
This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • System requirements

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Social Security number encryption warning

Starting in version 2020.2, Social Security numbers you enter in the Driver profile are encrypted in the database by default.
However, you can set up the system so that the Social Security numbers you enter in the Driver profile are not encrypted in the database.
To do so, set the DataEncryption General Info Table setting’s String1 field to N.

The Data Conversion Administration Utility lets you encrypt/decrypt a group of Social Security numbers in your database. Contact your Professional Services representative to obtain the DataConversionAdministrationUtilityInstall.msi.

Access and usage of The Data Conversion Administration Utility should only be provided to a system administrator. That utility provides access to all highly sensitive data and should only be used in the explicit instance of needing to encrypt or decrypt the driver profile.

Cancel order/trip feature warning

Starting in version 2020.1, the user interface for the cancel order/trip functionality has changed. Several enhancements were made to make the process easier and more intuitive. Also, the same Cancel Trip/Order window is now used in both Order Entry and in the Trip Folder.
For more information, see Canceling an order in version 2020.1 and later.

User level record security

Starting with TMW Operations version 2019.1, there is a functional change that will affect customers using custom views on Company Planner, Brokerage, or Covering boards that rely on User Level Record Security. Affected customers may need to contact Support for assistance before upgrading. See the User level record security resolved issue for details.

Minimum technical requirements for 17.50 or higher warning

To upgrade from a build lower than 17.50 to 17.50 or higher, you must follow these steps.

  1. Notify your Support team that you will upgrade. (As noted in Step 4, they will need to work with you to complete the installation process.)

  2. Verify that your environment adheres to these minimum technical requirements:

    • Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.6.2 must be installed.

    • Client operating systems must be at Windows 7 SP1 or higher.

    • Server operating systems must be at Windows Server 2012 or higher.

    • In addition, verify that your system adheres to the additional requirements listed in the General requirements section for the build you are upgrading to.

  3. Run the TMW Operations installation program.

  4. Before any users attempt to use TMW Operations, call your Support representative to have them update your Planning Worksheet boards.

Trimble Transportation has added columns to the system default Planning Worksheet views to enhance the inline editing feature. These columns also must be added to all custom views. Support will perform this step for you at no cost.

Case sensitive passwords warning

Starting with V.17.50, the system treats all passwords as case sensitive. This includes existing passwords.

This change affects how you log in with an existing password:

  • If your password was created with [Misc]CaseSensitivePasswords=OFF in your TTS50, you must enter that password in all upper case characters.

  • If your password was created with [Misc]CaseSensitivePasswords=ON in your TTS50, you can enter that password as you originally recorded it (case sensitive).


Before you begin installing TMW Operations version 2024.6, check that these requirements are met:

  • TMWSuite®
    You must be using TMWSuite V. 2024.6.

  • TMW Back Office
    If you are using TMW Back Office, your version of TMW Operations must be the same as your version of TMW Back Office.

  • Microsoft® .NET Framework
    .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later (full package not client)

    The framework must be installed on the TMW Operations server, client, and administrator systems before you install TMW Operations. If it is not present, the system displays an advisory message during the installation. Install the framework before running the application.

  • Internet Information Services (IIS) for Microsoft Windows Server®
    IIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later

  • Microsoft SQL Server®

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or later

      Note: SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2019, and SQL Server 2022 are certified for use with this application. Trimble Transportation recommends using the latest service pack of whichever version you use.

  • You must be logged into the system where you want to install TMW Operations, and have administrator rights for that system.
    Like most applications, TMW Operations can be installed locally on a user’s system. It is also possible to install TMW Operations on a network drive. To do so, you must be logged into the system where the drive is physically located, and have administrator rights for that system.

  • SQL Server System Administrator rights are necessary.
    The installation of TMW Operations includes the manual application of a SQL script to the TMWSuite database. You must have a SQL Server administrator login and password to apply it.

  • PC*Miler®
    Certified with PC*Miler v.38

  • TruETA Preplanning
    You must have these Trimble Web Products and modules installed:


Company Profiles

New mininum option functionality added (TTESUITE-210707)

If [FileMaint]EnableCmpBlendedMinQty=Y in the TTS50 file, a Min Charge field is available in the Company Profiles window. Valid options for this field are:

  • HiRate

  • HiRate$

  • MostFreight

  • MostFreight$

  • HiMin

The value in this field replaces the value of the [Invoice]MinChargeOption setting, if it exists.

For a primary line haul invoice detail, the system now zeroes out all primary charges before applying a minimum adjustment from a blended or tariff minimum quantity. This is done for all valid Min Charge options. It also ignores [Invoice]BreakOutMinimums=Y.

NOTE: This functionality will also work with the Fuel Dispatch application.


Create one file per trading partner (TTESUITE-209622)

Added a new option to the EDIWrap General Info Table setting ('GROUPBYTP') to make EDI create one file per trading partner. Instead of individual files per stop in the Trading Partner directory, the app will (with the setting on) create one file with all stops in the Trading Partner directory.

PC*Miler 38 (TTESUITE-210203)

As of this release, PC*Miler 38 is certified for use with TMW Operations.

Trip Planner

Auto generate HMT/DMT instead of BBT (TTESUITE-209528)

The INI setting [.NetOperations] TripPlannerInsertHookEmptyEvent - Options are 'Y' or 'N' (default is 'N'). When enabled the Trip Planner will insert a HMT/DMT event instead of an BBT event when the current trip begins with a hook event and the prior trip ends with a drop trailer event.

Add Total Miles field to shifts in Trip Planner (TTESUITE-209730)

There is an existing Display Miles field that can be cell-designed onto the Shift header in the Trip Planner. This shows the loaded/total miles for the shift. The problem was that it only updated after you had edited the shift and saved. Now a running total has been added to this column, as you add or drop trips from the driver’s shift, you can see the loaded/total miles as you edit the shift.

Resolved issues


  • TTESUITE-210399

Fixed an issue where EDI orders would not pre-compute invoice details successfully due to missing assembly files.


  • TTESUITE-210720

Fixed a bug in SQL retrieving cached Mileages from the MileageTable. The logic was automatically changing the sign of the Company Longitude. If the sign was already negative, this caused the Longitude to be come positive and could cause the logic to not find the record in the Cache (when the cache had a negative longitude). Changed the logic to change the sign only when the longitude is not already negative on the Company record.

Profit and Loss

  • TTESUITE-210047

Previously when the Bill To on a Trip was changed, any Invoicedetail rows added prior to that change were not updated. A new General Info Table setting InvoiceDetailBillToWarning has been added which defaults to being turned on. If invoice details exist on a trip in the Trip Folder and you change the order’s BillTo, you will get a warning that the new Bill To is not found in the existing invoice details. You may need to re-compute the order. If you do not want to see this warning you can turn the setting off.

  • TTESUITE-210732

When rating in .Net Operations with rateorderonsave enabled, orderheader tar_tarriffnumber, and tar_number columns are correctly populated from the Linehaul charge. Deleting the Linehaul charge should also clear the order header tar_tarriffnumber and tar_number values.

Trip Folder

  • TTESUITE-151536

Implemented a new pop-up window to allow the user to select the appropriate movement to load when searching by reference number where multiple orders share the same order level reference number. This change utilizes the MaxTripsRetrieval General Info setting, so that it parodies TMW Suite Dispatch functionality.


  • TTESUITE-210540

Previously, the bordersOpen parameter on the RountingProfile object was being set inconsistently, causing routing issues. A new SystemsLink Web Configuration setting has been added: TruEtaBordersOpenDefault. This setting is defaulted to "True" and the other value is False. With the setting set to True, this allows TruETA to support the bordersOpen parameter in the TruETA API.

  • TTESUITE-210671

Send the trip Driver to TruETA on Modify statement. Prior to this change, the TruETA interface was not sending the Driver ID on the Modify statement to TruETA, even though it WAS sending the correct driver and HOS information to the Recalculate API call. While the ETA estimates were correct since TruETA had the HOS for the correct Driver, they displayed the incorrect Driver ID on the TruETA Map page.

  • TTESUITE-210706

Allow users to set the driverHoursOfService.UseCycleReset parameter to tell TruETA to generate Rest stops. Note that the default is FALSE, to match the default of the TruETA API.
Setting: <add key="TruEtaHOSUseCycleReset" value="False"/> <!--Options: True/False (Default) setting the HOS UseCycleReset flag in TruEta requests -→