Downloading the required files


You must have a ClientCenter login to download the required files.

To use TruETA Preplanning, you must download the Trimble Web Products from Trimble ClientCenter and then install the following modules:

  • Licensing API

  • SystemsLink

  • SystemsLink Core API

  • SystemsLink MiddleTier Services API

  • WorkCycle

  • WorkCycle Management

  • WorkCycle SystemsLink Objects

  • WorkCycle Service

To download the required files:

  1. Open ClientCenter in a web browser.

  2. Use the Line of Business and Product fields as needed to retrieve the TMW Web Products.

  3. Left-click on the needed version and click View Details.
    The Software Delivery Files page opens. Details about that version are displayed.

  4. Download the needed files.
    For details, see Downloading product updates in the ClientCenter online help.

  5. Follow the steps listed in Installing and configuring SystemsLink for TruETA.