily unload freight and store it at a dock. In this video, we will demonstrate how cross docking works in TMW Operations.

Planning Worksheet

The Planning Worksheet is a load planning and resource management tool for non-shift-based dispatch. You use it to review outbound and inbound trips, and to match resources to outbound trips that are ready for dispatch. The following videos address functionality associated with the Planning Worksheet.



Planning Worksheet overview (6:35)

The Planning Worksheet enables a dispatcher to see loads that need to be moved and the status of available resources (drivers, tractors, trailers). In this video, we will explore the layout of the Planning Worksheet.

Asset assignment in the Planning Worksheet (3:06)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to assign resources in the Planning Worksheet using the drag-and-drop feature.

Selecting a view on the Planning Worksheet (1:53)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to filter the number of records that appear on the Planning Worksheet by using views.

Temporarily modifying an outbound view (1:55)

When you need to see a subset of trips quickly, you can temporarily modify the outbound board view. This video demonstrates the process.

Temporarily modifying an inbound view (2:27)

When you need to see a subset of resources quickly, you can temporarily modify the inbound board view. This video demonstrates the process.

Editing details about a trip (3:09)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the Planning Worksheet’s inline editing feature to make changes to an individual trip’s dates, times, status, and resources.

Sorting trips and resources (3:40)

As a planner, you may need to find resources that are closest to available trips. As a dispatcher, you may need to find trips that are closest to available resources. In this video, we will demonstrate how to do both of these tasks in the Planning Worksheet.

Cancel an order (1:42)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to cancel an order in the Planning Worksheet using the Cancel Order/Trip window.

Consolidating orders onto one movement (2:05)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the Planning Worksheet to consolidate multiple orders onto a single movement.

Introduction to turnpike doubles (5:24)

The Turnpike Doubles feature allows for easier dispatch of trips in which two full trailers are transported to a merge location, moved by a single tractor, and then split again for delivery.

Common dispatch features

The following videos address various dispatch features available in TMW Operations.



Scheduling routes (7:23)

The Route Scheduling feature allows you to schedule routine trips automatically.

Dispatching an empty move (3:47)

An empty move allows you to relocate equipment without an order. For example, you may need to relocate a tractor or trailer to a maintenance facility.

Pre-rating an order (3:46)

During the order entry and dispatch processes, you can pre-rate an order. This allows you to see the expected line haul and accessorial charges. Charges are finalized when you actually invoice the order.

Issuing pay for a trip (3:49)

During the order entry or dispatch process, you can create pay details for a resource. Pay is not finalized until you actually settle the trip.

Mileage and maps

The following videos address mileage-based functionality.



Introduction to mileage lookups (5:20)

The system performs mileage lookups to calculate distance between stops, arrival times, charges for services, and pay for completed trips. In this video, you will see how this process works.

Looking up mileage between two locations (5:34)

In this video, we demonstrate how to perform an on-demand mileage lookup between two locations.

Editing the mileage (3:31)

Typically, some mileages, durations, and toll charges are determined by a third-party application. However, occasionally you may need to override these values manually. In this video, we demonstrate how to update this information.

Looking up mileage between multiple locations (6:48)

In this video, we demonstrate how to initiate a mileage lookup after specifying multiple locations on a single route.

Looking up mileage for multiple destinations using the same origin (6:22)

In this video, we demonstrate how to look up mileage, duration, or toll charges between a single origin and multiple destinations.

ALK Maps in TMW Operations (6:17)

In this video, we will use the mapping feature to view trip and resource data in the Trip Folder and the Planning Worksheet.


The following videos address functionality associated with TMW Operations' Brokerage feature.



Verifying carrier profiles are set up for brokerage (4:02)

Brokerage features automate some of the tasks required to find a suitable carrier to assign to a load. In this video, we demonstrate how to confirm that a carrier’s profile contains the necessary information for brokerage.

Setting up carrier lanes (5:39)

To ensure that the most appropriate carriers are considered for trip assignments, you must define lanes and assign specific carriers to each lane. In this video, we demonstrate how to set up a new lane and assign carriers to the lane.

Mobile applications



Issuing a driver advance with TMW.Suite Go Dispatch (1:00)

Sometimes drivers will request a pay advance after office hours. Dispatchers can use the TMW.Suite Go Dispatch mobile application to issue advances quickly and easily.

3G-TM integration

The following videos address common features found throughout the 3G-TM integration.




Creating the pay rate that calls 3GTMS Rating (2:32)

TMW’s 3G-TM Rating Integration ties the 3G-TM rating engine to TMW Operations and TMW pay rates. For the system to make the call to 3G-TM Rating, you must set up a rate that triggers the call.

Creating the billing rate that calls 3GTMS Rating (2:21)

TMW’s 3G-TM Rating Integration ties the 3G-TM rating engine to TMW Operations and TMW billing rates. For the system to make the call to 3G-TM Rating, you must set up a rate that triggers the call.

Rate shopping using 3G-TM Rating integration (3:54)

In TMW Operations, you can submit order data to 3G-TM Rating. Based on the contracts you have set up, you can retrieve competitive rate quotes for customers' shipments.

Mode planning



Planning trips using 3G-TM Advanced Mode Planning integration (3:52)

In TMW Operations, you can submit orders to 3G-TM Advanced Mode Planning. The 3G-TM optimization algorithm lets you cover more loads through operational efficiencies by planning executable loads using real-time constraints.

Window and grid layouts

The following videos describe window and grid layout functionality.



Choosing a window layout (2:12)

In TMW Operations, you can modify window layouts to fit a user’s most commonly performed tasks. In this video, we will demonstrate how to load a saved window layout.

Choosing a grid layout (2:20)

In TMW Operations, you can create and save grid layouts that allow you to view specific data for different tasks. In this video, we will demonstrate how to switch between two or more saved grid layouts.

Sorting data in a grid (1:26)

In this video, we will demonstrate a simple way to sort data in a grid.

Filtering data in a grid (2:32)

Grids in TMW Operations often contain a lot of data. In this video, we will demonstrate how to use filters to make your information easier to find and view.

Adding multiple filters to a grid (2:37)

Grids that contain a large number of rows can be difficult to read. The Column Filters feature allows you to create one or more filters that, when applied, reduce the number of rows that are displayed.

Working with columns (2:35)

In this video, we will use the Field Chooser to place and remove columns in a grid.

Grouping data in a grid (2:17)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the Group By Box feature to sort data according to one or more categories.

Saving a new grid layout (2:33)

When you modify a grid, you can save your changes in a new grid layout. You can keep it for your own personal use, make it your default layout, or export it as a file and share it with other users.

Window customization

The following videos address functionality that allows you to customize individual TMW Operations windows.



Hiding and displaying tabs (3:20)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to hide and display tabs for individual users and groups.

Hiding and displaying fields (4:30)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to hide and display fields for individual users and groups.

Making fields read-only (4:12)

In this video, we will explore ways to prevent users from making changes to fields, sections, and menu options.

Adding new fields and controls (1:50)

You can expand TMW Operations' functionality by adding new fields and controls. In this video, we will add a new field to the Order Maintenance window.

Validating field entries in TMW Operations (5:13)

You can create rules to restrict values users can save in a field. In this video, we will demonstrate how this works.

Configuring menus and toolbars (1:41)

In TMW Operations, toolbars and menus show commonly-used commands by default. You can add other commands as needed. In this video, we will add a new command to the Trip Folder toolbar.

Grid customization

The following videos address functionality that allows you to customize individual TMW Operations grids.



Highlighting specific entries in a column (3:54)

With conditional formatting, you can customize how cells display data in grids. This video demonstrates how to add color to specific cells in one column based on values in cells in another column.

Color-coding column data (4:24)

With conditional formatting, you can customize how cells display data in grids. This video demonstrates how to add color to specific cells in one column based on values in cells in another column.

Making grid columns and cells read-only (3:28)

In TMW Operations, you can assign a read-only status to data in a grid. In this video, we will make a grid column read-only. We will also create conditional edit rules to assign read-only statuses to cells based on other cell data in a grid row.

Summarizing data in grids (2:43)

Grid summaries allow you to perform mathematical calculations on data in numeric grid columns. For example, in the Planning Worksheet, you can view the average number of trip miles across multiple records in the Available Trips grid. In this video, we will demonstrate how this works.

Boards and views

The following videos address functionality that allows you to customize individual TMW Operations boards and views.



Creating saved restrictions for scrolls and Planning Worksheet (4:20)

Scroll windows and the Planning Worksheet allow you to retrieve data based on restrictions you choose. Rather than recreate your restrictions each time you open a window, you can save them for quicker access. In this video, we will create a saved restriction, or view, for the Trailer Scroll window.

Managing view assignments and defaults (3:09)

In this video, we will demonstrate how to restrict access to views in TMW Operations. We will also show how to specify which view a user or group sees when they open a planning board.